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PHP DefineFunction函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中DefineFunction函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP DefineFunction函数的具体用法?PHP DefineFunction怎么用?PHP DefineFunction使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: BeginClass

BeginClass(array('name' => "ImageSprite", 'bases' => array('Sweepable'), 'desc' => "Represents a set of images sprited into a single image.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'footer' => <<<EOT

  void map();

  hphp_string_map<ImageSprite::ResourceGroup*> m_rsrc_groups;
  String m_image_string_buffer;
  bool m_current;
  hphp_string_map<ImageSprite::Image*> m_image_data;
  Array m_mapping;
  Array m_img_errors;
  Array m_sprite_errors;
  gdImagePtr m_image;
  int m_width;
  int m_height;
DefineFunction(array('name' => "__construct", 'desc' => "Creates a new ImageSprite object", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => null, 'desc' => "TODO")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "addFile", 'desc' => "Adds the image specified by the file path to the sprite.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Object, 'desc' => "The ImageSprite object itself (for method chaining)."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "file", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The path to the image. Must be a path to the local filesystem or a a stream format php supports."), array('name' => "options", 'type' => StringMap, 'value' => "null", 'desc' => "Associative array of options for this image. May include the image's 'width' and 'height' (if previously known to the developer), or spacing requirements via the padding_DIRECTION keys, where DIRECTION may be top, bottom, left, or right.  May also include flush requirements that will force this image to be 'flush_left' or 'flush_right' within the sprite."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "addString", 'desc' => "Adds the image defined by the string to the sprite.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Object, 'desc' => "The ImageSprite object itself (for method chaining)."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "id", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "An identifier for this image. This will be the key to referencing this image in the mapping."), array('name' => "data", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The data of this image."), array('name' => "options", 'type' => StringMap, 'value' => "null", 'desc' => "Associative array of options for this image. May include the image's 'width' and 'height' (if previously known to the developer), or spacing requirements via the padding_DIRECTION keys, where DIRECTION may be top, bottom, left, or right.  May also include flush requirements that will force this image to be 'flush_left' or 'flush_right' within the sprite."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "addUrl", 'desc' => "Adds the image located at the specified URL to the sprite.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Object, 'desc' => "The ImageSprite object itself (for method chaining)."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "url", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The url of the image. The URL must be using the http protocol; secure connections are not supported."), array('name' => "timeout_ms", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "The timeout in milliseconds for this request. A value of 0 or lower will disable the timeout."), array('name' => "Options", 'type' => StringMap, 'value' => "null", 'desc' => "Associative array of options for this image. May include the image's 'width' and 'height' (if previously known to the developer), or spacing requirements via the padding_DIRECTION keys, where DIRECTION may be top, bottom, left, or right.  May also include flush requirements that will force this image to be 'flush_left' or 'flush_right' within the sprite."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "clear", 'desc' => "Removes images from the sprite and frees the memory associated with that image.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Object, 'desc' => "The ImageSprite object itself (for method chaining)."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "paths", 'type' => Variant, 'value' => "null", 'desc' => "When passed a string, it will remove the images specified by that path or identifier from the sprite, if they exist. You may also pass an array of strings, and it will remove each.  a null value will remove all images from the sprite."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "loadDims", 'desc' => "Loads the dimensions for the images in the sprite, but not necessarily their data.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Object, 'desc' => "The ImageSprite object itself (for method chaining)."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "block", 'type' => Boolean, 'value' => "false", 'desc' => "Whether this call should block until all the data is loaded or allow them to load in the background."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "loadImages", 'desc' => "Loads the images in the sprite and sets the correct dimensions.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Object, 'desc' => "The ImageSprite object itself (for method chaining)."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "block", 'type' => Boolean, 'value' => "false", 'desc' => "Whether this call should block until all the data is loaded or allow them to load in the background."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "output", 'desc' => "Retrieves the resulting sprite image.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => String, 'desc' => "The image data, if the \$output_file is not specified."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "output_file", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "Path to where the output image should be saved. If empty or null, the image data is returned as a string."), array('name' => "format", 'type' => String, 'value' => "\"png\"", 'desc' => "The format the output image should be returned in. Defaults to png."), array('name' => "quality", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "75", 'desc' => "The output quality of the image. Only applies to jpeg output, and defaults to 75."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "css", 'desc' => "Retrieves css for the sprite, mapping ids to images.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => String, 'desc' => "The css output, if the \$output_file is not specified."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "css_namespace", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The css class namespace of the sprite. Should be unique within your css."), array('name' => "sprite_file", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "Path to the sprite image relative to wherever this css is being served. The output image may be passed in datauri format to use inlined sprite images. If this is not set, the image location must be specified elsewhere in the css manually."), array('name' => "output_file", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "Path to where the css should be saved. If empty or null, the css is returned as a string."), array('name' => "verbose", 'type' => Boolean, 'value' => "false", 'desc' => "Determines whether the css should include comments with information about the sprite."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "getErrors", 'desc' => "Retrieves an associative array of errors encountered while putting together the sprite.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => StringVec, 'desc' => "Associative array of errors")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mapping", 'desc' => "Returns an associative array mapping the images in the sprite to their dimensions, placement, and css id.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => StringVec, 'desc' => "Associative array of mapping")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "__destruct", 'desc' => "Recovers all memory allocated to the sprite.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "null")));

