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Java AbstractResult.getDecision方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult.getDecision方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java AbstractResult.getDecision方法的具体用法?Java AbstractResult.getDecision怎么用?Java AbstractResult.getDecision使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult的用法示例。


示例1: getResponse

import org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Helper method to get XACML decision
 * @param requestAttributes XACML request attributes
 * @return whether permit or deny
private boolean getResponse(List<AttributeDTO> requestAttributes) {

    ResponseCtx responseCtx;
    AbstractRequestCtx requestCtx = EntitlementUtil.createRequestContext(requestAttributes);

    responseCtx = EntitlementEngine.getInstance().evaluateByContext(requestCtx);

    if (responseCtx != null) {
        Set<AbstractResult> results = responseCtx.getResults();
        for (AbstractResult result : results) {
            if (result.getDecision() == AbstractResult.DECISION_PERMIT) {
                return true;

    return false;

示例2: combine

import org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public AbstractResult combine(EvaluationCtx context, List parameters, List policyElements) {

    List<ObligationResult> denyObligations = new ArrayList<ObligationResult>();
    List<Advice> denyAdvices = new ArrayList<Advice>();

    for (Object policyElement : policyElements) {
        AbstractPolicy policy = ((PolicyCombinerElement) (policyElement)).getPolicy();
        AbstractResult result = policy.evaluate(context);
        int value = result.getDecision();

        // if there was a value of PERMIT, then regardless of what else
        // we've seen, we always return PERMIT
        if (value == AbstractResult.DECISION_PERMIT) {
            return result;
        } else if(value == AbstractResult.DECISION_DENY){

    // if there is not any value of PERMIT. The return DENY
    return ResultFactory.getFactory().getResult(AbstractResult.DECISION_DENY, denyObligations,
                                                                        denyAdvices, context);

示例3: combine

import org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public AbstractResult combine(EvaluationCtx context, List parameters, List ruleElements) {

    List<ObligationResult> permitObligations = new ArrayList<ObligationResult>();
    List<Advice> permitAdvices= new ArrayList<Advice>();

    for (Object ruleElement : ruleElements) {
        Rule rule = ((RuleCombinerElement) (ruleElement)).getRule();
        AbstractResult result = rule.evaluate(context);
        int value = result.getDecision();

        // if there was a value of DENY, then regardless of what else
        // we've seen, we always return DENY
        if (value == AbstractResult.DECISION_DENY) {
            return result;
        } else if(value == AbstractResult.DECISION_PERMIT){

    // if there is not any value of DENY. The return PERMIT
    return ResultFactory.getFactory().getResult(AbstractResult.DECISION_PERMIT,
                                                permitObligations, permitAdvices, context);

示例4: combine

import org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public AbstractResult combine(EvaluationCtx context, List parameters, List policyElements) {

    List<ObligationResult> permitObligations = new ArrayList<ObligationResult>();
    List<Advice> permitAdvices= new ArrayList<Advice>();

    for (Object policyElement : policyElements) {
        AbstractPolicy policy = ((PolicyCombinerElement) (policyElement)).getPolicy();
        AbstractResult result = policy.evaluate(context);
        int value = result.getDecision();

        // if there was a value of DENY, then regardless of what else
        // we've seen, we always return DENY
        if (value == AbstractResult.DECISION_DENY) {
            return result;
        } else if(value == AbstractResult.DECISION_PERMIT){

    // if there is not any value of DENY. The return PERMIT
    return ResultFactory.getFactory().getResult(AbstractResult.DECISION_PERMIT,
                                                permitObligations, permitAdvices, context);

示例5: combine

import org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public AbstractResult combine(EvaluationCtx context, List parameters, List ruleElements) {

    List<ObligationResult> denyObligations = new ArrayList<ObligationResult>();
    List<Advice> denyAdvices = new ArrayList<Advice>();
    for (Object ruleElement : ruleElements) {
        Rule rule = ((RuleCombinerElement) (ruleElement)).getRule();
        AbstractResult result = rule.evaluate(context);
        int value = result.getDecision();

        // if there was a value of PERMIT, then regardless of what else
        // we've seen, we always return PERMIT
        if (value == AbstractResult.DECISION_PERMIT) {
            return result;
        } else if(value == AbstractResult.DECISION_DENY){

    // if there is not any value of PERMIT. The return DENY
    return ResultFactory.getFactory().getResult(AbstractResult.DECISION_DENY, denyObligations,
                                                                        denyAdvices, context);

