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Java InstructionList.getInstructionHandles方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList.getInstructionHandles方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java InstructionList.getInstructionHandles方法的具体用法?Java InstructionList.getInstructionHandles怎么用?Java InstructionList.getInstructionHandles使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList的用法示例。


示例1: fillSpawnTable

import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void fillSpawnTable(MethodTableEntry me) {
InstructionList il = me.mg.getInstructionList();
InstructionHandle[] ins = il.getInstructionHandles();


int spawnId = 0;

for (int k = 0; k < ins.length; k++) {
    if (ins[k].getInstruction() instanceof INVOKEVIRTUAL) {
	Method target = self.findMethod((INVOKEVIRTUAL) (ins[k]
	JavaClass cl = self.findMethodClass((INVOKEVIRTUAL) (ins[k]
	if (isSpawnable(target, cl)) {
	    // we have a spawn!
	    analyzeSpawn(me, ins[k], spawnId);

示例2: calcNrSpawns

import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private int calcNrSpawns(MethodGen mg) {
InstructionList il = mg.getInstructionList();
if (il == null) {
    return 0;

InstructionHandle[] ins = il.getInstructionHandles();
int count = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < ins.length; i++) {
    if (ins[i].getInstruction() instanceof INVOKEVIRTUAL) {
	Method target = self.findMethod((INVOKEVIRTUAL) (ins[i]
	JavaClass cl = self.findMethodClass((INVOKEVIRTUAL) (ins[i]
	if (isSpawnable(target, cl)) {

return count;

示例3: containsSpawnedCall

import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
boolean containsSpawnedCall(MethodGen m) {
InstructionList code = m.getInstructionList();

if (code == null) {
    return false;

InstructionHandle ih[] = code.getInstructionHandles();

for (int i = 0; i < ih.length; i++) {
    Instruction ins = ih[i].getInstruction();
    if (ins instanceof INVOKEVIRTUAL) {
	Method target = self.findMethod((INVOKEVIRTUAL) (ins));
	JavaClass cl = self.findMethodClass((INVOKEVIRTUAL) (ins));
	if (isSpawnable(target, cl)) {
	    return true;

return false;

示例4: removeUnusedLocals

import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
void removeUnusedLocals(Method mOrig, MethodGen m) {
    InstructionList il = m.getInstructionList();
    InstructionHandle[] ins = il.getInstructionHandles();
    for (int i = 0; i < ins.length; i++) {
        Instruction in = ins[i].getInstruction();

        if (in instanceof LocalVariableInstruction) {
            LocalVariableInstruction curr = (LocalVariableInstruction) in;
            if (mtab.getLocal(m, curr, ins[i].getPosition()) != null
                && curr.getIndex() < m.getMaxLocals() - 5
                && !mtab.isLocalUsedInInlet(mOrig, curr.getIndex())) {
                if (curr instanceof IINC) {
                    ins[i].setInstruction(new NOP());
                } else if (curr instanceof LSTORE || curr instanceof DSTORE) {
                    ins[i].setInstruction(new POP2());
                } else if (curr instanceof StoreInstruction) {
                    ins[i].setInstruction(new POP());
                } else if (curr instanceof ALOAD) {
                    ins[i].setInstruction(new ACONST_NULL());
                } else if (curr instanceof FLOAD) {
                    ins[i].setInstruction(new FCONST((float) 0.0));
                } else if (curr instanceof ILOAD) {
                    ins[i].setInstruction(new ICONST(0));
                } else if (curr instanceof DLOAD) {
                    ins[i].setInstruction(new DCONST(0.0));
                } else if (curr instanceof LLOAD) {
                    ins[i].setInstruction(new LCONST(0L));
                } else {
                    System.out.println("unhandled ins in "
                        + "removeUnusedLocals: " + curr);

示例5: shiftLocals

import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
void shiftLocals(InstructionList il, int shift) {
    InstructionHandle[] ih = il.getInstructionHandles();
    for (int i = 0; i < ih.length; i++) {
        Instruction ins = ih[i].getInstruction();
        if (ins instanceof LocalVariableInstruction) {
            LocalVariableInstruction l = (LocalVariableInstruction) ins;
            l.setIndex(l.getIndex() + shift);


示例6: showMethod

import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
void showMethod(PrintStream out, MethodGen methodGen, ConstantPool cp) {
InstructionList il = methodGen.getInstructionList();
InstructionHandle[] instructionHandles = il.getInstructionHandles();
ConstantPoolGen cpg = new ConstantPoolGen(cp);
int balanceOnStack = 0;
for (InstructionHandle ih : instructionHandles) {
    int produced = ih.getInstruction().produceStack(cpg);
    int consumed = ih.getInstruction().consumeStack(cpg);
    balanceOnStack = balanceOnStack + produced - consumed;
    out.printf("%d:\t(c: %d, p: %d, t: %d)\t%s\n", 
	ih.getPosition(), consumed, produced, balanceOnStack,