示例2: DefineFunction

DefineFunction(array('name' => "imap_scanmailbox", 'desc' => "Returns an array containing the names of the mailboxes that have content in the text of the mailbox.\n\nThis function is similar to imap_listmailbox(), but it will additionally check for the presence of the string content inside the mailbox data.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns an array containing the names of the mailboxes that have content in the text of the mailbox."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "imap_stream", 'type' => Object, 'desc' => "An IMAP stream returned by imap_open()."), array('name' => "ref", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "ref should normally be just the server specification as described in imap_open()"), array('name' => "pattern", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "Specifies where in the mailbox hierarchy to start searching.\n\nThere are two special characters you can pass as part of the pattern: '*' and '%'. '*' means to return all mailboxes. If you pass pattern as '*', you will get a list of the entire mailbox hierarchy. '%' means to return the current level only. '%' as the pattern parameter will return only the top level mailboxes; '~/mail/%' on UW_IMAPD will return every mailbox in the ~/mail directory, but none in subfolders of that directory."), array('name' => "content", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The searched string"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "imap_search", 'desc' => "This function performs a search on the mailbox currently opened in the given IMAP stream.\n\nFor example, to match all unanswered messages sent by Mom, you'd use: \"UNANSWERED FROM mom\". Searches appear to be case insensitive. This list of criteria is from a reading of the UW c-client source code and may be incomplete or inaccurate (see also » RFC2060, section 6.4.4).", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns an array of message numbers or UIDs.\n\nReturn FALSE if it does not understand the search criteria or no messages have been found."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "imap_stream", 'type' => Object, 'desc' => "An IMAP stream returned by imap_open()."), array('name' => "criteria", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "A string, delimited by spaces, in which the following keywords are allowed. Any multi-word arguments (e.g. FROM \"joey smith\") must be quoted. ALL - return all messages matching the rest of the criteria ANSWERED - match messages with the \\\\ANSWERED flag set BCC \"string\" - match messages with \"string\" in the Bcc: field BEFORE \"date\" - match messages with Date: before \"date\" BODY \"string\" - match messages with \"string\" in the body of the message CC \"string\" - match messages with \"string\" in the Cc: field DELETED - match deleted messages FLAGGED - match messages with the \\\\FLAGGED (sometimes referred to as Important or Urgent) flag set FROM \"string\" - match messages with \"string\" in the From: field KEYWORD \"string\" - match messages with \"string\" as a keyword NEW - match new messages OLD - match old messages ON \"date\" - match messages with Date: matching \"date\" RECENT - match messages with the \\\\RECENT flag set SEEN - match messages that have been read (the \\\\SEEN flag is set) SINCE \"date\" - match messages with Date: after \"date\" SUBJECT \"string\" - match messages with \"string\" in the Subject: TEXT \"string\" - match messages with text \"string\" TO \"string\" - match messages with \"string\" in the To: UNANSWERED - match messages that have not been answered UNDELETED - match messages that are not deleted UNFLAGGED - match messages that are not flagged UNKEYWORD \"string\" - match messages that do not have the keyword \"string\" UNSEEN - match messages which have not been read yet"), array('name' => "options", 'type' => Int64, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "Valid values for options are SE_UID, which causes the returned array to contain UIDs instead of messages sequence numbers."), array('name' => "charset", 'type' => String, 'value' => "\"\""))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "imap_set_quota", 'desc' => "Sets an upper limit quota on a per mailbox basis.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "imap_stream", 'type' => Object, 'desc' => "An IMAP stream returned by imap_open()."), array('name' => "quota_root", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The mailbox to have a quota set. This should follow the IMAP standard format for a mailbox: user.name."), array('name' => "quota_limit", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "The maximum size (in KB) for the quota_root"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "imap_setacl", 'desc' => "Sets the ACL for a giving mailbox.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "imap_stream", 'type' => Object, 'desc' => "An IMAP stream returned by imap_open()."), array('name' => "mailbox", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The mailbox name, see imap_open() for more information"), array('name' => "id", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The user to give the rights to."), array('name' => "rights", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The rights to give to the user. Passing an empty string will delete acl."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "imap_setflag_full", 'desc' => "Causes a store to add the specified flag to the flags set for the messages in the specified sequence.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "imap_stream", 'type' => Object, 'desc' => "An IMAP stream returned by imap_open()."), array('name' => "sequence", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "A sequence of message numbers. You can enumerate desired messages with the X,Y syntax, or retrieve all messages within an interval with the X:Y syntax"), array('name' => "flag", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The flags which you can set are \\Seen, \\Answered, \\Flagged, \\Deleted, and \\Draft as defined by » RFC2060."), array('name' => "options", 'type' => Int64, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "A bit mask that may contain the single option: ST_UID - The sequence argument contains UIDs instead of sequence numbers"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "imap_sort", 'desc' => "Gets and sorts message numbers by the given parameters.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns an array of message numbers sorted by the given parameters."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "imap_stream", 'type' => Object, 'desc' => "An IMAP stream returned by imap_open()."), array('name' => "criteria", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "Criteria can be one (and only one) of the following: SORTDATE - message Date SORTARRIVAL - arrival date SORTFROM - mailbox in first From address SORTSUBJECT - message subject SORTTO - mailbox in first To address SORTCC - mailbox in first cc address SORTSIZE - size of message in octets"), array('name' => "reverse", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "Set this to 1 for reverse sorting"), array('name' => "options", 'type' => Int64, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "The options are a bitmask of one or more of the following: SE_UID - Return UIDs instead of sequence numbers SE_NOPREFETCH - Don't prefetch searched messages"), array('name' => "search_criteria", 'type' => String, 'value' => "\"\""), array('name' => "charset", 'type' => String, 'value' => "\"\""))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "imap_status", 'desc' => "Gets status information about the given mailbox.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "This function returns an object containing status information. The object has the following properties: messages, recent, unseen, uidnext, and uidvalidity.\n\nflags is also set, which contains a bitmask which can be checked against any of the above constants."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "imap_stream", 'type' => Object, 'desc' => "An IMAP stream returned by imap_open()."), array('name' => "mailbox", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The mailbox name, see imap_open() for more information"), array('name' => "options", 'type' => Int64, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "Valid flags are: SA_MESSAGES - set \$status->messages to the number of messages in the mailbox SA_RECENT - set \$status->recent to the number of recent messages in the mailbox SA_UNSEEN - set \$status->unseen to the number of unseen (new) messages in the mailbox SA_UIDNEXT - set \$status->uidnext to the next uid to be used in the mailbox SA_UIDVALIDITY - set \$status->uidvalidity to a constant that changes when uids for the mailbox may no longer be valid SA_ALL - set all of the above"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "imap_subscribe", 'desc' => "Subscribe to a new mailbox.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "imap_stream", 'type' => Object, 'desc' => "An IMAP stream returned by imap_open()."), array('name' => "mailbox", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The mailbox name, see imap_open() for more information"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "imap_thread", 'desc' => "Gets a tree of a threaded message.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "imap_thread() returns an associative array containing a tree of messages threaded by REFERENCES, or FALSE on error.\n\nEvery message in the current mailbox will be represented by three entries in the resulting array:\n\n\$thread[\"XX.num\"] - current message number\n\n\$thread[\"XX.next\"]\n\n\$thread[\"XX.branch\"]"), 'args' => array(array('name' => "imap_stream", 'type' => Object, 'desc' => "An IMAP stream returned by imap_open()."), array('name' => "options", 'type' => Int64, 'value' => "0"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "imap_timeout", 'desc' => "Sets or fetches the imap timeout.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "If the timeout parameter is set, this function returns TRUE on success and FALSE on failure.\n\nIf timeout is not provided or evaluates to -1, the current timeout value of timeout_type is returned as an integer."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "timeout_type", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "One of the following: IMAP_OPENTIMEOUT, IMAP_READTIMEOUT, IMAP_WRITETIMEOUT, or IMAP_CLOSETIMEOUT."), array('name' => "timeout", 'type' => Int64, 'value' => "-1", 'desc' => "The timeout, in seconds."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "imap_uid", 'desc' => "This function returns the UID for the given message sequence number. An UID is a unique identifier that will not change over time while a message sequence number may change whenever the content of the mailbox changes.\n\nThis function is the inverse of imap_msgno().", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "The UID of the given message."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "imap_stream", 'type' => Object, 'desc' => "An IMAP stream returned by imap_open()."), array('name' => "msg_number", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "The message number."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "imap_undelete", 'desc' => "Removes the deletion flag for a specified message, which is set by imap_delete() or imap_mail_move().", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "imap_stream", 'type' => Object, 'desc' => "An IMAP stream returned by imap_open()."), array('name' => "msg_number", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The message number"), array('name' => "flags", 'type' => Int64, 'value' => "0"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "imap_unsubscribe", 'desc' => "Unsubscribe from the specified mailbox.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "imap_stream", 'type' => Object, 'desc' => "An IMAP stream returned by imap_open()."), array('name' => "mailbox", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The mailbox name, see imap_open() for more information"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "imap_utf7_decode", 'desc' => "Decodes modified UTF-7 text into ISO-8859-1 string.\n\nThis function is needed to decode mailbox names that contain certain characters which are not in range of printable ASCII characters.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns a string that is encoded in ISO-8859-1 and consists of the same sequence of characters in text, or FALSE if text contains invalid modified UTF-7 sequence or text contains a character that is not part of ISO-8859-1 character set."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "text", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "A modified UTF-7 encoding string, as defined in » RFC 2060, section 5.1.3 (original UTF-7 was defined in » RFC1642)."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "imap_utf7_encode", 'desc' => "Converts data to modified UTF-7 text.\n\nThis is needed to encode mailbox names that contain certain characters which are not in range of printable ASCII characters.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns data encoded with the modified UTF-7 encoding as defined in » RFC 2060, section 5.1.3 (original UTF-7 was defined in » RFC1642)."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "data", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "An ISO-8859-1 string."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "imap_utf8", 'desc' => "Converts the given mime_encoded_text to UTF-8.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns an UTF-8 encoded string."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "mime_encoded_text", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "A MIME encoded string. MIME encoding method and the UTF-8 specification are described in » RFC2047 and » RFC2044 respectively."))));
// Classes
// BeginClass
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the class
//   'desc'   => description of the class's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the class, see base.php for possible values
//   'note'   => additional note about this class's schema
//   'parent' => parent class name, if any
//   'ifaces' => array of interfaces tihs class implements
//   'bases'  => extra internal and special base classes this class requires
//   'footer' => extra C++ inserted at end of class declaration
// )

示例3: EndClass

function EndClass()
    global $classes, $current_class;
    $have_ctor = false;
    $have_dtor = false;
    foreach ($classes[$current_class]['methods'] as $method) {
        if ($method['name'] == '__construct') {
            $have_ctor = true;
        if ($method['name'] == '__destruct') {
            $have_dtor = true;
    // We don't have the information to autogenerate a ctor def,
    // so make the user do it.
    if (!$have_ctor) {
        throw new Exception("No constructor defined for class {$current_class}");
    // Generate the appropriate IDL for the dtor, if it doesn't exist.
    if (!$have_dtor) {
        DefineFunction(array('name' => '__destruct', 'return' => array('type' => Variant)));
    $current_class = '';

