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Java CSS.Attribute方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中javax.swing.text.html.CSS.Attribute方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java CSS.Attribute方法的具体用法?Java CSS.Attribute怎么用?Java CSS.Attribute使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在javax.swing.text.html.CSS的用法示例。


示例1: convertToHTML40

import javax.swing.text.html.CSS; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Copies the given AttributeSet to a new set, converting
 * any CSS attributes found to arguments of an HTML style
 * attribute.
private static void convertToHTML40(AttributeSet from, MutableAttributeSet to) {
    Enumeration keys = from.getAttributeNames();
    String value = "";
    while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
        Object key = keys.nextElement();
        if (key instanceof CSS.Attribute) {
            value = value + " " + key + "=" + from.getAttribute(key) + ";";
        else {
            to.addAttribute(key, from.getAttribute(key));
    if (value.length() > 0) {
        to.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.STYLE, value);

示例2: createFontAttribute

import javax.swing.text.html.CSS; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Create/update an HTML <font> tag attribute.  The
 * value of the attribute should be a MutableAttributeSet so
 * that the attributes can be updated as they are discovered.
private static void createFontAttribute(CSS.Attribute a, AttributeSet from, MutableAttributeSet to) {
    MutableAttributeSet fontAttr = (MutableAttributeSet) to.getAttribute(HTML.Tag.FONT);
    if (fontAttr == null) {
        fontAttr = new SimpleAttributeSet();
        to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.FONT, fontAttr);
    // edit the parameters to the font tag
    String htmlValue = from.getAttribute(a).toString();
    if (a == CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY) {
        fontAttr.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.FACE, htmlValue);
    else if (a == CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE) {
        fontAttr.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.SIZE, htmlValue);
    else if (a == CSS.Attribute.COLOR) {
        fontAttr.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.COLOR, htmlValue);

示例3: createFontAttribute

import javax.swing.text.html.CSS; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Create/update an HTML <font> tag attribute. The value of the
 * attribute should be a MutableAttributeSet so that the attributes can be
 * updated as they are discovered.
private static void createFontAttribute(CSS.Attribute a, AttributeSet from, MutableAttributeSet to) {
	MutableAttributeSet fontAttr = (MutableAttributeSet) to.getAttribute(HTML.Tag.FONT);
	if (fontAttr == null) {
		fontAttr = new SimpleAttributeSet();
		to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.FONT, fontAttr);
	// edit the parameters to the font tag
	String htmlValue = from.getAttribute(a).toString();
	if (a == CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY) {
		fontAttr.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.FACE, htmlValue);
	} else if (a == CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE) {
		fontAttr.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.SIZE, htmlValue);
	} else if (a == CSS.Attribute.COLOR) {
		fontAttr.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.COLOR, htmlValue);

示例4: convertToHTML40

import javax.swing.text.html.CSS; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Copies the given AttributeSet to a new set, converting any CSS attributes
 * found to arguments of an HTML style attribute.
private static void convertToHTML40(AttributeSet from, MutableAttributeSet to) {
	Enumeration keys = from.getAttributeNames();
	String value = "";
	while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
		Object key = keys.nextElement();
		if (key instanceof CSS.Attribute) {
			value = value + " " + key + "=" + from.getAttribute(key) + ";";
		} else {
			to.addAttribute(key, from.getAttribute(key));
	if (value.length() > 0) {
		to.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.STYLE, value);

示例5: createFontAttribute

import javax.swing.text.html.CSS; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Create/update an HTML <font> tag attribute.  The
 * value of the attribute should be a MutableAttributeSet so
 * that the attributes can be updated as they are discovered.
private static void createFontAttribute(CSS.Attribute a, AttributeSet from,
                                MutableAttributeSet to) {
    MutableAttributeSet fontAttr = (MutableAttributeSet)
    if (fontAttr == null) {
        fontAttr = new SimpleAttributeSet();
        to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.FONT, fontAttr);
    // edit the parameters to the font tag
    String htmlValue = from.getAttribute(a).toString();
    if (a == CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY) {
        fontAttr.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.FACE, htmlValue);
    } else if (a == CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE) {
        fontAttr.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.SIZE, htmlValue);
    } else if (a == CSS.Attribute.COLOR) {
        fontAttr.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.COLOR, htmlValue);

