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Java Scorer.iterator方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer.iterator方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Scorer.iterator方法的具体用法?Java Scorer.iterator怎么用?Java Scorer.iterator使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer的用法示例。


示例1: exists

import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Check whether there is one or more documents matching the provided query.
public static boolean exists(IndexSearcher searcher, Query query) throws IOException {
    final Weight weight = searcher.createNormalizedWeight(query, false);
    // the scorer API should be more efficient at stopping after the first
    // match than the bulk scorer API
    for (LeafReaderContext context : searcher.getIndexReader().leaves()) {
        final Scorer scorer = weight.scorer(context);
        if (scorer == null) {
        final Bits liveDocs = context.reader().getLiveDocs();
        final DocIdSetIterator iterator = scorer.iterator();
        for (int doc = iterator.nextDoc(); doc != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS; doc = iterator.nextDoc()) {
            if (liveDocs == null || liveDocs.get(doc)) {
                return true;
    return false;

示例2: doPostCollection

import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected void doPostCollection() throws IOException {
    IndexReader indexReader = context().searcher().getIndexReader();
    for (LeafReaderContext ctx : indexReader.leaves()) {
        Scorer childDocsScorer = childFilter.scorer(ctx);
        if (childDocsScorer == null) {
        DocIdSetIterator childDocsIter = childDocsScorer.iterator();

        final LeafBucketCollector sub = collectableSubAggregators.getLeafCollector(ctx);
        final SortedDocValues globalOrdinals = valuesSource.globalOrdinalsValues(parentType, ctx);

        // Set the scorer, since we now replay only the child docIds
        sub.setScorer(new ConstantScoreScorer(null, 1f,childDocsIter));

        final Bits liveDocs = ctx.reader().getLiveDocs();
        for (int docId = childDocsIter.nextDoc(); docId != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS; docId = childDocsIter.nextDoc()) {
            if (liveDocs != null && liveDocs.get(docId) == false) {
            long globalOrdinal = globalOrdinals.getOrd(docId);
            if (globalOrdinal != -1) {
                long bucketOrd = parentOrdToBuckets.get(globalOrdinal);
                if (bucketOrd != -1) {
                    collectBucket(sub, docId, bucketOrd);
                    if (multipleBucketsPerParentOrd) {
                        long[] otherBucketOrds = parentOrdToOtherBuckets.get(globalOrdinal);
                        if (otherBucketOrds != null) {
                            for (long otherBucketOrd : otherBucketOrds) {
                                collectBucket(sub, docId, otherBucketOrd);

示例3: getLeafCollector

import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(final LeafReaderContext ctx, final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
    IndexReaderContext topLevelContext = ReaderUtil.getTopLevelContext(ctx);
    IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(topLevelContext);
    Weight weight = searcher.createNormalizedWeight(childFilter, false);
    Scorer childDocsScorer = weight.scorer(ctx);

    final BitSet parentDocs = parentFilter.getBitSet(ctx);
    final DocIdSetIterator childDocs = childDocsScorer != null ? childDocsScorer.iterator() : null;
    return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, null) {
        public void collect(int parentDoc, long bucket) throws IOException {
            // if parentDoc is 0 then this means that this parent doesn't have child docs (b/c these appear always before the parent
            // doc), so we can skip:
            if (parentDoc == 0 || parentDocs == null || childDocs == null) {

            final int prevParentDoc = parentDocs.prevSetBit(parentDoc - 1);
            int childDocId = childDocs.docID();
            if (childDocId <= prevParentDoc) {
                childDocId = childDocs.advance(prevParentDoc + 1);

            for (; childDocId < parentDoc; childDocId = childDocs.nextDoc()) {
                collectBucket(sub, childDocId, bucket);

示例4: innerDocs

import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Get a {@link DocIdSet} that matches the inner documents.
public DocIdSetIterator innerDocs(LeafReaderContext ctx) throws IOException {
    final IndexReaderContext topLevelCtx = ReaderUtil.getTopLevelContext(ctx);
    IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(topLevelCtx);
    Weight weight = indexSearcher.createNormalizedWeight(innerQuery, false);
    Scorer s = weight.scorer(ctx);
    return s == null ? null : s.iterator();

