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PHP DefineConstant函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中DefineConstant函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP DefineConstant函数的具体用法?PHP DefineConstant怎么用?PHP DefineConstant使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: ReadIDLFile

function ReadIDLFile($path)
    $entries = json_decode(file_get_contents($path), true);
    if (!$entries) {
        throw new Exception("Unable to parse json from {$path}");
    if (!empty($entries['funcs'])) {
        foreach ($entries['funcs'] as $func) {
    if (!empty($entries['consts'])) {
        foreach ($entries['consts'] as $const) {
    foreach ($entries['classes'] as $class) {
        $methods = isset($class['funcs']) ? $class['funcs'] : array();
        $consts = isset($class['consts']) ? $class['consts'] : array();
        foreach ($methods as $method) {
        foreach ($consts as $const) {

示例2: DefineConstant

// Constants
// array (
//   'name' => name of the constant
//   'type' => type of the constant
//   'note' => additional note about this constant's schema
// )
DefineConstant(array('name' => "BUCKET_INFO_CLUSTER", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "BUCKET_INFO_ID", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "BUCKET_INFO_STATE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "BUCKET_INFO_SERVER", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "BUCKET_INFO_VOLUME", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "BUCKET_INFO_ALT_SERVER", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "BUCKET_INFO_ALT_VOLUME", 'type' => Int64));
// Functions
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the function
//   'desc'   => description of the function's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the function, see base.php for possible values
//   'opt'    => optimization callback function's name for compiler
//   'note'   => additional note about this function's schema
//   'return' =>
//      array (
//        'type'  => return type, use Reference for ref return
//        'desc'  => description of the return value
//      )
//   'args'   => arguments

示例3: DefineConstant

// array (
//   'name' => name of the constant
//   'type' => type of the constant
//   'note' => additional note about this constant's schema
// )
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_HEX_TAG", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_HEX_AMP", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_HEX_APOS", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_HEX_QUOT", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_FORCE_OBJECT", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_PRETTY_PRINT", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_FB_LOOSE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_FB_UNLIMITED", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_FB_EXTRA_ESCAPES", 'type' => Int64));
// Functions
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the function
//   'desc'   => description of the function's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the function, see base.php for possible values
//   'opt'    => optimization callback function's name for compiler
//   'note'   => additional note about this function's schema
//   'return' =>
//      array (
//        'type'  => return type, use Reference for ref return
//        'desc'  => description of the return value
//      )
//   'args'   => arguments

示例4: DefineConstant

// array (
//   'name' => name of the constant
//   'type' => type of the constant
//   'note' => additional note about this constant's schema
// )
DefineConstant(array('name' => "FB_UNSERIALIZE_NONSTRING_VALUE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "FB_UNSERIALIZE_UNEXPECTED_END", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "FB_UNSERIALIZE_UNRECOGNIZED_OBJECT_TYPE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "FB_UNSERIALIZE_UNEXPECTED_ARRAY_KEY_TYPE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "XHPROF_FLAGS_NO_BUILTINS", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "XHPROF_FLAGS_CPU", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "XHPROF_FLAGS_MEMORY", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "XHPROF_FLAGS_VTSC", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "XHPROF_FLAGS_TRACE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "XHPROF_FLAGS_MEASURE_XHPROF_DISABLE", 'type' => Int64));
// Functions
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the function
//   'desc'   => description of the function's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the function, see base.php for possible values
//   'opt'    => optimization callback function's name for compiler
//   'note'   => additional note about this function's schema
//   'return' =>
//      array (
//        'type'  => return type, use Reference for ref return
//        'desc'  => description of the return value
//      )
//   'args'   => arguments

示例5: DefinePreamble

// Preamble: C++ code inserted at beginning of ext_{name}.h
// Constants
// array (
//   'name' => name of the constant
//   'type' => type of the constant
//   'note' => additional note about this constant's schema
// )
DefineConstant(array('name' => "INF", 'type' => Double));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "NAN", 'type' => Double));
// Functions
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the function
//   'desc'   => description of the function's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the function, see base.php for possible values
//   'opt'    => optimization callback function's name for compiler
//   'note'   => additional note about this function's schema
//   'return' =>
//      array (
//        'type'  => return type, use Reference for ref return
//        'desc'  => description of the return value
//      )
//   'args'   => arguments

