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PHP GetMessages函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中GetMessages函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP GetMessages函数的具体用法?PHP GetMessages怎么用?PHP GetMessages使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: getRub

 public function getRub($price, $ConvCurrency)
     if ($this->_glob['_curr'][$ConvCurrency]['RATE'] > 0) {
         return round($price * $this->_glob['_curr'][$ConvCurrency]['RATE'], $this->_glob['_precision']);
     return GetMessages('ERROR_CURRENCY');

示例2: GetContent

 function GetContent()
     global $langmessage;
     echo '<div id="gpx_content">';
     echo GetMessages();
     echo $this->contentBuffer;
     echo '</div>';

示例3: store

  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function store(Request $request, Absent $absentModel, Product $productModel)
     if (!right('Alerts')) {
     if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
         $currentAbsents = $absentModel->getAbsentsList();
         foreach ($_POST['fields'] as $key => $element) {
             //если стоит галка Выполенно
             if (isset($element['done'])) {
                 //удаляем дату у товаров
                 //удаляем уведомление
             } else {
                 //если меняем дату уведомления
                 if ($element['new_absent'] != $element['old_absent']) {
                     //меняем дату у товаров
                     $productModel->changeAbsent($element['old_absent'], $element['new_absent']);
                     //если уведомление с такой датой уже есть
                     if ($currentAbsents->search($element['new_absent']) !== false) {
                         if (!empty($element['note'])) {
                             //меняем комментарий
                             $absentModel->updateAbsent($element['new_absent'], array('note' => $element['note']));
                         //удаляем старое уведомление
                     } else {
                         //просто меняем дату и коммент
                         $absentModel->updateAbsent($element['old_absent'], array('absent' => $element['new_absent'], 'note' => $element['note']));
                 } else {
                     //если написан комментарий
                     if (!empty($element['note'])) {
                         //меняем комментарий
                         $absentModel->updateAbsent($element['new_absent'], array('note' => $element['note']));
         $absents = $productModel->getAbsentsList();
         Session::flash('message', GetMessages("SUCCESS_UPDATE"));
         return redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

示例4: store

  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  Request  $request
  * @return Response
 public function store(Request $request, Note $noteModel, History $historyModel)
     if (right('AddNewPublicNote')) {
         if (strlen($_POST['notification']) > 0) {
             Session::flash('message', GetMessages("ADD_NEW_NOTE_MESSAGE"));
             return redirect()->route('note.index');
         } else {
             Session::flash('message', GetMessages("EMPTY_NOTE_MESSAGE"));
             return redirect()->route('note.index');
     } else {
         Session::flash('message', GetMessages("NO_RIGHTS"));
         return redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

示例5: Messages

  * Add the messages to the response
 static function Messages()
     echo GetMessages(false);
     $content = ob_get_clean();
     if (!empty($content)) {
         gpAjax::JsonDo('messages', '', $content);