示例5: doPostCollection

import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected void doPostCollection() throws IOException {
    IndexReader indexReader = context().searchContext().searcher().getIndexReader();
    for (LeafReaderContext ctx : indexReader.leaves()) {
        Scorer childDocsScorer = childFilter.scorer(ctx);
        if (childDocsScorer == null) {
        DocIdSetIterator childDocsIter = childDocsScorer.iterator();

        final LeafBucketCollector sub = collectableSubAggregators.getLeafCollector(ctx);
        final SortedDocValues globalOrdinals = valuesSource.globalOrdinalsValues(parentType, ctx);

        // Set the scorer, since we now replay only the child docIds
        sub.setScorer(ConstantScorer.create(childDocsIter, null, 1f));

        final Bits liveDocs = ctx.reader().getLiveDocs();
        for (int docId = childDocsIter.nextDoc(); docId != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS; docId = childDocsIter.nextDoc()) {
            if (liveDocs != null && liveDocs.get(docId) == false) {
            long globalOrdinal = globalOrdinals.getOrd(docId);
            if (globalOrdinal != -1) {
                long bucketOrd = parentOrdToBuckets.get(globalOrdinal);
                if (bucketOrd != -1) {
                    collectBucket(sub, docId, bucketOrd);
                    if (multipleBucketsPerParentOrd) {
                        long[] otherBucketOrds = parentOrdToOtherBuckets.get(globalOrdinal);
                        if (otherBucketOrds != null) {
                            for (long otherBucketOrd : otherBucketOrds) {
                                collectBucket(sub, docId, otherBucketOrd);

示例6: getInternalNestedIdentity

import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private SearchHit.NestedIdentity getInternalNestedIdentity(SearchContext context, int nestedSubDocId, LeafReaderContext subReaderContext, DocumentMapper documentMapper, ObjectMapper nestedObjectMapper) throws IOException {
    int currentParent = nestedSubDocId;
    ObjectMapper nestedParentObjectMapper;
    ObjectMapper current = nestedObjectMapper;
    String originalName = nestedObjectMapper.name();
    SearchHit.NestedIdentity nestedIdentity = null;
    do {
        Query parentFilter;
        nestedParentObjectMapper = documentMapper.findParentObjectMapper(current);
        if (nestedParentObjectMapper != null) {
            if (nestedParentObjectMapper.nested().isNested() == false) {
                current = nestedParentObjectMapper;
            parentFilter = nestedParentObjectMapper.nestedTypeFilter();
        } else {
            parentFilter = Queries.newNonNestedFilter();

        Query childFilter = nestedObjectMapper.nestedTypeFilter();
        if (childFilter == null) {
            current = nestedParentObjectMapper;
        final Weight childWeight = context.searcher().createNormalizedWeight(childFilter, false);
        Scorer childScorer = childWeight.scorer(subReaderContext);
        if (childScorer == null) {
            current = nestedParentObjectMapper;
        DocIdSetIterator childIter = childScorer.iterator();

        BitSet parentBits = context.bitsetFilterCache().getBitSetProducer(parentFilter).getBitSet(subReaderContext);

        int offset = 0;
        int nextParent = parentBits.nextSetBit(currentParent);
        for (int docId = childIter.advance(currentParent + 1); docId < nextParent && docId != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS; docId = childIter.nextDoc()) {
        currentParent = nextParent;
        current = nestedObjectMapper = nestedParentObjectMapper;
        int currentPrefix = current == null ? 0 : current.name().length() + 1;
        nestedIdentity = new SearchHit.NestedIdentity(originalName.substring(currentPrefix), offset, nestedIdentity);
        if (current != null) {
            originalName = current.name();
    } while (current != null);
    return nestedIdentity;

示例7: createWeight

import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Weight createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher, boolean needsScores) throws IOException {
    final Weight childWeight = childFilter.createWeight(searcher, false);
    return new ConstantScoreWeight(this) {
        public Scorer scorer(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
            // Nested docs only reside in a single segment, so no need to evaluate all segments
            if (!context.reader().getCoreCacheKey().equals(leafReader.getCoreCacheKey())) {
                return null;

