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Java RandomAccessibleInterval.min方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中net.imglib2.RandomAccessibleInterval.min方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java RandomAccessibleInterval.min方法的具体用法?Java RandomAccessibleInterval.min怎么用?Java RandomAccessibleInterval.min使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在net.imglib2.RandomAccessibleInterval的用法示例。


示例1: initStore

import net.imglib2.RandomAccessibleInterval; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private synchronized void initStore( RandomAccessibleInterval< T > newStore )
	newStore.dimensions( this.dimensions );
	newStore.min( this.min );
	newStore.max( this.max );
	this.store = newStore;

示例2: initStore

import net.imglib2.RandomAccessibleInterval; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void initStore( RandomAccessibleInterval< T > newStore )
	newStore.dimensions( this.dimensions );
	newStore.min( this.min );
	newStore.max( this.max );
	this.store = newStore;

示例3: BlockedInterval

import net.imglib2.RandomAccessibleInterval; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * @param source
 *            Source to be wrapped.
 * @param stepSize
 *            Strides for each dimension.
 * @param factory
 *            Factory for extending source.
public BlockedInterval(
		RandomAccessibleInterval< T > source,
		long[] stepSize,
		OutOfBoundsFactory< T, RandomAccessibleInterval< T > > factory )
	this.stepSize = stepSize;
	this.extendedSource = new ExtendedRandomAccessibleInterval< T, RandomAccessibleInterval< T > >( source, factory );
	this.nDim = source.numDimensions();

	this.max = new long[ nDim ];
	this.min = new long[ nDim ];
	this.dimensions = new long[ nDim ];

	source.min( this.min );
	source.max( this.max );
	source.dimensions( dimensions );

	for ( int d = 0; d < this.nDim; ++d )
		long val = this.max[ d ] - this.min[ d ];
		this.max[ d ] = val / stepSize[ d ] + this.min[ d ];

		long dim = this.dimensions[ d ] - this.min[ d ];
		this.dimensions[ d ] = dim / stepSize[ d ] + this.min[ d ];


示例4: writeLevelToHdf5File

import net.imglib2.RandomAccessibleInterval; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static void writeLevelToHdf5File(
		final ArrayList< RandomAccessibleInterval< LabelMultisetType > > imgs,
		final ExportMipmapInfo mipmapInfo,
		final int level,
		final BlockWriter writer,
		final LevelInfoWriter levelInfoWriter )
	final int n = imgs.get( 0 ).numDimensions();
	final int[][] resolutions = mipmapInfo.getExportResolutions();

	// Are downsampling factors a multiple of a level that we have
	// already written?
	int[] factorsToPreviousLevel = null;
	int previousLevel = -1;
	A: for ( int l = level - 1; l >= 0; --l )
		final int[] f = new int[ n ];
		for ( int d = 0; d < n; ++d )
			f[ d ] = resolutions[ level ][ d ] / resolutions[ l ][ d ];
			if ( f[ d ] * resolutions[ l ][ d ] != resolutions[ level ][ d ] )
				continue A;
		factorsToPreviousLevel = f;
		previousLevel = l;

	final RandomAccessibleInterval< LabelMultisetType > sourceImg = imgs.get( previousLevel );
	final long[] factors = Util.int2long( factorsToPreviousLevel );

	final long[] dimensions = new long[ n ];
	sourceImg.dimensions( dimensions );
	for ( int d = 0; d < n; ++d )
		dimensions[ d ] = Math.max( dimensions[ d ] / factors[ d ], 1 );

	levelInfoWriter.writeLevelInfo( dimensions, Util.int2long( resolutions[ level ] ), Util.int2long( mipmapInfo.getSubdivisions()[ level ] ) );

	final long[] minRequiredInput = new long[ n ];
	final long[] maxRequiredInput = new long[ n ];
	sourceImg.min( minRequiredInput );
	for ( int d = 0; d < n; ++d )
		maxRequiredInput[ d ] = minRequiredInput[ d ] + dimensions[ d ] * factors[ d ] - 1;
	final RandomAccessibleInterval< LabelMultisetType > extendedImg = Views.interval( Views.extendBorder( sourceImg ), new FinalInterval( minRequiredInput, maxRequiredInput ) );

	final int[] cellDimensions = mipmapInfo.getSubdivisions()[ level ];
	final long[] numCells = new long[ n ];
	final int[] borderSize = new int[ n ];
	final long[] minCell = new long[ n ];
	final long[] maxCell = new long[ n ];
	for ( int d = 0; d < n; ++d )
		numCells[ d ] = ( dimensions[ d ] - 1 ) / cellDimensions[ d ] + 1;
		maxCell[ d ] = numCells[ d ] - 1;
		borderSize[ d ] = ( int ) ( dimensions[ d ] - ( numCells[ d ] - 1 ) * cellDimensions[ d ] );

	final LocalizingIntervalIterator i = new LocalizingIntervalIterator( minCell, maxCell );
	final long[] currentCellMin = new long[ n ];
	final long[] currentCellDim = new long[ n ];
	final long[] currentCellPos = new long[ n ];
	while ( i.hasNext() )
		i.localize( currentCellPos );
		for ( int d = 0; d < n; ++d )
			currentCellMin[ d ] = currentCellPos[ d ] * cellDimensions[ d ];
			final boolean isBorderCellInThisDim = ( currentCellPos[ d ] + 1 == numCells[ d ] );
			currentCellDim[ d ] = isBorderCellInThisDim ? borderSize[ d ] : cellDimensions[ d ];
		final VolatileLabelMultisetArray downscaled = Downscale.downscale( extendedImg, factors, currentCellDim, currentCellMin );
		writer.writeBlock( downscaled, currentCellMin, currentCellDim );
