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PHP ExecMethod函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中ExecMethod函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP ExecMethod函数的具体用法?PHP ExecMethod怎么用?PHP ExecMethod使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: __construct

 function __construct()
     $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['noframework'] = true;
     require_once PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/felamimail/inc/xajax.inc.php';
     $xajax = new xajax($GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/felamimail/xajax.php', false, true), 'xajax_', 'utf-8');
     $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['java_script'] .= $xajax->getJavascript($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'] . '/felamimail/js/');
     $GLOBALS['phpgw']->js->validate_file('jsapi', 'jsapi', 'felamimail');
     $this->displayCharset = 'utf-8';
     if (!isset($_POST['composeid']) && !isset($_GET['composeid'])) {
         // create new compose session
         $this->bocompose = CreateObject('felamimail.bocompose', '', $this->displayCharset);
         $this->composeID = $this->bocompose->getComposeID();
     } else {
         // reuse existing compose session
         if (isset($_POST['composeid'])) {
             $this->composeID = $_POST['composeid'];
         } else {
             $this->composeID = $_GET['composeid'];
         $this->bocompose = CreateObject('felamimail.bocompose', $this->composeID, $this->displayCharset);
     $this->t = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template', PHPGW_APP_TPL);
     $this->bofelamimail = CreateObject('felamimail.bofelamimail', $this->displayCharset);
     $this->mailPreferences = ExecMethod('felamimail.bopreferences.getPreferences');
     $this->rowColor[0] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg01"];
     $this->rowColor[1] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']["theme"]["bg02"];
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->css) || !is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->css)) {
         $GLOBALS['phpgw']->css = createObject('phpgwapi.css');
     $GLOBALS['phpgw']->css->validate_file('app', 'felamimail');

示例2: get_menu

  * Get the menus for the felamimail
  * @return array available menus for the current user
 function get_menu()
     $preferences = ExecMethod('felamimail.bopreferences.getPreferences');
     $linkData = array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.compose');
     $menus = array();
     $menus['navbar'] = array('felamimail' => array('text' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->translate('Felamimail', array(), true), 'url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/felamimail/index.php'), 'image' => array('felamimail', 'navbar'), 'order' => 6, 'group' => 'office'));
     $menus['toolbar'] = array(array('text' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->translate('New', array(), true), 'url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.compose'))));
     	$file = array(
     			'text' => '<a class="textSidebox" href="'. htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', $linkData)).'" target="_blank" onclick="egw_openWindowCentered(\''.$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', $linkData).'\',\''.lang('compose').'\',700,750); return false;">'.lang('compose'),
                             'no_lang' => true,
     if (isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['apps']['admin'])) {
         $menus['admin'] = array(array('text' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->translate('Site Configuration', array(), true), 'url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'emailadmin.emailadmin_ui.listProfiles'))));
     if (isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['apps']['preferences'])) {
         $menus['preferences'] = array(array('text' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->translate('Preferences', array(), true), 'url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/preferences/preferences.php', array('appname' => 'felamimail'))), array('text' => 'Manage Folders', 'url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uipreferences.listFolder'))));
         if ($preferences && ($preferences->userDefinedAccounts || $preferences->userDefinedIdentities)) {
             $menus['preferences'][] = array('text' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->translate('Manage eMail: Accounts / Identities', array(), true), 'url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uipreferences.listAccountData')));
         if ($preferences && $preferences->ea_user_defined_signatures) {
             $menus['preferences'][] = array('text' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->translate('Manage Signatures', array(), true), 'url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uipreferences.listSignatures')));
         $menus['toolbar'][] = array('text' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->translate('Preferences', array(), true), 'url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/preferences/preferences.php', array('appname' => 'felamimail')), 'image' => array('felamimail', 'preferences'));
         $menus['toolbar'][] = array('text' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->translate('Manage Folders', array(), true), 'url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uipreferences.listFolder')));
     $menus['navigation'] = array(array('text' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->translate('New', array(), true), 'url' => "javascript:openwindow('" . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.compose')) . "','700','600')"));
     if ($preferences) {
         $icServer = $preferences->getIncomingServer(0);
         if (is_a($icServer, 'defaultimap')) {
             if ($icServer->enableSieve) {
                 $menus['navigation'][] = array(array('text' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->translate('filter rules', array(), true), 'url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.listRules'))));
                 $menus['navigation'][] = array(array('text' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->translate('vacation notice', array(), true), 'url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.editVacation'))));
                 $menus['navigation'][] = array(array('text' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->translate('email notification', array(), true), 'url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uisieve.editEmailNotification'))));
         $ogServer = $preferences->getOutgoingServer(0);
         if (is_a($ogServer, 'defaultsmtp')) {
             if ($ogServer->editForwardingAddress) {
                 $menus['navigation'][] = array(array('text' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->translate('Forwarding', array(), true), 'url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uipreferences.editForwardingAddress'))));
     //$menus['folders'] = phpgwapi_menu::get_categories('felamimail');
     return $menus;

