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Java Iterator.next方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中scala.collection.Iterator.next方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Iterator.next方法的具体用法?Java Iterator.next怎么用?Java Iterator.next使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在scala.collection.Iterator的用法示例。


示例1: convertPhrasesToTokens

import scala.collection.Iterator; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private Seq<KoreanToken> convertPhrasesToTokens(Seq<KoreanPhrase> phrases) {
    KoreanToken[] tokens = new KoreanToken[phrases.length()];

    Iterator<KoreanPhrase> iterator = phrases.iterator();
    int i = 0;
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        KoreanPhrase phrase = iterator.next();
        tokens[i++] = new KoreanToken(phrase.text(), phrase.pos(), phrase.offset(), phrase.length(), scala.Option.apply(null), false);

    Arrays.sort(tokens, (o1, o2) -> {
        if(o1.offset()== o2.offset())
            return 0;
        return o1.offset()< o2.offset()? -1 : 1;

    return JavaConverters.asScalaBuffer(Arrays.asList(tokens)).toSeq();

示例2: getStringElements

import scala.collection.Iterator; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public String getStringElements() {
	String elementsString = "\n  ----------------ELEMENTS---------------- \n";
	for(Map.Entry<String, Tuple2<String, List<Tuple2<String, Object>>>> entry : mapInfos.entrySet()) {
		String name = entry.getKey();
		elementsString += "\n  Element "+name+" ";
		Tuple2<String, List<Tuple2<String, Object>>> typeAndInfos = entry.getValue();
		String type = (String) typeAndInfos._1;
		elementsString += "("+type+") : \n";
		List<Tuple2<String, Object>> listInfos = (List<Tuple2<String, Object>>) typeAndInfos._2;
		Iterator<Tuple2<String, Object>> itInfos = listInfos.iterator();
		while(itInfos.hasNext()) {
			Tuple2<String, Object> infos = itInfos.next();
			String attribute = infos._1;
			String value = String.valueOf(infos._2);
			elementsString += "  * "+attribute+" : "+value+" \n";
		elementsString += "  ---------------------------------------- \n";
	return elementsString;

示例3: setQueriesSamples

import scala.collection.Iterator; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * @param sqlogger "Monte-Carlo" simulation results
 * @param model The instance of the SimQRi model
 * @deprecated
 * This method set simulation results to queries objects of the Sirius Metamodel instance. 
 * No longer used due to a too long time for setting results when there are a lot of queries
private void setQueriesSamples(TraceLogger sqlogger, Model model) {
	Iterator<SamplingTuple> itProbes = sqlogger.logs().mcSamplings().probesSampling().iterator();
	while(itProbes.hasNext()) {
		SamplingTuple probes = itProbes.next();
		for(Query q : model.getQuery()) {
			if(q.getName().equals(probes.name())) {
				TransactionalEditingDomain domain = TransactionUtil.getEditingDomain(q);
				domain.getCommandStack().execute(new RecordingCommand(domain) {
				   public void doExecute() {
					  // q.setResult("");
					  // q.setMax(String.format("%.2f", JsonFormat.jsonToDouble(probes.samplingStr(), "max")));
					  // q.setMin(String.format("%.2f", JsonFormat.jsonToDouble(probes.samplingStr(), "min")));
					  // q.setMean(String.format("%.2f", JsonFormat.jsonToDouble(probes.samplingStr(), "mean")));
					  // q.setVariance(String.valueOf(JsonFormat.jsonToDouble(probes.samplingStr(), "variance")));

示例4: matchBlock

import scala.collection.Iterator; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public boolean matchBlock(final int side2, final int x2, final int y2, final int z2) {
    if (this.isOpaque) {
        final TileEntity tile_base = this.blockAccess.getTileEntity(x2, y2, z2);
        if (tile_base != null && tile_base instanceof TileMultipart) {
            final TileMultipart tile = (TileMultipart)tile_base;
            final Iterator<TMultiPart> parts = (Iterator<TMultiPart>)tile.partList().toIterator();
            while (parts.hasNext()) {
                final TMultiPart part = (TMultiPart)parts.next();
                if ((part instanceof FaceMicroblockClient || part instanceof HollowMicroblockClient) && (side2 == -1 || this.getSideFromBounds(((Microblock)part).getBounds()) == side2)) {
                    final ItemStack t = MicroMaterialRegistry.getMaterial(((Microblock)part).getMaterial()).getItem();
                    if (t.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock && this.curBlock == ((ItemBlock)t.getItem()).field_150939_a && t.getItemDamage() == this.curMeta) {
                        return true;
    return super.matchBlock(side2, x2, y2, z2);