示例6: combine

import org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Applies the combining rule to the set of rules based on the evaluation context.
 * @param context the context from the request
 * @param parameters a (possibly empty) non-null <code>List</code> of
 *            <code>CombinerParameter<code>s
 * @param ruleElements the rules to combine
 * @return the result of running the combining algorithm
public AbstractResult combine(EvaluationCtx context, List parameters, List ruleElements) {
    Iterator it = ruleElements.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Rule rule = ((RuleCombinerElement) (it.next())).getRule();
        AbstractResult result = rule.evaluate(context);
        int value = result.getDecision();

        // in the case of PERMIT, DENY, or INDETERMINATE, we always
        // just return that result, so only on a rule that doesn't
        // apply do we keep going...
        if (value != Result.DECISION_NOT_APPLICABLE) {
            return result;

    // if we got here, then none of the rules applied
    return ResultFactory.getFactory().getResult(Result.DECISION_NOT_APPLICABLE, context);

示例7: evaluate

import org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Tries to evaluate the policy by calling the combining algorithm on the given policies or
 * rules. The <code>match</code> method must always be called first, and must always return
 * MATCH, before this method is called.
 * @param context the representation of the request
 * @return the result of evaluation
public AbstractResult evaluate(EvaluationCtx context) {
    // evaluate
    AbstractResult result = combiningAlg.combine(context, parameters, childElements);

    // if we have no obligation expressions or advice expressions, we're done
    if (obligationExpressions.size() < 1 && adviceExpressions.size() < 1){
        return result;

    // if we have obligations,
    // now, see if we should add any obligations to the set
    int effect = result.getDecision();

    if ((effect == Result.DECISION_INDETERMINATE) || (effect == Result.DECISION_NOT_APPLICABLE)) {
        // we didn't permit/deny, so we never return obligations
        return result;
    // if any obligations or advices are defined, evaluates them and return
    processObligationAndAdvices(context, effect, result);
    return result;


示例8: checkAccessByRequest

import org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static boolean checkAccessByRequest(String request){
	boolean access = false;
	PDP pdp = PDPHelper.getPDPNewInstance();

	String response = pdp.evaluate(request);

	if (debug) {
				.println("XACML Response:");

	try {
		ResponseCtx responseCtx = ResponseCtx
		AbstractResult result = responseCtx.getResults().iterator().next();
		if (AbstractResult.DECISION_PERMIT == result.getDecision()) {
			access = true;
	} catch (ParsingException e) {

	return access;

示例9: combine

import org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public AbstractResult combine(EvaluationCtx context, List parameters, List ruleElements) {

    int noOfDenyRules = 0;
    int noOfPermitRules = 0;

    for (Object ruleElement : ruleElements) {
        Rule rule = ((RuleCombinerElement) (ruleElement)).getRule();
        AbstractResult result = rule.evaluate(context);

        int value = result.getDecision();
        if (value == Result.DECISION_DENY) {
        } else if (value == Result.DECISION_PERMIT) {

    if(noOfPermitRules > noOfDenyRules){
        return ResultFactory.getFactory().getResult(Result.DECISION_PERMIT, context);            
    } else {
        return ResultFactory.getFactory().getResult(Result.DECISION_DENY, context);     

示例10: combine

import org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Applies the combining rule to the set of policies based on the evaluation context.
 * @param context the context from the request
 * @param parameters a (possibly empty) non-null <code>List</code> of
 *            <code>CombinerParameter<code>s
 * @param policyElements the policies to combine
 * @return the result of running the combining algorithm
public AbstractResult combine(EvaluationCtx context, List parameters, List policyElements) {
    Iterator it = policyElements.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        AbstractPolicy policy = ((PolicyCombinerElement) (it.next())).getPolicy();

        // make sure that the policy matches the context
        MatchResult match = policy.match(context);

        if (match.getResult() == MatchResult.INDETERMINATE)
            return ResultFactory.getFactory().getResult(AbstractResult.DECISION_INDETERMINATE,
                    match.getStatus(), context);
        if (match.getResult() == MatchResult.MATCH) {
            // evaluate the policy
            AbstractResult result = policy.evaluate(context);
            int effect = result.getDecision();

            // in the case of PERMIT, DENY, or INDETERMINATE, we always
            // just return that result, so only on a rule that doesn't
            // apply do we keep going...
            if (effect != Result.DECISION_NOT_APPLICABLE && !context.isSearching()) {
                return result;
    // if we got here, then none of the rules applied
    return ResultFactory.getFactory().getResult(AbstractResult.DECISION_NOT_APPLICABLE, context);

示例11: main

import org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static void main(String[] args){