示例4: DefineFunction

//   'opt'    => optimization callback function's name for compiler
//   'note'   => additional note about this function's schema
//   'return' =>
//      array (
//        'type'  => return type, use Reference for ref return
//        'desc'  => description of the return value
//      )
//   'args'   => arguments
//      array (
//        'name'  => name of the argument
//        'type'  => type of the argument, use Reference for output parameter
//        'value' => default value of the argument
//        'desc'  => description of the argument
//      )
// )
DefineFunction(array('name' => "cached_json_decode", 'desc' => "Wrapper over json_decode to add caching. Works the same way as json_decode but for the first argument, which has to but a file path so we could get the modification time and check for stale data on the\n    cache", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns an array containing the decoded json, time of last modification of the file, and last time the file modification time was checked"), 'args' => array(array('name' => "json_file", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The json file being decoded.\n\nThis function only works with UTF-8 encoded data."), array('name' => "assoc", 'type' => Boolean, 'value' => "false", 'desc' => "When TRUE, returned objects will be converted into associative arrays."), array('name' => "loose", 'type' => Boolean, 'value' => "false", 'desc' => "User specified recursion depth."))));
// Classes
// BeginClass
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the class
//   'desc'   => description of the class's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the class, see base.php for possible values
//   'note'   => additional note about this class's schema
//   'parent' => parent class name, if any
//   'ifaces' => array of interfaces tihs class implements
//   'bases'  => extra internal and special base classes this class requires
//   'footer' => extra C++ inserted at end of class declaration
// )

示例5: DefineFunction

DefineFunction(array('name' => "hphp_directoryiterator_current", 'flags' => HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Variant), 'args' => array(array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Resource))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "hphp_directoryiterator___tostring", 'flags' => HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => String), 'args' => array(array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Resource))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "hphp_directoryiterator_valid", 'flags' => HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean), 'args' => array(array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Resource))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "hphp_directoryiterator_isdot", 'flags' => HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean), 'args' => array(array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Resource))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "hphp_recursivedirectoryiterator___construct", 'flags' => HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean), 'args' => array(array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Resource), array('name' => "path", 'type' => String), array('name' => "flags", 'type' => Int64))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "hphp_recursivedirectoryiterator_key", 'flags' => HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Variant), 'args' => array(array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Resource))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "hphp_recursivedirectoryiterator_next", 'flags' => HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => null), 'args' => array(array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Resource))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "hphp_recursivedirectoryiterator_rewind", 'flags' => HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => null), 'args' => array(array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Resource))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "hphp_recursivedirectoryiterator_seek", 'flags' => HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => null), 'args' => array(array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Resource), array('name' => "position", 'type' => Int64))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "hphp_recursivedirectoryiterator_current", 'flags' => HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Variant), 'args' => array(array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Resource))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "hphp_recursivedirectoryiterator___tostring", 'flags' => HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => String), 'args' => array(array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Resource))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "hphp_recursivedirectoryiterator_valid", 'flags' => HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean), 'args' => array(array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Resource))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "hphp_recursivedirectoryiterator_haschildren", 'flags' => HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean), 'args' => array(array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Resource))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "hphp_recursivedirectoryiterator_getchildren", 'flags' => HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Resource), 'args' => array(array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Resource))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "hphp_recursivedirectoryiterator_getsubpath", 'flags' => HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => String), 'args' => array(array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Resource))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "hphp_recursivedirectoryiterator_getsubpathname", 'flags' => HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => String), 'args' => array(array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Resource))));
// Classes
// BeginClass
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the class
//   'desc'   => description of the class's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the class, see base.php for possible values
//   'note'   => additional note about this class's schema
//   'parent' => parent class name, if any
//   'ifaces' => array of interfaces tihs class implements
//   'bases'  => extra internal and special base classes this class requires
//   'footer' => extra C++ inserted at end of class declaration
// )

示例6: DefineConstant

DefineConstant(array('name' => "BUCKET_INFO_ID", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "BUCKET_INFO_STATE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "BUCKET_INFO_SERVER", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "BUCKET_INFO_VOLUME", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "BUCKET_INFO_ALT_SERVER", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "BUCKET_INFO_ALT_VOLUME", 'type' => Int64));
// Functions
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the function
//   'desc'   => description of the function's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the function, see base.php for possible values
//   'opt'    => optimization callback function's name for compiler
//   'note'   => additional note about this function's schema
//   'return' =>
//      array (
//        'type'  => return type, use Reference for ref return
//        'desc'  => description of the return value
//      )
//   'args'   => arguments
//      array (
//        'name'  => name of the argument
//        'type'  => type of the argument, use Reference for output parameter
//        'value' => default value of the argument
//        'desc'  => description of the argument
//      )
// )
DefineFunction(array('name' => "get_bucket_cache_info", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant), 'args' => array(array('name' => "cluster_id", 'type' => Int64), array('name' => "bucket_id", 'type' => Int64))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "set_bucket_cache_info", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean), 'args' => array(array('name' => "cluster_id", 'type' => Int64), array('name' => "bucket_id", 'type' => Int64), array('name' => "state", 'type' => Int64), array('name' => "server", 'type' => Int64), array('name' => "volume", 'type' => Int64), array('name' => "alt_server", 'type' => Int64), array('name' => "alt_volume", 'type' => Int64))));

示例7: name

   * Explicitly provide a t___invokeCallInfoHelper to
   * allow __invoke() to sidestep an extra level of indirection
  virtual const CallInfo *t___invokeCallInfoHelper(void *&extra);

  String name() const { return String(m_name, CopyString); }

   * This is the constructor which is called internally-
   * PHP code will never be able to call this constructor
  c_Closure(const CallInfo *callInfo, const char *name,
            const ObjectStaticCallbacks *cb = &cw_Closure) :
    ExtObjectData(cb), m_callInfo(callInfo), m_name(name) {
  virtual bool php_sleep(Variant &ret);
  const CallInfo *m_callInfo;
  const char *m_name;
DefineFunction(array('name' => '__construct', 'args' => array(), 'return' => array('type' => null)));
DefineFunction(array('name' => '__invoke', 'flags' => VariableArguments, 'return' => array('type' => Variant)));
DefineFunction(array('name' => '__clone', 'return' => array('type' => Variant)));
BeginClass(array('name' => "DummyClosure", 'desc' => "Represents an invalid closure which will fatal when used."));
DefineFunction(array('name' => '__construct', 'args' => array(), 'return' => array('type' => null)));

示例8: DefineFunction

DefineFunction(array('name' => "posix_getuid", 'desc' => "Return the numeric real user ID of the current process.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Int64, 'desc' => "Returns the user id, as an integer"), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "posix_initgroups", 'desc' => "Calculates the group access list for the user specified in name.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "name", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The user to calculate the list for."), array('name' => "base_group_id", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "Typically the group number from the password file.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "posix_isatty", 'desc' => "Determines if the file descriptor fd refers to a valid terminal type device.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE if fd is an open descriptor connected to a terminal and FALSE otherwise."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "fd", 'type' => Variant, 'desc' => "The file descriptor.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "posix_kill", 'desc' => "Send the signal sig to the process with the process identifier pid.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "pid", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "The process identifier."), array('name' => "sig", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "One of the PCNTL signals constants.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "posix_mkfifo", 'desc' => "posix_mkfifo() creates a special FIFO file which exists in the file system and acts as a bidirectional communication endpoint for processes.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "pathname", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "Path to the FIFO file."), array('name' => "mode", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "The second parameter mode has to be given in octal notation (e.g. 0644). The permission of the newly created FIFO also depends on the setting of the current umask(). The permissions of the created file are (mode & ~umask).")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "posix_mknod", 'desc' => "Creates a special or ordinary file.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "pathname", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The file to create"), array('name' => "mode", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "This parameter is constructed by a bitwise OR between file type (one of the following constants: POSIX_S_IFREG, POSIX_S_IFCHR, POSIX_S_IFBLK, POSIX_S_IFIFO or POSIX_S_IFSOCK) and permissions."), array('name' => "major", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "The major device kernel identifier (required to pass when using S_IFCHR or S_IFBLK)."), array('name' => "minor", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "The minor device kernel identifier.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "posix_setegid", 'desc' => "Set the effective group ID of the current process. This is a privileged function and needs appropriate privileges (usually root) on the system to be able to perform this function.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "gid", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "The group id.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "posix_seteuid", 'desc' => "Set the real user ID of the current process. This is a privileged function and needs appropriate privileges (usually root) on the system to be able to perform this function.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "uid", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "The user id.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "posix_setgid", 'desc' => "Set the real group ID of the current process. This is a privileged function and needs appropriate privileges (usually root) on the system to be able to perform this function. The appropriate order of function calls is posix_setgid() first, posix_setuid() last.\n\nIf the caller is a super user, this will also set the effective group id.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "gid", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "The group id.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "posix_setpgid", 'desc' => "Let the process pid join the process group pgid.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "pid", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "The process id."), array('name' => "pgid", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "The process group id.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "posix_setsid", 'desc' => "Make the current process a session leader.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Int64, 'desc' => "Returns the session id, or -1 on errors."), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "posix_setuid", 'desc' => "Set the real user ID of the current process. This is a privileged function that needs appropriate privileges (usually root) on the system to be able to perform this function.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "uid", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "The user id.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "posix_strerror", 'desc' => "Returns the POSIX system error message associated with the given errno. You may get the errno parameter by calling posix_get_last_error().", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => String, 'desc' => "Returns the error message, as a string."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "errnum", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "A POSIX error number, returned by posix_get_last_error(). If set to 0, then the string \"Success\" is returned.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "posix_times", 'desc' => "Gets information about the current CPU usage.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns a hash of strings with information about the current process CPU usage. The indices of the hash are: ticks - the number of clock ticks that have elapsed since reboot. utime - user time used by the current process. stime - system time used by the current process. cutime - user time used by current process and children. cstime - system time used by current process and children."), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "posix_ttyname", 'desc' => "Returns a string for the absolute path to the current terminal device that is open on the file descriptor fd.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "On success, returns a string of the absolute path of the fd. On failure, returns FALSE"), 'args' => array(array('name' => "fd", 'type' => Variant, 'desc' => "The file descriptor.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "posix_uname", 'desc' => "Gets information about the system.\n\nPosix requires that assumptions must not be made about the format of the values, e.g. the assumption that a release may contain three digits or anything else returned by this function.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns a hash of strings with information about the system. The indices of the hash are sysname - operating system name (e.g. Linux) nodename - system name (e.g. valiant) release - operating system release (e.g. 2.2.10) version - operating system version (e.g. #4 Tue Jul 20 17:01:36 MEST 1999) machine - system architecture (e.g. i586) domainname - DNS domainname (e.g. example.com)\n\ndomainname is a GNU extension and not part of POSIX.1, so this field is only available on GNU systems or when using the GNU libc."), 'taint_observer' => false));
// Classes
// BeginClass
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the class
//   'desc'   => description of the class's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the class, see base.php for possible values
//   'note'   => additional note about this class's schema
//   'parent' => parent class name, if any
//   'ifaces' => array of interfaces tihs class implements
//   'bases'  => extra internal and special base classes this class requires
//   'footer' => extra C++ inserted at end of class declaration
// )