示例6: convertToHTML

import javax.swing.text.html.CSS; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Create an older style of HTML attributes. This will convert character
 * level attributes that have a StyleConstants mapping over to an HTML
 * tag/attribute. Other CSS attributes will be placed in an HTML style
 * attribute.
private static void convertToHTML(AttributeSet from, MutableAttributeSet to) {
	if (from == null) {
	Enumeration keys = from.getAttributeNames();
	String value = "";
	while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
		Object key = keys.nextElement();
		if (key instanceof CSS.Attribute) {
			// default is to store in a HTML style attribute
			if (value.length() > 0) {
				value = value + "; ";
			value = value + key + ": " + from.getAttribute(key);
		} else {
			to.addAttribute(key, from.getAttribute(key));
	if (value.length() > 0) {
		to.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.STYLE, value);

示例7: writeStyle

import javax.swing.text.html.CSS; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Outputs the named style. <code>outputStyle</code> indicates
 * whether or not a style has been output yet. This will return
 * true if a style is written.
boolean writeStyle(String name, Style style, boolean outputStyle) throws IOException {
    boolean didOutputStyle = false;
    Enumeration attributes = style.getAttributeNames();
    if (attributes != null) {
        while (attributes.hasMoreElements()) {
            Object attribute = attributes.nextElement();
            if (attribute instanceof CSS.Attribute) {
                String value = style.getAttribute(attribute).toString();
                if (value != null) {
                    if (!outputStyle) {
                        outputStyle = true;
                    if (!didOutputStyle) {
                        didOutputStyle = true;
                        write(" {");
                    else {
                    write(' ');
                    write(": ");
    if (didOutputStyle) {
        write(" }");
    return didOutputStyle;

示例8: writeStyle

import javax.swing.text.html.CSS; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Outputs the named style. <code>outputStyle</code> indicates whether or
 * not a style has been output yet. This will return true if a style is
 * written.
boolean writeStyle(String name, Style style, boolean outputStyle) throws IOException {
	boolean didOutputStyle = false;
	Enumeration attributes = style.getAttributeNames();
	if (attributes != null) {
		while (attributes.hasMoreElements()) {
			Object attribute = attributes.nextElement();
			if (attribute instanceof CSS.Attribute) {
				String value = style.getAttribute(attribute).toString();
				if (value != null) {
					if (!outputStyle) {
						outputStyle = true;
					if (!didOutputStyle) {
						didOutputStyle = true;
						write(" {");
					} else {
					write(' ');
					write(": ");
	if (didOutputStyle) {
		write(" }");
	return didOutputStyle;

示例9: removeCharacterAttribute

import javax.swing.text.html.CSS; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Removes a CSS character attribute that has the specified value
 * from the {@link JEditorPane}'s current caret position
 * or selection. 
 * <p>
 * The val parameter is a {@link String} even though the actual attribute value is not.
 * This is because the actual attribute values are not public. Thus, this method checks
 * the value via the toString() method</p>
 * @param editor
 * @param atr
 * @param val
public static void removeCharacterAttribute(JEditorPane editor, CSS.Attribute atr, String val)
    HTMLDocument doc;
    MutableAttributeSet attr;
        doc = (HTMLDocument)editor.getDocument();           
        attr = ((HTMLEditorKit)editor.getEditorKit()).getInputAttributes();
    catch(ClassCastException cce)
    List tokens = tokenizeCharAttribs(doc, editor.getSelectionStart(), editor.getSelectionEnd());
    for(Iterator it = tokens.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
        CharStyleToken t = (CharStyleToken)it.next();            
        if(t.attrs.isDefined(atr) && t.attrs.getAttribute(atr).toString().equals(val))
            SimpleAttributeSet sas = new SimpleAttributeSet();
            sas.addAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute, HTML.Tag.CONTENT);
            doc.setCharacterAttributes(t.offs, t.len, sas, true);
    int pos = editor.getCaretPosition();

