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Java ServletRequest.getAttribute方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中javax.servlet.ServletRequest.getAttribute方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java ServletRequest.getAttribute方法的具体用法?Java ServletRequest.getAttribute怎么用?Java ServletRequest.getAttribute使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在javax.servlet.ServletRequest的用法示例。


示例1: setRequest

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Set the request that we are wrapping.
 * @param request The new wrapped request
public void setRequest(ServletRequest request) {


    // Initialize the attributes for this request
    synchronized (attributes) {
        Enumeration<String> names = request.getAttributeNames();
        while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
            String name = names.nextElement();
            Object value = request.getAttribute(name);
            attributes.put(name, value);


示例2: setRequest

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Set the request that we are wrapping.
 * @param request The new wrapped request
public void setRequest(ServletRequest request) {


    // Initialize the attributes for this request
    synchronized (attributes) {
        Enumeration names = request.getAttributeNames();
        while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
            String name = (String) names.nextElement();
            Object value = request.getAttribute(name);
            attributes.put(name, value);


示例3: processRequest

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Prepare the request based on the filter configuration.
 * @param request The servlet request we are processing
 * @param response The servlet response we are creating
 * @param state The RD state
 * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
 * @exception ServletException if a servlet error occurs
private void processRequest(ServletRequest request, 
                            ServletResponse response,
                            State state)
    throws IOException, ServletException {
    DispatcherType disInt = (DispatcherType) request.getAttribute(Globals.DISPATCHER_TYPE_ATTR);
    if (disInt != null) {
        boolean doInvoke = true;
        if (context.getFireRequestListenersOnForwards() &&
                !context.fireRequestInitEvent(request)) {
            doInvoke = false;

        if (doInvoke) {
            if (disInt != DispatcherType.ERROR) {
                invoke(state.outerRequest, response, state);
            } else {
                invoke(state.outerRequest, response, state);
            if (context.getFireRequestListenersOnForwards()) {

示例4: invoke

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Invoke the next Valve in the sequence. When the invoke returns, check 
 * the response state, and output an error report is necessary.
 * @param request The servlet request to be processed
 * @param response The servlet response to be created
 * @param context The valve context used to invoke the next valve
 *  in the current processing pipeline
 * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
 * @exception ServletException if a servlet error occurs
public void invoke(Request request, Response response,
                   ValveContext context)
    throws IOException, ServletException {

    // Perform the request
    context.invokeNext(request, response);


    ServletRequest sreq = request.getRequest();
    Throwable t = (Throwable) sreq.getAttribute(Globals.EXCEPTION_ATTR);

    if (t != null) {
        throwable(request, response, t);
    } else {
        status(request, response);


示例5: getContextRelativePath

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Convert a possibly relative resource path into a context-relative
 * resource path that starts with a '/'.
 * @param request
 *            The servlet request we are processing
 * @param relativePath
 *            The possibly relative resource path
public static String getContextRelativePath(ServletRequest request, String relativePath) {

	if (relativePath.startsWith("/"))
		return (relativePath);
	if (!(request instanceof HttpServletRequest))
		return (relativePath);
	HttpServletRequest hrequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
	String uri = (String) request.getAttribute(RequestDispatcher.INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH);
	if (uri != null) {
		String pathInfo = (String) request.getAttribute(RequestDispatcher.INCLUDE_PATH_INFO);
		if (pathInfo == null) {
			if (uri.lastIndexOf('/') >= 0)
				uri = uri.substring(0, uri.lastIndexOf('/'));
	} else {
		uri = hrequest.getServletPath();
		if (uri.lastIndexOf('/') >= 0)
			uri = uri.substring(0, uri.lastIndexOf('/'));
	return uri + '/' + relativePath;


示例6: doFilter

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * This {@code doFilter} implementation stores a request attribute for
 * "already filtered", proceeding without filtering again if the
 * attribute is already there.
 * @see #getAlreadyFilteredAttributeName
 * @see #doFilterInternal
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
        throws ServletException, IOException {
    String alreadyFilteredAttributeName = getAlreadyFilteredAttributeName();
    if (request.getAttribute(alreadyFilteredAttributeName) != null) {
        log.trace("Filter '{}' already executed.  Proceeding without invoking this filter.", getName());
        filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
    } else {
        if (!isEnabled(request, response)) {
            log.debug("Filter '{}' is not enabled for the current request.  Proceeding without invoking this filter.",
            filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
        } else {
            // Do invoke this filter...
            log.trace("Filter '{}' not yet executed.  Executing now.", getName());
            request.setAttribute(alreadyFilteredAttributeName, Boolean.TRUE);

            try {
                // TODO Maybe do some checks before cast?
                doFilterInternal((HttpServletRequest) request, (HttpServletResponse) response, filterChain);
            } finally {
                // Once the request has finished, we're done and we don't
                // need to mark as 'already filtered' any more.