示例6: DefineConstant

// Constants
// array (
//   'name' => name of the constant
//   'type' => type of the constant
//   'note' => additional note about this constant's schema
// )
// For details on the meaning of these constants, see:
// http://userguide.icu-project.org/strings/regexp#TOC-Flag-Options
DefineConstant(array('name' => 'UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE', 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => 'UREGEX_COMMENTS', 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => 'UREGEX_DOTALL', 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => 'UREGEX_MULTILINE', 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => 'UREGEX_UWORD', 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => 'UREGEX_OFFSET_CAPTURE', 'type' => Int64));
// Functions
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the function
//   'desc'   => description of the function's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the function, see base.php for possible values
//   'opt'    => optimization callback function's name for compiler
//   'note'   => additional note about this function's schema
//   'return' =>
//      array (
//        'type'  => return type, use Reference for ref return
//        'desc'  => description of the return value
//      )
//   'args'   => arguments

示例7: DefineFunction

DefineFunction(array('name' => "curl_multi_remove_handle", 'desc' => "Removes a given ch handle from the given mh handle. When the ch handle has been removed, it is again perfectly legal to run curl_exec() on this handle. Removing a handle while being used, will effectively halt all transfers in progress.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "On success, returns a cURL handle, FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "mh", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "A cURL multi handle returned by curl_multi_init()."), array('name' => "ch", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "A cURL handle returned by curl_init().")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "curl_multi_exec", 'desc' => "Processes each of the handles in the stack. This method can be called whether or not a handle needs to read or write data.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "A cURL code defined in the cURL Predefined Constants.\n\nThis only returns errors regarding the whole multi stack. There might still have occurred problems on individual transfers even when this function returns CURLM_OK."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "mh", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "A cURL multi handle returned by curl_multi_init()."), array('name' => "still_running", 'type' => Variant | Reference, 'desc' => "A reference to a flag to tell whether the operations are still running.")), 'taint_observer' => array('set_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_ALL", 'clear_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_NONE")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "curl_multi_select", 'desc' => "Blocks until there is activity on any of the curl_multi connections.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "On success, returns the number of descriptors contained in, the descriptor sets. On failure, this function will return -1 on a select failure or timeout (from the underlying select system call)."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "mh", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "A cURL multi handle returned by curl_multi_init()."), array('name' => "timeout", 'type' => Double, 'value' => "1.0", 'desc' => "Time, in seconds, to wait for a response.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "fb_curl_multi_fdset", 'desc' => "extracts file descriptor information from a multi handle.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns 0 on success, or one of the CURLM_XXX errors code."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "mh", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "A cURL multi handle returned by curl_multi_init()."), array('name' => "read_fd_set", 'type' => Variant | Reference, 'desc' => "read set"), array('name' => "write_fd_set", 'type' => Variant | Reference, 'desc' => "write set"), array('name' => "exc_fd_set", 'type' => Variant | Reference, 'desc' => "exception set"), array('name' => "max_fd", 'type' => Variant | Reference, 'value' => "null_object", 'desc' => "If no file descriptors are set, max_fd will contain -1. Otherwise it will contain the higher descriptor number.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "curl_multi_getcontent", 'desc' => "If CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER is an option that is set for a specific handle, then this function will return the content of that cURL handle in the form of a string.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Return the content of a cURL handle if CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER is set."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "ch", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "A cURL handle returned by curl_init().")), 'taint_observer' => array('set_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_ALL", 'clear_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_NONE")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "curl_multi_info_read", 'desc' => "Ask the multi handle if there are any messages or information from the individual transfers. Messages may include information such as an error code from the transfer or just the fact that a transfer is completed.\n\nRepeated calls to this function will return a new result each time, until a FALSE is returned as a signal that there is no more to get at this point. The integer pointed to with msgs_in_queue will contain the number of remaining messages after this function was called. Warning\n\nThe data the returned resource points to will not survive calling curl_multi_remove_handle().", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "On success, returns an associative array for the message, FALSE on failure.\n\nContents of the returned array Key: Value: msg The CURLMSG_DONE constant. Other return values are currently not available. result One of the CURLE_* constants. If everything is OK, the CURLE_OK will be the result. handle Resource of type curl indicates the handle which it concerns."