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Java TreeSet.retainAll方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中java.util.TreeSet.retainAll方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java TreeSet.retainAll方法的具体用法?Java TreeSet.retainAll怎么用?Java TreeSet.retainAll使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在java.util.TreeSet的用法示例。


示例1: testRetainAll

import java.util.TreeSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * retainAll(c) retains only those elements of c and reports true if changed
public void testRetainAll() {
    TreeSet q = populatedSet(SIZE);
    TreeSet p = populatedSet(SIZE);
    for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
        boolean changed = q.retainAll(p);
        if (i == 0)

        assertEquals(SIZE - i, q.size());

示例2: getOverlappedClasses

import java.util.TreeSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Gets the overlapped classes for the given subnetworks.
 * @param subnet1 The first subnetwork of stations.
 * @param subnet2 The second subnetwork of stations.
 * @return The set of overlapped classes.
private TreeSet<Integer> getOverlappedClasses(TreeSet<Integer> subnet1, TreeSet<Integer> subnet2) {
	TreeSet<Integer> c1 = getCoveredClasses(Covered.PARTIALLY, subnet1);
	TreeSet<Integer> c2 = getCoveredClasses(Covered.PARTIALLY, subnet2);
	return c1;

示例3: stdConvolution

import java.util.TreeSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Computes g-arrays at a node using using the standard
 * convolution equation(equ (4) from the LamLien83 paper).
 * @param parentNode The node to compute the g-array for.
 * @param parentPcPops The parent populations for partially covered classes.
 * @param popVec The max population vector to use in the calculation.
 * @param backup Whether to store the results in a backup g-array map.
private void stdConvolution(Node parentNode, PopulationVector p, PopulationVector popVec, boolean backup) {
	PopulationVector origp = p.copy();
	PopulationVector origPopVec = popVec.copy();
	Node leftChild = parentNode.leftChild();
	Node rightChild = parentNode.rightChild();
	PopulationVector iminusj;
	// Find the intersection of partially covered classes in the child nodes.
	TreeSet<Integer> commonPcs = new TreeSet<Integer>(leftChild.pcs);
	while (p != null) {
		// Set the max values in popVec to same as parent population
		// vector for corresponding partially covered classes.
		int x = 0;
		for (int pc : parentNode.pcs) {
			popVec.set(pc, p.get(x));
		// Get the maximum population for each partially covered class in commonPcs.
		PopulationVector commonPopVec = ccu.contract(popVec, ccu.all, commonPcs);
		PopulationVector maxes = commonPopVec.copy();
		BigDecimal res = BigDecimal.ZERO;

		while (commonPopVec != null) {
			// Do subtraction only on common partially covered class populations.
			iminusj = maxes.subVec(commonPopVec);
			// Expand population vector to necessary size depending on child partially covered classes.
			PopulationVector jFull = ccu.expand(commonPopVec, commonPcs, popVec, leftChild.pcs);
			PopulationVector iminusjFull = ccu.expand(iminusj, commonPcs, popVec, rightChild.pcs);
			BigDecimal l, r;
			if (backup) {
				l = (leftChild.backupContains(origPopVec)) 
						? leftChild.getBackupGarr(origPopVec, jFull) : leftChild.getGarr(jFull);
				r = (rightChild.backupContains(origPopVec))
						? rightChild.getBackupGarr(origPopVec, iminusjFull) : rightChild.getGarr(iminusjFull);
			} else {
				l = leftChild.getGarr(jFull);
				r = rightChild.getGarr(iminusjFull);
			if (l == null || r == null) {
				commonPopVec = ccu.nextPermutation(commonPopVec, maxes);
			res = res.add(l.multiply(r, Config.Context));
			commonPopVec = ccu.nextPermutation(commonPopVec, maxes);

		parentNode.store(origPopVec, p, res, backup);
		Printer.out.println(p.toString() + " : " + res);
		p = ccu.nextPermutation(p, origp);

示例4: childrenOverlappedPcsHaveLargePopulation

import java.util.TreeSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
/** Checks whether this node's children have a large population overlap in their partially covered classes.
 * This is defined to be true if the overlap is greater than the FEEDBACK_FILTERING_OVERLAP_POP_THRESHOLD
 * constant defined in Config.
 * @param popVec The full population vector.
 * @return A boolean indicating whether the population overlap is large.
public boolean childrenOverlappedPcsHaveLargePopulation(PopulationVector popVec) {
	TreeSet<Integer> overlapped = new TreeSet<Integer>(leftChild.pcs);
	for (int cls : leftChild.pcs) {
		if (overlapped.contains(cls) && popVec.get(cls) > Config.FEEDBACK_FILTERING_OVERLAP_POP_THRESHOLD) {
			return true;
	return false;

示例5: retainAll

import java.util.TreeSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c)
	for(TreeSet<E> target : other)
	return super.retainAll(c);

示例6: init

import java.util.TreeSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void init(IWorkbench targetWorkbench, IStructuredSelection currentSelection) {

	// this.selection = currentSelection;

	List<?> selectedResources = IDE.computeSelectedResources(currentSelection);
	List<IProject> workspaceProjects = Arrays.asList(ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getProjects());

	// Find all selected projects
	Set<IProject> projects = selectedResources.stream()
			.filter(m -> m instanceof IResource)
			.map(m -> ((IResource) m).getProject())
			.filter(p -> p.isOpen()) // only open projects
	// make the behavior predictable by ordering:
	TreeSet<IProject> sortedProjects = Sets
			.<IProject> newTreeSet((a, b) -> a.getName()

	// 0) turn into IN4JSProject and give and process further.
	// a) find out which projects fulfill the npm-"exportable"-contract
	// b) give back a list to the user what to export,
	// c) disable things not fullfilling the contract.
	// d) take choosing from the list and pass to exporter in non-ui package.

	// 0)
	List<IN4JSEclipseProject> rawN4jsProjects = Lists.newArrayList();
	iP2in4jsP = HashBiMap.create();
	for (IProject iProject : workspaceProjects) {
		IN4JSEclipseProject mappedIn4jsProject = map2In4js(iProject);
		if (mappedIn4jsProject != null) {

			iP2in4jsP.put(iProject, mappedIn4jsProject);

	// filter out Non-N4JS-projects from initial selection.

	// filter out all non-N4JS-projects from the workspace projects.
	ArrayList<IProject> filteredWorkspaceProjects = new ArrayList<>(workspaceProjects);

	setWindowTitle("N4JS to npm Export");

	Map<IProject, Boolean> selectedProjects = new HashMap<>();
	// Add all workspace projects to list, default selection value is false
	filteredWorkspaceProjects.forEach(project -> selectedProjects.put(project, false));
	// Override selection value for all initially selected projects
	sortedProjects.forEach(project -> selectedProjects.put(project, true));

	// exportPage = new ExportSelectionPage("Export Page", rawN4jsProjects, labelProvider);
	exportPage = new ExportSelectionPage("Export Page", selectedProjects);
	if (runTools())
		toolRunnerPage = new NpmToolRunnerPage("npm Execution Page");
	comparePage = new PackageJsonComparePage("Compare package.json Page");

	pageListener = new IPageChangedListener() {

		public void pageChanged(PageChangedEvent event) {
			if (event.getSelectedPage() == comparePage) {
