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Java VoltTable.addRow方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.voltdb.VoltTable.addRow方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java VoltTable.addRow方法的具体用法?Java VoltTable.addRow怎么用?Java VoltTable.addRow使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在org.voltdb.VoltTable的用法示例。


示例1: getPrimaryKeys

import org.voltdb.VoltTable; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public ResultSet getPrimaryKeys(String catalog, String schema, String table) throws SQLException
    assert(table != null && !table.isEmpty());
    this.sysCatalog.setString(1, "PRIMARYKEYS");
    JDBC4ResultSet res = (JDBC4ResultSet) this.sysCatalog.executeQuery();
    VoltTable vtable = res.getVoltTable().clone(0);

    // Filter the primary keys based on table name
    while (res.next()) {
        if (res.getString("TABLE_NAME").equals(table.toUpperCase())) {
    return new JDBC4ResultSet(sysCatalog, vtable);

示例2: getIndexInfo

import org.voltdb.VoltTable; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public ResultSet getIndexInfo(String catalog, String schema, String table, boolean unique, boolean approximate) throws SQLException
    assert(table != null && !table.isEmpty());
    this.sysCatalog.setString(1, "INDEXINFO");
    JDBC4ResultSet res = (JDBC4ResultSet) this.sysCatalog.executeQuery();
    VoltTable vtable = res.getVoltTable().clone(0);

    // Filter the indexes by table name
    while (res.next()) {
        if (res.getString("TABLE_NAME").equals(table.toUpperCase())) {
            if (!unique || res.getShort("NON_UNIQUE") == 0) {

    return new JDBC4ResultSet(sysCatalog, vtable);

示例3: createVerticalPartitionPlan

import org.voltdb.VoltTable; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private SynthesizedPlanFragment[] createVerticalPartitionPlan(LocalTransaction ts, MaterializedViewInfo catalog_view, VoltTable table) {
    Table virtual_tbl = catalog_view.getDest();
    VoltTable vt = CatalogUtil.getVoltTable(virtual_tbl);
    Collection<Column> virtual_cols = CatalogUtil.getColumns(catalog_view.getGroupbycols());
    while (table.advanceRow()) {
        int i = 0;
        Object row[] = new Object[virtual_cols.size()];
        for (Column catalog_col : CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(virtual_cols, "index")) {
            if (trace.val)
                LOG.trace(String.format("Adding %s [%d] to virtual column %d",
                          table.getColumnName(catalog_col.getIndex()), catalog_col.getIndex(), i));
            row[catalog_col.getIndex()] = table.get(catalog_col.getIndex());
        } // FOR
    } // WHILE
    if (debug.val)
        LOG.info(String.format("Vertical Partition %s -> %s\n",
                 catalog_view.getParent().getName(), virtual_tbl.getName()) + vt);
    return (createReplicatedPlan(ts, virtual_tbl, vt));

示例4: formatFinalResults

import org.voltdb.VoltTable; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public String formatFinalResults(BenchmarkResults br) {
    if (this.stop) return (null);
    VoltTable vt = new VoltTable(this.columns);
    for (Object row[] : this.results) {
    try {
        FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(this.outputPath);
        VoltTableUtil.csv(writer, vt, true);
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);
    LOG.info("Wrote CSV memory stats to '" + this.outputPath.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
    return (null);

示例5: executePlanFragment

import org.voltdb.VoltTable; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public DependencySet executePlanFragment(Long txn_id,
                                         Map<Integer, List<VoltTable>> dependencies,
                                         int fragmentId,
                                         ParameterSet params,
                                         PartitionExecutor.SystemProcedureExecutionContext context) {
    // Nothing to do
    System.out.println("executePlanFragment!!! in get configuration");
    assert(fragmentId == SysProcFragmentId.PF_getConfiguration);
    HStoreConf hstore_conf = executor.getHStoreConf();
    String confNames[] = (String[])params.toArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < confNames.length; i++) {
        if (hstore_conf.hasParameter((String)params.toArray()[i]) == false) {
            String msg = String.format("Invalid configuration parameter '%s'", confNames[i]);
            throw new VoltAbortException(msg);
    } // FOR
    VoltTable vt = new VoltTable(nodeResultsColumns);
    TimestampType timestamp = new TimestampType();
    for (int i = 0; i < confNames.length; i++) {
        Object val = hstore_conf.get(confNames[i]);
    } // FOR
    DependencySet result = new DependencySet(SysProcFragmentId.PF_getConfiguration, vt);
    return (result);

示例6: getCatalogs

import org.voltdb.VoltTable; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public ResultSet getCatalogs() throws SQLException
    VoltTable result = new VoltTable(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("TABLE_CAT",VoltType.STRING));
    result.addRow(new Object[] { catalogString });
    return new JDBC4ResultSet(null, result);