示例5: processQueryFunction

import scala.collection.Iterator; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void processQueryFunction(FilterOption option, String boolMethod) {
    BooleanMethodCallExpr methodCall = (BooleanMethodCallExpr) option.expression();
    assertThat(methodCall.methodName(), is(boolMethod));
    List<Expression> args = methodCall.args();
    Iterator iterator = args.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        Object cursor = iterator.next();
        if (cursor instanceof EntityPathExpr) {
            EntityPathExpr pathExpr = (EntityPathExpr) cursor;
            PropertyPathExpr path = (PropertyPathExpr) pathExpr.subPath().get();
            assertThat(path.propertyName(), is("name"));
        } else if (cursor instanceof LiteralExpr) {
            LiteralExpr literalExpr = (LiteralExpr) cursor;
            StringLiteral stringLiteral = (StringLiteral) literalExpr.value();
            assertThat(stringLiteral.value(), is("John"));

示例6: testQueryFunction

import scala.collection.Iterator; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void testQueryFunction(String operator) throws ODataException {
    EqExpr expr = getExprFromOperator(operator);
    MethodCallExpr call = (MethodCallExpr) expr.left();
    assertThat(call.methodName(), is(operator));
    List<Expression> args = call.args();
    Iterator iter = args.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Object obj = iter.next();
        if (obj instanceof EntityPathExpr) {
            EntityPathExpr entityPathExpr = (EntityPathExpr) obj;
            PropertyPathExpr propertyPath = (PropertyPathExpr) entityPathExpr.subPath().get();
            assertThat(propertyPath.propertyName(), is("name"));
    LiteralExpr literal = (LiteralExpr) expr.right();
    NumberLiteral number = (NumberLiteral) literal.value();
    assertThat(number.value(), is(new BigDecimal(new java.math.BigDecimal(19))));

示例7: modelToList

import scala.collection.Iterator; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected ImmutableList<ValueAssignment> modelToList() {
  scala.collection.Map<ModelLocation, ModelValue> interpretation = model.interpretation();

  // first get the addresses of arrays
  Map<IdealInt, ITerm> arrays = getArrayAddresses(interpretation);

  // then iterate over the model and generate the assignments
  Builder<ValueAssignment> assignments = ImmutableSet.builder();
  Iterator<Tuple2<ModelLocation, ModelValue>> it2 = interpretation.iterator();
  while (it2.hasNext()) {
    Tuple2<ModelLocation, ModelValue> entry = it2.next();
    ValueAssignment assignment = getAssignment(entry._1, entry._2, arrays);
    if (assignment != null) {

  return assignments.build().asList();

示例8: getArrayAddresses

import scala.collection.Iterator; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Collect array-models, we need them to replace identifiers later. Princess models arrays as
 * plain numeric "memory-addresses", and the model for an array-access at one of the addresses is
 * the array-content. Example: "arr[5]=123" is modeled as "{arr=0, select(0,5)=123}" or "{arr=0,
 * store(0,5,123)=0}", where "0" is the memory-address. The returned mapping contains the mapping
 * of "0" (=address) to "arr" (=identifier).
private Map<IdealInt, ITerm> getArrayAddresses(
    scala.collection.Map<ModelLocation, ModelValue> interpretation) {
  Map<IdealInt, ITerm> arrays = new HashMap<>();
  Iterator<Tuple2<ModelLocation, ModelValue>> it1 = interpretation.iterator();
  while (it1.hasNext()) {
    Tuple2<ModelLocation, ModelValue> entry = it1.next();
    if (entry._1 instanceof ConstantLoc) {
      ITerm maybeArray = IExpression.i(((ConstantLoc) entry._1).c());
      if (creator.getEnv().hasArrayType(maybeArray) && entry._2 instanceof IntValue) {
        arrays.put(((IntValue) entry._2).v(), maybeArray);
  return arrays;

示例9: read

import scala.collection.Iterator; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Option<Model> read(Class<?> modelClass, Map<String, String> typeMap) {
    final Option<Model> modelOption = super.read(modelClass, typeMap);

    // Look for public properties
    java.util.Map<String, ApiControllerUtilsServiceImpl.SerializationEntry> entries = ApiControllerUtilsServiceImpl.getSerializationEntries(modelClass,

