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PHP DBSafe函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了PHP中DBSafe函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP DBSafe函数的具体用法?PHP DBSafe怎么用?PHP DBSafe使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: getObject

* Title
* Description
* @access public
 function getObject($name) {
  $rec=SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM objects WHERE TITLE LIKE '".DBSafe($name)."'");
  if ($rec['ID']) {
   $obj=new objects();
   return $obj;
  return 0;

示例2: subscribeToEvent

function subscribeToEvent($module_name, $event_name, $filter_details = '')
    $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE NAME='HOOK_EVENT_" . DBSafe(strtoupper($event_name)) . "'");
    if (!$rec['ID']) {
        $rec = array();
        $rec['NAME'] = 'HOOK_EVENT_' . strtoupper($event_name);
        $rec['TITLE'] = $rec['NAME'];
        $rec['TYPE'] = 'json';
        $rec['PRIORITY'] = 0;
        $rec['ID'] = SQLInsert('settings', $rec);
    $data = json_decode($rec['VALUE'], true);
    if (!isset($data[$module_name])) {
        $data[$module_name] = 1;
        $rec['VALUE'] = json_encode($data);
        SQLUpdate('settings', $rec);

示例3: checkFromCache

 * Summary of checkFromCache
 * @param mixed $key Key
 * @return mixed
function checkFromCache($key)
    global $memory_cache;
    if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) && !is_array($memory_cache)) {
        $tmp = SQLSelect("SELECT KEYWORD, DATAVALUE FROM cached_values");
        $total = count($tmp);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
            if ($tmp[$i]['DATAVALUE'] != '(too big)') {
                $memory_cache[$tmp[$i]['KEYWORD']] = $tmp[$i]['DATAVALUE'];
    if (isset($memory_cache[$key])) {
        return $memory_cache[$key];
    $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM cached_values WHERE KEYWORD = '" . DBSafe($key) . "'");
    if ($rec['KEYWORD'] && $rec['DATAVALUE'] != '(too big)') {
        return $rec['DATAVALUE'];
    } else {
        return false;

示例4: getGlobal

* Title
* Description
* @access public
function getGlobal($varname)
    $value = SQLSelectOne("SELECT VALUE FROM pvalues WHERE PROPERTY_NAME = '" . DBSafe($varname) . "'");
    if (isset($value['VALUE'])) {
        return $value['VALUE'];
    $tmp = explode('.', $varname);
    if ($tmp[2]) {
        $object_name = $tmp[0] . '.' . $tmp[1];
        $varname = $tmp[2];
    } elseif ($tmp[1]) {
        $object_name = $tmp[0];
        $varname = $tmp[1];
    } else {
        $object_name = 'ThisComputer';
    $obj = getObject($object_name);
    if ($obj) {
        return $obj->getProperty($varname);
    } else {
        return 0;

示例5: LoadFile

$table_name = 'app_quotes';
if ($this->mode == 'update') {
    global $file;
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        $tmp = LoadFile($file);
        $ok = 1;
        //$tmp=str_replace("\r", '', $tmp);
        $lines = mb_split("\n", $tmp);
        $total_lines = count($lines);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $total_lines; $i++) {
            //$values=explode("\t", $lines[$i]);
            $rec = array();
            $rec_ok = 1;
            $rec['BODY'] = $lines[$i];
            if ($rec['BODY'] == '') {
                $rec_ok = 0;
            if ($rec_ok) {
                $old = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM " . $table_name . " WHERE BODY LIKE '" . DBSafe($rec['BODY']) . "'");
                if ($old['ID']) {
                    $rec['ID'] = $old['ID'];
                    SQLUpdate($table_name, $rec);
                } else {
                    SQLInsert($table_name, $rec);

示例6: mysql

// connecting to database
$db = new mysql(DB_HOST, '', DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
include_once "./load_settings.php";
include_once DIR_MODULES . "control_modules/control_modules.class.php";
// ...
include_once DIR_MODULES . 'snmpdevices/snmpdevices.class.php';
$snmpdevices = new snmpdevices();
$socket = stream_socket_server("udp://", $errno, $errstr, STREAM_SERVER_BIND);
// If we could not bind successfully, let's throw an error
if (!$socket) {
} else {
    do {
        $pkt = stream_socket_recvfrom($socket, 512, 0, $peer);
        if (preg_match('/:\\d+$/', $peer, $m)) {
            $peer = str_replace($m[0], '', $peer);
        echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' new snmp trap from ' . $peer . "\n";
        $device = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM snmpdevices WHERE HOST LIKE '" . DBSafe($peer) . "'");
        if ($device['ID']) {
        } else {
            $device['TITLE'] = $peer;
            $device['HOST'] = $peer;
            $device['ID'] = SQLInsert('snmpdevices', $device);
    } while ($pkt !== false);
// closing database connection