示例3: get_content

 function get_content(&$arguments, $properties)
     $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] = 'phpbrain';
     if (isset($_GET['menuaction'])) {
         list($app, $class, $method) = explode('.', @$_GET['menuaction']);
     } else {
         $class = 'uikb';
         $method = 'index';
     $app = 'phpbrain';
     $GLOBALS[$class] = CreateObject(sprintf('%s.%s', $app, $class), $this->find_template_dir(), $this->link(), $arguments);
     if (is_array($GLOBALS[$class]->public_functions) && $GLOBALS[$class]->public_functions[$method]) {
         return ExecMethod($app . '.' . $class . '.' . $method);

示例4: notify_coordinator_on_consumption

     * Check the consumption  on an order - and notify the coordinator
     * @param integer $order_id
    function notify_coordinator_on_consumption($order_id)
        $notify_coordinator = true;
        if (!$notify_coordinator) {
            return false;
        $toarray = array();
        $workorder = $this->so->read_single($order_id);
        if (!$workorder['continuous']) {
            return false;
        $project = ExecMethod('property.boproject.read_single_mini', $workorder['project_id']);
        $coordinator = $project['coordinator'];
        $prefs_coordinator = $this->bocommon->create_preferences('property', $coordinator);
        if (isset($prefs_coordinator['email']) && $prefs_coordinator['email']) {
            $toarray[] = $prefs_coordinator['email'];
        if ($toarray) {
            $budget_info = $this->so->get_order_budget_percent($order_id);
            if ($budget_info['percent'] < 90) {
                return false;
            if (isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['property']['email']) && $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['property']['email']) {
                $from_name = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['fullname'];
                $from_email = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['property']['email'];
            } else {
                $from_name = 'noreply';
                $from_email = "{$from_name}<noreply@bergen.kommune.no>";
            $subject = "Bestilling # {$order_id} har disponert {$budget_info['percent']} prosent av budsjettet";
            $lang_budget = lang('budget');
            $lang_actual_cost = lang('actual cost');
            $lang_percent = lang('percent');
            $lang_obligation = lang('obligation');
            $_budget = number_format($budget_info['budget'], 0, ',', ' ');
            $_actual_cost = number_format($budget_info['actual_cost'], 0, ',', ' ');
            $_budget = number_format($budget_info['budget'], 0, ',', ' ');
            $_obligation = number_format($budget_info['obligation'], 0, ',', ' ');
            $to = implode(';', $toarray);
            $cc = false;
            $bcc = false;
            $body = '<a href ="' . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'property.uiworkorder.edit', 'id' => $order_id), false, true) . '">' . lang('workorder %1 has been edited', $order_id) . '</a>' . "\n";
            $body .= <<<HTML
\t\t\t\t\t\t<td align = 'right'>
\t\t\t\t\t\t<td align = 'right'>
\t\t\t\t\t\t<td align = 'right'>
\t\t\t\t\t\t<td align = 'right'>
            if (!is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->send)) {
                $GLOBALS['phpgw']->send = CreateObject('phpgwapi.send');
            try {
                $ok = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->send->msg('email', $to, $subject, $body, false, $cc, $bcc, $from_email, $from_name, 'html');
            } catch (phpmailerException $e) {
                phpgwapi_cache::message_set($e->getMessage(), 'error');
            if ($ok) {
                $historylog = CreateObject('property.historylog', 'workorder');
                $historylog->add('ON', $order_id, lang('%1 is notified', $to));
                $historylog->add('RM', $order_id, $subject);
                return true;