示例7: loadTableByRandom

import org.voltdb.VoltTable; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void loadTableByRandom(AbstractTable at, VoltTable vt, Map<String, VoltTable> memory)
    String sTblName = at.getName();
    Column[] cols = TableEnv.getAllColumns(TableEnv.getTable(sTblName));
    Object[] row = new Object[vt.getColumnCount()];

    for (int iRow = 0; iRow < at.getCardinality(); iRow++)
        for (Column col : cols)
            final int iCol = col.getIndex();
            Column referredCol = TableEnv.getReferredColumn(col);
            if (referredCol != null)
                VoltTable referredTbl = memory.get(referredCol.getParent().getName());
                row[iCol] = pickRandomVal(referredTbl, referredCol);
                row[iCol] = at.getColumnValGenerators()[iCol].genRandVal();
    loadTable(sTblName, vt);
    memory.put(sTblName, vt);

示例8: run

import org.voltdb.VoltTable; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public VoltTable[] run(String[] broker_list, String sector_name) throws VoltAbortException {
    // it seems we should return only the volumes
    VoltTable result = new VoltTable(new VoltTable.ColumnInfo("volume", VoltType.FLOAT));
    List<Double> volumes = new ArrayList<Double>();
    for (int i = 0; i < broker_list.length; i++) {
        voltQueueSQL(getBrokerInfo, broker_list[i], sector_name);
        VoltTable brok_res = voltExecuteSQL()[0];
        if (brok_res.getRowCount() > 0) {
            double vol = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < brok_res.getRowCount(); j++) {
                vol += brok_res.fetchRow(j).getDouble(1);
    // sort the values
    // populating the result table in reverse order (since we need order by desc)
    for (int i = volumes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    return new VoltTable[] {result};

示例9: generateCustomers

import org.voltdb.VoltTable; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 *   Populate customers table per benchmark spec.
void generateCustomers() {
    int cid = 0;
    VoltTable customerTbl = initializeCustomerDataTable();
    Object row[] = new Object[customerTbl.getColumnCount()];

    while (cid < kMaxCustomers / m_scalefactor) {
        int col = 0;
        row[col++] = new Integer(cid++);
        for (int j=0; j < 20; ++j) {
            row[col++] = astring(6,8);
        for (int j=0; j < 20; ++j) {
            row[col++] = number(0, 1<<30);
        assert (col == customerTbl.getColumnCount());

        if (customerTbl.getRowCount() >= kCustomerBatchSize) {
            System.err.printf("CUSTOMERS: loading %d rows (cid %d of %d)\n",
                              customerTbl.getRowCount(), cid, (kMaxCustomers / m_scalefactor));
            loadTable("CUSTOMERS", customerTbl);
    System.err.println("CUSTOMERS: loading final " + customerTbl.getRowCount() + " rows.");
    loadTable("CUSTOMERS", customerTbl);

示例10: testBuildPartitionResult

import org.voltdb.VoltTable; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * testBuildPartitionResult
public void testBuildPartitionResult() throws Exception {
    Table catalog_tbl = this.getTable(TM1Constants.TABLENAME_SPECIAL_FACILITY); 
    VoltTable vt = CatalogUtil.getVoltTable(catalog_tbl);
    int num_rows = 50;
    for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
        Object row[] = new Object[catalog_tbl.getColumns().size()];
        for (int j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
            VoltType vtype = VoltType.get(catalog_tbl.getColumns().get(j).getType());
            row[j] = VoltTypeUtil.getRandomValue(vtype, rand);
        } // FOR
    } // FOR
    int dep_id = 10001;
    DependencySet result = new DependencySet(new int[]{ dep_id }, new VoltTable[]{ vt });
    RemoteTransaction ts = new RemoteTransaction(hstore_site);
    WorkResult partitionResult = executor.buildWorkResult(ts, result, Status.OK, null);
    assertEquals(result.size(), partitionResult.getDepDataCount());
    assertEquals(1, partitionResult.getDepDataCount());
    for (int i = 0; i < partitionResult.getDepDataCount(); i++) {
        assertEquals(dep_id, partitionResult.getDepId(i));
        ByteString bs = partitionResult.getDepData(i);
        System.err.println("SIZE: " + StringUtil.md5sum(bs.asReadOnlyByteBuffer()));
        byte serialized[] = bs.toByteArray();
        VoltTable clone = FastDeserializer.deserialize(serialized, VoltTable.class);
        assertEquals(vt.getRowCount(), clone.getRowCount());
        assertEquals(vt.getColumnCount(), clone.getColumnCount());
    } // FOR