示例10: convertToHTML32

import javax.swing.text.html.CSS; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Create an older style of HTML attributes.  This will
 * convert character level attributes that have a StyleConstants
 * mapping over to an HTML tag/attribute.  Other CSS attributes
 * will be placed in an HTML style attribute.
private static void convertToHTML32(AttributeSet from, MutableAttributeSet to) {
    if (from == null) {
    Enumeration keys = from.getAttributeNames();
    String value = "";
    while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
        Object key = keys.nextElement();
        if (key instanceof CSS.Attribute) {
            if ((key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY)
                || (key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE)
                || (key == CSS.Attribute.COLOR)) {

                createFontAttribute((CSS.Attribute) key, from, to);
            else if (key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT) {
                // add a bold tag is weight is bold
                //CSS.FontWeight weightValue = (CSS.FontWeight) from.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT);
                String weightValue = from.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT).toString();
               // if (weightValue != null) {
                    int fweight;
                    try {
                        fweight = new Integer(weightValue).intValue(); 
                    catch (Exception ex) {
                        fweight = -1; 
                    if ((weightValue.toLowerCase().equals("bold")) || (fweight > 400))
                        to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.B, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
            else if (key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_STYLE) {
                String s = from.getAttribute(key).toString();
                if (s.indexOf("italic") >= 0) {
                    to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.I, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
            else if (key == CSS.Attribute.TEXT_DECORATION) {
                String decor = from.getAttribute(key).toString();
                if (decor.indexOf("underline") >= 0) {
                    to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.U, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
                if (decor.indexOf("line-through") >= 0) {
                    to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.STRIKE, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
            else if (key == CSS.Attribute.VERTICAL_ALIGN) {
                String vAlign = from.getAttribute(key).toString();
                if (vAlign.indexOf("sup") >= 0) {
                    to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.SUP, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
                if (vAlign.indexOf("sub") >= 0) {
                    to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.SUB, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
            else if (key == CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN) {
                to.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.ALIGN, from.getAttribute(key).toString());
            else {
                // default is to store in a HTML style attribute
                if (value.length() > 0) {
                    value = value + "; ";
                value = value + key + ": " + from.getAttribute(key);
        else {
            to.addAttribute(key, from.getAttribute(key));
    if (value.length() > 0) {
        to.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.STYLE, value);

示例11: convertToHTML32

import javax.swing.text.html.CSS; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Create an older style of HTML attributes.  This will
 * convert character level attributes that have a StyleConstants
 * mapping over to an HTML tag/attribute.  Other CSS attributes
 * will be placed in an HTML style attribute.
private static void convertToHTML32(AttributeSet from, MutableAttributeSet to) {
    if (from == null) {
    Enumeration keys = from.getAttributeNames();
    String value = "";
    while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
        Object key = keys.nextElement();
        if (key instanceof CSS.Attribute) {
            if ((key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY)
                || (key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE)
                || (key == CSS.Attribute.COLOR)) {

                createFontAttribute((CSS.Attribute) key, from, to);
            else if (key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT) {
                // add a bold tag is weight is bold
                //CSS.FontWeight weightValue = (CSS.FontWeight) from.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT);
                String weightValue = from.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT).toString();
                if (weightValue != null) {
                    int fweight;
                    try {
                        fweight = Integer.parseInt(weightValue);
                    catch (Exception ex) {
                        fweight = -1;
                    if ((weightValue.toLowerCase().equals("bold")) || (fweight > 400))
                        to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.B, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
            else if (key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_STYLE) {
                String s = from.getAttribute(key).toString();
                if (s.indexOf("italic") >= 0) {
                    to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.I, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
            else if (key == CSS.Attribute.TEXT_DECORATION) {
                String decor = from.getAttribute(key).toString();
                if (decor.indexOf("underline") >= 0) {
                    to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.U, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
                if (decor.indexOf("line-through") >= 0) {
                    to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.STRIKE, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
            else if (key == CSS.Attribute.VERTICAL_ALIGN) {
                String vAlign = from.getAttribute(key).toString();
                if (vAlign.indexOf("sup") >= 0) {
                    to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.SUP, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
                if (vAlign.indexOf("sub") >= 0) {
                    to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.SUB, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
            else if (key == CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN) {
                to.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.ALIGN, from.getAttribute(key).toString());
            else {
                // default is to store in a HTML style attribute
                if (value.length() > 0) {
                    value = value + "; ";
                value = value + key + ": " + from.getAttribute(key);
        else {
            to.addAttribute(key, from.getAttribute(key));
    if (value.length() > 0) {
        to.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.STYLE, value);