示例7: DBSafe

if (isset($_REQUEST['latitude'])) {
    //DebMes("GPS DATA RECEIVED: \n".serialize($_REQUEST));
    if ($_REQUEST['deviceid']) {
        $sqlQuery = "SELECT *\n                     FROM gpsdevices\n                    WHERE DEVICEID = '" . DBSafe($_REQUEST['deviceid']) . "'";
        $device = SQLSelectOne($sqlQuery);
        if (!$device['ID']) {
            $device = array();
            $device['DEVICEID'] = $_REQUEST['deviceid'];
            $device['TITLE'] = 'New GPS Device';
            if ($_REQUEST['token']) {
                $device['TOKEN'] = $_REQUEST['token'];
            $device['ID'] = SQLInsert('gpsdevices', $device);
            $sqlQuery = "UPDATE gpslog\n                         SET DEVICE_ID = '" . $device['ID'] . "'\n                       WHERE DEVICEID = '" . DBSafe($_REQUEST['deviceid']) . "'";
        $device['LAT'] = $_REQUEST['latitude'];
        $device['LON'] = $_REQUEST['longitude'];
        $device['UPDATED'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        SQLUpdate('gpsdevices', $device);
    $rec = array();
    //$rec['ADDED']     = ($time) ? $time : date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $rec['ADDED'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $rec['LAT'] = $_REQUEST['latitude'];
    $rec['LON'] = $_REQUEST['longitude'];
    $rec['ALT'] = round($_REQUEST['altitude'], 2);
    $rec['PROVIDER'] = $_REQUEST['provider'];
    $rec['SPEED'] = round($_REQUEST['speed'], 2);

示例8: run

 function run()
     // running current module
     global $mode;
     global $name;
     $rep_ext = "";
     if (preg_match('/\\.dev/is', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
         $rep_ext = '.dev';
     if (preg_match('/\\.jbk/is', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
         $rep_ext = '.jbk';
     if (preg_match('/\\.bk/is', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
         $rep_ext = '.bk';
     if ($rep_ext) {
         $out['LOCAL_PROJECT'] = 1;
         $out['REP_EXT'] = $rep_ext;
         $out['HOST'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
         $out['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
     if ($mode == "edit") {
         global $mode2;
         $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM project_modules WHERE NAME='" . $name . "'");
         $rec['NAME'] = $name;
         if ($mode2 == "update") {
             global $title;
             global $category;
             $rec['TITLE'] = $title;
             $rec['CATEGORY'] = $category;
             SQLUpdate("project_modules", $rec);
         } elseif ($mode2 == "show") {
             if ($rec['HIDDEN']) {
                 $rec['HIDDEN'] = 0;
             } else {
                 $rec['HIDDEN'] = 1;
             SQLUpdate('project_modules', $rec);
         } elseif ($mode2 == "install") {
             $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM project_modules WHERE NAME='" . $name . "'");
             SQLExec("DELETE FROM project_modules WHERE NAME='" . $name . "'");
             @unlink(DIR_MODULES . $name . "/installed");
             include_once DIR_MODULES . $name . "/" . $name . ".class.php";
             $obj = "\$object{$i}";
             $code .= "{$obj}=new " . $name . ";\n";
             // add module to control access
             global $session;
             $user = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM admin_users WHERE LOGIN='" . DBSafe($session->data["USER_NAME"]) . "'");
             if ($user['ID'] && !Is_Integer(strpos($user["ACCESS"], $name))) {
                 if ($user["ACCESS"] != '') {
                     $user["ACCESS"] .= ",{$name}";
                 } else {
                     $user["ACCESS"] = $name;
                 SQLUpdate('admin_users', $user);
             SQLExec("UPDATE project_modules SET HIDDEN='" . (int) $rec['HIDDEN'] . "' WHERE NAME='" . $name . "'");
             // redirect to edit
         } elseif ($mode2 == 'uninstall') {
             SQLExec("DELETE FROM project_modules WHERE NAME='" . $name . "'");
             @unlink(DIR_MODULES . $name . "/installed");
             if (file_exists(DIR_MODULES . $name . "/" . $name . ".class.php")) {
                 include_once DIR_MODULES . $name . "/" . $name . ".class.php";
                 $obj = "\$object{$i}";
                 $code .= "{$obj}=new " . $name . ";\n";
                 $code .= "{$obj}" . "->uninstall();";
             if ($out['LOCAL_PROJECT']) {
             } else {
         outHash($rec, $out);
     if ($mode == 'repository_uninstall') {
         global $module;
         $out['MODULE'] = $module;
     $out["MODE"] = $mode;
     $lst = $this->modules;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($lst); $i++) {
         $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(ADDED, '%M %d, %Y (%H:%i)') as DAT FROM project_modules WHERE NAME='" . $lst[$i]['FILENAME'] . "'");
         if (isset($rec['ID'])) {
             outHash($rec, $lst[$i]);
     $out["MODULES"] = $lst;
     $this->data = $out;
     $p = new parser(DIR_TEMPLATES . $this->name . "/" . $this->name . ".html", $this->data, $this);
     $this->result = $p->result;