示例7: cleanup

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected void cleanup(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, Exception existing) throws ServletException, IOException {
    Exception exception = existing;
    if (exception != null) {
        Throwable unexpectedException = getUnexpectedException(existing);

        Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExceptionFilter.class);
        logger.error(exception.getCause().getMessage(), exception.getCause());

        Boolean sessionCreationEnabled = (Boolean) request.getAttribute(WebSubjectContext.SESSION_CREATION_ENABLED);

        if (sessionCreationEnabled != null && !sessionCreationEnabled) {
            // We assume we are in a REST/JAX_RS call and thus return JSON
            FIXME Should we have different classes in diffrent Modules; I guess that is best
            HttpServletResponse servletResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response;

            String code = unexpectedException == null ? "OCT-001" : "OCT-002";
            ErrorInfo info = new ErrorInfo(code, exception.getMessage());

            exception = null;  // TODO
        } else {
            // Since we are in a finally block, this exception takes over and thus erasing all information we have about stacktraces
            // OWASP A6
            throw new AtbashUnexpectedException("Something went wrong");
    super.cleanup(request, response, null);

示例8: doFilter

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
        FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
    if (!isGoodRequest(request)) {
        FailReason reason = (FailReason) request.getAttribute(

        int status;

        switch (reason) {
            case IO_ERROR:
                // Not the client's fault
                status = HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
            case POST_TOO_LARGE:
                status = HttpServletResponse.SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE;
            case TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS:
                // 413/414 aren't really correct here since the request body
                // and/or URI could be well below any limits set. Use the
                // default.
            case UNKNOWN: // Assume the client is at fault
            // Various things that the client can get wrong that don't have
            // a specific status code so use the default.
            case INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE:
            case NO_NAME:
            case URL_DECODING:
            case CLIENT_DISCONNECT:
                // Client is never going to see this so this is really just
                // for the access logs. The default is fine.
                // 400
                status = HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST;

        ((HttpServletResponse) response).sendError(status);
    chain.doFilter(request, response);

示例9: getContextRelativePath

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Convert a possibly relative resource path into a context-relative
 * resource path that starts with a '/'.
 * @param request The servlet request we are processing
 * @param relativePath The possibly relative resource path
public static String getContextRelativePath(ServletRequest request,
                                            String relativePath) {

    if (relativePath.startsWith("/"))
        return (relativePath);
    if (!(request instanceof HttpServletRequest))
        return (relativePath);
    HttpServletRequest hrequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
    String uri = (String)
    if (uri != null) {
        String pathInfo = (String)
        if (pathInfo == null) {
            if (uri.lastIndexOf('/') >= 0) 
                uri = uri.substring(0, uri.lastIndexOf('/'));
    else {
        uri = hrequest.getServletPath();
        if (uri.lastIndexOf('/') >= 0) 
            uri = uri.substring(0, uri.lastIndexOf('/'));
    return uri + '/' + relativePath;


示例10: getContextRelativePath

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Convert a possibly relative resource path into a context-relative
 * resource path that starts with a '/'.
 * @param request The servlet request we are processing
 * @param relativePath The possibly relative resource path
public static String getContextRelativePath(ServletRequest request,
                                            String relativePath) {

    if (relativePath.startsWith("/"))
        return (relativePath);
    if (!(request instanceof HttpServletRequest))
        return (relativePath);
    HttpServletRequest hrequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
    String uri = (String) request.getAttribute(
    if (uri != null) {
        String pathInfo = (String)
        if (pathInfo == null) {
            if (uri.lastIndexOf('/') >= 0) 
                uri = uri.substring(0, uri.lastIndexOf('/'));
    else {
        uri = hrequest.getServletPath();
        if (uri.lastIndexOf('/') >= 0) 
            uri = uri.substring(0, uri.lastIndexOf('/'));
    return uri + '/' + relativePath;


示例11: onAccessDenied

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected boolean onAccessDenied(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, Object mappedValue)
		throws Exception {
	HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = WebUtils.toHttp(request);

		return true;
	if (request.getAttribute(getFailureKeyAttribute()) != null) {
		return true;
	request.setAttribute("shiroLoginFailure", "用户未登录");
	return super.onAccessDenied(request, response, mappedValue);