示例7: getContexts

import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private InstructionContext[] getContexts(MethodGen methodGen, 
    ControlFlowGraph graph) {
InstructionList il = methodGen.getInstructionList();
InstructionHandle[] instructionHandles = il.getInstructionHandles();
return graph.contextsOf(instructionHandles);

示例8: instrument_reflection

import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private static Method instrument_reflection(InstructionFactory inf, MethodGen mgen, ConstantPoolGen cpgen) {
	Method ret = mgen.getMethod();

	InstructionList ilist = mgen.getInstructionList();
	if (ilist == null || ilist.size() == 0)
		return ret;

	InstructionHandle[] ihdls = ilist.getInstructionHandles();

	for (InstructionHandle ihdl : ihdls) {
		Instruction instr = ihdl.getInstruction();

		// go through all instructions and look for invokes
		if (instr instanceof InvokeInstruction) {
			InvokeInstruction invoke = (InvokeInstruction) instr;
			ReferenceType rtype = invoke.getReferenceType(cpgen);

			if (rtype instanceof ObjectType) {
				String cname = ((ObjectType) rtype).getClassName();
				String mname = invoke.getName(cpgen);

				// we look for exact match
				if (cname.equals("java.lang.reflect.Method") && mname.equals("invoke")) {
					// Util.log(rtype.toString());
					Type[] arg_types = { new ObjectType(java.lang.reflect.Method.class.getCanonicalName()), Type.OBJECT, new ArrayType(Type.OBJECT, 1) };
					ihdl.setInstruction(inf.createInvoke(SIFAStub.class.getCanonicalName(), "invoke", Type.OBJECT, arg_types, Constants.INVOKESTATIC));
			} else {
				// reference type can be ArrayType or UninitializedObjectType



	ret = mgen.getMethod();

	return ret;

示例9: visitCode

import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void visitCode(Code code) {
	MethodGen mg = new MethodGen(_method, clazzname, cp);
	InstructionList il = mg.getInstructionList();
	InstructionHandle[] ihs = il.getInstructionHandles();

	LocalVariableGen[] lvs = mg.getLocalVariables();

	CodeExceptionGen[] ehs = mg.getExceptionHandlers();

	for (int i = 0; i < lvs.length; i++) {
		LocalVariableGen l = lvs[i];
		out.println("    // local variable " + l.getIndex() + " is \"" + l.getName()
				+ "\" " + l.getType() + " from "
				+ l.getStart().getPosition() + " to "
				+ l.getEnd().getPosition());


	for (int i = 0; i < ihs.length; i++) {
		InstructionHandle ih = ihs[i];
		Instruction inst = ih.getInstruction();

		out.print("    " + ih.getPosition());

		if (inst instanceof BranchInstruction) {
			if (inst instanceof Select) { // Special cases LOOKUPSWITCH and
										  // TABLESWITCH
				Select s = (Select) inst;
				int[] matchs = s.getMatchs();
				InstructionHandle[] targets = s.getTargets();

				if (s instanceof TABLESWITCH) {
					out.println("  tableswitch " + matchs[0] + " "
							+ matchs[matchs.length - 1]);

					for (int j = 0; j < targets.length; j++)
						out.println("        " + targets[j].getPosition());

				} else { // LOOKUPSWITCH
					out.println("  lookupswitch ");

					for (int j = 0; j < targets.length; j++)
						out.println("        " + matchs[j] + " : "
								+ targets[j].getPosition());

				out.println("        default: " + s.getTarget()); // Applies
																  // for
																  // both
			} else {
				BranchInstruction bi = (BranchInstruction) inst;
				ih = bi.getTarget();
				//str = get(ih);
				out.println("  " + Constants.OPCODE_NAMES[bi.getOpcode()]
						+ " " + ih);
		} else
			out.println("  " + inst.toString(cp.getConstantPool()));


	for (int i = 0; i < ehs.length; i++) {
		CodeExceptionGen c = ehs[i];
		ObjectType caught = c.getCatchType();
		String class_name = (caught == null) ? // catch any exception, used
											   // when compiling finally
				"all" : caught.getClassName().replace('.', '/');

		out.println("    catch " + class_name + " from "
				+ c.getStartPC().getPosition() + " to "
				+ c.getEndPC().getPosition() + " using "
				+ c.getHandlerPC().getPosition());