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "mh", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "A cURL multi handle returned by curl_multi_init()."), array('name' => "msgs_in_queue", 'type' => Variant | Reference, 'value' => "null", 'desc' => "Number of messages that are still in the queue")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "curl_multi_close", 'desc' => "Closes a set of cURL handles.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "No value is returned."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "mh", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "A cURL multi handle returned by curl_multi_init().")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "evhttp_set_cache", 'desc' => "Specifies how many persistent connections to maintain for an HTTP server.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => null), 'args' => array(array('name' => "address", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "Domain name for an HTTP server. Connections to this server, regardless of what server objects to fetch (specified by a URL), will be cached as persistent connections for re-use."), array('name' => "max_conn", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "Maximum number of connections to keep."), array('name' => "port", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "80", 'desc' => "Port number of the HTTP server.")), 'taint_observer' => false));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "evhttp_get", 'desc' => "Synchronously HTTP GET a URL with libevent evhttp library.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "HTTP response. FALSE if any failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "url", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The URL to fetch."), array('name' => "headers", 'type' => StringVec, 'value' => "null_array", 'desc' => "HTTP headers."), array('name' => "timeout", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "5", 'desc' => "How many seconds to wait for response.")), 'taint_observer' => array('set_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_ALL", 'clear_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_NONE")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "evhttp_post", 'desc' => "Synchronously HTTP POST a URL with libevent evhttp library.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "HTTP response. FALSE if any failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "url", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The URL to post to."), array('name' => "data", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "POST data."), array('name' => "headers", 'type' => StringVec, 'value' => "null_array", 'desc' => "HTTP headers."), array('name' => "timeout", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "5", 'desc' => "How many seconds to wait for response.")), 'taint_observer' => array('set_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_ALL", 'clear_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_NONE")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "evhttp_async_get", 'desc' => "Asynchronously HTTP GET a URL with libevent evhttp library. This is a non-blocking call, without waiting for HTTP server to respond.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "An object evhttp_recv() can use to eventually retrieve HTTP response. FALSE if there was any failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "url", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The URL to fetch."), array('name' => "headers", 'type' => StringVec, 'value' => "null_array", 'desc' => "HTTP headers."), array('name' => "timeout", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "5", 'desc' => "How many seconds to wait for response.")), 'taint_observer' => array('set_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_ALL", 'clear_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_NONE")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "evhttp_async_post", 'desc' => "Asynchronously HTTP POST a URL with libevent evhttp library. This is a non-blocking call, without waiting for HTTP server to respond.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "An object evhttp_recv() can use to eventually retrieve HTTP response. FALSE if there was any failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "url", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The URL to post to."), array('name' => "data", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "POST data."), array('name' => "headers", 'type' => StringVec, 'value' => "null_array", 'desc' => "HTTP headers."), array('name' => "timeout", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "5", 'desc' => "How many seconds to wait for response.")), 'taint_observer' => array('set_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_ALL", 'clear_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_NONE")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "evhttp_recv", 'desc' => "Block and wait until HTTP response is ready.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "HTTP response. FALSE if any failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "handle", 'type' => Object, 'desc' => "The object created by calling evhttp_async_get() or evhttp_async_post().")), 'taint_observer' => array('set_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_ALL", 'clear_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_NONE")));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "CURLINFO_LOCAL_PORT", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS", 'type' => Int64));
// Classes
// BeginClass
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the class
//   'desc'   => description of the class's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the class, see base.php for possible values
//   'note'   => additional note about this class's schema
//   'parent' => parent class name, if any
//   'ifaces' => array of interfaces tihs class implements
//   'bases'  => extra internal and special base classes this class requires
//   'footer' => extra C++ inserted at end of class declaration
// )