示例9: DefineFunction

DefineFunction(array('name' => "mb_strimwidth", 'desc' => "Truncates string str to specified width.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "The truncated string . If trimmarker is set, trimmarker is appended to the return value."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "str", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string being decoded."), array('name' => "start", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "The start position offset. Number of characters from the beginning of string. (First character is 0)"), array('name' => "width", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "The width of the desired trim."), array('name' => "trimmarker", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "A string that is added to the end of string when string is truncated."), array('name' => "encoding", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "encoding parameter is the character encoding. If it is omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mb_stripos", 'desc' => "mb_stripos() returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in the haystack string. Unlike mb_strpos(), mb_stripos() is case-insensitive. If needle is not found, it returns FALSE.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Return the numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in the haystack string, or FALSE if needle is not found."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "haystack", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string from which to get the position of the first occurrence of needle"), array('name' => "needle", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string to find in haystack"), array('name' => "offset", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "The position in haystack to start searching"), array('name' => "encoding", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "Character encoding name to use. If it is omitted, internal character encoding is used."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mb_stristr", 'desc' => "mb_stristr() finds the first occurrence of needle in haystack and returns the portion of haystack. Unlike mb_strstr(), mb_stristr() is case-insensitive. If needle is not found, it returns FALSE.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the portion of haystack, or FALSE if needle is not found."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "haystack", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string from which to get the first occurrence of needle"), array('name' => "needle", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string to find in haystack"), array('name' => "part", 'type' => Boolean, 'value' => "false", 'desc' => "Determines which portion of haystack this function returns. If set to TRUE, it returns all of haystack from the beginning to the first occurrence of needle. If set to FALSE, it returns all of haystack from the first occurrence of needle to the end,"), array('name' => "encoding", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "Character encoding name to use. If it is omitted, internal character encoding is used."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mb_strlen", 'desc' => "Gets the length of a string .", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the number of characters in string str having character encoding encoding. A multi-byte character is counted as 1."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "str", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string being checked for length."), array('name' => "encoding", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "encoding parameter is the character encoding. If it is omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mb_strpos", 'desc' => "Finds position of the first occurrence of a string in a string .\nPerforms a multi-byte safe strpos() operation based on number of characters. The first character's position is 0, the second character position is 1, and so on.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the numeric position of the first occurrence of needle in the haystack string . If needle is not found, it returns FALSE."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "haystack", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string being checked."), array('name' => "needle", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The position counted from the beginning of haystack."), array('name' => "offset", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "The search offset. If it is not specified, 0 is used."), array('name' => "encoding", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "encoding parameter is the character encoding. If it is omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mb_strrchr", 'desc' => "mb_strrchr() finds the last occurrence of needle in haystack and returns the portion of haystack. If needle is not found, it returns FALSE.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the portion of haystack. or FALSE if needle is not found."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "haystack", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string from which to get the last occurrence of needle"), array('name' => "needle", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string to find in haystack"), array('name' => "part", 'type' => Boolean, 'value' => "false", 'desc' => "Determines which portion of haystack this function returns. If set to TRUE, it returns all of haystack from the beginning to the last occurrence of needle. If set to FALSE, it returns all of haystack from the last occurrence of needle to the end,"), array('name' => "encoding", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "Character encoding name to use. If it is omitted, internal character encoding is used."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mb_strrichr", 'desc' => "mb_strrichr() finds the last occurrence of needle in haystack and returns the portion of haystack. Unlike mb_strrchr(), mb_strrichr() is case-insensitive. If needle is not found, it returns FALSE.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the portion of haystack. or FALSE if needle is not found."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "haystack", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string from which to get the last occurrence of needle"), array('name' => "needle", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string to find in haystack"), array('name' => "part", 'type' => Boolean, 'value' => "false", 'desc' => "Determines which portion of haystack this function returns. If set to TRUE, it returns all of haystack from the beginning to the last occurrence of needle. If set to FALSE, it returns all of haystack from the last occurrence of needle to the end,"), array('name' => "encoding", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "Character encoding name to use. If it is omitted, internal character encoding is used."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mb_strripos", 'desc' => "mb_strripos() performs multi-byte safe strripos() operation based on number of characters. needle position is counted from the beginning of haystack. First character's position is 0. Second character position is 1. Unlike mb_strrpos(), mb_strripos() is case-insensitive.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Return the numeric position of the last occurrence of needle in the haystack string, or FALSE if needle is not found."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "haystack", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string from which to get the position of the last occurrence of needle"), array('name' => "needle", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string to find in haystack"), array('name' => "offset", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "The position in haystack to start searching"), array('name' => "encoding", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "Character encoding name to use. If it is omitted, internal character encoding is used."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mb_strrpos", 'desc' => "Performs a multibyte safe strrpos() operation based on the number of characters. needle position is counted from the beginning of haystack. First character's position is 0. Second character position is 1.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the numeric position of the last occurrence of needle in the haystack string . If needle is not found, it returns FALSE."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "haystack", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string being checked, for the last occurrence of needle"), array('name' => "needle", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string to find in haystack."), array('name' => "offset", 'type' => Variant, 'value' => "0LL", 'desc' => "May be specified to begin searching an arbitrary number of characters into the string . Negative values will stop searching at an arbitrary point prior to the end of the string ."), array('name' => "encoding", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "encoding parameter is the character encoding. If it is omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mb_strstr", 'desc' => "mb_strstr() finds the first occurrence of needle in haystack and returns the portion of haystack. If needle is not found, it returns FALSE.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the portion of haystack, or FALSE if needle is not found."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "haystack", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string from which to get the first occurrence of needle"), array('name' => "needle", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string to find in haystack"), array('name' => "part", 'type' => Boolean, 'value' => "false", 'desc' => "Determines which portion of haystack this function returns. If set to TRUE, it returns all of haystack from the beginning to the first occurrence of needle. If set to FALSE, it returns all of haystack from the first occurrence of needle to the end,"), array('name' => "encoding", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "Character encoding name to use. If it is omitted, internal character encoding is used."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mb_strtolower", 'desc' => "Returns str with all alphabetic characters converted to lowercase.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "str with all alphabetic characters converted to lowercase."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "str", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string being lowercased."), array('name' => "encoding", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "encoding parameter is the character encoding. If it is omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mb_strtoupper", 'desc' => "Returns str with all alphabetic characters converted to uppercase.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "str with all alphabetic characters converted to uppercase."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "str", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string being uppercased."), array('name' => "encoding", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "encoding parameter is the character encoding. If it is omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mb_strwidth", 'desc' => "Returns the width of string str.\nMulti-byte characters are usually twice the width of single byte characters.\nCharacters width Chars Width U+0000 - U+0019 0 U+0020 - U+1FFF 1 U+2000 - U+FF60 2 U+FF61 - U+FF9F 1 U+FFA0 - 2", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "The width of string str."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "str", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string being decoded."), array('name' => "encoding", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "encoding parameter is the character encoding. If it is omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mb_substitute_character", 'desc' => "Specifies a substitution character when input character encoding is invalid or character code does not exist in output character encoding. Invalid characters may be substituted NULL (no output), string or integer value (Unicode character code value).\nThis setting affects mb_convert_encoding(), mb_convert_variables(), mb_output_handler(), and mb_send_mail().", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "If substchar is set, it returns TRUE for success, otherwise returns FALSE. If substchar is not set, it returns the Unicode value, or \"none\" or \"long\"."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "substrchar", 'type' => Variant, 'value' => "null_variant", 'desc' => "Specify the Unicode value as an integer , or as one of the following string s: \"none\" : no output \"long\" : Output character code value (Example: U+3000, JIS+7E7E) \"entity\" : Output character entity (Example: Ȁ)"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mb_substr_count", 'desc' => "Counts the number of times the needle substring occurs in the haystack string .", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "The number of times the needle substring occurs in the haystack string ."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "haystack", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string being checked."), array('name' => "needle", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string being found."), array('name' => "encoding", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "encoding parameter is the character encoding. If it is omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mb_substr", 'desc' => "Performs a multi-byte safe substr() operation based on number of characters. Position is counted from the beginning of str. First character's position is 0. Second character position is 1, and so on.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "mb_substr() returns the portion of str specified by the start and length parameters."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "str", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string being checked."), array('name' => "start", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "The first position used in str."), array('name' => "length", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0x7FFFFFFF", 'desc' => "The maximum length of the returned string ."), array('name' => "encoding", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "encoding parameter is the character encoding. If it is omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used."))));
// Classes
// BeginClass
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the class
//   'desc'   => description of the class's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the class, see base.php for possible values
//   'note'   => additional note about this class's schema
//   'parent' => parent class name, if any
//   'ifaces' => array of interfaces tihs class implements
//   'bases'  => extra internal and special base classes this class requires
//   'footer' => extra C++ inserted at end of class declaration
// )