示例6: GetMessageArray

function GetMessageArray($vm_folder, $vm_mailbox)
    // Get all messages in a folder
    // also convert the messages to MP3 during the loop
    global $g_debug;
    global $g_voicemail_context_path;
    $arr = array();
    // Get the paths set up
    $voicemail_path = $g_voicemail_context_path . $vm_mailbox . "/" . $vm_folder . "/";
    // Open the voicemail directory and look for files
    if (is_dir($voicemail_path)) {
        $dir = dir($voicemail_path);
        // **********************************************************************
        // Load the files for this directory, then sort (by Date)
        // **********************************************************************
        // Get an array of files and unix timestamp
        $arr_vm_files = GetMessages($voicemail_path);
        // Sort that array by the timestamp
        // Get the size of the array of files
        $array_size = sizeof($arr_vm_files);
        // If there are no files, show a message, otherwise show the header
        if ($array_size > 0) {
            // Loop through the array
            for ($i = $array_size - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
                // Get the file name
                $file = $arr_vm_files[$i][0];
                $loopcount = 0;
                if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
                    // We're looking for the txt files as the proof that there is a voicemail here.
                    // Then we work from there...
                    if (strpos($file, ".txt") != FALSE) {
                        // We got a .txt file (which is like our INI file)
                        // Read INI File
                        $ini_array = parse_ini_file($voicemail_path . $file, false);
                        // Strip extension from file name
                        $file_noext = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, ".txt"));
                        // Add .wav and .mp3 on to file name
                        $file_wav = $file_noext . ".wav";
                        $file_mp3 = $file_noext . ".mp3";
                        // Return a better date
                        $origdate = str_replace("  ", " ", $ini_array['origdate']);
                        list($day, $month, $date, $time, $ampm, $tz, $year) = split(' ', $origdate);
                        $origdate_unix = strtotime("{$month} {$date} {$year} {$time} {$ampm}");
                        //$datetimebetter = date("D M j Y, g:i a", $origdate_unix); Sun Feb 02 2008
                        $datetimebetter = date("M j Y, g:i a", $origdate_unix);
                        $arr[$i] = array('file' => $file_noext, 'calleridname' => CallerIdGetName($ini_array['callerid']), 'calleridnumber' => CallerIdGetNumber($ini_array['callerid']), 'datetime' => $ini_array['origdate'], 'datetimebetter' => $datetimebetter, 'duration' => $ini_array['duration']);
                        // **********************************************************************
                        // See if there is a MP3 file. If not, create one.
                        // **********************************************************************
                        if (!file_exists($voicemail_path . $file_noext . ".mp3")) {
                            // Create a standard wav file
                            //$cmd = "sox ".$voicemail_path.$file_noext.".WAV -r 8000 -c 1 -s ".$voicemail_path.$file_noext.".wav";
                            //echo($cmd . "<br />\n");
                            // Create a mp3 file from the wav file
                            $cmd = "lame --resample 11.025 " . $voicemail_path . $file_noext . ".wav " . $voicemail_path . $file_noext . ".mp3";
                            //echo($cmd . "<br />\n");
                            // Delete the wav file
                            //$cmd = "unlink ".$voicemail_path.$file_noext.".wav";
                            //echo($cmd . "<br />\n");
                            // Touch the mp3 file to set the timestamp to match the .wav file.
                            // This is so the auto cleanup script will work.
                            // To set the date to 7:30 am 1st October 2015
                            // TOUCH /t 2015 10 01 07 30 00 MyFile.txt
                            $origdate = $ini_array['origdate'];
                            // Fix a bug in the asterisk date. It puts an extra space in
                            $origdate = str_replace("  ", " ", $origdate);
                            list($day, $month, $date, $time, $ampm, $tz, $year) = split(' ', $origdate);
                            $monthnumber = MonthToMonthNumber($month);
                            if (strlen($date) == 1) {
                                $date = "0" . $date;
                            // Pad a 0 to the beginning of date
                            list($hour, $minute, $second) = split(":", $time);
                            if ($ampm == "PM") {
                                $hour = $hour + 12;
                            // Compensate for PM
                            $touchcmd = "touch -t " . $year . $monthnumber . $date . $hour . $minute . " " . $voicemail_path . $file_noext . ".mp3";
                // end if . or ..
            // end while
    return $arr;

示例7: store

  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  Request  $request
  * @return Response
 public function store(Label $labelModel, Request $request, Purchase $purchaseModel, User $userModel, Product $productModel, History $historyModel)
     if (isset($_POST['update_template'])) {
         if (isset($_POST['col']) and !empty($_POST['col'])) {
             $fields = serialize($_POST['col']);
         } else {
             $fields = null;
         if (!empty($_POST['name_template'])) {
             $template_name = $_POST['name_template'];
         } elseif (isset($_POST['selected_name_template']) and !empty($_POST['selected_name_template'])) {
             $template_name = $_POST['selected_name_template'];
         } else {
             $template_name = 'По умолчанию';
         $template_id = $userModel->checkTemplates($template_name, 'products');
         if ($template_id != null) {
             $res = array('fields' => $fields);
             $userModel->updateTemplate($res, $template_id, 'products');
         } else {
             //добавляем шаблон
             $res = array('type' => 'products', 'user_id' => Auth::User()->id, 'template' => $template_name, 'fields' => $fields);
             $userModel->addTemplates($res, 'products');
         Session::flash('message', GetMessages("SUCCESS_SETTINGS_SAVE"));
         return redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
     if (isset($_POST['delete_template'])) {
         $userModel->deleteTemplate($_POST['selected_name_template'], 'products');
         Session::flash('message', GetMessages("SUCCESS_TEMPLATE_DELETE"));
         return redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
     if (isset($_POST['select_template'])) {
         $userModel->updateUser(Auth::User()->id, array('template_prod_id' => $_POST['selected_name_template']));
         Session::flash('message', GetMessages("SUCCESS_SETTINGS_SAVE"));
         return redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
     if (isset($_POST['search_button'])) {
         if (strlen($_POST['search_field']) > 0) {
             return redirect()->route('product.search.index', ['string' => $_POST['search_field']]);
         } else {
             return redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
     if (isset($_POST['update_products'])) {
         if (!right('EditProduct')) {
         $res = array();
         $reViewAbsents = false;
         foreach ($_POST as $element) {
             if (array_key_exists('check', $element)) {
                 $childs = false;
                 if (isset($element['childs'])) {
                     $childs = unserialize($productModel->where('id', $element['id'])->pluck('childs'));
                 !isset($element['status']['new']) ? $element['status']['new'] = 0 : ($element['status']['new'] = 1);
                 if ($element['status']['new'] != $element['status']['old']) {
                     $res[$element['id']]['products.status'] = $element['status']['new'];
                 if ($element['name']['new'] != $element['name']['old']) {
                     $res[$element['id']]['products.name'] = trim($element['name']['new']);
                 if ($element['monitoring_name']['new'] != $element['monitoring_name']['old']) {
                     $res[$element['id']]['products.monitoring_name'] = trim($element['monitoring_name']['new']);
                 if ($element['absent']['new'] != $element['absent']['old']) {
                     if (empty($element['absent']['new'])) {
                         $res[$element['id']]['products.absent'] = null;
                     } else {
                         $res[$element['id']]['products.absent'] = trim($element['absent']['new']);
                     $reViewAbsents = true;
                 if ($element['article']['new'] != $element['article']['old']) {
                     $res[$element['id']]['products.article'] = trim($element['article']['new']);
                 !isset($element['in_stock']['new']) ? $element['in_stock']['new'] = 0 : ($element['in_stock']['new'] = 1);
                 if ($element['in_stock']['new'] != $element['in_stock']['old']) {
                     $res[$element['id']]['products.in_stock'] = $element['in_stock']['new'];