示例9: SQLExec

                for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
                    SQLExec("DELETE FROM phistory WHERE VALUE_ID='" . $pvalues[$i]['ID'] . "'");
        } else {
            $new_rec = 1;
            $rec['ID'] = SQLInsert($table_name, $rec);
            // adding new record
        $out['OK'] = 1;
        if ($rec['CLASS_ID']) {
            $objects = getObjectsByClass($rec['CLASS_ID']);
            $total = count($objects);
            $replaces = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
                $property = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM properties WHERE TITLE LIKE '" . DBSafe($rec['TITLE']) . "' AND OBJECT_ID=" . (int) $objects[$i]['ID'] . " AND CLASS_ID!=" . (int) $rec['CLASS_ID']);
                if ($property['ID']) {
                    $replaces[] = $property['ID'];
            $total = count($replaces);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
                SQLExec("UPDATE pvalues SET PROPERTY_ID=" . (int) $rec['ID'] . " WHERE PROPERTY_ID=" . (int) $replaces[$i]);
                SQLExec("DELETE FROM properties WHERE ID=" . (int) $replaces[$i]);
    } else {
        $out['ERR'] = 1;
if (is_array($rec)) {

示例10: updateDevice

 function updateDevice($id)
     if (!defined('ONEWIRE_SERVER')) {
         return 0;
     $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM owdevices WHERE ID='" . $id . "'");
     if (!$rec['ID']) {
         return 0;
     $ow = new OWNet(ONEWIRE_SERVER);
     $device = '/' . $rec['UDID'];
     $rec['CHECK_LATEST'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $rec['CHECK_NEXT'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + (int) $rec['ONLINE_INTERVAL']);
     $old_status = $rec['STATUS'];
     $tmp = $ow->get($device, OWNET_MSG_DIR, false);
     if (!$tmp) {
         $rec['STATUS'] = 0;
     } else {
         $rec['STATUS'] = 1;
     SQLUpdate('owdevices', $rec);
     if ($rec['STATUS'] != $old_status && ($rec['SCRIPT_ID'] || $rec['CODE'])) {
         $params = array();
         $params['DEVICE'] = $device;
         $params['STATUS'] = $rec['STATUS'];
         $params['STATUS_CHANGED'] = 1;
         if ($rec['SCRIPT_ID']) {
             runScript($rec['SCRIPT_ID'], $params);
         } elseif ($rec['CODE']) {
             try {
                 $code = $rec['CODE'];
                 $success = eval($code);
                 if ($success === false) {
                     DebMes("Error in 1-wire action code: " . $code);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 DebMes('Error: exception ' . get_class($e) . ', ' . $e->getMessage() . '.');
     if (!$rec['STATUS']) {
         return 0;
     $changed_values = array();
     $changed = 0;
     $properties = explode(',', $tmp);
     $totalp = count($properties);
     for ($ip = 0; $ip < $totalp; $ip++) {
         $sysname = str_replace($device . '/', '', $properties[$ip]);
         //echo $properties[$ip]." (".$sysname."): ";
         $prec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM owproperties WHERE DEVICE_ID='" . $rec['ID'] . "' AND SYSNAME='" . DBSafe($sysname) . "'");
         if (!$prec['ID']) {
             $prec['DEVICE_ID'] = $rec['ID'];
             $prec['SYSNAME'] = $sysname;
             $prec['PATH'] = $properties[$ip];
             $prec['ID'] = SQLInsert('owproperties', $prec);
         $old_value = $prec['VALUE'];
         $value = $ow->get($properties[$ip], OWNET_MSG_READ, false);
         if (is_null($value)) {
             $ow->get("/", OWNET_MSG_DIR, false);
             // hack. for some reason it didn't work correct without it on some devices
             $value = $ow->get($properties[$ip], OWNET_MSG_READ, false);
         if (!is_null($value)) {
             $value = iconv("CP1251", "UTF-8", $value);
             // value updated
             $prec['VALUE'] = $value;
             $prec['UPDATED'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $prec['CHECK_LATEST'] = $prec['UPDATED'];
             SQLUpdate('owproperties', $prec);
             //$rec['LOG']=date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." ".$prec['SYSNAME'].": ".$prec['VALUE']."\n".$rec['LOG'];
             //SQLUpdate('owdevices', $rec);
             if ($prec['LINKED_OBJECT'] && $prec['LINKED_PROPERTY']) {
                 setGlobal($prec['LINKED_OBJECT'] . '.' . $prec['LINKED_PROPERTY'], $prec['VALUE'], array($this->name => '0'));
             if ($old_value != $value) {
                 $changed = 1;
                 $changed_values[$prec['SYSNAME']] = array('OLD_VALUE' => $old_value, 'VALUE' => $prec['VALUE']);
     if ($changed) {
         $params = $changed_values;
         $params['DEVICE'] = $device;
         if ($rec['SCRIPT_ID']) {
             runScript($rec['SCRIPT_ID'], $params);
         } elseif ($rec['CODE']) {
             try {
                 $code = $rec['CODE'];
                 $success = eval($code);
                 if ($success === false) {
                     DebMes("Error in code: " . $code);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 DebMes('Error: exception ' . get_class($e) . ', ' . $e->getMessage() . '.');