示例8: DefineConstant

// Constants
// array (
//   'name' => name of the constant
//   'type' => type of the constant
//   'note' => additional note about this constant's schema
// )
DefineConstant(array('name' => "FILEINFO_NONE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "FILEINFO_SYMLINK", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "FILEINFO_MIME", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "FILEINFO_MIME_ENCODING", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "FILEINFO_DEVICES", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "FILEINFO_CONTINUE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "FILEINFO_PRESERVE_ATIME", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "FILEINFO_RAW", 'type' => Int64));
// Functions
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the function
//   'desc'   => description of the function's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the function, see base.php for possible values
//   'opt'    => optimization callback function's name for compiler
//   'note'   => additional note about this function's schema
//   'return' =>
//      array (
//        'type'  => return type, use Reference for ref return
//        'desc'  => description of the return value
//      )
//   'args'   => arguments

示例9: DefineConstant

// Constants
// array (
//   'name' => name of the constant
//   'type' => type of the constant
//   'note' => additional note about this constant's schema
// )
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_HEX_TAG", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_HEX_AMP", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_HEX_APOS", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_HEX_QUOT", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_FORCE_OBJECT", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "JSON_FB_LOOSE", 'type' => Int64));
// Functions
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the function
//   'desc'   => description of the function's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the function, see base.php for possible values
//   'opt'    => optimization callback function's name for compiler
//   'note'   => additional note about this function's schema
//   'return' =>
//      array (
//        'type'  => return type, use Reference for ref return
//        'desc'  => description of the return value
//      )
//   'args'   => arguments

示例10: DefineFunction

DefineFunction(array('name' => "geoip_org_by_name", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'desc' => "Returns the Organization Name found in the GeoIP Database", 'return' => array('type' => Variant), 'args' => array(array('name' => "hostname", 'type' => String))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "geoip_record_by_name", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'desc' => "Returns the detailed City information found in the GeoIP Database", 'return' => array('type' => VariantMap), 'args' => array(array('name' => "hostname", 'type' => String))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "geoip_id_by_name", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'desc' => "Returns the Net Speed found in the GeoIP Database", 'return' => array('type' => Variant), 'args' => array(array('name' => "hostname", 'type' => String))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "geoip_region_by_name", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'desc' => "Returns the Country Code and region found in the GeoIP Database", 'return' => array('type' => VariantMap), 'args' => array(array('name' => "hostname", 'type' => String))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "geoip_isp_by_name", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'desc' => "Returns the ISP Name found in the GeoIP Database", 'return' => array('type' => Variant), 'args' => array(array('name' => "hostname", 'type' => String))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "geoip_region_name_by_code", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'desc' => "Returns the region name for some country code and region code combo", 'return' => array('type' => Variant), 'args' => array(array('name' => "country_code", 'type' => String), array('name' => "region_code", 'type' => String))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "geoip_time_zone_by_country_and_region", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'desc' => "Returns the time zone for some country code and region code combo", 'return' => array('type' => Variant), 'args' => array(array('name' => "country_code", 'type' => String), array('name' => "region_code", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "geoip_db_reload", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'desc' => "Resets the current db file and reloads it", 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE if db reloaded successfully")));
/* For database type constants */
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV0", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV0", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_ORG_EDITION", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_ISP_EDITION", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV1", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_PROXY_EDITION", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_ASNUM_EDITION", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_NETSPEED_EDITION", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION", 'type' => Int64));
/* For netspeed constants */
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_UNKNOWN_SPEED", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_DIALUP_SPEED", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_CABLEDSL_SPEED", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_CORPORATE_SPEED", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_STANDARD", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_CHECK_CACHE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_INDEX_CACHE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "GEOIP_MMAP_CACHE", 'type' => Int64));

