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Java Document.adoptNode方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.w3c.dom.Document.adoptNode方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Document.adoptNode方法的具体用法?Java Document.adoptNode怎么用?Java Document.adoptNode使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在org.w3c.dom.Document的用法示例。


示例1: wrapWithSoapEnvelope

import org.w3c.dom.Document; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Document wrapWithSoapEnvelope(Element element) {
    DocumentBuilder documentBuilder;
    try {
        documentBuilder = newDocumentBuilder();
    } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
        LOG.error("*** ALERT: Failed to create a document builder when trying to construct the the soap message. ***", e);
        throw propagate(e);
    Document document = documentBuilder.newDocument();
    Element envelope = document.createElementNS("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/", "soapenv:Envelope");
    Element body = document.createElementNS("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/", "soapenv:Body");

    return document;

示例2: createSameTree

import org.w3c.dom.Document; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Create the same tree if it does not already exist.
 * @return
 * @throws Exception 
private static Node createSameTree(Document doc, Node externalNode, String xPath, TwsCachedXPathAPI xpathApi) throws Exception {
	if (xPath.indexOf('/') < 0 || externalNode == null) {
		// error root reached
	Node internalNode = xpathApi.selectSingleNode(doc, xPath);
	if (internalNode != null) {
		return internalNode;
	} else {
		String xPathParent = xPath.substring(0, xPath.lastIndexOf('/'));
		Node externalNodeParent = externalNode.getParentNode();
		Node internalNodeParent = createSameTree(doc, externalNodeParent, xPathParent, xpathApi);
		internalNode =  doc.adoptNode(externalNode.cloneNode(false));
		return internalNode;

示例3: parseInputStream

import org.w3c.dom.Document; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Parse the specified input stream in a DOM DocumentFragment, owned by the specified Document.
 * @param input the InputStream to parse
 * @param owningDocument the Document which will own the returned DocumentFragment
 * @return a DocumentFragment
 * @throws DecryptionException thrown if there is an error parsing the input stream
private DocumentFragment parseInputStream(InputStream input, Document owningDocument) throws DecryptionException {
    // Since Xerces currently seems not to handle parsing into a DocumentFragment
    // without a bit hackery, use this to simulate, so we can keep the API
    // the way it hopefully will look in the future. Obviously this only works for
    // input streams containing valid XML instances, not fragments.

    Document newDocument = null;
    try {
        newDocument = parserPool.parse(input);
    } catch (XMLParserException e) {
        log.error("Error parsing decrypted input stream", e);
        throw new DecryptionException("Error parsing input stream", e);

    Element element = newDocument.getDocumentElement();

    DocumentFragment container = owningDocument.createDocumentFragment();

    return container;

示例4: testAdoptNode

import org.w3c.dom.Document; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void testAdoptNode() {
    try {
        DocumentBuilderFactory docBF = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        docBuilder = docBF.newDocumentBuilder();

        Document doc1 = parse(data);
        Document doc2 = docBuilder.newDocument();

        Node element = doc2.adoptNode(doc1.getDocumentElement());

    } catch (Exception e) {
        Assert.fail("Excpetion while adopting node: " + e.getMessage());


示例5: unpackageTests

import org.w3c.dom.Document; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static Document unpackageTests(Document dmnXML) throws ParserConfigurationException {

        NodeList testCases = dmnXML.getElementsByTagNameNS(DMN_TCK_NS, "testCases");
        if (testCases.getLength() == 0) {
            return null;

        DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
        Document tckTests = dBuilder.newDocument();

        Node testCasesRoot = testCases.item(0);
        Node adoptedNode = tckTests.adoptNode(testCasesRoot.cloneNode(true));

        NamedNodeMap attributes = dmnXML.getDocumentElement().getAttributes();

        // Copy XML Schema and XML Schema instance namespace prefix. Especially useful for qnames resolution of types
        for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) {
            if (attributes.item(i).getNodeName().startsWith("xmlns:") && attributes.item(i).getNodeValue().startsWith("http://www.w3.org/")) {
                tckTests.getDocumentElement().setAttribute(attributes.item(i).getNodeName(), attributes.item(i).getNodeValue());

        return tckTests;