    // Remove all properties which are not public
    if (!modelOption.isEmpty()) {
        Iterator<String> keysIterator = modelOption.get().properties().keysIterator();
        while (keysIterator.hasNext()) {
            String propertyName = keysIterator.next();
            if (!entries.containsKey(propertyName)) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    log.debug("Successfully hidden API model property '" + propertyName + "'");

    return modelOption;

示例10: testMultipleNext

import scala.collection.Iterator; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void testMultipleNext() {
	Struct list = new Struct(new Term[] {new Int(0), new Int(1), new Int(2), new Int(3), new Int(5), new Int(7)});
	Iterator<? extends Term> i = list.iterator();
	i.next(); // skip the first term
	assertEquals(new Int(1), i.next());
	assertEquals(new Int(2), i.next());
	assertEquals(new Int(3), i.next());
	assertEquals(new Int(5), i.next());
	assertEquals(new Int(7), i.next());
	// no more terms
	try {
	} catch (NoSuchElementException expected) {}

示例11: testMultipleNext

import scala.collection.Iterator; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void testMultipleNext() {
	String theory = "p(X):-q(X),X>1." + "\n" +
	                "q(1)." + "\n" +
					"q(2)." + "\n" +
					"q(3)." + "\n" +
					"q(5)." + "\n" +
	Iterator<Term> i = Term.getIterator(theory);
	i.next(); // skip the first term
	assertEquals(new Struct("q", new Int(1)), i.next());
	assertEquals(new Struct("q", new Int(2)), i.next());
	assertEquals(new Struct("q", new Int(3)), i.next());
	assertEquals(new Struct("q", new Int(5)), i.next());
	assertEquals(new Struct("q", new Int(7)), i.next());
	// no more terms
	try {
	} catch (NoSuchElementException expected) {}

示例12: addAcls

import scala.collection.Iterator; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void addAcls(scala.collection.immutable.Set<Acl> acls, final Resource resource) {
    LOG.info("Adding Acl: acl->" + acls + " resource->" + resource);

    final Iterator<Acl> iterator = acls.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        final Acl acl = iterator.next();
        final String role = getRole(acl);
        if (!roleExists(role)) {
            throw new KafkaException("Can not add Acl for non-existent Role: " + role);
        execute(new Command<Void>() {
            public Void run(SentryGenericServiceClient client) throws Exception {
                    requestorName, role, COMPONENT_NAME, toTSentryPrivilege(acl, resource));
                return null;

示例13: removeAcls

import scala.collection.Iterator; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public boolean removeAcls(scala.collection.immutable.Set<Acl> acls, final Resource resource) {
    LOG.info("Removing Acl: acl->" + acls + " resource->" + resource);
    final Iterator<Acl> iterator = acls.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        final Acl acl = iterator.next();
        final String role = getRole(acl);
        try {
            execute(new Command<Void>() {
                public Void run(SentryGenericServiceClient client) throws Exception {
                            requestorName, role, toTSentryPrivilege(acl, resource));
                    return null;
        } catch (KafkaException kex) {
            LOG.error("Failed to remove acls.", kex);
            return false;

    return true;

示例14: meanOfEdges

import scala.collection.Iterator; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public double meanOfEdges() {
	String current = "WHERE (m." + KEY_TIMESTAMP_DELETE + " = "
			+ InternalMetadata.METADATA_NOT_DELETED_TIMESTAMP + ")";

	String querie = ALL_IDENTIFIER + " MATCH (i)-[:Link]-(l)-[:Meta]-(m) "
			+ current + " RETURN count(l) / count(distinct i ) as result";

	ExecutionResult result = executeQuery(querie);

	Iterator<Double> nodes = result.columnAs("result");

	if (nodes.hasNext()) {
		return nodes.next();

	log.error("Error occured while counting!");
	throw new RuntimeException("Error occured while counting!");

示例15: init

import scala.collection.Iterator; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void init(String swcPath) {
    File swcFile = new File(swcPath);
    TagContainer tagContainer = TagContainer.fromFile(swcFile);

    List<SwfTag> tagsScalaList = tagContainer.tags();
    Iterator tagsScalaIterator = tagsScalaList.iterator();

    while (tagsScalaIterator.hasNext()) {
        SwfTag tag = (SwfTag) tagsScalaIterator.next();
        if (tag instanceof DoABC) {
            DoABC doABC = (DoABC) tag;
            Abc abc = Abc.fromDoABC(doABC);

            AbcScript[] abcScripts = abc.scripts();
            for (AbcScript abcScript : abcScripts) {
                AbcTrait[] abcTraits = abcScript.traits();
                for (AbcTrait abcTrait : abcTraits) {