示例11: testAddResultsBeforeStart

import org.voltdb.VoltTable; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * testAddResultsBeforeStart
public void testAddResultsBeforeStart() throws Exception {
    // We need to test to make sure that we don't get a CountDownLatch with the wrong count
    // if we start the round *after* a bunch of results have arrived.
    // Add a bunch of fake results
    Long marker = 1000l;
    List<Long> markers = new ArrayList<Long>();
    for (int dependency_id : this.dependency_ids) {
        for (int partition = 0; partition < NUM_PARTITIONS; partition++) {
            // If this dependency is meant to go back to the VoltProcedure, then
            // we want to add a row so that we can figure out whether we are getting
            // the results back in the right order
            if (!this.internal_dependency_ids.contains(dependency_id)) {
                // Skip anything that isn't our local partition
                if (partition != LOCAL_PARTITION) continue;
                VoltTable copy = new VoltTable(FAKE_RESULTS_COLUMNS);
                copy.addRow(marker, "XXXX");
                this.depTracker.addResult(this.ts, partition, dependency_id, copy);
            // Otherwise just stuff in our fake result (if they actually need it)
            } else if (this.dependency_partitions.get(dependency_id).contains(partition)) {
                this.depTracker.addResult(this.ts, partition, dependency_id, FAKE_RESULT);
        } // FOR (partition)
    } // FOR (dependency ids)
    assertEquals(NUM_DUPLICATE_STATEMENTS, markers.size());

    CountDownLatch latch = this.depTracker.getDependencyLatch(this.ts); 
    assertEquals(0, latch.getCount());

示例12: getStatusTable

import org.voltdb.VoltTable; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static VoltTable getStatusTable(boolean success) {
    VoltTable vt = new VoltTable(statusColumns);
    vt.addRow((success ? 1 : 0));
    return (vt);

示例13: generateReservations

import org.voltdb.VoltTable; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Populate RESERVATIONS per benchmark spec
void generateReservations() {
    // iterate through the flights.
    // pick 70-90% of the 150 seats in the flight.
    // pick a customer (who is not booked for this flight).
    // create a reservation row.

    // assign cids to fids in a deterministic way so
    // that (cid, fid) pairs can be generated by the
    // benchmark for the ChangeSeat procedure.

    /* Creates a table of cids like this (using 6
     * seats per aircraft, 10 total customers)

             1  2   3   4   5   6
        1    1   4   7  10  3   6
        2    2   5   8  1   4   7
        3    3   6   9  2   5   8

      cid = f(fid,seat) = (maxfid * (seat -1) + fid) % maxcust
      is in range to be on the flight.

      (Actually, I think this gives a wrong answer (0 v. max) for
      the maximum customer ID. 0 is an invalid cid so this can be
      caught and fixed...)


    int maxcids = kMaxCustomers / m_scalefactor;
    int maxfids = kMaxFlights / m_scalefactor;

    int cid = 1;
    int rid = 1;

    VoltTable reservationTbl = initializeReservationDataTable();
    Object row[] = new Object[reservationTbl.getColumnCount()];

    for (int seatnum = 1; seatnum < 151; ++seatnum) {
        for (int fid = 1; fid < maxfids + 1; ++fid) {
            // always advance cid, even if seat is empty
            cid = (cid++ % maxcids);

            if (seatIsOccupied()) {
                int col = 0;
                row[col++] = new Integer(rid++);
                row[col++] = new Integer(cid);
                row[col++] = new Integer(fid);
                row[col++] = new Integer(seatnum);
                for (int j=0; j < 9; ++j) {
                    row[col++] = number(1, 1<<30);
                if (reservationTbl.getRowCount() >= kReservationBatchSize) {
                    System.err.printf("RESERVATIONS: loading %d rows (fid %d of %d)\n",
                                      reservationTbl.getRowCount(), fid, maxfids);
                    loadTable("RESERVATIONS", reservationTbl);

    System.err.println("RESERVATIONS: loading final " + reservationTbl.getRowCount() + " rows.");
    loadTable("RESERVATIONS", reservationTbl);