            // If docId == 0 then we a parent doc doesn't have child docs, because child docs are stored
            // before the parent doc and because parent doc is 0 we can safely assume that there are no child docs.
            if (docId == 0) {
                return null;

            final BitSet parents = parentFilter.getBitSet(context);
            final int firstChildDocId = parents.prevSetBit(docId - 1) + 1;
            // A parent doc doesn't have child docs, so we can early exit here:
            if (firstChildDocId == docId) {
                return null;

            final Scorer childrenScorer = childWeight.scorer(context);
            if (childrenScorer == null) {
                return null;
            DocIdSetIterator childrenIterator = childrenScorer.iterator();
            final DocIdSetIterator it = new DocIdSetIterator() {

                int doc = -1;

                public int docID() {
                    return doc;

                public int nextDoc() throws IOException {
                    return advance(doc + 1);

                public int advance(int target) throws IOException {
                    target = Math.max(firstChildDocId, target);
                    if (target >= docId) {
                        // We're outside the child nested scope, so it is done
                        return doc = NO_MORE_DOCS;
                    } else {
                        int advanced = childrenIterator.advance(target);
                        if (advanced >= docId) {
                            // We're outside the child nested scope, so it is done
                            return doc = NO_MORE_DOCS;
                        } else {
                            return doc = advanced;

                public long cost() {
                    return Math.min(childrenIterator.cost(), docId - firstChildDocId);

            return new ConstantScoreScorer(this, score(), it);

示例8: getLeafCollector

import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(final LeafReaderContext ctx, final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
    // Reset parentFilter, so we resolve the parentDocs for each new segment being searched
    this.parentFilter = null;
    final IndexReaderContext topLevelContext = ReaderUtil.getTopLevelContext(ctx);
    final IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(topLevelContext);
    final Weight weight = searcher.createNormalizedWeight(childFilter, false);
    Scorer childDocsScorer = weight.scorer(ctx);
    if (childDocsScorer == null) {
        childDocs = null;
    } else {
        childDocs = childDocsScorer.iterator();

    return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, null) {
        public void collect(int parentDoc, long bucket) throws IOException {
            // here we translate the parent doc to a list of its nested docs, and then call super.collect for evey one of them so they'll be collected

            // if parentDoc is 0 then this means that this parent doesn't have child docs (b/c these appear always before the parent doc), so we can skip:
            if (parentDoc == 0 || childDocs == null) {
            if (parentFilter == null) {
                // The aggs are instantiated in reverse, first the most inner nested aggs and lastly the top level aggs
                // So at the time a nested 'nested' aggs is parsed its closest parent nested aggs hasn't been constructed.
                // So the trick is to set at the last moment just before needed and we can use its child filter as the
                // parent filter.

                // Additional NOTE: Before this logic was performed in the setNextReader(...) method, but the the assumption
                // that aggs instances are constructed in reverse doesn't hold when buckets are constructed lazily during
                // aggs execution
                Query parentFilterNotCached = findClosestNestedPath(parent());
                if (parentFilterNotCached == null) {
                    parentFilterNotCached = Queries.newNonNestedFilter();
                parentFilter = context.searchContext().bitsetFilterCache().getBitSetProducer(parentFilterNotCached);
                parentDocs = parentFilter.getBitSet(ctx);
                if (parentDocs == null) {
                    // There are no parentDocs in the segment, so return and set childDocs to null, so we exit early for future invocations.
                    childDocs = null;

            final int prevParentDoc = parentDocs.prevSetBit(parentDoc - 1);
            int childDocId = childDocs.docID();
            if (childDocId <= prevParentDoc) {
                childDocId = childDocs.advance(prevParentDoc + 1);

            for (; childDocId < parentDoc; childDocId = childDocs.nextDoc()) {
                collectBucket(sub, childDocId, bucket);