        Console console;
        String userName = "none";
        String content = "foo";

        if ((console = System.console()) != null){
            userName = console.readLine("Enter User name  [bob,  peter, alice] : ");
            if(userName == null || userName.trim().length() < 1 ){
                System.err.println("\nUser name can not be empty\n");

        String request = createXACMLRequest(userName, content);

        PDP pdp = getPDPNewInstance();

        System.out.println("\n======================== XACML Request ====================");

        String response = pdp.evaluate(request);

        System.out.println("\n======================== XACML Response ===================");

        try {
            ResponseCtx responseCtx = ResponseCtx.getInstance(getXacmlResponse(response));
            AbstractResult result  = responseCtx.getResults().iterator().next();
            if(AbstractResult.DECISION_PERMIT == result.getDecision()){
                System.out.println("\n" + userName + " is authorized to perform this access\n\n");
            } else {
                System.out.println("\n" + userName + " is NOT authorized to perform this access\n");
        } catch (ParsingException e) {


示例12: combine

import org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public AbstractResult combine(EvaluationCtx context, List parameters, List policyElements) {

    List<ObligationResult> denyObligations = new ArrayList<ObligationResult>();
    List<Advice> denyAdvices = new ArrayList<Advice>();

    for (Object policyElement : policyElements) {
        AbstractPolicy policy = ((PolicyCombinerElement) (policyElement)).getPolicy();
        MatchResult match = policy.match(context);
        if (match.getResult() == MatchResult.MATCH) {
            AbstractResult result = policy.evaluate(context);
            int value = result.getDecision();
            // if there was a value of PERMIT, then regardless of what else
            // we've seen, we always return PERMIT
            if (value == AbstractResult.DECISION_PERMIT) {
                return result;
            } else if(value == AbstractResult.DECISION_DENY){

    // if there is not any value of PERMIT. The return DENY
    return ResultFactory.getFactory().getResult(AbstractResult.DECISION_DENY, denyObligations,
                                                                        denyAdvices, context);

示例13: abstractResultToJSONObject

import org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Private method to convert a given Balana <code>{@link AbstractResult}</code> to a <code>{@link JsonObject}</code>
 * @param result <code>{@link AbstractResult}</code>
 * @return <code>{@link JsonObject}</code>
 * @throws ResponseWriteException <code>{@link ResponseWriteException}</code>
private static JsonObject abstractResultToJSONObject(AbstractResult result) throws ResponseWriteException {
    JsonObject jsonResult = new JsonObject();

    //Decision property is mandatory, if not set throw error
    if (result.getDecision() == -1) {
        throw new ResponseWriteException(40031, "XACML Result should contain the Decision");

    //If Status object is present, convert it
    if (result.getStatus() != null) {
        jsonResult.add(EntitlementEndpointConstants.STATUS, statusToJSONObject(result.getStatus()));

    //If Obligations are present
    if (result.getObligations() != null && !result.getObligations().isEmpty()) {
        //can only get ObligationResult objects from balana
        JsonArray obligations = new JsonArray();
        for (ObligationResult obligation : result.getObligations()) {
            if (obligation instanceof Obligation) {
                obligations.add(obligationToJsonObject((Obligation) obligation));
            } else {
                obligations.add(new JsonPrimitive(obligation.encode()));

        jsonResult.add(EntitlementEndpointConstants.OBLIGATIONS, obligations);

    //Do the same with attributes
    if (result.getAdvices() != null && !result.getAdvices().isEmpty()) {
        //can only get ObligationResult objects from balana
        JsonArray advices = new JsonArray();
        for (Advice advice : result.getAdvices()) {

        jsonResult.add(EntitlementEndpointConstants.ASSOCIATED_ADVICE, advices);

     * Todo: Category, PolicyIdentifierList

    return jsonResult;

示例14: combine

import org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Applies the combining rule to the set of policies based on the evaluation context.
 * @param context the context from the request
 * @param parameters a (possibly empty) non-null <code>List</code> of
 *            <code>CombinerParameter<code>s
 * @param policyElements the policies to combine
 * @return the result of running the combining algorithm
public AbstractResult combine(EvaluationCtx context, List parameters, List policyElements) {
    boolean atLeastOnePermit = false;
    List<ObligationResult> permitObligations = new ArrayList<ObligationResult>();
    List<Advice> permitAdvices= new ArrayList<Advice>();
    Iterator it = policyElements.iterator();

    while (it.hasNext()) {
        AbstractPolicy policy = ((PolicyCombinerElement) (it.next())).getPolicy();
        // make sure that the policy matches the context
        MatchResult match = policy.match(context);

        if (match.getResult() == MatchResult.INDETERMINATE){ //TODO  do we really want this?
            return ResultFactory.getFactory().getResult(AbstractResult.DECISION_DENY, context);

        if (match.getResult() == MatchResult.MATCH) {
            // evaluate the policy
            AbstractResult result = policy.evaluate(context);
            int effect = result.getDecision();