示例8: flag

 public function flag($category_id, Category $categoryModel, Product $productModel)
     $childs = $categoryModel->getChild($category_id);
     $products = $productModel->getIdByCategoryId($childs);
     Session::flash('message', GetMessages("SUCCESS_ADD_FLAG"));
     return redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

示例9: GetAdminLink

  * Outputs the sitemap link, admin login/logout link, powered by link, admin html and messages
  * @static
 static function GetAdminLink()
     global $config, $langmessage, $page;
     if (!isset($config['showsitemap']) || $config['showsitemap']) {
         echo ' <span class="sitemap_link">';
         echo common::Link('Special_Site_Map', $langmessage['site_map']);
         echo '</span>';
     if (!isset($config['showlogin']) || $config['showlogin']) {
         echo ' <span class="login_link">';
         if (common::LoggedIn()) {
             echo common::Link($page->title, $langmessage['logout'], 'cmd=logout', array('data-cmd' => 'creq', 'rel' => 'nofollow'));
         } else {
             echo common::Link('Admin', $langmessage['login'], 'file=' . rawurlencode($page->title), ' rel="nofollow" data-cmd="login"');
         echo '</span>';
     if (!isset($config['showgplink']) || $config['showgplink']) {
         echo ' <span id="powered_by_link">';
         echo 'Powered by <a href="http://gpEasy.com" title="A Free and Easy CMS in PHP" target="_blank">gp|Easy CMS</a>';
         echo '</span>';
     echo GetMessages();
     //global $gpLayouts;
     //echo pre($gpLayouts);
     //$included = get_included_files();
     //echo pre($included);

示例10: delete

 public function delete(Purchase $purchaseModel, History $historyModel, $purchase_id, $product_id)
     $purchaseModel->deletePurchase($purchase_id, $product_id);
     $historyModel->saveHistory('del_purchase', $product_id);
     Session::flash('message', GetMessages("SUCCESS_DELETE_PURCHASE"));
     return redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

示例11: update

  * Update the specified resource in storage.
  * @param  Request  $request
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function update(History $historyModel, Provider $providerModel, Request $request, $id)
     if (isset($_POST['update_provider'])) {
         if (!right('EditProvider')) {
         if (strlen($request->input('name')) > 0) {
             $data = array('name' => $request->input('name'), 'note' => $request->input('note'), 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'user_id' => Auth::User()->id);
             $providerModel->updateProvider($id, $data);
             $historyModel->saveHistory('update_provider', $request->input('name'));
             Session::flash('message', GetMessages("SUCCESS_UPDATE_PROVIDER"));
             return redirect()->route('provider.index');
         } else {
             Session::flash('message', GetMessages("ERROR_EMPTY_NAME_PROVIDER"));
             return redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
     if (isset($_POST['status_provider'])) {
         if (!right('EditProvider')) {
         $providerModel->changeStatus($id, $request->input('status'));
         $historyModel->saveHistory('status_provider', $id, $request->input('status'));
         Session::flash('message', GetMessages("SUCCESS_CHANGE_STATUS_PROVIDER"));
         return redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