示例5: compose

 function compose($_focusElement = "to")
     // read the data from session
     // all values are empty for a new compose window
     $sessionData = $this->bocompose->getSessionData();
     $preferences = ExecMethod('felamimail.bopreferences.getPreferences');
     // is the to address set already?
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['send_to'])) {
         $sessionData['to'] = base64_decode($_GET['send_to']);
     $this->t->set_file(array("composeForm" => "composeForm.tpl"));
     $this->t->set_block('composeForm', 'header', 'header');
     $this->t->set_block('composeForm', 'body_input');
     $this->t->set_block('composeForm', 'attachment', 'attachment');
     $this->t->set_block('composeForm', 'attachment_row', 'attachment_row');
     $this->t->set_block('composeForm', 'attachment_row_bold');
     $this->t->set_var("link_addressbook", $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/felamimail/addressbook.php'));
     $this->t->set_var("focusElement", $_focusElement);
     $linkData = array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.viewMainScreen');
     if ($this->mailPreferences['messageNewWindow']) {
         $this->t->set_var("link_message_list", "javascript:window.close();");
     } else {
         $this->t->set_var("link_message_list", $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/felamimail/index.php', $linkData));
     $linkData = array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uicompose.action', 'composeid' => $this->composeID);
     $this->t->set_var("link_action", $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', $linkData));
     $this->t->set_var('folder_name', $this->bofelamimail->sessionData['mailbox']);
     // check for some error messages from last posting attempt
     if ($errorInfo = $this->bocompose->getErrorInfo()) {
         $this->t->set_var('errorInfo', "<font color=\"red\"><b>{$errorInfo}</b></font>");
     } else {
         $this->t->set_var('errorInfo', '&nbsp;');
     // header
     $displayFrom = @htmlentities($preferences['emailAddress'][0][name] . ' <' . $preferences['emailAddress'][0][address] . '>', ENT_QUOTES, $this->displayCharset);
     $this->t->set_var("from", $displayFrom);
     $this->t->set_var("to", @htmlentities($sessionData['to'], ENT_QUOTES, $this->displayCharset));
     $this->t->set_var("cc", @htmlentities($sessionData['cc'], ENT_QUOTES, $this->displayCharset));
     $this->t->set_var("bcc", @htmlentities($sessionData['bcc'], ENT_QUOTES, $this->displayCharset));
     $this->t->set_var("reply_to", @htmlentities($sessionData['reply_to'], ENT_QUOTES, $this->displayCharset));
     $this->t->set_var("subject", @htmlentities($sessionData['subject'], ENT_QUOTES, $this->displayCharset));
     $this->t->set_var('addressbookImage', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('phpgwapi/templates/phpgw_website', 'users'));
     $this->t->pparse("out", "header");
     // body
     $this->t->set_var("body", $sessionData['body']);
     $this->t->set_var("signature", $sessionData['signature']);
     $this->t->pparse("out", "body_input");
     // attachments
     if (is_array($sessionData['attachments']) && count($sessionData['attachments']) > 0) {
         $this->t->set_var('row_color', $this->rowColor[0]);
         $this->t->set_var('name', lang('name'));
         $this->t->set_var('type', lang('type'));
         $this->t->set_var('size', lang('size'));
         $this->t->parse('attachment_rows', 'attachment_row_bold', True);
         while (list($key, $value) = each($sessionData['attachments'])) {
             #print "$key : $value<br>";
             $this->t->set_var('row_color', $this->rowColor[($key + 1) % 2]);
             $this->t->set_var('name', $value['name']);
             $this->t->set_var('type', $value['type']);
             $this->t->set_var('size', $value['size']);
             $this->t->set_var('attachment_number', $key);
             $this->t->parse('attachment_rows', 'attachment_row', True);
     } else {
         $this->t->set_var('attachment_rows', '');
     $this->t->pparse("out", "attachment");

