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Java RealType.setReal方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType.setReal方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java RealType.setReal方法的具体用法?Java RealType.setReal怎么用?Java RealType.setReal使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType的用法示例。


示例1: getImageWithOverlay

import net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
Img<T> getImageWithOverlay(Img<T> img, ArrayList<int[]> maskPixels, double outlineValue)
	Img<T> tmpImage = img.copy();
	final RandomAccess< T > r = tmpImage.randomAccess();

	int[] currentPosition = new int[2];
	for(int i=0;i<maskPixels.size();i++)
		// Get current position index
		currentPosition = maskPixels.get(i);

		r.setPosition( (int)currentPosition[0], 0 );
    		r.setPosition( (int)currentPosition[1], 1 );

    		final RealType<T> t = r.get();

	return tmpImage;

示例2: scaleImage

import net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public < T extends RealType< T > & NativeType< T > > void scaleImage(Img<T> img)
	// create two empty variables
	T min = img.firstElement().createVariable();
	T max = img.firstElement().createVariable();
	// compute min and max of the Image
	computeMinMax( img, min, max );

	//IJ.log( "minimum Value (img): " + min );
	//IJ.log( "maximum Value (img): " + max );

	// Create a cursor for both images
	Cursor<T> c1 = img.cursor();
	// do for all pixels
	while ( c1.hasNext() )
		// get value of both imgs
		RealType t1 = c1.next();

		// overwrite img1 with the result
		t1.setReal( t1.getRealFloat() / max.getRealFloat() );

示例3: identityRealTypeConverter

import net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
static private final Converter<RealType<?>, RealType<?>> identityRealTypeConverter() {
	return new Converter<RealType<?>, RealType<?>>() {
		public final void convert(final RealType<?> input, final RealType<?> output) {

示例4: thresholdImage

import net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Img<UnsignedByteType> thresholdImage(Img<T> img, double thresholdValue)
	// Create an instance of an image factory
	ImgFactory< UnsignedByteType > imgFactory = new ArrayImgFactory< UnsignedByteType >();

	long[] dim = new long[2];
	// Create an Img with the same dimension as the input image
	final Img< UnsignedByteType > tmpImage = imgFactory.create( dim, new UnsignedByteType() );

	// Create a cursor for both images
	Cursor<T> c1 = img.cursor();
	Cursor<UnsignedByteType> c2 = tmpImage.cursor();
	// do for all pixels
	while ( c1.hasNext() )
		// get value of both imgs
		RealType t1 = c1.next();
		RealType t2 = c2.next();

		// overwrite img1 with the result

		if(t1.getRealFloat() > thresholdValue)

	return tmpImage;		

示例5: multiplyImages

import net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static< T extends RealType< T > & NativeType< T > > Img<T> multiplyImages(Img<T> img1,Img<T> img2)
	// Create an instance of an image factory
	ImgFactory< T > imgFactory = new ArrayImgFactory< T >();

	// Create an Img with the same dimension as the input image
	final Img< T > tmpImage = imgFactory.create( img1, img1.firstElement() );
	// Create a cursor for both images
	Cursor<T> c1 = img1.cursor();
	Cursor<T> c2 = img2.cursor();
	Cursor<T> c3 = tmpImage.cursor();
	// do for all pixels
	while ( c1.hasNext() )
		// get value of both imgs
		RealType t1 = c1.next();
		RealType t2 = c2.next();
		RealType t3 = c3.next();

		// overwrite img1 with the result
		t3.setReal( t1.getRealFloat() * t2.getRealFloat() );

	return tmpImage;

示例6: divideImages

import net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static< T extends RealType< T > & NativeType< T > > Img<T> divideImages(Img<T> img1,Img<T> img2)
	// Create an instance of an image factory
	ImgFactory< T > imgFactory = new ArrayImgFactory< T >();

	// Create an Img with the same dimension as the input image
	final Img< T > tmpImage = imgFactory.create( img1, img1.firstElement() );
	// Create a cblurGaussianblurGaussianursor for both images
	Cursor<T> c1 = img1.cursor();
	Cursor<T> c2 = img2.cursor();
	Cursor<T> c3 = tmpImage.cursor();
	// do for all pixels
	while ( c1.hasNext() )
		// get value of both imgs
		RealType t1 = c1.next();
		RealType t2 = c2.next();
		RealType t3 = c3.next();