示例11: DefineConstant

DefineConstant(array('name' => "LINECAP_ROUND", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "LINECAP_SQUARE", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "LINEJOIN_UNDEFINED", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "LINEJOIN_MITER", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "LINEJOIN_ROUND", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "LINEJOIN_BEVEL", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RESOURCETYPE_UNDEFINED", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RESOURCETYPE_AREA", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RESOURCETYPE_DISK", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RESOURCETYPE_FILE", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RESOURCETYPE_MAP", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RESOURCETYPE_MEMORY", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "DISPOSE_UNDEFINED", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "DISPOSE_NONE", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "DISPOSE_BACKGROUND", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "DISPOSE_PREVIOUS", 'type' => Int32));
// Classes
// BeginClass
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the class
//   'desc'   => description of the class's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the class, see base.php for possible values
//   'note'   => additional note about this class's schema
//   'parent' => parent class name, if any
//   'ifaces' => array of interfaces tihs class implements
//   'bases'  => extra internal and special base classes this class requires
//   'footer' => extra C++ inserted at end of class declaration
// )

示例12: DefineConstant

DefineConstant(array('name' => "UCOL_QUATERNARY", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "UCOL_IDENTICAL", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "UCOL_OFF", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "UCOL_ON", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "UCOL_SHIFTED", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "UCOL_NON_IGNORABLE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "UCOL_LOWER_FIRST", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "UCOL_UPPER_FIRST", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "UCOL_FRENCH_COLLATION", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "UCOL_ALTERNATE_HANDLING", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "UCOL_CASE_FIRST", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "UCOL_CASE_LEVEL", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "UCOL_STRENGTH", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "UCOL_HIRAGANA_QUATERNARY_MODE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "UCOL_NUMERIC_COLLATION", 'type' => Int64));
// Functions
// array (
//   'name'   => name of the function
//   'desc'   => description of the function's purpose
//   'flags'  => attributes of the function, see base.php for possible values
//   'opt'    => optimization callback function's name for compiler
//   'note'   => additional note about this function's schema
//   'return' =>
//      array (
//        'type'  => return type, use Reference for ref return
//        'desc'  => description of the return value
//      )
//   'args'   => arguments

示例13: DefineConstant

    'name'   => "ALL",
    'type'   => Int64,

    'name'   => "ALL_WITH_BC",
    'type'   => Int64,

    'name'   => "PER_COUNTRY",
    'type'   => Int64,

    'name'   => "__construct",
    'flags'  =>  HasDocComment,
    'return' => array(
      'type'   => null,
    'args'   => array(
        'name'   => "timezone",
        'type'   => String,