示例12: GetAdminLink

  * Outputs the sitemap link, admin login/logout link, powered by link, admin html and messages
  * @static
 public static function GetAdminLink()
     global $config, $langmessage, $page;
     if (!isset($config['showsitemap']) || $config['showsitemap']) {
         echo ' <span class="sitemap_link">';
         echo \gp\tool::Link('Special_Site_Map', $langmessage['site_map']);
         echo '</span>';
     if (!isset($config['showlogin']) || $config['showlogin']) {
         echo ' <span class="login_link">';
         if (\gp\tool::LoggedIn()) {
             echo \gp\tool::Link($page->title, $langmessage['logout'], 'cmd=logout', array('data-cmd' => 'creq', 'rel' => 'nofollow'));
         } else {
             echo \gp\tool::Link('Admin', $langmessage['login'], 'file=' . rawurlencode($page->title), ' rel="nofollow" data-cmd="login"');
         echo '</span>';
     if (!isset($config['showgplink']) || $config['showgplink']) {
         if (self::is_front_page()) {
             echo ' <span id="powered_by_link">';
             echo 'Powered by <a href="' . CMS_DOMAIN . '" target="_blank">' . CMS_NAME . '</a>';
             echo '</span>';
     echo GetMessages();

示例13: update

  * Update the specified resource in storage.
  * @param  Request  $request
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return Response
 public function update(Request $request, $id, User $userModel, History $historyModel)
     if (isset($_POST['edit_user'])) {
         if (!right('EditUsers')) {
         $validator = Validator::make(array('name' => $request->input('name'), 'family' => $request->input('family'), 'password' => $request->input('password')), array('name' => 'required|min:3|max:55', 'family' => 'required|min:3|max:55', 'password' => 'min:4|max:4'), array('required' => 'Поле :attribute обязательно для заполнения', 'min' => 'Поле :attribute должно быть не меньше 4 символов', 'max' => 'Поле :attribute слишком длинное'));
         if ($validator->fails()) {
             Session::flash('message', GetMessages("ERROR_FIELD_ADD_NEW_USER"));
             return redirect()->route('user.create');
         } else {
             if (isset($_POST['right'])) {
                 $serialize_rights = serialize($_POST['right']);
             } else {
                 $serialize_rights = null;
             if (strlen($request->input('password')) == 4) {
                 $password = Hash::make($request->input('password'));
             } else {
                 $password = $userModel->getPasswordFromUser($id);
             $showName = $request->input('family') . ' ' . $request->input('name');
             $dataUser = array('name' => $request->input('name'), 'family' => $request->input('family'), 'patronymic' => $request->input('patronymic'), 'showname' => $showName, 'position' => $request->input('position'), 'login' => $request->input('login'), 'password' => $password, 'rights' => $serialize_rights, 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'user_id' => Auth::User()->id);
             $userModel->updateUser($id, $dataUser);
             $historyModel->saveHistory('update_user', $showName);
             Session::flash('message', GetMessages("SUCCESS_USER_UPDATING"));
             return redirect()->route('user.edit', ['id' => $id]);
     if (isset($_POST['status_user'])) {
         if (!right('EditUsers')) {
         $status = $request->input('status');
         $userModel->updateUser($id, array('status' => $status, 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'user_id' => Auth::User()->id));
         $historyModel->saveHistory('status_user', $id, $status);
         Session::flash('message', GetMessages("SUCCESS_CHANGE_STATUS_USER"));
         return redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);

示例14: session_start


require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/data-layer/dbCommunication.php";
if (isset($_POST['update_chat'])) {
if (isset($_POST['update_leaderboard'])) {
if (isset($_POST['get_games'])) {
if (isset($_POST['send_message'])) {
    $Message = $_POST["message"];
if (isset($_POST['update_game'])) {
if (isset($_POST['create_game'])) {
    $GameName = $_POST["game_name"];
    $Username = $_SESSION["Username"];
    $output = CreateGame($GameName, $Username);
if (isset($_POST['game_hit'])) {
    $Username = $_SESSION["Username"];
    $GameID = $_SESSION["GameID"];
    if (IsUserTurn($Username, $GameID)) {

示例15: flag

 public function flag($label_id, Product $productModel)
     $products = $productModel->getIdByLabelId($label_id);
     Session::flash('message', GetMessages("SUCCESS_ADD_FLAG"));
     return redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