示例6: assembleModule

import org.w3c.dom.Document; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Assemble module.
 * @return the document
 * @throws TransformerException in case an error occurred during the transformation process.
 * @throws DOMException in case of a DOM traversing problem.
 * @throws ParserConfigurationException in case an error occurred during the parsing of the configuration
private Document assembleModule() 
    throws TransformerException, DOMException, ParserConfigurationException {
    // create empty document
    DocumentBuilderFactory tFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    Document tDoc = tFactory.newDocumentBuilder().getDOMImplementation().createDocument(null, null, null);
    Element tRoot = tDoc.createElement("Configuration");
    System.out.println("AsXmlTool: assemble AS configuration");
    for (String tModule : getModuleLoadOrder()) {
        System.out.println("...module " + tModule);
        Document tC = mDocuments.get(tModule);
        NodeList tElem = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(tC.getDocumentElement(), "/Configuration/*");
        for (int j = 0; j < tElem.getLength(); j++) {
            Element tNode = (Element) tElem.item(j);
            if (tNode.getTagName().equals("Version")) {
            if (tNode.getTagName().equals("inherits")) {
            tNode.setAttribute("module", tModule);
    return tDoc;


示例7: adoptElement

import org.w3c.dom.Document; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Adopts an element into a document if the child is not already in the document.
 * @param adoptee the element to be adopted
 * @param adopter the document into which the element is adopted
public static void adoptElement(Element adoptee, Document adopter) {
    if (!(adoptee.getOwnerDocument().equals(adopter))) {
        if (adopter.adoptNode(adoptee) == null) {
            // This can happen if the adopter and adoptee were produced by different DOM implementations
            throw new XMLRuntimeException("DOM Element node adoption failed");

示例8: adoptNode

import org.w3c.dom.Document; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Makes a new document adopt a node from a different document, and correctly reassign namespace
 * and prefix
 * @param document the new document
 * @param node the node to adopt.
 * @return the adopted node.
static Node adoptNode(Document document, Node node) {
    Node newNode = document.adoptNode(node);

    updateNamespace(newNode, document);

    return newNode;

示例9: writeToDOM

import org.w3c.dom.Document; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private synchronized void writeToDOM(Node target, short type) {
    Document futureOwner = (type == XSAnnotation.W3C_DOM_ELEMENT) ?
            target.getOwnerDocument() : (Document)target;
    DOMParser parser = fGrammar.getDOMParser();
    StringReader aReader = new StringReader(fData);
    InputSource aSource = new InputSource(aReader);
    try {
    catch (SAXException e) {
        // this should never happen!
        // REVISIT:  what to do with this?; should really not
        // eat it...
    catch (IOException i) {
        // ditto with above
    Document aDocument = parser.getDocument();
    Element annotation = aDocument.getDocumentElement();
    Node newElem = null;
    if (futureOwner instanceof CoreDocumentImpl) {
        newElem = futureOwner.adoptNode(annotation);
        // adoptNode will return null when the DOM implementations are not compatible.
        if (newElem == null) {
            newElem = futureOwner.importNode(annotation, true);
    else {
        newElem = futureOwner.importNode(annotation, true);
    target.insertBefore(newElem, target.getFirstChild());

示例10: preProcess

import org.w3c.dom.Document; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected void preProcess(Document doc, Node src, Node dest) throws DocTemplateException {

	NodeList childElements = src.getChildNodes();
	for (int i = 0; i < childElements.getLength(); i++) {
		Node childElement = childElements.item(i);
		Node result = null;
		boolean field = false;
		// OO Field Eigenschaft kann mit "variable-get" oder "variable-set" Knotename behandlen werden.
		if (childElement.getNodeName().endsWith(ODT_BOOKMARK_TAG_SUFFIX)
				|| (field = childElement.getNodeName().endsWith(OO_FIELD_GET_TAG_POSTFIX) || childElement.getNodeName().endsWith(OO_FIELD_SET_TAG_POSTFIX))) {
			String key = "";
			// In Fall des Fields key gleich mit dem "text:name" Eigenschaft
			if (field) {
				key = childElement.getAttributes().getNamedItem(TEXT_NAME).getTextContent();
			} else {
				key = childElement.getAttributes().item(0).getTextContent();
			// mehrere gleiche Textmarken mit ALT-Suffix intern ohne ALT-Suffix anwenden
			int altPos = key.indexOf(ALTERNATE_SUFFIX);
			if (altPos > 0) {
				key = key.substring(0, altPos);
			if (key != null && (key.startsWith(getFieldPrefix()) || key.startsWith(SORTFIELD_PREFIX) || key.startsWith(CONDITION_BEGIN) || key.startsWith(CONDITION_END)
					|| key.startsWith(ITERATION_BEGIN) || key.startsWith(ITERATION_END)) || field) {
				result = doc.createElement(INTERNAL_BOOKMARK_TAG);
				// In Fall des Fields wird ein Feld mit Prefix "FIELD_" generiert. Das bedautet, wir behandlen den
				// OO Field ebenso, als "FIELD_" Bookmark
				result.setTextContent(field ? (getFieldPrefix() + key) : key);
		if (result == null) {
			result = doc.adoptNode(childElement.cloneNode(false));
		preProcess(doc, childElement, result);