示例9: getInternalNestedIdentity

import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private InternalSearchHit.InternalNestedIdentity getInternalNestedIdentity(SearchContext context, int nestedSubDocId, LeafReaderContext subReaderContext, DocumentMapper documentMapper, ObjectMapper nestedObjectMapper) throws IOException {
    int currentParent = nestedSubDocId;
    ObjectMapper nestedParentObjectMapper;
    ObjectMapper current = nestedObjectMapper;
    String originalName = nestedObjectMapper.name();
    InternalSearchHit.InternalNestedIdentity nestedIdentity = null;
    do {
        Query parentFilter;
        nestedParentObjectMapper = documentMapper.findParentObjectMapper(current);
        if (nestedParentObjectMapper != null) {
            if (nestedParentObjectMapper.nested().isNested() == false) {
                current = nestedParentObjectMapper;
            parentFilter = nestedParentObjectMapper.nestedTypeFilter();
        } else {
            parentFilter = Queries.newNonNestedFilter();

        Query childFilter = nestedObjectMapper.nestedTypeFilter();
        if (childFilter == null) {
            current = nestedParentObjectMapper;
        final Weight childWeight = context.searcher().createNormalizedWeight(childFilter, false);
        Scorer childScorer = childWeight.scorer(subReaderContext);
        if (childScorer == null) {
            current = nestedParentObjectMapper;
        DocIdSetIterator childIter = childScorer.iterator();

        BitSet parentBits = context.bitsetFilterCache().getBitSetProducer(parentFilter).getBitSet(subReaderContext);

        int offset = 0;
        int nextParent = parentBits.nextSetBit(currentParent);
        for (int docId = childIter.advance(currentParent + 1); docId < nextParent && docId != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS; docId = childIter.nextDoc()) {
        currentParent = nextParent;
        current = nestedObjectMapper = nestedParentObjectMapper;
        int currentPrefix = current == null ? 0 : current.name().length() + 1;
        nestedIdentity = new InternalSearchHit.InternalNestedIdentity(originalName.substring(currentPrefix), offset, nestedIdentity);
        if (current != null) {
            originalName = current.name();
    } while (current != null);
    return nestedIdentity;

示例10: innerDocs

import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Get a {@link DocIdSet} that matches the inner documents.
public DocIdSetIterator innerDocs(LeafReaderContext ctx) throws IOException {
    Scorer s = innerFilter.scorer(ctx);
    return s == null ? null : s.iterator();

示例11: createWeight

import org.apache.lucene.search.Scorer; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Weight createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher, boolean needsScores) throws IOException {
    final Weight boundingBoxWeight;
    if (boundingBoxFilter != null) {
        boundingBoxWeight = searcher.createNormalizedWeight(boundingBoxFilter, false);
    } else {
        boundingBoxWeight = null;
    return new ConstantScoreWeight(this) {
        public Scorer scorer(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException {
            final DocIdSetIterator approximation;
            if (boundingBoxWeight != null) {
                Scorer s = boundingBoxWeight.scorer(context);
                if (s == null) {
                    // if the approximation does not match anything, we're done
                    return null;
                approximation = s.iterator();
            } else {
                approximation = DocIdSetIterator.all(context.reader().maxDoc());
            final MultiGeoPointValues values = indexFieldData.load(context).getGeoPointValues();
            final TwoPhaseIterator twoPhaseIterator = new TwoPhaseIterator(approximation) {
                public boolean matches() throws IOException {
                    final int doc = approximation.docID();
                    final int length = values.count();
                    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                        GeoPoint point = values.valueAt(i);
                        if (distanceBoundingCheck.isWithin(point.lat(), point.lon())) {
                            double d = fixedSourceDistance.calculate(point.lat(), point.lon());
                            if (d >= inclusiveLowerPoint && d <= inclusiveUpperPoint) {
                                return true;
                    return false;

                public float matchCost() {
                    if (distanceBoundingCheck == GeoDistance.ALWAYS_INSTANCE) {
                        return 0.0f;
                    } else {
                        // TODO: is this right (up to 4 comparisons from GeoDistance.SimpleDistanceBoundingCheck)?
                        return 4.0f;
            return new ConstantScoreScorer(this, score(), twoPhaseIterator);