示例12: _initialize

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void _initialize(Servlet servlet, ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, String errorPageURL,
		boolean needsSession, int bufferSize, boolean autoFlush) {

	// initialize state
	this.servlet = servlet;
	this.config = servlet.getServletConfig();
	this.context = config.getServletContext();
	this.errorPageURL = errorPageURL;
	this.request = request;
	this.response = response;

	// initialize application context
	this.applicationContext = JspApplicationContextImpl.getInstance(context);

	// Setup session (if required)
	if (request instanceof HttpServletRequest && needsSession)
		this.session = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getSession();
	if (needsSession && session == null)
		throw new IllegalStateException("Page needs a session and none is available");

	// initialize the initial out ...
	depth = -1;
	if (bufferSize == JspWriter.DEFAULT_BUFFER) {
		bufferSize = Constants.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
	if (this.baseOut == null) {
		this.baseOut = new JspWriterImpl(response, bufferSize, autoFlush);
	} else {
		this.baseOut.init(response, bufferSize, autoFlush);
	this.out = baseOut;

	// register names/values as per spec
	setAttribute(OUT, this.out);
	setAttribute(REQUEST, request);
	setAttribute(RESPONSE, response);

	if (session != null)
		setAttribute(SESSION, session);

	setAttribute(PAGE, servlet);
	setAttribute(CONFIG, config);
	setAttribute(PAGECONTEXT, this);
	setAttribute(APPLICATION, context);

	isIncluded = request.getAttribute(RequestDispatcher.INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH) != null;

示例13: _initialize

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void _initialize(Servlet servlet, ServletRequest request,
        ServletResponse response, String errorPageURL,
        boolean needsSession, int bufferSize, boolean autoFlush) {

    // initialize state
    this.servlet = servlet;
    this.config = servlet.getServletConfig();
    this.context = config.getServletContext();
    this.errorPageURL = errorPageURL;
    this.request = request;
    this.response = response;
    // initialize application context
    this.applicationContext = JspApplicationContextImpl.getInstance(context);

    // Setup session (if required)
    if (request instanceof HttpServletRequest && needsSession)
        this.session = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getSession();
    if (needsSession && session == null)
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Page needs a session and none is available");

    // initialize the initial out ...
    depth = -1;
    if (bufferSize == JspWriter.DEFAULT_BUFFER) {
        bufferSize = Constants.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
    if (this.baseOut == null) {
        this.baseOut = new JspWriterImpl(response, bufferSize, autoFlush);
    } else {
        this.baseOut.init(response, bufferSize, autoFlush);
    this.out = baseOut;

    // register names/values as per spec
    setAttribute(OUT, this.out);
    setAttribute(REQUEST, request);
    setAttribute(RESPONSE, response);

    if (session != null)
        setAttribute(SESSION, session);

    setAttribute(PAGE, servlet);
    setAttribute(CONFIG, config);
    setAttribute(PAGECONTEXT, this);
    setAttribute(APPLICATION, context);

    isIncluded = request.getAttribute(
            RequestDispatcher.INCLUDE_SERVLET_PATH) != null;

示例14: invoke

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Invoke the next Valve in the sequence. When the invoke returns, check 
 * the response state, and output an error report is necessary.
 * @param request The servlet request to be processed
 * @param response The servlet response to be created
 * @param context The valve context used to invoke the next valve
 *  in the current processing pipeline
 * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
 * @exception ServletException if a servlet error occurs
public void invoke(Request request, Response response,
                   ValveContext context)
    throws IOException, ServletException {

    // Perform the request
    context.invokeNext(request, response);

    ServletRequest sreq = (ServletRequest) request;
    Throwable throwable = 
        (Throwable) sreq.getAttribute(Globals.EXCEPTION_ATTR);

    ServletResponse sresp = (ServletResponse) response;
    if (sresp.isCommitted()) {

    if (throwable != null) {

        // The response is an error

        // Reset the response (if possible)
        try {
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {

        ServletResponse sresponse = (ServletResponse) response;
        if (sresponse instanceof HttpServletResponse)
            ((HttpServletResponse) sresponse).sendError



    try {
        report(request, response, throwable);
    } catch (Throwable tt) {


示例15: getStoredConnection

import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static Connection getStoredConnection(ServletRequest request) {
       Connection conn = (Connection) request.getAttribute(ATT_NAME_CONNECTION);
       return conn;