示例6: data2db

  * changes the data from your work-format to the db-format
  * reimplemented to adjust the timezone of the timestamps (subtraction $this->tz_offset_s to get server-time)
  * Please note, we do NOT call the method of the parent so_sql !!!
  * @param array $data if given works on that array and returns result, else works on internal data-array
  * @return array with changed data
 function data2db($data = null)
     if ($intern = !is_array($data)) {
         $data =& $this->data;
     foreach ($this->timestamps as $name) {
         if (isset($data[$name]) && $data[$name]) {
             $data[$name] -= $this->tz_offset_s;
     if ($data['cp_trainer'] && is_array($data['cp_trainer'])) {
         $data['cp_trainer'] = implode(',', $data['cp_trainer']);
     if ($data['cp_defect_cleared'] && is_array($data['cp_defect_cleared'])) {
         $data['cp_defect_cleared'] = implode(',', $data['cp_defect_cleared']);
     if ($data['cp_events'] && is_array($data['cp_events'])) {
         $data['cp_events'] = implode(',', $data['cp_events']);
     if ($data['cal_id'] && ($event = ExecMethod('calendar.calendar_bo.read', $data['cal_id']))) {
         $data['cp_date'] = $event['start'];
     return $data;

示例7: editAccountData

 function editAccountData()
     $boPreferences =& CreateObject('felamimail.bopreferences');
     $preferences =& $boPreferences->getPreferences();
     if (!($preferences->userDefinedAccounts || $preferences->userDefinedIdentities)) {
         die('you are not allowed to be here');
     if ($_POST['save'] || $_POST['apply']) {
         // IMAP connection settings
         $icServer =& CreateObject('emailadmin.defaultimap');
         if (is_array($_POST['ic'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['ic'] as $key => $value) {
                 switch ($key) {
                     case 'validatecert':
                         $icServer->{$key} = $value != 'dontvalidate';
                     case 'enableSieve':
                         $icServer->{$key} = $value == 'enableSieve';
                         $icServer->{$key} = $value;
         } else {
             $icServer = NULL;
         // SMTP connection settings
         $ogServer =& CreateObject('emailadmin.defaultsmtp');
         if (is_array($_POST['og'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['og'] as $key => $value) {
                 $ogServer->{$key} = $value;
         } else {
             $ogServer = NULL;
         // identity settings
         $identity =& CreateObject('emailadmin.ea_identity');
         if (is_array($_POST['identity'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['identity'] as $key => $value) {
                 $identity->{$key} = $value;
         $newID = $boPreferences->saveAccountData($icServer, $ogServer, $identity);
         if ($identity->id == 'new') {
             $identity->id = $newID;
         if ((int) $_POST['active']) {
             #$boPreferences->saveAccountData($icServer, $ogServer, $identity);
             $boPreferences->setProfileActive(true, $identity->id);
         } else {
             $boPreferences->setProfileActive(false, $identity->id);
         if ($_POST['save']) {
     } elseif ($_POST['cancel']) {
     $this->t->set_file(array("body" => "edit_account_data.tpl"));
     $this->t->set_block('body', 'main');
     // if there is no accountID with the call of the edit method, retrieve an active account
     $account2retrieve = 'active';
     if ((int) $_GET['accountID']) {
         $account2retrieve = $_GET['accountID'];
     if ($_GET['accountID'] == 'new') {
         $account2retrieve = 'new';
     if (!empty($newID) && $newID > 0) {
         $account2retrieve = $newID;
     if ($account2retrieve != 'new') {
         $accountData = $boPreferences->getAccountData($preferences, $account2retrieve);
     $icServer =& $accountData['icServer'];
     $ogServer =& $accountData['ogServer'];
     $identity =& $accountData['identity'];
     if ($icServer) {
         foreach ($icServer as $key => $value) {
             if (is_object($value) || is_array($value)) {
             switch ($key) {
                 case 'encryption':
                     $this->t->set_var('checked_ic_' . $key . '_' . $value, 'checked');
                 case 'enableSieve':
                     $this->t->set_var('checked_ic_' . $key, $value ? 'checked' : '');
                 case 'validatecert':
                     $this->t->set_var('checked_ic_' . $key, $value ? '' : 'checked');