示例10: DefineFunction

//   'name'   => name of the function
//   'desc'   => description of the function's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the function, see base.php for possible values
//   'opt'    => optimization callback function's name for compiler
//   'note'   => additional note about this function's schema
//   'return' =>
//      array (
//        'type'  => return type, use Reference for ref return
//        'desc'  => description of the return value
//      )
//   'args'   => arguments
//      array (
//        'name'  => name of the argument
//        'type'  => type of the argument, use Reference for output parameter
//        'value' => default value of the argument
//        'desc'  => description of the argument
//      )
//   'taint_observer' => taint propagation information
//     array (
//       'set_mask' => which bits to set automatically
//       'clear_mask' => which bits to clear automatically
//     )
// )
DefineFunction(array('name' => "filter_has_var", 'desc' => "Checks if variable of specified type exists.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'args' => array(array('name' => "type", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "One of INPUT_GET, INPUT_POST, INPUT_COOKIE, INPUT_SERVER, or INPUT_ENV."), array('name' => "variable_name", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "Name of a variable to check.")), 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "filter_id", 'desc' => "Returns the filter ID belonging to a named filter.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'args' => array(array('name' => "filtername", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "Name of a filter to get.")), 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "ID of a filter on success or FALSE if filter doesn't exist."), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "filter_input_array", 'desc' => "Gets external variables and optionally filters them.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'args' => array(array('name' => "type", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "One of INPUT_GET, INPUT_POST, INPUT_COOKIE, INPUT_SERVER, or INPUT_ENV."), array('name' => "definition", 'type' => Variant, 'value' => "k_FILTER_DEFAULT", 'desc' => "An array defining the arguments. A valid key is a string\n\t\tcontaining a variable name and a valid value is either a filter type, or\n\t\tan array optionally specifying the filter, flags and options. If the\n\t\tvalue is an array, valid keys are filter which specifies the filter\n\t\ttype, flags which specifies any flags that apply to the filter, and\n\t\toptions which specifies any options that apply to the filter. See the\n\t\texample below for a better understanding.\n\t\t\n\t\tThis parameter can be also an integer holding a filter constant. Then\n\t\tall values in the input array are filtered by this filter.")), 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "An array containing the values of the requested variables on\n\t  success, or FALSE on failure. An array value will be FALSE if the filter\n\t  fails, or NULL if the variable is not set. Or if the flag\n\t  FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE is used, it returns FALSE if the variable is not\n\t  set and NULL if the filter fails."), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "filter_input", 'desc' => "Gets a specific external variable by name and optionally filters it", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'args' => array(array('name' => "type", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "One of INPUT_GET, INPUT_POST, INPUT_COOKIE, INPUT_SERVER, or INPUT_ENV."), array('name' => "variable_name", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "Name of a variable to get."), array('name' => "filter", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "k_FILTER_DEFAULT", 'desc' => "The ID of the filter to apply. The Types of filters manual\n\t\tpage lists the available filters."), array('name' => "options", 'type' => Variant, 'value' => "null_array", 'desc' => "Associative array of options or bitwise disjunction of flags.\n\t\tIf filter accepts options, flags can be provided in 'flags' field of\n\t\tarray.")), 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Value of the requested variable on success, FALSE if the\n\t  filter fails, or NULL if the variable_name variable is not set. If the\n\t  flag FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE is used, it returns FALSE if the variable is\n\t  not set and NULL if the filter fails."), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "filter_list", 'desc' => "Returns a list of all supported filters.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns an array of names of all supported filters, empty\n\t  array if there are no such filters. Indexes of this array are not filter\n\t  IDs, they can be obtained with filter_id() from a name instead."), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "filter_var_array", 'desc' => "Gets multiple variables and optionally filters them", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'args' => array(array('name' => "data", 'type' => VariantMap, 'desc' => "An array with string keys containing the data to filter."), array('name' => "definition", 'type' => Variant, 'value' => "k_FILTER_DEFAULT", 'desc' => "An array defining the arguments. A valid key is a string\n\t\tcontaining a variable name and a valid value is either a filter type, or\n\t\tan array optionally specifying the filter, flags and options. If the\n\t\tvalue is an array, valid keys are filter which specifies the filter\n\t\ttype, flags which specifies any flags that apply to the filter, and\n\t\toptions which specifies any options that apply to the filter. See the\n\t\texample below for a better understanding.\n\n\t\tThis parameter can be also an integer holding a filter constant. Then\n\t\tall values in the input array are filtered by this filter.")), 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "An array containing the values of the requested variables on\n\t  success, or FALSE on failure. An array value will be FALSE if the filter\n\t  fails, or NULL if the variable is not set."), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "filter_var", 'desc' => "Filters a variable with a specified filter", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'args' => array(array('name' => "variable", 'type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Value to filter."), array('name' => "filter", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "k_FILTER_DEFAULT", 'desc' => "The ID of the filter to apply. See the types of filters on\n\t\tthe PHP manual"), array('name' => "options", 'type' => Variant, 'value' => "null_array", 'desc' => "Associative array of options or bitwise disjunction of flags.\n\t\tIf filter accepts options, flags can be provided in 'flags' field of\n\t\tarray. For the 'callback' filter, callable type should be passed. The\n\t\tcallback must accept one argument, the value to be filtered, and return\n\t\tthe value after filtering/sanitizing it.")), 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the filtered data, or FALSE if the filter fails."), 'taint_observer' => false));

