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Java UIView.convertPointFromView方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.robovm.apple.uikit.UIView.convertPointFromView方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java UIView.convertPointFromView方法的具体用法?Java UIView.convertPointFromView怎么用?Java UIView.convertPointFromView使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在org.robovm.apple.uikit.UIView的用法示例。


示例1: assertViewIsLeftAlignedToView

import org.robovm.apple.uikit.UIView; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Assert that two views are left aligned, that is that their left edges
 * are on the same x location.
 * @param first The first view
 * @param second The second view
protected void assertViewIsLeftAlignedToView(UIView first, UIView second) {
    UIView commonAncestor = findMostCommonAncestorOfView(first, second);
    if(commonAncestor == null) {
        Assert.fail("Views can't be aligned because they don't have a common ancestor");

    CGPoint origin1 = commonAncestor.convertPointFromView(first.getFrame().getOrigin(), first);
    CGPoint origin2 = commonAncestor.convertPointFromView(second.getFrame().getOrigin(), second);

    Assert.assertEquals("views are not left aligned", origin1.getX(), origin2.getX(), 0);

示例2: assertViewIsRightAlignedToView

import org.robovm.apple.uikit.UIView; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Assert that two views are right aligned, that is that their right edges
 * are on the same x location.
 * @param first The first view
 * @param second The second view
protected void assertViewIsRightAlignedToView(UIView first, UIView second) {
    UIView commonAncestor = findMostCommonAncestorOfView(first, second);
    if(commonAncestor == null) {
        Assert.fail("Views can't be aligned because they don't have a common ancestor");

    CGPoint origin1 = commonAncestor.convertPointFromView(first.getFrame().getOrigin(), first);
    CGPoint origin2 = commonAncestor.convertPointFromView(second.getFrame().getOrigin(), second);

    CGSize firstMeasuredSize = UIViewLayoutUtil.getMeasuredSize(first);
    CGSize secondMeasuredSize = UIViewLayoutUtil.getMeasuredSize(second);

    Assert.assertEquals("views are not right aligned", origin1.getX() + firstMeasuredSize.getWidth(), origin2.getX() + secondMeasuredSize.getWidth(), 0);

示例3: assertViewIsTopAlignedToView

import org.robovm.apple.uikit.UIView; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Assert that two views are top aligned, that is that their top edges
 * are on the same y location.
 * @param first The first view
 * @param second The second view
protected void assertViewIsTopAlignedToView(UIView first, UIView second) {
    UIView commonAncestor = findMostCommonAncestorOfView(first, second);
    if(commonAncestor == null) {
        Assert.fail("Views can't be aligned because they don't have a common ancestor");

    CGPoint origin1 = commonAncestor.convertPointFromView(first.getFrame().getOrigin(), first);
    CGPoint origin2 = commonAncestor.convertPointFromView(second.getFrame().getOrigin(), second);

    Assert.assertEquals("views are not top aligned", origin1.getY(), origin2.getY(), 0);

示例4: assertViewIsBottomAlignedToView

import org.robovm.apple.uikit.UIView; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Assert that two views are bottom aligned, that is that their bottom edges
 * are on the same y location.
 * @param first The first view
 * @param second The second view
protected void assertViewIsBottomAlignedToView(UIView first, UIView second) {
    UIView commonAncestor = findMostCommonAncestorOfView(first, second);
    if(commonAncestor == null) {
        Assert.fail("Views can't be aligned because they don't have a common ancestor");

    CGPoint origin1 = commonAncestor.convertPointFromView(first.getFrame().getOrigin(), first);
    CGPoint origin2 = commonAncestor.convertPointFromView(second.getFrame().getOrigin(), second);

    CGSize firstMeasuredSize = UIViewLayoutUtil.getMeasuredSize(first);
    CGSize secondMeasuredSize = UIViewLayoutUtil.getMeasuredSize(second);

    Assert.assertEquals("views are not bottom aligned", origin1.getY() + firstMeasuredSize.getHeight(), origin2.getY() + secondMeasuredSize.getHeight(), 0);