示例8: edit

 function edit($content = '', $msg = '')
     if (isset($_GET['app'])) {
         $this->app = $_GET['app'];
     if (is_array($content)) {
         if ($this->debug) {
             echo "content =";
         $this->app = $content['app'];
         // this is what the user selected
         $this->table = $content['table_name'];
         $posted_app = $content['posted_app'];
         // this is the old selection
         $posted_table = $content['posted_table'];
     if ($posted_app && $posted_table && ($posted_app != $this->app || $posted_table != $this->table)) {
         if ($this->needs_save('', $posted_app, $posted_table, $this->content2table($content))) {
         $this->renames = array();
     if (!$this->app) {
         $this->table = '';
         $table_names = array('' => lang('none'));
     } else {
         $this->read($this->app, $this->data);
         foreach ($this->data as $name => $table) {
             $table_names[$name] = $name;
     if (!$this->table || $this->app != $posted_app) {
         list($this->table) = each($this->data);
         // use first table
     } elseif ($this->app == $posted_app && $posted_table) {
         $this->data[$posted_table] = $this->content2table($content);
     if ($content['write_tables']) {
         if ($this->needs_save('', $this->app, $this->table, $this->data[$posted_table])) {
         $msg .= lang('Table unchanged, no write necessary !!!');
     } elseif ($content['delete']) {
         list($col) = each($content['delete']);
         while ($col-- > 0 && (list($key, $data) = @each($this->data[$posted_table]['fd']))) {
         $this->changes[$posted_table][$key] = '**deleted**';
     } elseif ($content['add_column']) {
         $this->data[$posted_table]['fd'][''] = array();
     } elseif ($content['add_table'] || $content['import']) {
         if (!$this->app) {
             $msg .= lang('Select an app first !!!');
         } elseif (!$content['new_table_name']) {
             $msg .= lang('Please enter table-name first !!!');
         } elseif ($content['add_table']) {
             $this->table = $content['new_table_name'];
             $this->data[$this->table] = array('fd' => array(), 'pk' => array(), 'ix' => array(), 'uc' => array(), 'fk' => array());
             $msg .= lang('New table created');
         } else {
             $oProc = CreateObject('phpgwapi.schema_proc', $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['db_type']);
             $oProc->m_odb = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
             $oProc->m_oTranslator->_GetColumns($oProc, $content['new_table_name'], $nul);
             while (list($key, $tbldata) = each($oProc->m_oTranslator->sCol)) {
                 $cols .= $tbldata;
             eval('$cols = array(' . $cols . ');');
             $this->data[$this->table = $content['new_table_name']] = array('fd' => $cols, 'pk' => $oProc->m_oTranslator->pk, 'fk' => $oProc->m_oTranslator->fk, 'ix' => $oProc->m_oTranslator->ix, 'uc' => $oProc->m_oTranslator->uc);
     } elseif ($content['editor']) {
     $add_index = isset($content['add_index']);
     // from here on, filling new content for eTemplate
     $content = array('msg' => $msg, 'table_name' => $this->table, 'app' => $this->app);
     if (!isset($table_names[$this->table])) {
         $table_names[$this->table] = $this->table;
     $sel_options = array('table_name' => $table_names, 'type' => $this->types);
     if ($this->table != '' && isset($this->data[$this->table])) {
         $content += $this->table2content($this->data[$this->table], $sel_options['Index'], $add_index);
     $no_button = array();
     if (!$this->app || !$this->table) {
         $no_button += array('write_tables' => True);
     if ($this->debug) {
         echo 'editor.edit: content =';
     $this->editor->exec('etemplate.db_tools.edit', $content, $sel_options, $no_button, array('posted_table' => $this->table, 'posted_app' => $this->app, 'changes' => $this->changes));