示例11: DefineFunction

DefineFunction(array('name' => "msg_get_queue", 'desc' => "msg_get_queue() returns an id that can be used to access the System V message queue with the given key. The first call creates the message queue with the optional perms. A second call to msg_get_queue() for the same key will return a different message queue identifier, but both identifiers access the same underlying message queue.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns a resource handle that can be used to access the System V message queue."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "key", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "Message queue numeric ID"), array('name' => "perms", 'type' => Int64, 'value' => "0666", 'desc' => "Queue permissions. Default to 0666. If the message queue already exists, the perms will be ignored."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "msg_send", 'desc' => "msg_send() sends a message of type msgtype (which MUST be greater than 0) to the message queue specified by queue.", 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.\nUpon successful completion the message queue data structure is updated as follows: msg_lspid is set to the process-ID of the calling process, msg_qnum is incremented by 1 and msg_stime is set to the current time."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "queue", 'type' => Resource), array('name' => "msgtype", 'type' => Int64), array('name' => "message", 'type' => Variant), array('name' => "serialize", 'type' => Boolean, 'value' => "true", 'desc' => "The optional serialize controls how the message is sent. serialize defaults to TRUE which means that the message is serialized using the same mechanism as the session module before being sent to the queue. This allows complex arrays and objects to be sent to other PHP scripts, or if you are using the WDDX serializer, to any WDDX compatible client."), array('name' => "blocking", 'type' => Boolean, 'value' => "true", 'desc' => "If the message is too large to fit in the queue, your script will wait until another process reads messages from the queue and frees enough space for your message to be sent. This is called blocking; you can prevent blocking by setting the optional blocking parameter to FALSE, in which case msg_send() will immediately return FALSE if the message is too big for the queue, and set the optional errorcode to MSG_EAGAIN, indicating that you should try to send your message again a little later on."), array('name' => "errorcode", 'type' => Variant | Reference, 'value' => "null"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "msg_receive", 'desc' => "msg_receive() will receive the first message from the specified queue of the type specified by desiredmsgtype.", 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.\nUpon successful completion the message queue data structure is updated as follows: msg_lrpid is set to the process-ID of the calling process, msg_qnum is decremented by 1 and msg_rtime is set to the current time."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "queue", 'type' => Resource), array('name' => "desiredmsgtype", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "If desiredmsgtype is 0, the message from the front of the queue is returned. If desiredmsgtype is greater than 0, then the first message of that type is returned. If desiredmsgtype is less than 0, the first message on the queue with the lowest type less than or equal to the absolute value of desiredmsgtype will be read. If no messages match the criteria, your script will wait until a suitable message arrives on the queue. You can prevent the script from blocking by specifying MSG_IPC_NOWAIT in the flags parameter."), array('name' => "msgtype", 'type' => Variant | Reference, 'desc' => "The type of the message that was received will be stored in this parameter."), array('name' => "maxsize", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "The maximum size of message to be accepted is specified by the maxsize; if the message in the queue is larger than this size the function will fail (unless you set flags as described below)."), array('name' => "message", 'type' => Variant | Reference, 'desc' => "The received message will be stored in message, unless there were errors receiving the message."), array('name' => "unserialize", 'type' => Boolean, 'value' => "true", 'desc' => "If set to TRUE, the message is treated as though it was serialized using the same mechanism as the session module. The message will be unserialized and then returned to your script. This allows you to easily receive arrays or complex object structures from other PHP scripts, or if you are using the WDDX serializer, from any WDDX compatible source.\nIf unserialize is FALSE, the message will be returned as a binary-safe string."), array('name' => "flags", 'type' => Int64, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "The optional flags allows you to pass flags to the low-level msgrcv system call. It defaults to 0, but you may specify one or more of the following values (by adding or ORing them together). Flag values for msg_receive MSG_IPC_NOWAIT If there are no messages of the desiredmsgtype, return immediately and do not wait. The function will fail and return an integer value corresponding to MSG_ENOMSG. MSG_EXCEPT Using this flag in combination with a desiredmsgtype greater than 0 will cause the function to receive the first message that is not equal to desiredmsgtype. MSG_NOERROR If the message is longer than maxsize, setting this flag will truncate the message to maxsize and will not signal an error."), array('name' => "errorcode", 'type' => Variant | Reference, 'value' => "null", 'desc' => "If the function fails, the optional errorcode will be set to the value of the system errno variable."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "msg_remove_queue", 'desc' => "msg_remove_queue() destroys the message queue specified by the queue. Only use this function when all processes have finished working with the message queue and you need to release the system resources held by it.", 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "queue", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "Message queue resource handle"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "msg_set_queue", 'desc' => "msg_set_queue() allows you to change the values of the msg_perm.uid, msg_perm.gid, msg_perm.mode and msg_qbytes fields of the underlying message queue data structure.\nChanging the data structure will require that PHP be running as the same user that created the queue, owns the queue (as determined by the existing msg_perm.xxx fields), or be running with root privileges. root privileges are required to raise the msg_qbytes values above the system defined limit.", 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "queue", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "Message queue resource handle"), array('name' => "data", 'type' => Int64Map, 'desc' => "You specify the values you require by setting the value of the keys that you require in the data array."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "msg_stat_queue", 'desc' => "msg_stat_queue() returns the message queue meta data for the message queue specified by the queue. This is useful, for example, to determine which process sent the message that was just received.", 'return' => array('type' => Int64Map, 'desc' => "The return value is an array whose keys and values have the following meanings: Array structure for msg_stat_queue msg_perm.uid The uid of the owner of the queue. msg_perm.gid The gid of the owner of the queue. msg_perm.mode The file access mode of the queue. msg_stime The time that the last message was sent to the queue. msg_rtime The time that the last message was received from the queue. msg_ctime The time that the queue was last changed. msg_qnum The number of messages waiting to be read from the queue. msg_qbytes The maximum number of bytes allowed in one message queue. On Linux, this value may be read and modified via /proc/sys/kernel/msgmnb. msg_lspid The pid of the process that sent the last message to the queue. msg_lrpid The pid of the process that received the last message from the queue."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "queue", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "Message queue resource handle"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "sem_acquire", 'desc' => "sem_acquire() blocks (if necessary) until the semaphore can be acquired. A process attempting to acquire a semaphore which it has already acquired will block forever if acquiring the semaphore would cause its maximum number of semaphore to be exceeded.\nAfter processing a request, any semaphores acquired by the process but not explicitly released will be released automatically and a warning will be generated.", 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "sem_identifier", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "sem_identifier is a semaphore resource, obtained from sem_get()."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "sem_get", 'desc' => "sem_get() returns an id that can be used to access the System V semaphore with the given key.\nA second call to sem_get() for the same key will return a different semaphore identifier, but both identifiers access the same underlying semaphore.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns a positive semaphore identifier on success, or FALSE on error."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "key", 'type' => Int64), array('name' => "max_acquire", 'type' => Int64, 'value' => "1", 'desc' => "The number of processes that can acquire the semaphore simultaneously is set to max_acquire."), array('name' => "perm", 'type' => Int64, 'value' => "0666", 'desc' => "The semaphore permissions. Actually this value is set only if the process finds it is the only process currently attached to the semaphore."), array('name' => "auto_release", 'type' => Boolean, 'value' => "true", 'desc' => "Specifies if the semaphore should be automatically released on request shutdown."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "sem_release", 'desc' => "sem_release() releases the semaphore if it is currently acquired by the calling process, otherwise a warning is generated.\nAfter releasing the semaphore, sem_acquire() may be called to re-acquire it.", 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "sem_identifier", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "A Semaphore resource handle as returned by sem_get()."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "sem_remove", 'desc' => "sem_remove() removes the given semaphore.\nAfter removing the semaphore, it is no more accessible.", 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "sem_identifier", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "A semaphore resource identifier as returned by sem_get()."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "shm_attach", 'desc' => "shm_attach() returns an id that can be used to access the System V shared memory with the given key, the first call creates the shared memory segment with memsize and the optional perm-bits perm.\nA second call to shm_attach() for the same key will return a different shared memory identifier, but both identifiers access the same underlying shared memory. memsize and perm will be ignored.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns a shared memory segment identifier."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "shm_key", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "A numeric shared memory segment ID"), array('name' => "shm_size", 'type' => Int64, 'value' => "10000", 'desc' => "The memory size. If not provided, default to the sysvshm.init_mem in the php.ini, otherwise 10000 bytes."), array('name' => "shm_flag", 'type' => Int64, 'value' => "0666", 'desc' => "The optional permission bits. Default to 0666."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "shm_detach", 'desc' => "shm_detach() disconnects from the shared memory given by the shm_identifier created by shm_attach(). Remember, that shared memory still exist in the Unix system and the data is still present.", 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "shm_detach() always returns TRUE."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "shm_identifier", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "A shared memory resource handle as returned by shm_attach()"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "shm_remove", 'desc' => "shm_remove() removes the shared memory shm_identifier. All data will be destroyed.", 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "shm_identifier", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "The shared memory identifier as returned by shm_attach()"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "shm_get_var", 'desc' => "shm_get_var() returns the variable with a given variable_key, in the given shared memory segment. The variable is still present in the shared memory.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the variable with the given key."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "shm_identifier", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "Shared memory segment, obtained from shm_attach()."), array('name' => "variable_key", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "The variable key."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "shm_put_var", 'desc' => "shm_put_var() inserts or updates the variable with the given variable_key.\nWarnings (E_WARNING level) will be issued if shm_identifier is not a valid SysV shared memory index or if there was not enough shared memory remaining to complete your request.", 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "shm_identifier", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "A shared memory resource handle as returned by shm_attach()"), array('name' => "variable_key", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "The variable key."), array('name' => "variable", 'type' => Any, 'desc' => "The variable. All variable-types are supported."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "shm_remove_var", 'desc' => "Removes a variable with a given variable_key and frees the occupied memory.", 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "shm_identifier", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "The shared memory identifier as returned by shm_attach()"), array('name' => "variable_key", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "The variable key."))));
// Classes
// BeginClass
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the class
//   'desc'   => description of the class's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the class, see base.php for possible values
//   'note'   => additional note about this class's schema
//   'parent' => parent class name, if any
//   'ifaces' => array of interfaces tihs class implements
//   'bases'  => extra internal and special base classes this class requires
//   'footer' => extra C++ inserted at end of class declaration
// )