示例12: convertToHTML32

import javax.swing.text.html.CSS; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Create an older style of HTML attributes.  This will
 * convert character level attributes that have a StyleConstants
 * mapping over to an HTML tag/attribute.  Other CSS attributes
 * will be placed in an HTML style attribute.
private static void convertToHTML32(AttributeSet from, MutableAttributeSet to) {
    if (from == null) {
    Enumeration keys = from.getAttributeNames();
    String value = "";
    while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
        Object key = keys.nextElement();
        if (key instanceof CSS.Attribute) {
            if ((key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY)
                || (key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE)
                || (key == CSS.Attribute.COLOR)) {

                createFontAttribute((CSS.Attribute) key, from, to);
            else if (key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT) {
                // add a bold tag is weight is bold
                //CSS.FontWeight weightValue = (CSS.FontWeight) from.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT);
                String weightValue = from.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT).toString();
                if (weightValue != null) {
                    int fweight;
                    try {
                        fweight = new Integer(weightValue).intValue();
                    catch (Exception ex) {
                        fweight = -1;
                    if ((weightValue.toLowerCase().equals("bold")) || (fweight > 400))
                        to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.B, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
            else if (key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_STYLE) {
                String s = from.getAttribute(key).toString();
                if (s.indexOf("italic") >= 0) {
                    to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.I, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
            else if (key == CSS.Attribute.TEXT_DECORATION) {
                String decor = from.getAttribute(key).toString();
                if (decor.indexOf("underline") >= 0) {
                    to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.U, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
                if (decor.indexOf("line-through") >= 0) {
                    to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.STRIKE, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
            else if (key == CSS.Attribute.VERTICAL_ALIGN) {
                String vAlign = from.getAttribute(key).toString();
                if (vAlign.indexOf("sup") >= 0) {
                    to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.SUP, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
                if (vAlign.indexOf("sub") >= 0) {
                    to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.SUB, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
            else if (key == CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN) {
                to.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.ALIGN, from.getAttribute(key).toString());
            else {
                // default is to store in a HTML style attribute
                if (value.length() > 0) {
                    value = value + "; ";
                value = value + key + ": " + from.getAttribute(key);
        else {
            to.addAttribute(key, from.getAttribute(key));
    if (value.length() > 0) {
        to.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.STYLE, value);

示例13: convertToHTML32

import javax.swing.text.html.CSS; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Create an older style of HTML attributes. This will convert character
 * level attributes that have a StyleConstants mapping over to an HTML
 * tag/attribute. Other CSS attributes will be placed in an HTML style
 * attribute.
private static void convertToHTML32(AttributeSet from, MutableAttributeSet to) {
	if (from == null) {
	Enumeration keys = from.getAttributeNames();
	String value = "";
	while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
		Object key = keys.nextElement();
		if (key instanceof CSS.Attribute) {
			if ((key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY) || (key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE)
					|| (key == CSS.Attribute.COLOR)) {