示例9: deleteMessage

 function deleteMessage()
     $preferences = ExecMethod('felamimail.bopreferences.getPreferences');
     $message[] = $_GET["message"];
     $mailfolder = NULL;
     if (!empty($_GET['folder'])) {
         $mailfolder = base64_decode($_GET['folder']);
     $this->bofelamimail->deleteMessages($message, $mailfolder);
     // set the url to open when refreshing
     $linkData = array('menuaction' => 'felamimail.uifelamimail.viewMainScreen');
     $refreshURL = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', $linkData);
     print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\t\topener.location.href = '" . $refreshURL . "';\n\t\t\twindow.close();</script>";

示例10: delete

 function delete($data)
     return ExecMethod($this->svc . '.' . $this->function_map['delete']['function'], $data);

示例11: process_edit

         for ($row = 1; $row <= $this->etemplate->rows; ++$row) {
             $row_data = $this->etemplate->data[$row];
             for ($col = $delete_col; $col < $this->etemplate->cols; ++$col) {
                 $row_data[$this->etemplate->num2chrs($col - 1)] = $row_data[$this->etemplate->num2chrs($col)];
             unset($row_data[$this->etemplate->num2chrs($this->etemplate->cols - 1)]);
             $this->etemplate->data[$row] = $row_data;
         $width = $this->etemplate->data[0];
         for ($col = $delete_col; $col < $this->etemplate->cols; ++$col) {
             $width[$this->etemplate->num2chrs($col - 1)] = $width[$this->etemplate->num2chrs($col)];
         $this->etemplate->data[0] = $width;
     if ($this->debug) {
         echo 'editor.process_edit: rows=' . $this->etemplate->rows . ', cols=' . $this->etemplate->cols . ', data =';
     // Execute the action resulting from the submit-button
     if ($content['read']) {
         if ($content['version'] != '') {
             $save_version = $content['version'];
             $newest_version = $this->etemplate->version;
             $content['version'] = $save_version;
         if (!$this->etemplate->read($content)) {
             $content['version'] = '';
             // trying it without version
             if ($this->etemplate->read($content)) {
                 $msg = lang('only an other Version found !!!');
             } else {
                 $result = $this->etemplate->search($content);
                 if (count($result) > 1) {
                     return $this->list_result(array('result' => $result));
                 } elseif (!count($result) || !$this->etemplate->read($result[0])) {
                     $msg = lang('Error: Template not found !!!');
                 } elseif ($content['name'] == $result[0]['name']) {
                     $msg = lang('only an other Version found !!!');
         } elseif ($newest_version != '' && $this->etemplate->version != $newest_version) {
             $msg = lang("newer version '%1' exists !!!", $newest_version);
     } elseif ($content['delete']) {
     } elseif ($content['dump']) {
         list($name) = explode('.', $content['name']);
         if (empty($name) || !@is_dir(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/' . $name)) {
             $msg = lang('Application name needed to write a langfile or dump the eTemplates !!!');
         } else {
             $msg = $this->etemplate->dump2setup($content['name']);
     } elseif ($content['save']) {
         if (!$this->etemplate->modified_set || !$this->etemplate->modified) {
             $this->etemplate->modified = time();
         $ok = $this->etemplate->save(trim($content['name']), trim($content['template']), trim($content['lang']), intval($content['group']), trim($content['version']));
         $msg = $ok ? lang('Template saved') : lang('Error: while saveing !!!');
     } elseif ($content['show']) {
     } elseif ($content['langfile']) {
         list($name) = explode('.', $content['name']);
         if (empty($name) || !@is_dir(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/' . $name)) {
             $msg = lang('Application name needed to write a langfile or dump the eTemplates !!!');
         } else {
             $additional = array();
             if ($name == 'etemplate') {
                 $additional = $this->etemplate->types + $this->extensions + $this->aligns;
             } else {
                 $ui = @CreateObject($name . '.' . ($class = 'ui' . $name));
                 if (!is_object($ui)) {
                     $ui = @CreateObject($name . '.' . ($class = 'ui'));
                 if (!is_object($ui)) {
                     $ui = @CreateObject($name . '.' . ($class = $name));
                 if (is_object($ui) && @$ui->public_functions['writeLangFile']) {
                     $msg = "{$class}::writeLangFile: " . $ui->writeLangFile();
             if (empty($msg)) {
                 $msg = $this->etemplate->writeLangFile($name, 'en', $additional);
     } elseif ($content['export_xml']) {
         $msg = $this->export_xml();
     } elseif ($content['import_xml']) {
         $msg = $this->import_xml($content['file']['tmp_name']);
     } elseif ($content['db_tools']) {