示例14: DefineConstant

DefineConstant(array('name' => "RES_CLIENT_ERROR", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RES_SERVER_ERROR", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RES_WRITE_FAILURE", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RES_DATA_EXISTS", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RES_NOTSTORED", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RES_NOTFOUND", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RES_PARTIAL_READ", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RES_SOME_ERRORS", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RES_NO_SERVERS", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RES_END", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RES_ERRNO", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RES_BUFFERED", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RES_TIMEOUT", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RES_BAD_KEY_PROVIDED", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RES_CONNECTION_SOCKET_CREATE_FAILURE", 'type' => Int32));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "RES_PAYLOAD_FAILURE", 'type' => Int32));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "__construct", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => null), 'args' => array(array('name' => "persistent_id", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string"))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "add", 'desc' => "Memcached::add() is similar to Memcached::set(), but the operation fails if the key already exists on the server.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. The Memcached::getResultCode() will return Memcached::RES_NOTSTORED if the key already exists."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "key", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The key under which to store the value."), array('name' => "value", 'type' => Variant, 'desc' => "The value to store."), array('name' => "expiration", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "The expiration time, defaults to 0. See Expiration Times for more info."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "addByKey", 'desc' => "Memcached::addByKey() is functionally equivalent to Memcached::add(), except that the free-form server_key can be used to map the key to a specific server. This is useful if you need to keep a bunch of related keys on a certain server.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. The Memcached::getResultCode() will return Memcached::RES_NOTSTORED if the key already exists."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "server_key", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The key identifying the server to store the value on."), array('name' => "key", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The key under which to store the value."), array('name' => "value", 'type' => Variant, 'desc' => "The value to store."), array('name' => "expiration", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "The expiration time, defaults to 0. See Expiration Times for more info."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "addServer", 'desc' => "Memcached::addServer() adds the specified server to the server pool. No connection is established to the server at this time, but if you are using consistent key distribution option (via Memcached::DISTRIBUTION_CONSISTENT or Memcached::OPT_LIBKETAMA_COMPATIBLE), some of the internal data structures will have to be updated. Thus, if you need to add multiple servers, it is better to use Memcached::addServers() as the update then happens only once.\n\nThe same server may appear multiple times in the server pool, because no duplication checks are made. This is not advisable; instead, use the weight option to increase the selection weighting of this server.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "host", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The hostname of the memcache server. If the hostname is invalid, data-related operations will set Memcached::RES_HOST_LOOKUP_FAILURE result code."), array('name' => "port", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "The port on which memcache is running. Usually, this is 11211."), array('name' => "weight", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "The weight of the server relative to the total weight of all the servers in the pool. This controls the probability of the server being selected for operations. This is used only with consistent distribution option and usually corresponds to the amount of memory available to memcache on that server."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "addServers", 'desc' => "Memcached::addServers() adds servers to the server pool. Each entry in servers is supposed to be an array containing hostname, port, and, optionally, weight of the server. No connection is established to the servers at this time.\n\nThe same server may appear multiple times in the server pool, because no duplication checks are made. This is not advisable; instead, use the weight option to increase the selection weighting of this server.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "servers", 'type' => VariantVec, 'desc' => "Array of the servers to add to the pool."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "append", 'desc' => "Memcached::append() appends the given value string to the value of an existing item. The reason that value is forced to be a string is that appending mixed types is not well-defined.\n\nIf the Memcached::OPT_COMPRESSION is enabled, the operation will fail and a warning will be issued, because appending compressed data to a value that is potentially already compressed is not possible.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. The Memcached::getResultCode() will return Memcached::RES_NOTSTORED if the key does not exist."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "key", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The key under which to store the value."), array('name' => "value", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string to append."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "appendByKey", 'desc' => "Memcached::appendByKey() is functionally equivalent to Memcached::append(), except that the free-form server_key can be used to map the key to a specific server.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. The Memcached::getResultCode() will return Memcached::RES_NOTSTORED if the key does not exist."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "server_key", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The key identifying the server to store the value on."), array('name' => "key", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The key under which to store the value."), array('name' => "value", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The string to append."