示例12: DefineFunction

DefineFunction(array('name' => "__get", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant), 'args' => array(array('name' => "name", 'type' => Variant))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "__set", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant), 'args' => array(array('name' => "name", 'type' => Variant), array('name' => "value", 'type' => Variant))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "__isset", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean), 'args' => array(array('name' => "name", 'type' => Variant))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "__unset", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant), 'args' => array(array('name' => "name", 'type' => Variant))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "__destruct", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant)));
BeginClass(array('name' => "LibXMLError", 'desc' => "Contains various information about errors thrown by libxml. The error codes are described within the official » xmlError API documentation.", 'flags' => HasDocComment));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "__construct", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => null)));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "__destruct", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant)));
BeginClass(array('name' => "SimpleXMLElementIterator", 'ifaces' => array('Iterator'), 'bases' => array('Sweepable'), 'desc' => "", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'footer' => <<<EOT

  void reset_iterator(c_SimpleXMLElement *parent);

  c_SimpleXMLElement *m_parent;
  ArrayIter *m_iter1;
  ArrayIter *m_iter2;
  Object     m_temp;
DefineFunction(array('name' => "__construct", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => null)));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "current", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant)));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "key", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant)));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "next", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant)));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "rewind", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant)));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "valid", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant)));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "__destruct", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant)));

示例13: DefineFunction

DefineFunction(array('name' => "php_uname", 'desc' => "php_uname() returns a description of the operating system PHP is running on. This is the same string you see at the very top of the phpinfo() output. For the name of just the operating system, consider using the PHP_OS constant, but keep in mind this constant will contain the operating system PHP was built on.\n\nOn some older UNIX platforms, it may not be able to determine the current OS information in which case it will revert to displaying the OS PHP was built on. This will only happen if your uname() library call either doesn't exist or doesn't work.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => String, 'desc' => "Returns the description, as a string."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "mode", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "mode is a single character that defines what information is returned: 'a': This is the default. Contains all modes in the sequence \"s n r v m\". 's': Operating system name. eg. FreeBSD. 'n': Host name. eg. localhost.example.com. 'r': Release name. eg. 5.1.2-RELEASE. 'v': Version information. Varies a lot between operating systems. 'm': Machine type. eg. i386.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "phpcredits", 'desc' => "This function prints out the credits listing the PHP developers, modules, etc. It generates the appropriate HTML codes to insert the information in a page.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "flag", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "To generate a custom credits page, you may want to use the flag parameter.\n\nPre-defined phpcredits() flags name description CREDITS_ALL All the credits, equivalent to using: CREDITS_DOCS + CREDITS_GENERAL + CREDITS_GROUP + CREDITS_MODULES + CREDITS_FULLPAGE. It generates a complete stand-alone HTML page with the appropriate tags. CREDITS_DOCS The credits for the documentation team CREDITS_FULLPAGE Usually used in combination with the other flags. Indicates that a complete stand-alone HTML page needs to be printed including the information indicated by the other flags. CREDITS_GENERAL General credits: Language design and concept, PHP authors and SAPI module. CREDITS_GROUP A list of the core developers CREDITS_MODULES A list of the extension modules for PHP, and their authors CREDITS_SAPI A list of the server API modules for PHP, and their authors")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "phpinfo", 'desc' => "Outputs a large amount of information about the current state of PHP. This includes information about PHP compilation options and extensions, the PHP version, server information and environment (if compiled as a module), the PHP environment, OS version information, paths, master and local values of configuration options, HTTP headers, and the PHP License.\n\nBecause every system is setup differently, phpinfo() is commonly used to check configuration settings and for available predefined variables on a given system.\n\nphpinfo() is also a valuable debugging tool as it contains all EGPCS (Environment, GET, POST, Cookie, Server) data.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "what", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "The output may be customized by passing one or more of the following constants bitwise values summed together in the optional what parameter. One can also combine the respective constants or bitwise values together with the or operator.\n\nphpinfo() options Name (constant) Value Description INFO_GENERAL 1 The configuration line, php.ini location, build date, Web Server, System and more. INFO_CREDITS 2 PHP Credits. See also phpcredits(). INFO_CONFIGURATION 4 Current Local and Master values for PHP directives. See also ini_get(). INFO_MODULES 8 Loaded modules and their respective settings. See also get_loaded_extensions(). INFO_ENVIRONMENT 16 Environment Variable information that's also available in \$_ENV. INFO_VARIABLES 32 Shows all predefined variables from EGPCS (Environment, GET, POST, Cookie, Server). INFO_LICENSE 64 PHP License information. See also the » license FAQ. INFO_ALL -1 Shows all of the above.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "phpversion", 'desc' => "Returns a string containing the version of the currently running PHP parser or extension.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => String, 'desc' => "If the optional extension parameter is specified, phpversion() returns the version of that extension, or FALSE if there is no version information associated or the extension isn't enabled."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "extension", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "An optional extension name.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "putenv", 'desc' => "Adds setting to the server environment. The environment variable will only exist for the duration of the current request. At the end of the request the environment is restored to its original state.\n\nSetting certain environment variables may be a potential security breach. The safe_mode_allowed_env_vars directive contains a comma-delimited list of prefixes. In Safe Mode, the user may only alter environment variables whose names begin with the prefixes supplied by this directive. By default, users will only be able to set environment variables that begin with PHP_ (e.g. PHP_FOO=BAR). Note: if this directive is empty, PHP will let the user modify ANY environment variable!\n\nThe safe_mode_protected_env_vars directive contains a comma-delimited list of environment variables, that the end user won't be able to change using putenv(). These variables will be protected even if safe_mode_allowed_env_vars is set to allow to change them.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "setting", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The setting, like \"FOO=BAR\"")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "set_magic_quotes_runtime", 'desc' => "Set the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime. WarningThis function has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "new_setting", 'type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "FALSE for off, TRUE for on.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "set_time_limit", 'desc' => "Set the number of seconds a script is allowed to run. If this is reached, the script returns a fatal error. The default limit is 30 seconds or, if it exists, the max_execution_time value defined in the php.ini.\n\nWhen called, set_time_limit() restarts the timeout counter from zero. In other words, if the timeout is the default 30 seconds, and 25 seconds into script execution a call such as set_time_limit(20) is made, the script will run for a total of 45 seconds before timing out.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => null, 'desc' => "No value is returned."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "seconds", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "The maximum execution time, in seconds. If set to zero, no time limit is imposed.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "sys_get_temp_dir", 'desc' => "Returns the path of the directory PHP stores temporary files in by default.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => String, 'desc' => "Returns the path of the temporary directory."), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "version_compare", 'desc' => "version_compare() compares two \"PHP-standardized\" version number strings. This is useful if you would like to write programs working only on some versions of PHP.\n\nThe function first replaces _, - and + with a dot . in the version strings and also inserts dots . before and after any non number so that for example '4.3.2RC1' becomes '4.3.2.RC.1'. Then it splits the results like if you were using explode('.', \$ver). Then it compares the parts starting from left to right. If a part contains special version strings these are handled in the following order: any string not found in this list < dev < alpha = a < beta = b < RC = rc < # < pl = p. This way not only versions with different levels like '4.1' and '4.1.2' can be compared but also any PHP specific version containing development state.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "By default, version_compare() returns -1 if the first version is lower than the second, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if the second is lower.\n\nWhen using the optional operator argument, the function will return TRUE if the relationship is the one specified by the operator, FALSE otherwise."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "version1", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "First version number."), array('name' => "version2", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "Second version number."), array('name' => "sop", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "If you specify the third optional operator argument, you can test for a particular relationship. The possible operators are: <, lt, <=, le, >, gt, >=, ge, ==, =, eq, !=, <>, ne respectively.\n\nThis parameter is case-sensitive, so values should be lowercase.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "gc_enabled", 'desc' => "Returns status of the circular reference collector.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE if the garbage collector is enabled, " . "FALSE otherwise."), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "gc_enable", 'desc' => "Activates the circular reference collector.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => null, 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "gc_disable", 'desc' => "Deactivates the circular reference collector.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => null, 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "gc_collect_cycles", 'desc' => "Forces collection of any existing garbage cycles.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Int64, 'desc' => "Returns number of collected cycles."), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "zend_logo_guid", 'desc' => "This function returns the ID which can be used to display the Zend logo using the built-in image.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => String, 'desc' => "Returns PHPE9568F35-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42."), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "zend_thread_id", 'desc' => "This function returns a unique identifier for the current thread.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Int64, 'desc' => "Returns the thread id as an integer."), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "zend_version", 'desc' => "Returns a string containing the version of the currently running Zend Engine.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => String, 'desc' => "Returns the Zend Engine version number, as a string."), 'taint_observer' => false));
// Classes
// BeginClass
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the class
//   'desc'   => description of the class's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the class, see base.php for possible values
//   'note'   => additional note about this class's schema
//   'parent' => parent class name, if any
//   'ifaces' => array of interfaces tihs class implements
//   'bases'  => extra internal and special base classes this class requires
//   'footer' => extra C++ inserted at end of class declaration
// )