				createFontAttribute((CSS.Attribute) key, from, to);
			} else if (key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT) {
				// add a bold tag is weight is bold
				// CSS.FontWeight weightValue = (CSS.FontWeight)
				// from.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT);
				String weightValue = from.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT).toString();
				if (weightValue != null) {
					int fweight;
					try {
						fweight = new Integer(weightValue).intValue();
					} catch (Exception ex) {
						fweight = -1;
					if ((weightValue.toLowerCase().equals("bold")) || (fweight > 400)) {
						to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.B, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
			} else if (key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_STYLE) {
				String s = from.getAttribute(key).toString();
				if (s.indexOf("italic") >= 0) {
					to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.I, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
			} else if (key == CSS.Attribute.TEXT_DECORATION) {
				String decor = from.getAttribute(key).toString();
				if (decor.indexOf("underline") >= 0) {
					to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.U, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
				if (decor.indexOf("line-through") >= 0) {
					to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.STRIKE, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
			} else if (key == CSS.Attribute.VERTICAL_ALIGN) {
				String vAlign = from.getAttribute(key).toString();
				if (vAlign.indexOf("sup") >= 0) {
					to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.SUP, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
				if (vAlign.indexOf("sub") >= 0) {
					to.addAttribute(HTML.Tag.SUB, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
			} else if (key == CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN) {
				to.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.ALIGN, from.getAttribute(key).toString());
			} else {
				// default is to store in a HTML style attribute
				if (value.length() > 0) {
					value = value + "; ";
				value = value + key + ": " + from.getAttribute(key);
		} else {
			to.addAttribute(key, from.getAttribute(key));
	if (value.length() > 0) {
		to.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.STYLE, value);

示例14: convertToHTML32

import javax.swing.text.html.CSS; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Create an older style of HTML attributes.  This will
 * convert character level attributes that have a StyleConstants
 * mapping over to an HTML tag/attribute.  Other CSS attributes
 * will be placed in an HTML style attribute.
private static void convertToHTML32(AttributeSet from, MutableAttributeSet to) {
    if (from == null) {
    Enumeration keys = from.getAttributeNames();
    String value = "";
    while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
        Object key = keys.nextElement();
        if (key instanceof CSS.Attribute) {
            if ((key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY) ||
                (key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_SIZE) ||
                (key == CSS.Attribute.COLOR)) {

                createFontAttribute((CSS.Attribute)key, from, to);
            } else if (key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_WEIGHT) {
                // add a bold tag is weight is bold
                if (StyleConstants.isBold(from)) {
                    addAttribute(to, HTML.Tag.B, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
            } else if (key == CSS.Attribute.FONT_STYLE) {
                String s = from.getAttribute(key).toString();
                if (s.contains("italic")) {
                    addAttribute(to, HTML.Tag.I, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
            } else if (key == CSS.Attribute.TEXT_DECORATION) {
                String decor = from.getAttribute(key).toString();
                if (decor.contains("underline")) {
                    addAttribute(to, HTML.Tag.U, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
                if (decor.contains("line-through")) {
                    if (value.length() > 0) {value += "; ";}
                    value += key + ": " + from.getAttribute(key);
                    if(from.isDefined(STRIKE_COLOR_ATTRIBUTE)) {
                        if (value.length() > 0) {value += "; ";}
                        value += key+"-color" + ": " + from.getAttribute(STRIKE_COLOR_ATTRIBUTE);
                    MutableAttributeSet set = new SimpleAttributeSet();
                    set.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.STYLE, value);
                    addAttribute(to, HTML.Tag.FONT, set);
            } else if (key == CSS.Attribute.VERTICAL_ALIGN) {
                String vAlign = from.getAttribute(key).toString();
                if (vAlign.contains("sup")) {
                    addAttribute(to, HTML.Tag.SUP, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
                if (vAlign.contains("sub")) {
                    addAttribute(to, HTML.Tag.SUB, SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY);
            } else if (key == CSS.Attribute.TEXT_ALIGN) {
                addAttribute(to, HTML.Attribute.ALIGN,
            } else {
                // default is to store in a HTML style attribute
                if (value.length() > 0) {
                    value += "; ";
                value += key + ": " + from.getAttribute(key);
        } else {
            Object attr = from.getAttribute(key);
            if (attr instanceof AttributeSet) {
                attr = ((AttributeSet)attr).copyAttributes();
            addAttribute(to, key, attr);
    if (value.length() > 0) {
        to.addAttribute(HTML.Attribute.STYLE, value);
