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Java LDUpdate.getSrcPort方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中net.floodlightcontroller.linkdiscovery.ILinkDiscovery.LDUpdate.getSrcPort方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java LDUpdate.getSrcPort方法的具体用法?Java LDUpdate.getSrcPort怎么用?Java LDUpdate.getSrcPort使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在net.floodlightcontroller.linkdiscovery.ILinkDiscovery.LDUpdate的用法示例。


示例1: topologyChanged

import net.floodlightcontroller.linkdiscovery.ILinkDiscovery.LDUpdate; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void topologyChanged(List<LDUpdate> appliedUpdates) {
    for (LDUpdate ldu : appliedUpdates) {
        if (ldu.getOperation()
               .equals(ILinkDiscovery.UpdateOperation.PORT_DOWN)) {

            // Get the switch ID for the OFMatchWithSwDpid object
            IOFSwitch affectedSwitch = switchService.getSwitch(ldu.getSrc());

            // Create an OFMatchReconcile object
            OFMatchReconcile ofmr = new OFMatchReconcile();

            // Generate an OFMatch objects for the OFMatchWithSwDpid object
            Match match = affectedSwitch.getOFFactory().buildMatch().build(); // nothing specific set, so all wildcarded

            // Generate the OFMatchWithSwDpid
            OFMatchWithSwDpid ofmatchsw = new OFMatchWithSwDpid(match, affectedSwitch.getId());

            // Set the action to update the path to remove flows routing
            // towards the downed port
            ofmr.rcAction = OFMatchReconcile.ReconcileAction.UPDATE_PATH;

            // Set the match, with the switch dpid
            ofmr.ofmWithSwDpid = ofmatchsw;

            // Assign the downed port to the OFMatchReconcile's outPort data
            // member (I added this to
            // the OFMatchReconcile class)
            ofmr.outPort = ldu.getSrcPort();

            // Tell the reconcile manager to reconcile matching flows
            frm.reconcileFlow(ofmr, EventPriority.HIGH);

示例2: topologyChanged

import net.floodlightcontroller.linkdiscovery.ILinkDiscovery.LDUpdate; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void topologyChanged(List<LDUpdate> appliedUpdates) {
    for (LDUpdate ldu : appliedUpdates) {
        if (ldu.getOperation()
               .equals(ILinkDiscovery.UpdateOperation.PORT_DOWN)) {

            // Get the switch ID for the OFMatchWithSwDpid object
            long affectedSwitch = floodlightProvider.getSwitch(ldu.getSrc())

            // Create an OFMatchReconcile object
            OFMatchReconcile ofmr = new OFMatchReconcile();

            // Generate an OFMatch objects for the OFMatchWithSwDpid object
            OFMatch match = new OFMatch().setWildcards(OFMatch.OFPFW_ALL);

            // Generate the OFMatchWithSwDpid
            OFMatchWithSwDpid ofmatchsw = new OFMatchWithSwDpid(match,

            // Set the action to update the path to remove flows routing
            // towards the downed port
            ofmr.rcAction = OFMatchReconcile.ReconcileAction.UPDATE_PATH;

            // Set the match, with the switch dpid
            ofmr.ofmWithSwDpid = ofmatchsw;

            // Assign the downed port to the OFMatchReconcile's outPort data
            // member (I added this to
            // the OFMatchReconcile class)
            ofmr.outPort = ldu.getSrcPort();

            // Tell the reconcile manager to reconcile matching flows
            frm.reconcileFlow(ofmr, EventPriority.HIGH);

示例3: topologyChanged

import net.floodlightcontroller.linkdiscovery.ILinkDiscovery.LDUpdate; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void topologyChanged() {
    for (LDUpdate ldu : topology.getLastLinkUpdates()) {
        if (ldu.getOperation()
               .equals(ILinkDiscovery.UpdateOperation.PORT_DOWN)) {

            // Get the switch ID for the OFMatchWithSwDpid object
            long affectedSwitch = floodlightProvider.getSwitches()

            // Create an OFMatchReconcile object
            OFMatchReconcile ofmr = new OFMatchReconcile();

            // Generate an OFMatch objects for the OFMatchWithSwDpid object
            OFMatch match = new OFMatch().setWildcards(OFMatch.OFPFW_ALL);

            // Generate the OFMatchWithSwDpid
            OFMatchWithSwDpid ofmatchsw = new OFMatchWithSwDpid(match,

            // Set the action to update the path to remove flows routing
            // towards the downed port
            ofmr.rcAction = OFMatchReconcile.ReconcileAction.UPDATE_PATH;

            // Set the match, with the switch dpid
            ofmr.ofmWithSwDpid = ofmatchsw;

            // Assign the downed port to the OFMatchReconcile's outPort data
            // member (I added this to
            // the OFMatchReconcile class)
            ofmr.outPort = ldu.getSrcPort();

            // Tell the reconcile manager to reconcile matching flows

示例4: topologyChanged

import net.floodlightcontroller.linkdiscovery.ILinkDiscovery.LDUpdate; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void topologyChanged(List<LDUpdate> linkUpdates) {
	System.out.println("**********topology have changed!***********");
	System.out.println("size : " + linkUpdates.size());
	System.out.println("linkUpdates " + linkUpdates);
	//int linkRemovedCount = 0;
	DatapathId singlelinkRemovedSrc = null;
	DatapathId singlelinkRemovedDst = null;
	OFPort singlelinkRemovedSrcPort = null;
	OFPort singlelinkRemovedDstPort = null;
	for(LDUpdate ldu : linkUpdates) {
		if(ldu.getOperation().equals(ILinkDiscovery.UpdateOperation.LINK_REMOVED)) {
			if(linkRemovedCount == 0) {
				singlelinkRemovedSrc = ldu.getSrc();
				singlelinkRemovedDst = ldu.getDst();
				singlelinkRemovedSrcPort = ldu.getSrcPort();
				singlelinkRemovedDstPort = ldu.getDstPort();
			if(linkRemovedCount % 2 == 0) {
		} else if(ldu.getOperation().equals(ILinkDiscovery.UpdateOperation.LINK_UPDATED)) {
			System.out.println("**********link have been updated!***********");
			System.out.println("source dpid " + ldu.getSrc());
			System.out.println("destination dpid " + ldu.getDst());
	if(linkRemovedCount == 2) {
		for(IFailureDiscoveryListener fdl : failureDiscoveryListeners) {
			fdl.singleLinkRemovedFailure(singlelinkRemovedSrc, singlelinkRemovedSrcPort, singlelinkRemovedDst, singlelinkRemovedDstPort);
	} else if (linkRemovedCount == 26) {
		//System.out.println("others situation!");
		long restorationTimeBegin = System.nanoTime();
		for(LDUpdate ldu : allRemovedLinkList) {
			singlelinkRemovedSrc = ldu.getSrc();
			singlelinkRemovedDst = ldu.getDst();
			singlelinkRemovedSrcPort = ldu.getSrcPort();
			singlelinkRemovedDstPort = ldu.getDstPort();
			for(IFailureDiscoveryListener fdl : failureDiscoveryListeners) {
				fdl.singleLinkRemovedFailure(singlelinkRemovedSrc, singlelinkRemovedSrcPort, singlelinkRemovedDst, singlelinkRemovedDstPort);
		long restorationTimeEnd = System.nanoTime();
		System.out.println("restorationTimeBegin : " + restorationTimeBegin);
		System.out.println("restorationTimeEnd : " + restorationTimeEnd);
		System.out.println("restorationTime : " + (restorationTimeEnd - restorationTimeBegin));
		linkRemovedCount = 0;