示例11: DBSafe


global $session;
global $uid;
if ($nid != '') {
    $qry .= " AND USER_ID LIKE '%" . DBSafe($nid) . "%'";
    $out['USER_ID'] = $nid;
global $name;
if ($name != '') {
    $qry .= " AND NAME LIKE '%" . DBSafe($name) . "%'";
    $out['NAME'] = $name;
global $sortby_user;
if (!$sortby_user) {
    $sortby_user = $session->data['tlg_user_sort'];
} else {
    if ($session->data['tlg_user_sort'] == $sortby_user) {
        if (Is_Integer(strpos($sortby_user, ' DESC'))) {
            $sortby_user = str_replace(' DESC', '', $sortby_user);
        } else {
            $sortby_user = $sortby_user . " DESC";
    $session->data['tlg_user_sort'] = $sortby_user;
if (!$sortby_user) {
    $sortby_user = "USER_ID";
$out['SORTBY'] = $sortby_user;

示例12: SQLInsert

    $rec['TITLE'] = 'ws';
    $rec['ID'] = SQLInsert('objects', $rec);
    $obj = getObject('ws');
$object_rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM objects WHERE ID = '" . $obj->id . "'");
if (!$object_rec['CLASS_ID']) {
    $class_rec = array();
    $class_rec['TITLE'] = 'WeatherStations';
    $class_rec['SUB_LIST'] = 0;
    $class_rec['PARENT_LIST'] = 0;
    $class_rec['ID'] = SQLInsert('classes', $class_rec);
    $object_rec['CLASS_ID'] = $class_rec['ID'];
    SQLUpdate('objects', $object_rec);
foreach ($known_fields as $k => $v) {
    $prop_rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM properties WHERE TITLE LIKE '" . DBSafe($k) . "' AND CLASS_ID = '" . $object_rec['CLASS_ID'] . "'");
    if (!$prop_rec['ID']) {
        $prop_rec['CLASS_ID'] = $object_rec['CLASS_ID'];
        $prop_rec['TITLE'] = $k;
        $prop_rec['KEEP_HISTORY'] = 7;
        $prop_rec['ID'] = SQLInsert('properties', $prop_rec);
$res = '';
$updated = array();
foreach ($known_fields as $k => $v) {
    if ($v < 0) {
    $res .= $k . ' = ' . $data[(int) $v] . "\n";
    $old_value = getGlobal('ws.' . $k);