示例12: create_tabs

 function create_tabs($tabs, $selected, $fontsize = '')
     $output_text = '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>';
     /* This is a php3 workaround */
         $ir = ExecMethod('phpgwapi.phpgw.common.get_image_path', 'phpgwapi');
     } else {
         $ir = PHPGW_IMAGES_DIR;
     if ($fontsize) {
         $fs = '<font size="' . $fontsize . '">';
         $fse = '</font>';
     $i = 1;
     while ($tab = each($tabs)) {
         if ($tab[0] == $selected) {
             if ($i == 1) {
                 $output_text .= '<td align="right"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-start1.gif"></td>';
             $output_text .= '<td align="left" background="' . $ir . '/tabs-bg1.gif">&nbsp;<b><a href="' . $tab[1]['link'] . '" class="tablink" ' . $tab[1]['target'] . '>' . $fs . $tab[1]['label'] . $fse . '</a></b>&nbsp;</td>';
             if ($i == count($tabs)) {
                 $output_text .= '<td align="left"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-end1.gif"></td>';
             } else {
                 $output_text .= '<td align="left"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-sepr.gif"></td>';
         } else {
             if ($i == 1) {
                 $output_text .= '<td align="right"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-start0.gif"></td>';
             $output_text .= '<td align="left" background="' . $ir . '/tabs-bg0.gif">&nbsp;<b><a href="' . $tab[1]['link'] . '" class="tablink" ' . $tab[1]['target'] . '>' . $fs . $tab[1]['label'] . $fse . '</a></b>&nbsp;</td>';
             if ($i + 1 == $selected) {
                 $output_text .= '<td align="left"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-sepl.gif"></td>';
             } elseif ($i == $selected || $i != count($tabs)) {
                 $output_text .= '<td align="left"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-sepm.gif"></td>';
             } elseif ($i == count($tabs)) {
                 if ($i == $selected) {
                     $output_text .= '<td align="left"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-end1.gif"></td>';
                 } else {
                     $output_text .= '<td align="left"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-end0.gif"></td>';
             } else {
                 if ($i != count($tabs)) {
                     $output_text .= '<td align="left"><img src="' . $ir . '/tabs-sepr.gif"></td>';
         $output_text .= "\n";
     $output_text .= "</table>\n";
     return $output_text;

示例13: export

 function export($data)
     return ExecMethod($this->svc . '.' . $this->function_map['export_event']['function'], $data);