示例14: testQueryOrder

import org.voltdb.VoltTable; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * testQueryOrder
public void testQueryOrder() throws Exception {
    System.err.println("CURRENT: " + ClassUtil.getCurrentMethodName());
    // This checks that we get the execution order of queries correct.
    // In a single query batch we will first execute an update on a replicated
    // table and then execute a second query that will read from that table. The 
    // second query should get the new value from the first query and not the 
    // original value.
    Client client = this.getClient();
    CatalogContext catalogContext = this.getCatalogContext();
    Table catalog_tbl = catalogContext.getTableByName(TPCCConstants.TABLENAME_ITEM);
    int expectedNumItems = 10;
    VoltTable vt = CatalogUtil.getVoltTable(catalog_tbl);
    for (int i = 0; i < expectedNumItems; i++) {
        Object row[] = VoltTableUtil.getRandomRow(catalog_tbl);
        row[0] = i;
    } // FOR
    RegressionSuiteUtil.load(client, catalog_tbl, vt);
    long numItems = RegressionSuiteUtil.getRowCount(client, catalog_tbl);
    assertEquals(expectedNumItems, numItems);
    String procName = UpdateItemName.class.getSimpleName();
    long itemId = this.getRandom().number(TPCCConstants.STARTING_ITEM, numItems);
    String itemName = "Tone Loc";
    ClientResponse cr = client.callProcedure(procName, itemId, itemName);
    assertEquals(cr.toString(), Status.OK, cr.getStatus());
    assertEquals(cr.toString(), 1, cr.getResults().length);
    try {
        if(cr.getResults()[0].getRowCount() != 0){
            assertTrue(cr.toString(), cr.getResults()[0].advanceRow());
            assertEquals(itemName, cr.getResults()[0].getString(0));
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
        System.err.printf("TARGET: %d/%s\n", itemId, itemName);
        cr = RegressionSuiteUtil.sql(client, "SELECT * FROM " + TPCCConstants.TABLENAME_ITEM);
        throw new Exception(ex);

示例15: saveTest

import org.voltdb.VoltTable; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private DependencySet saveTest(String file_path, String file_nonce, SystemProcedureExecutionContext context, String hostname) {
        VoltTable result = constructNodeResultsTable();
        // Choose the lowest site ID on this host to do the file scan
        // All other sites should just return empty results tables.
        Host catalog_host = context.getHost();
        Site site = context.getSite();

        CatalogMap<Partition> partition_map = site.getPartitions();
        Integer lowest_partition_id = Integer.MAX_VALUE, p_id;
        Integer lowest_site_id = Integer.MAX_VALUE, s_id;
        for(Site st : CatalogUtil.getAllSites(catalog_host)){
            s_id = st.getId();
            lowest_site_id = Math.min(s_id, lowest_site_id);
        for(Partition pt : partition_map){
            p_id = pt.getId();
            lowest_partition_id = Math.min(p_id, lowest_partition_id);
        assert(lowest_partition_id != Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        //LOG.trace("Partition id :" + context.getPartitionExecutor().getPartitionId());
        //LOG.trace("Lowest Partition id :" + lowest_partition_id);

        // Do it at partition with lowest partition id on site with lowest site id 
        // as we can have multiple partitions per site in HStore
        if (context.getSite().getId() == lowest_site_id && context.getPartitionExecutor().getPartitionId() == lowest_partition_id) {

           LOG.trace("Checking feasibility of save with path and nonce: " + file_path + ", " + file_nonce);
           LOG.trace("ExecutionSitesCurrentlySnapshotting check : " + SnapshotSiteProcessor.ExecutionSitesCurrentlySnapshotting.get());

            // CHANGE : Only 1 Site doing this
            if (SnapshotSiteProcessor.ExecutionSitesCurrentlySnapshotting.get() != -1) {
                result.addRow(Integer.parseInt(context.getSite().getHost().getTypeName().replaceAll("[\\D]", "")), hostname, "", "FAILURE", "SNAPSHOT IN PROGRESS");
                return new DependencySet(DEP_saveTest, result);

            for (Table table : SnapshotUtil.getTablesToSave(context.getDatabase())) {
                File saveFilePath = SnapshotUtil.constructFileForTable(table, file_path, file_nonce, 
                LOG.trace("Host ID " + context.getSite().getHost().getTypeName() + " table: " + table.getTypeName() + " to path: " + saveFilePath);
                String file_valid = "SUCCESS";
                String err_msg = "";
                if (saveFilePath.exists()) {
                    file_valid = "FAILURE";
                    err_msg = "SAVE FILE ALREADY EXISTS: " + saveFilePath;
                } else if (!saveFilePath.getParentFile().canWrite()) {
                    file_valid = "FAILURE";
                    err_msg = "FILE LOCATION UNWRITABLE: " + saveFilePath;
                } else {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException ex) {
                        file_valid = "FAILURE";
                        err_msg = "FILE CREATION OF " + saveFilePath + "RESULTED IN IOException: " + ex.getMessage();
                result.addRow(catalog_host.getId(), hostname, context.getHStoreSite().getSiteId(), context.getPartitionExecutor().getPartitionId(),  table.getTypeName(), file_valid, err_msg);
        //LOG.trace("Host ID " + context.getSite().getHost().getTypeName() + "\n" + new DependencySet(DEP_saveTest, result));
        return new DependencySet(DEP_saveTest, result);