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "cas", 'desc' => "Memcached::cas() performs a \"check and set\" operation, so that the item will be stored only if no other client has updated it since it was last fetched by this client. The check is done via the cas_token parameter which is a unique 64-bit value assigned to the existing item by memcache. See the documentation for Memcached::get*() methods for how to obtain this token. Note that the token is represented as a double due to the limitations of PHP's integer space.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. The Memcached::getResultCode() will return Memcached::RES_DATA_EXISTS if the item you are trying to store has been modified since you last fetched it."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "cas_token", 'type' => Double, 'desc' => "Unique value associated with the existing item. Generated by memcache."), array('name' => "key", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The key under which to store the value."), array('name' => "value", 'type' => Variant, 'desc' => "The value to store."), array('name' => "expiration", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "The expiration time, defaults to 0. See Expiration Times for more info."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "casByKey", 'desc' => "Memcached::casByKey() is functionally equivalent to Memcached::cas(), except that the free-form server_key can be used to map the key to a specific server. This is useful if you need to keep a bunch of related keys on a certain server.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. The Memcached::getResultCode() will return Memcached::RES_DATA_EXISTS if the item you are trying to store has been modified since you last fetched it."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "cas_token", 'type' => Double, 'desc' => "Unique value associated with the existing item. Generated by memcache."), array('name' => "server_key", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The key identifying the server to store the value on."), array('name' => "key", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The key under which to store the value."), array('name' => "value", 'type' => Variant, 'desc' => "The value to store."), array('name' => "expiration", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "The expiration time, defaults to 0. See Expiration Times for more info."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "decrement", 'desc' => "Memcached::decrement() decrements a numeric item's value by the specified offset. If the item's value is not numeric, it is treated as if the value were 0. If the operation would decrease the value below 0, the new value will be 0. Memcached::decrement() will fail if the item does not exist.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns item's new value on success or FALSE on failure. The Memcached::getResultCode() will return Memcached::RES_NOTFOUND if the key does not exist."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "key", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The key of the item to decrement."), array('name' => "offset", 'type' => Int64, 'value' => "1", 'desc' => "The amount by which to decrement the item's value."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "delete", 'desc' => "Memcached::delete() deletes the key from the server. The time parameter is the amount of time in seconds (or Unix time until which) the client wishes the server to refuse add and replace commands for this key. For this amount of time, the item is put into a delete queue, which means that it won't possible to retrieve it by the get command, but add and replace command with this key will also fail (the set command will succeed, however). After the time passes, the item is finally deleted from server memory. The parameter time defaults to 0 (which means that the item will be deleted immediately and further storage commands with this key will succeed).", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. The Memcached::getResultCode() will return Memcached::RES_NOTFOUND if the key does not exist."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "key", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The key to be deleted."), array('name' => "time", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "The amount of time the server will wait to delete the item."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "deleteByKey", 'desc' => "Memcached::deleteByKey() is functionally equivalent to Memcached::delete(), except that the free-form server_key can be used to map the key to a specific server.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. The Memcached::getResultCode() will return Memcached::RES_NOTFOUND if the key does not exist."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "server_key", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The key identifying the server to store the value on."), array('name' => "key", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The key to be deleted."), array('name' => "time", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "The amount of time the server will wait to delete the item."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "fetch", 'desc' => "Memcached::fetch() retrieves the next result from the last request.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the next result or FALSE otherwise. The Memcached::getResultCode() will return Memcached::RES_END if result set is exhausted."), 'taint_observer' => array('set_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_ALL", 'clear_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_NONE")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "fetchAll", 'desc' => "Memcached::fetchAll() retrieves all the remaining results from the last request.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Variant, 'desc' => "Returns the results or FALSE on failure. Use Memcached::getResultCode() if necessary."), 'taint_observer' => array('set_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_ALL", 'clear_mask' => "TAINT_BIT_NONE")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "flush", 'desc' => "Memcached::flush() invalidates all existing cache items immediately (by default) or after the delay specified. After invalidation none of the items will be returned in response to a retrieval command (unless it's stored again under the same key after Memcached::flush() has invalidated the items). The flush does not actually free all the memory taken up by the existing items; that will happen gradually as new items are stored.", 'flags' => HasDocComment, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. Use Memcached::getResultCode() if necessary."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "delay", 'type' => Int32, 'value' => "0", 'desc' => "Numer of seconds to wait before invalidating the items."))));