示例14: manager

 function manager()
     $alarm = phpgw::get_var('alarm', 'int', 'POST');
     if (phpgw::get_var('delete', 'bool', 'POST') && is_array($alarm) && count($alarm)) {
         if ($this->bo->delete($alarm) < 0) {
             echo '<div class="err">' . lang('You do not have permission to delete this alarm !!!') . '</div>';
     $enable = phpgw::get_var('enable', 'bool', 'POST');
     $disable = phpgw::get_var('disable', 'bool', 'POST');
     if (($enable || $disable) && count($alarm)) {
         if ($this->bo->enable($alarm, $enable) < 0) {
             echo '<div class="err">' . lang('You do not have permission to enable/disable this alarm !!!') . '</div>';
     if (phpgw::get_var('add', 'bool', 'POST')) {
         $post_time = phpgw::get_var('time', 'int', 'POST');
         $time = $post_time['days'] * phpgwapi_datetime::SECONDS_IN_DAY + $post_time['hours'] * phpgwapi_datetime::SECONDS_IN_HOUR + $post_time['minutes'] * 60;
         if ($time > 0 && !$this->bo->add($this->event, $time, phpgw::get_var('owner', 'int', 'POST'))) {
             echo '<div class="err">' . lang('You do not have permission to add alarms to this event !!!') . '</div';
     if (!ExecMethod('calendar.uicalendar.view_event', $this->event)) {
         echo '<center>' . lang('You do not have permission to read this record!') . '</center>';
     $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('th_bg', $this->theme['th_bg']);
     $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->set_var('hr_text', lang('Alarms') . ':');
     $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->fp('row', 'hr', True);
     $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template->pfp('phpgw_body', 'view_event');
     $var = array('action_url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 'calendar.uialarm.manager')), 'hidden_vars' => $this->html->input_hidden('cal_id', $this->bo->cal_id), 'lang_select' => lang('Select'), 'lang_time' => lang('Time'), 'lang_text' => lang('Text'), 'lang_owner' => lang('Owner'), 'lang_enabled' => lang('enabled'), 'lang_disabled' => lang('disabled'), 'lang_enabled' => lang('enabled'), 'lang_disabled' => lang('disabled'));
     if ($this->event['alarm']) {
         $this->output_template_array('rows', 'alarm_headers', $var);
         $to_delete = '';
         foreach ($this->event['alarm'] as $key => $alarm) {
             if (!$this->bo->check_perms(PHPGW_ACL_READALARM, $alarm['owner'])) {
             $var = array('field' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($alarm['time']), 'data' => 'Email Notification', 'owner' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->grab_owner_name($alarm['owner']), 'enabled' => $alarm['enabled'] ? '<img src="' . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('calendar', 'enabled.png') . '" width="13" height="13" title="' . lang('enabled') . '">' : '<img src="' . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->image('calendar', 'disabled.png') . '" width="13" height="13" title="' . lang('disabled') . '">', 'select' => '<input type="checkbox" name="alarm[' . $alarm['id'] . ']">');
             if ($this->bo->check_perms(PHPGW_ACL_DELETEALARM, $alarm['owner'])) {
             $this->output_template_array('rows', 'list', $var);
         $this->template->set_var('enable_button', $this->html->submit_button('enable', 'Enable'));
         $this->template->set_var('disable_button', $this->html->submit_button('disable', 'Disable'));
         if ($to_delete) {
             $this->template->set_var('delete_button', $this->html->submit_button('delete', 'Delete', "return confirm('" . lang("Are you sure\\nyou want to\\ndelete these alarms?") . "')"));
         $this->template->parse('rows', 'buttons', True);
     if (isset($this->event['participants'][intval($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['person_id'])])) {
         $time = phpgw::get_var('time', 'int', 'POST');
         $this->template->set_var(array('hidden_vars' => $this->html->input_hidden('cal_id', $this->bo->cal_id), 'input_text' => lang('Email reminder'), 'input_days' => $this->html->select('time[days]', isset($time['days']) ? $time['days'] : 0, range(0, 31), True) . ' ' . lang('days'), 'input_hours' => $this->html->select('time[hours]', isset($time['hours']) ? $time['hours'] : 0, range(0, 24), True) . ' ' . lang('hours'), 'input_minutes' => $this->html->select('time[mins]', isset($time['mins']) ? $time['mins'] : 0, range(0, 60), True) . ' ' . lang('minutes') . ' ' . lang('before the event'), 'input_owner' => $this->html->select('owner', $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'], $this->bo->participants($this->event, True), True), 'input_add' => $this->html->submit_button('add', 'Add Alarm')));
     //echo "<p>alarm_management='".htmlspecialchars($this->template->get_var('alarm_management'))."'</p>\n";
     $this->template->pfp('out', 'alarm_management');

示例15: array


  * eGroupWare - Polls                                                       *
  * http://www.egroupware.org                                                *
  * Copyright (c) 1999 Till Gerken (tig@skv.org)                             *
  * Modified by Greg Haygood (shrykedude@bellsouth.net)                      *
  * -----------------------------------------------                          *
  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
  *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the   *
  *  Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your  *
  *  option) any later version.                                              *
/* $Id: index.php,v 1.9 2004/01/10 02:18:08 shrykedude Exp $ */
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info'] = array();
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags'] = array('currentapp' => 'polls', 'noheader' => True, 'nonavbar' => True, 'enable_nextmatchs_class' => True);
include '../header.inc.php';