            // unlike in the RuleCombining version of this alg, we always
            // return DENY if any Policy returns DENY or INDETERMINATE
            if (effect == AbstractResult.DECISION_DENY){
                return result;
            if (effect == AbstractResult.DECISION_INDETERMINATE ||
                effect == AbstractResult.DECISION_INDETERMINATE_DENY ||
                effect == AbstractResult.DECISION_INDETERMINATE_PERMIT ||
                effect == AbstractResult.DECISION_INDETERMINATE_DENY_OR_PERMIT) {
                return ResultFactory.getFactory().getResult(Result.DECISION_DENY, context);
            // remember if at least one Policy said PERMIT
            if (effect == Result.DECISION_PERMIT) {
                atLeastOnePermit = true;

    // if we got a PERMIT, return it, otherwise it's NOT_APPLICABLE
    if (atLeastOnePermit) {
        return ResultFactory.getFactory().getResult(AbstractResult.DECISION_PERMIT,
                                                    permitObligations, permitAdvices, context);
    } else {
        return ResultFactory.getFactory().getResult(AbstractResult.DECISION_NOT_APPLICABLE, context); 

示例15: combine

import org.wso2.balana.ctx.AbstractResult; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Applies the combining rule to the set of rules based on the evaluation context.
 * @param context the context from the request
 * @param parameters a (possibly empty) non-null <code>List</code> of
 *            <code>CombinerParameter<code>s
 * @param ruleElements the rules to combine
 * @return the result of running the combining algorithm
public AbstractResult combine(EvaluationCtx context, List parameters, List ruleElements) {
    boolean atLeastOneError = false;
    boolean potentialPermit = false;
    boolean atLeastOneDeny = false;
    AbstractResult firstIndeterminateResult = null;
    List<ObligationResult> denyObligations = new ArrayList<ObligationResult>();
    List<Advice> denyAdvices = new ArrayList<Advice>();
    Iterator it = ruleElements.iterator();

    while (it.hasNext()) {
        Rule rule = ((RuleCombinerElement) (it.next())).getRule();
        AbstractResult result = rule.evaluate(context);
        int value = result.getDecision();

        // if there was a value of PERMIT, then regardless of what
        // else we've seen, we always return PERMIT
        if (value == AbstractResult.DECISION_PERMIT){
            return result;
        // if it was INDETERMINATE, then we couldn't figure something
        // out, so we keep track of these cases...
        if (value == AbstractResult.DECISION_INDETERMINATE ||
                value == AbstractResult.DECISION_INDETERMINATE_DENY ||
                value == AbstractResult.DECISION_INDETERMINATE_PERMIT ||
                value == AbstractResult.DECISION_INDETERMINATE_DENY_OR_PERMIT) {
            atLeastOneError = true;

            // there are no rules about what to do if multiple cases
            // cause errors, so we'll just return the first one
            if (firstIndeterminateResult == null){
                firstIndeterminateResult = result;
            // if the Rule's effect is PERMIT, then we can't let this
            // alg return DENY, since this Rule might have permitted
            // if it could do its stuff
            if (rule.getEffect() == AbstractResult.DECISION_PERMIT){
                potentialPermit = true;
        } else {
            // keep track of whether we had at least one rule that
            // actually pertained to the request
            if (value == AbstractResult.DECISION_DENY)
                atLeastOneDeny = true;

    // we didn't explicitly PERMIT, but we might have had some Rule
    // been evaluated, so we have to return INDETERMINATE
    if (potentialPermit){
        return firstIndeterminateResult;
    // some Rule said DENY, so since nothing could have permitted,
    // we return DENY
    if (atLeastOneDeny){
        return ResultFactory.getFactory().getResult(AbstractResult.DECISION_DENY, denyObligations,
                                                                        denyAdvices, context);
    // we didn't find anything that said DENY, but if we had a
    // problem with one of the Rules, then we're INDETERMINATE
    if (atLeastOneError){
        return firstIndeterminateResult;
    // if we hit this point, then none of the rules actually applied
    // to us, so we return NOT_APPLICABLE
    return ResultFactory.getFactory().getResult(AbstractResult.DECISION_NOT_APPLICABLE, context);