			// overwrite img1 with the result
			t3.setReal( t1.getRealFloat() / t2.getRealFloat() );
		} else {

	return tmpImage;

示例7: subtractImages

import net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static< T extends RealType< T > & NativeType< T > > Img<T> subtractImages(Img<T> img1,Img<T> img2)
	// Create an instance of an image factory
	ImgFactory< T > imgFactory = new ArrayImgFactory< T >();

	// Create an Img with the same dimension as the input image
	final Img< T > tmpImage = imgFactory.create( img1, img1.firstElement() );
	// Create a cursor for both images
	Cursor<T> c1 = img1.cursor();
	Cursor<T> c2 = img2.cursor();
	Cursor<T> c3 = tmpImage.cursor();
	// do for all pixels
	while ( c1.hasNext() )
		// get value of both imgs
		RealType t1 = c1.next();
		RealType t2 = c2.next();
		RealType t3 = c3.next();

			// overwrite img1 with the result
			t3.setReal( t1.getRealFloat() - t2.getRealFloat() );
		} else {

	return tmpImage;

示例8: squareRootImage

import net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static< T extends RealType< T > & NativeType< T > > Img<T> squareRootImage(Img<T> img)
	// Create an instance of an image factory
	ImgFactory< T > imgFactory = new ArrayImgFactory< T >();

	// Create an Img with the same dimension as the input image
	final Img< T > tmpImage = imgFactory.create( img, img.firstElement() );
	// Create a cursor for both images
	Cursor<T> c1 = img.cursor();
	Cursor<T> c2 = tmpImage.cursor();
	// do for all pixels
	while ( c1.hasNext() )
		// get value of both imgs
		RealType t1 = c1.next();
		RealType t2 = c2.next();

		// overwrite img1 with the result
		//t2.setReal( Math.sqrt(t1.getRealFloat()));
		t2.setReal( Math.sqrt(t1.getRealFloat()));
		//t2.setReal( t1.getRealFloat());

	return tmpImage;

示例9: getDirectionImage

import net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Img<UnsignedByteType> getDirectionImage(ImagePlus img)
	float[][] kirsch = new float[][] { {-3,-3,5,-3,0,5,-3,-3,5},

	Img<UnsignedByteType>[] responseImages = new Img[8];

	for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		ImagePlus tmp = img.duplicate();
		responseImages[i] = ImagePlusAdapter.wrap(tmp);

	Cursor c1 = responseImages[0].cursor();
	Cursor c2 = responseImages[1].cursor();
	Cursor c3 = responseImages[2].cursor();
	Cursor c4 = responseImages[3].cursor();
	Cursor c5 = responseImages[4].cursor();
	Cursor c6 = responseImages[5].cursor();
	Cursor c7 = responseImages[6].cursor();
	Cursor c8 = responseImages[7].cursor();

	long[] dim = new long[2];
	//final Img< T > directionImage = imgFactory.create( responseImages[0], responseImages[0].firstElement() );

	ImgFactory< UnsignedByteType > imgFactory = new ArrayImgFactory< UnsignedByteType >();
	final Img<UnsignedByteType> directionImage = imgFactory.create(dim,new UnsignedByteType());
	//final Img< T > directionImage = imgFactory.create(dim,new RealType());
	Cursor<UnsignedByteType> cDirection = directionImage.cursor();
	while (c1.hasNext())
		RealType[] t = new RealType[8]; 
		t[0] = (RealType)c1.next();
		t[1] = (RealType)c2.next();
		t[2] = (RealType)c3.next();
		t[3] = (RealType)c4.next();
		t[4] = (RealType)c5.next();
		t[5] = (RealType)c6.next();
		t[6] = (RealType)c7.next();
		t[7] = (RealType)c8.next();

		RealType tDirection = cDirection.next();

		float max = 0f;
		int kernelId = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
			float currentValue = t[i].getRealFloat();
				max = currentValue;
				kernelId = 0;
			else if(currentValue>max) 
				max = currentValue;
				kernelId = i;


	return directionImage;