示例13: htmlspecialchars

        if (!$my_meth['ID']) {
            $out['CALL_PARENT'] = 1;
        } else {
            $out['CODE'] = htmlspecialchars($my_meth['CODE']);
            $out['SCRIPT_ID'] = $my_meth['SCRIPT_ID'];
            $out['CALL_PARENT'] = (int) $my_meth['CALL_PARENT'];
        $out['OVERWRITE'] = 1;
    include_once DIR_MODULES . 'classes/classes.class.php';
    $cl = new classes();
    $methods = $cl->getParentMethods($rec['CLASS_ID'], '', 1);
    $total = count($methods);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) {
        $my_meth = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM methods WHERE OBJECT_ID='" . $rec['ID'] . "' AND TITLE LIKE '" . DBSafe($methods[$i]['TITLE']) . "'");
        if ($my_meth['ID']) {
            $methods[$i]['CUSTOMIZED'] = 1;
    $out['METHODS'] = $methods;
// step: history
if ($this->tab == 'history') {
if (is_array($rec)) {
    foreach ($rec as $k => $v) {
        if (!is_array($v)) {
            $rec[$k] = htmlspecialchars($v);

示例14: registerError

* Title
* Description
* @access public
function registerError($code = 'custom', $details = '')
    $code = trim($code);
    if (!$code) {
        $code = 'custom';
    $error_rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT * FROM system_errors WHERE CODE LIKE '" . DBSafe($code) . "'");
    if (!$error_rec['ID']) {
        $error_rec['CODE'] = $code;
        $error_rec['KEEP_HISTORY'] = 1;
        $error_rec['ID'] = SQLInsert('system_errors', $error_rec);
    $error_rec['LATEST_UPDATE'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $error_rec['ACTIVE'] = (int) $error_rec['ACTIVE'] + 1;
    SQLUpdate('system_errors', $error_rec);
    $history_rec = array();
    $history_rec['ERROR_ID'] = $error_rec['ID'];
    $history_rec['COMMENTS'] = $details;
    $history_rec['ADDED'] = $error_rec['LATEST_UPDATE'];
    //Temporary disabled
    $history_rec['PROPERTIES_DATA']=getURL(BASE_URL.ROOTHTML.'popup/xray.html?ajax=1&md=xray&op=getcontent&view_mode=', 0);
    $history_rec['METHODS_DATA']=getURL(BASE_URL.ROOTHTML.'popup/xray.html?ajax=1&md=xray&op=getcontent&view_mode=methods', 0);
    $history_rec['SCRIPTS_DATA']=getURL(BASE_URL.ROOTHTML.'popup/xray.html?ajax=1&md=xray&op=getcontent&view_mode=scripts', 0);
    $history_rec['TIMERS_DATA']=getURL(BASE_URL.ROOTHTML.'popup/xray.html?ajax=1&md=xray&op=getcontent&view_mode=timers', 0);
    $history_rec['EVENTS_DATA']=getURL(BASE_URL.ROOTHTML.'popup/xray.html?ajax=1&md=xray&op=getcontent&view_mode=events', 0);
    $history_rec['DEBUG_DATA']=getURL(BASE_URL.ROOTHTML.'popup/xray.html?ajax=1&md=xray&op=getcontent&view_mode=debmes', 0);
    $history_rec['ID'] = SQLInsert('system_errors_data', $history_rec);
    if (!$error_rec['KEEP_HISTORY']) {
        SQLExec("DELETE FROM system_errors_data WHERE ID!='" . $history_rec['ID'] . "'");

示例15: install

 function install()
     //$className = 'Push';
     //$objectName = 'PushBullet';
     //$propertis = array('API_KEY1', 'Device1');
     $rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM classes WHERE TITLE LIKE '" . DBSafe($className) . "'");
     if (!$rec['ID']) {
         $rec = array();
         $rec['TITLE'] = $className;
         $rec['DESCRIPTION'] = 'Push-notes';
         $rec['ID'] = SQLInsert('classes', $rec);
     $obj_rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM objects WHERE CLASS_ID='" . $rec['ID'] . "' AND TITLE LIKE '" . DBSafe($objectName) . "'");
     if (!$obj_rec['ID']) {
         $obj_rec = array();
         $obj_rec['CLASS_ID'] = $rec['ID'];
         $obj_rec['TITLE'] = $objectName;
         $obj_rec['DESCRIPTION'] = 'Настройки';
         $obj_rec['ID'] = SQLInsert('objects', $obj_rec);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($propertis); $i++) {
         $prop_rec = SQLSelectOne("SELECT ID FROM properties WHERE OBJECT_ID='" . $obj_rec['ID'] . "' AND TITLE LIKE '" . DBSafe($propertis[$i]) . "'");
         if (!$prop_rec['ID']) {
             $prop_rec = array();
             $prop_rec['TITLE'] = $propertis[$i];
             $prop_rec['OBJECT_ID'] = $obj_rec['ID'];
             $prop_rec['ID'] = SQLInsert('properties', $prop_rec);
