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Java SanitizedFile.mkdir方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.fdroid.fdroid.data.SanitizedFile.mkdir方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java SanitizedFile.mkdir方法的具体用法?Java SanitizedFile.mkdir怎么用?Java SanitizedFile.mkdir使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在org.fdroid.fdroid.data.SanitizedFile的用法示例。


示例1: LocalRepoManager

import org.fdroid.fdroid.data.SanitizedFile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private LocalRepoManager(Context c) {
    context = c.getApplicationContext();
    pm = c.getPackageManager();
    assetManager = c.getAssets();
    fdroidPackageName = c.getPackageName();

    webRoot = SanitizedFile.knownSanitized(c.getFilesDir());
    /* /fdroid/repo is the standard path for user repos */
    fdroidDir = new SanitizedFile(webRoot, "fdroid");
    fdroidDirCaps = new SanitizedFile(webRoot, "FDROID");
    repoDir = new SanitizedFile(fdroidDir, "repo");
    repoDirCaps = new SanitizedFile(fdroidDirCaps, "REPO");
    iconsDir = new SanitizedFile(repoDir, "icons");
    xmlIndexJar = new SanitizedFile(repoDir, "index.jar");
    xmlIndexJarUnsigned = new SanitizedFile(repoDir, "index.unsigned.jar");

    if (!fdroidDir.exists() && !fdroidDir.mkdir()) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Unable to create empty base: " + fdroidDir);

    if (!repoDir.exists() && !repoDir.mkdir()) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Unable to create empty repo: " + repoDir);

    if (!iconsDir.exists() && !iconsDir.mkdir()) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Unable to create icons folder: " + iconsDir);

示例2: LocalRepoManager

import org.fdroid.fdroid.data.SanitizedFile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private LocalRepoManager(Context c) {
    context = c.getApplicationContext();
    pm = c.getPackageManager();
    assetManager = c.getAssets();
    fdroidPackageName = c.getPackageName();

    webRoot = SanitizedFile.knownSanitized(c.getFilesDir());
    /* /fdroid/repo is the standard path for user repos */
    fdroidDir = new SanitizedFile(webRoot, "fdroid");
    fdroidDirCaps = new SanitizedFile(webRoot, "FDROID");
    repoDir = new SanitizedFile(fdroidDir, "repo");
    repoDirCaps = new SanitizedFile(fdroidDirCaps, "REPO");
    iconsDir = new SanitizedFile(repoDir, "icons");
    xmlIndex = new SanitizedFile(repoDir, "index.xml");
    xmlIndexJar = new SanitizedFile(repoDir, "index.jar");
    xmlIndexJarUnsigned = new SanitizedFile(repoDir, "index.unsigned.jar");

    if (!fdroidDir.exists() && !fdroidDir.mkdir()) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Unable to create empty base: " + fdroidDir);

    if (!repoDir.exists() && !repoDir.mkdir()) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Unable to create empty repo: " + repoDir);

    if (!iconsDir.exists() && !iconsDir.mkdir()) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Unable to create icons folder: " + iconsDir);

示例3: getApkCacheDir

import org.fdroid.fdroid.data.SanitizedFile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * This location is only for caching, do not install directly from this location
 * because if the file is on the External Storage, any other app could swap out
 * the APK while the install was in process, allowing malware to install things.
 * Using {@link org.fdroid.fdroid.installer.Installer#installPackage(File, String, String)}
 * is fine since that does the right thing.
public static SanitizedFile getApkCacheDir(Context context) {
    final SanitizedFile apkCacheDir = new SanitizedFile(StorageUtils.getCacheDirectory(context, true), "apks");
    if (!apkCacheDir.exists()) {
    return apkCacheDir;