示例11: testCreateUserAccount

import org.w3c.dom.Document; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * This will check if adoptNode works will adoptNode from
 * @see <a href="content/userInfo.xml">userInfo.xml</a>
 * @see <a href="content/accountInfo.xml">accountInfo.xml</a>. This is
 * adopting a node from the XML file which is validated by a DTD and
 * into an XML file which is validated by the schema This covers Row 5
 * for the table
 * http://javaweb.sfbay/~jsuttor/JSR206/jsr-206-html/ch03s05.html. Filed
 * bug 4893745 because there was a difference in behavior.
 * @throws Exception If any errors occur.
public void testCreateUserAccount() throws Exception {
    String userXmlFile = XML_DIR + "userInfo.xml";
    String accountXmlFile = XML_DIR + "accountInfo.xml";
    DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

    DocumentBuilder docBuilder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
    MyErrorHandler eh = new MyErrorHandler();

    Document document = docBuilder.parse(userXmlFile);
    Element user = (Element) document.getElementsByTagName("FirstName").item(0);
    // Set schema after parsing userInfo.xml. Otherwise it will conflict
    // with DTD validation.
    DocumentBuilder docBuilder1 = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
    Document accDocument = docBuilder1.parse(accountXmlFile);

    Element firstName = (Element) accDocument
            .getElementsByTagNameNS(PORTAL_ACCOUNT_NS, "FirstName").item(0);
    Element adoptedAccount = (Element) accDocument.adoptNode(user);

    Element parent = (Element) firstName.getParentNode();
    parent.replaceChild(adoptedAccount, firstName);

    DOMImplementationRegistry registry = DOMImplementationRegistry.newInstance();
    DOMImplementationLS impl = (DOMImplementationLS) registry.getDOMImplementation("LS");
    LSSerializer writer = impl.createLSSerializer();

    MyDOMOutput mydomoutput = new MyDOMOutput();

    writer.write(document, mydomoutput);
    writer.write(accDocument, mydomoutput);


示例12: preProcess

import org.w3c.dom.Document; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected void preProcess(Document doc, Node src, Node dest) throws DocTemplateException {

		NodeList childElements = src.getChildNodes();
		for (int i = 0; i < childElements.getLength(); i++) {
			Node childElement = childElements.item(i);
			Node result = null;
			String nodeName = childElement.getNodeName();
			boolean field = nodeName.toUpperCase().endsWith(XML_FIELD);
			if (NAMESPACE_URI.equals(childElement.getNamespaceURI())) {
				String key = null;
				// In Fall des Fields key gleich mit dem "text:name" Eigenschaft
				if (field) {
					key = getValueOfAttribute(XML_FIELD_PATH, childElement);
					String formatter = getValueOfAttribute(XML_FIELD_FORMATTER, childElement);
					if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(formatter)) {
						String postFix = LdtConstants.FORMAT_SUFFIX + formatter;
						key = key + postFix;
						keyTranslationTable.put(postFix, postFix);
				} else {
					for (String blockElement : BLOCK_MARKERS) {
						if (nodeName.toUpperCase().endsWith(blockElement)) {
							key = blockElement + "_" + childElement.getAttributes().item(0).getTextContent();
				if (key != null) {
					result = doc.createElement(INTERNAL_BOOKMARK_TAG);
					result.setTextContent(field ? (getFieldPrefix() + key) : key);
					String sort = null;
					if ((sort = getValueOfAttribute(SORT, childElement)) != null) {
						if (!sort.equalsIgnoreCase(ASC) && !sort.equalsIgnoreCase(DESC)) {
							log.warn("Die Sortierung ist falsch: asc oder desc!");
						} else {
							result = doc.createElement(INTERNAL_BOOKMARK_TAG);
							String body = SORT.toUpperCase().concat("_").concat(getPfadOnly(key));
							if (sort.equalsIgnoreCase(DESC)) {
								body = body.concat("_").concat(sort.toUpperCase());
					Node attr = childElement.getAttributes().getNamedItem("attribute");
					if (attr != null) {
						String s = attr.getNodeValue();
						Node srcAttr = src.getAttributes().getNamedItem(s);
						if (srcAttr != null) {
							srcAttr.setNodeValue(INTERNAL_BOOKMARK_XML_ATTR_START + result.getTextContent() + INTERNAL_BOOKMARK_XML_ATTR_END);
					if (!field) {
						preProcess(doc, childElement, dest);
						result = doc.createElement(INTERNAL_BOOKMARK_TAG);
			if (result == null) {
				result = doc.adoptNode(childElement.cloneNode(false));
			preProcess(doc, childElement, result);