示例14: DefineFunction

//        'type'  => return type, use Reference for ref return
//        'desc'  => description of the return value
//      )
//   'args'   => arguments
//      array (
//        'name'  => name of the argument
//        'type'  => type of the argument, use Reference for output parameter
//        'value' => default value of the argument
//        'desc'  => description of the argument
//      )
// )
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mhash", 'desc' => "mhash() applies a hash function specified by hash to the data.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the resulting hash (also called digest) or HMAC as a string, or FALSE on errors. OpenSSL mhash_keygen_s2k Last updated: Fri, 06 Aug 2010  "), 'args' => array(array('name' => "hash", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "The hash id. One of the MHASH_XXX constants."), array('name' => "data", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The user input, as a string."), array('name' => "key", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "If specified, the function will return the resulting HMAC instead. HMAC is keyed hashing for message authentication, or simply a message digest that depends on the specified key. Not all algorithms supported in mhash can be used in HMAC mode."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mhash_get_hash_name", 'desc' => "Gets the name of the specified hash.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the name of the hash or FALSE, if the hash does not exist."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "hash", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "The hash id. One of the MHASH_XXX constants."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mhash_count", 'desc' => "Gets the highest available hash id.", 'return' => array('type' => Int64, 'desc' => "Returns the highest available hash id. Hashes are numbered from 0 to this hash id.")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mhash_get_block_size", 'desc' => "Gets the size of a block of the specified hash.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the size in bytes or FALSE, if the hash does not exist."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "hash", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "The hash id. One of the MHASH_XXX constants."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "mhash_keygen_s2k", 'desc' => "Generates a key according to the hash given a user provided password.\nThis is the Salted S2K algorithm as specified in the OpenPGP document (» RFC 2440).\nKeep in mind that user supplied passwords are not really suitable to be used as keys in cryptographic algorithms, since users normally choose keys they can write on keyboard. These passwords use only 6 to 7 bits per character (or less). It is highly recommended to use some kind of transformation (like this function) to the user supplied key.", 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the generated key as a string, or FALSE on error."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "hash", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "The hash id used to create the key. One of the MHASH_XXX constants."), array('name' => "password", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "User supplied password."), array('name' => "salt", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "Must be different and random enough for every key you generate in order to create different keys. That salt must be known when you check the keys, thus it is a good idea to append the key to it. Salt has a fixed length of 8 bytes and will be padded with zeros if you supply less bytes."), array('name' => "bytes", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "The key length, in bytes."))));
// Classes
// BeginClass
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the class
//   'desc'   => description of the class's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the class, see base.php for possible values
//   'note'   => additional note about this class's schema
//   'parent' => parent class name, if any
//   'ifaces' => array of interfaces tihs class implements
//   'bases'  => extra internal and special base classes this class requires
//   'footer' => extra C++ inserted at end of class declaration
// )

示例15: DefineFunction

// )
DefineFunction(array('name' => "get_declared_classes", 'desc' => "Gets the declared classes.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => VariantMap, 'desc' => "Returns an array of the names of the declared classes in the current script.\n\nNote that depending on what extensions you have compiled or loaded into PHP, additional classes could be present. This means that you will not be able to define your own classes using these names. There is a list of predefined classes in the Predefined Classes section of the appendices.")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "get_declared_interfaces", 'desc' => "Gets the declared interfaces.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => VariantMap, 'desc' => "Returns an array of the names of the declared interfaces in the current script.")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "class_exists", 'desc' => "This function checks whether or not the given class has been defined.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE if class_name is a defined class, FALSE otherwise."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "class_name", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The class name. The name is matched in a case-insensitive manner."), array('name' => "autoload", 'type' => Boolean, 'value' => "true", 'desc' => "Whether or not to call __autoload by default."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "interface_exists", 'desc' => "Checks if the given interface has been defined.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE if the interface given by interface_name has been defined, FALSE otherwise."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "interface_name", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The interface name"), array('name' => "autoload", 'type' => Boolean, 'value' => "true", 'desc' => "Whether to call __autoload or not by default."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "get_class_methods", 'desc' => "Gets the class methods names.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => VariantMap, 'desc' => "Returns an array of method names defined for the class specified by class_name. In case of an error, it returns NULL."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "class_or_object", 'type' => Variant, 'desc' => "The class name or an object instance"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "get_class_vars", 'desc' => "Get the default properties of the given class.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => VariantMap, 'desc' => "Returns an associative array of declared properties visible from the current scope, with their default value. The resulting array elements are in the form of varname => value."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "class_name", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The class name"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "get_class", 'desc' => "Gets the name of the class of the given object.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the name of the class of which object is an instance. Returns FALSE if object is not an object."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "object", 'type' => Variant, 'value' => "null_variant", 'desc' => "The tested object"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "get_parent_class", 'desc' => "Retrieves the parent class name for object or class.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the name of the parent class of the class of which object is an instance or the name.\n\nIf the object does not have a parent FALSE will be returned.\n\nIf called without parameter outside object, this function returns FALSE."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "object", 'type' => Variant, 'value' => "null_variant", 'desc' => "The tested object or class name"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "is_a", 'desc' => "Checks if the given object is of this class or has this class as one of its parents.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE if the object is of this class or has this class as one of its parents, FALSE otherwise."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "object", 'type' => Object, 'desc' => "The tested object"), array('name' => "class_name", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The class name"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "is_subclass_of", 'desc' => "Checks if the given object has the class class_name as one of its parents.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "This function returns TRUE if the object object, belongs to a class which is a subclass of class_name, FALSE otherwise."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "class_or_object", 'type' => Variant, 'desc' => "A class name or an object instance"), array('name' => "class_name", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The class name"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "method_exists", 'desc' => "Checks if the class method exists in the given object.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE if the method given by method_name has been defined for the given object, FALSE otherwise."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "class_or_object", 'type' => Variant, 'desc' => "An object instance or a class name"), array('name' => "method_name", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The method name"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "property_exists", 'desc' => "This function checks if the given property exists in the specified class.\n\nAs opposed with isset(), property_exists() returns TRUE even if the property has the value NULL.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE if the property exists, FALSE if it doesn't exist or NULL in case of an error."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "class_or_object", 'type' => Variant, 'desc' => "The class name or an object of the class to test for"), array('name' => "property", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The name of the property"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "get_object_vars", 'desc' => "Gets the accessible non-static properties of the given object according to scope.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns an associative array of defined object accessible non-static properties for the specified object in scope. If a property have not been assigned a value, it will be returned with a NULL value."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "object", 'type' => Variant, 'desc' => "An object instance."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "call_user_method_array", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant), 'args' => array(array('name' => "method_name", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The method name being called."), array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Variant | Reference, 'desc' => "The object that method_name is being called on."), array('name' => "paramarr", 'type' => VariantVec, 'desc' => "An array of parameters."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "call_user_method", 'flags' => HasDocComment | VariableArguments, 'return' => array('type' => Variant), 'args' => array(array('name' => "method_name", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The method name being called."), array('name' => "obj", 'type' => Variant | Reference, 'desc' => "The object that method_name is being called on."))));
// Classes
// BeginClass
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the class
//   'desc'   => description of the class's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the class, see base.php for possible values
//   'note'   => additional note about this class's schema
//   'parent' => parent class name, if any
//   'ifaces' => array of interfaces tihs class implements
//   'bases'  => extra internal and special base classes this class requires
//   'footer' => extra C++ inserted at end of class declaration
// )