示例15: DefineFunction

//        'type'  => return type, use Reference for ref return
//        'desc'  => description of the return value
//      )
//   'args'   => arguments
//      array (
//        'name'  => name of the argument
//        'type'  => type of the argument, use Reference for output parameter
//        'value' => default value of the argument
//        'desc'  => description of the argument
//      )
// )
DefineFunction(array('name' => "dangling_server_proxy_old_request", 'desc' => "When I'm running a newer version of the server software and I'm getting an HTTP request that's from old version of a web page, proxy it to a local instance that is still running or dangling just for handling old version of requests. Please read server documentation for more details.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "dangling_server_proxy_new_request", 'desc' => "When I'm still running an old version of the server software and I'm getting an HTTP request that's newer, proxy it to a specified host that already has the new version of the software running. Please read server documentation for more details.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "host", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The machine to proxy to."))));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "PAGELET_NOT_READY", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "PAGELET_READY", 'type' => Int64));
DefineConstant(array('name' => "PAGELET_DONE", 'type' => Int64));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "pagelet_server_is_enabled", 'desc' => "Whether pagelet server is enabled or not. Please read server documentation for what a pagelet server is.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "TRUE if it's enabled, FALSE otherwise.")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "pagelet_server_task_start", 'desc' => "Processes a pagelet server request.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Resource, 'desc' => "An object that can be used with pagelet_server_task_status() or pagelet_server_task_result()."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "url", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The URL we're running this pagelet with."), array('name' => "headers", 'type' => StringMap, 'value' => "null_array", 'desc' => "HTTP headers to send to the pagelet."), array('name' => "post_data", 'type' => String, 'value' => "null_string", 'desc' => "POST data to send."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "pagelet_server_task_status", 'desc' => "Checks finish status of a pagelet task.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Int64, 'desc' => "PAGELET_NOT_READY if there is no data available, PAGELET_READY if (partial) data is available from pagelet_server_flush(), and PAGELET_DONE if the pagelet request is done."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "task", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "The pagelet task handle returned from pagelet_server_task_start()."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "pagelet_server_task_result", 'desc' => "Block and wait until pagelet task finishes.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => String, 'desc' => "HTTP response from the pagelet."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "task", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "The pagelet task handle returned from pagelet_server_task_start()."), array('name' => "headers", 'type' => Variant | Reference, 'desc' => "HTTP response headers."), array('name' => "code", 'type' => Variant | Reference, 'desc' => "HTTP response code."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "pagelet_server_flush", 'desc' => "Flush all the currently buffered output, so that the main thread can read it with pagelet_server_task_result(). This is only meaningful in a pagelet thread.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => null, 'desc' => "No value is returned.")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "xbox_send_message", 'desc' => "Sends an xbox message and waits for response. Please read server documentation for what an xbox is.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "msg", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The message."), array('name' => "ret", 'type' => Variant | Reference, 'desc' => "The response."), array('name' => "timeout_ms", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "How many milli-seconds to wait."), array('name' => "host", 'type' => String, 'value' => "\"localhost\"", 'desc' => "Which machine to send to."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "xbox_post_message", 'desc' => "Posts an xbox message without waiting. Please read server documentation for more details.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "msg", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "The response."), array('name' => "host", 'type' => String, 'value' => "\"localhost\"", 'desc' => "Which machine to post to."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "xbox_task_start", 'desc' => "Starts a local xbox task.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Resource, 'desc' => "A task handle xbox_task_status() and xbox_task_result() can use."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "message", 'type' => String, 'desc' => "A message to send to xbox's message processing function."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "xbox_task_status", 'desc' => "Checks an xbox task's status.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Boolean, 'desc' => "TRUE if finished, FALSE otherwise."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "task", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "The xbox task object created by xbox_task_start()."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "xbox_task_result", 'desc' => "Block and wait for xbox task's result.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Int64, 'desc' => "Response code following HTTP's responses. For example, 200 for success and 500 for server error."), 'args' => array(array('name' => "task", 'type' => Resource, 'desc' => "The xbox task object created by xbox_task_start()."), array('name' => "timeout_ms", 'type' => Int64, 'desc' => "How many milli-seconds to wait."), array('name' => "ret", 'type' => Variant | Reference, 'desc' => "xbox message processing function's return value."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "xbox_get_thread_timeout", 'desc' => "Gets the timeout (maximum duration), in seconds, of the current xbox thread. Throws for non-xbox threads.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Int32, 'desc' => "The current timeout (maximum duration).")));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "xbox_set_thread_timeout", 'desc' => "Sets the timeout (maximum duration), in seconds, of the current xbox thread. The xbox thread would reset when this amount of time has passed since the previous reset. Throws for non-xbox threads.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => null), 'args' => array(array('name' => "timeout", 'type' => Int32, 'desc' => "The new timeout (maximum duration)."))));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "xbox_schedule_thread_reset", 'desc' => "Schedules a reset of the current xbox thread, when the next request comes in. Throws for non-xbox threads.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => null)));
DefineFunction(array('name' => "xbox_get_thread_time", 'desc' => "Returns the time that the current xbox thread has been running without a reset, in seconds, and throws for non-xbox threads.", 'flags' => HasDocComment | HipHopSpecific, 'return' => array('type' => Int32, 'desc' => "The time that the current xbox thread has been running without a reset.")));
