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Java PriorityQueue.isEmpty方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中java.util.PriorityQueue.isEmpty方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java PriorityQueue.isEmpty方法的具体用法?Java PriorityQueue.isEmpty怎么用?Java PriorityQueue.isEmpty使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在java.util.PriorityQueue的用法示例。


示例1: onEventTime

import java.util.PriorityQueue; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Occurs when an event-time timer fires due to watermark progression.
 * @param timer the timer details.
public void onEventTime(InternalTimer<K, VoidNamespace> timer) throws Exception {

    long currentWatermark = internalTimerService.currentWatermark();

    PriorityQueue<Long> sortedTimestamps = getSortedTimestamps();
    while (!sortedTimestamps.isEmpty() && sortedTimestamps.peek() <= currentWatermark) {
        long timestamp = sortedTimestamps.poll();
        for (T event : elementQueueState.get(timestamp)) {
            output.collect(new StreamRecord<>(event, timestamp));

    if (sortedTimestamps.isEmpty()) {

    if (!sortedTimestamps.isEmpty()) {

示例2: mergeSorted

import java.util.PriorityQueue; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static List<Integer> mergeSorted(List<List<Integer>> sortedArrays) {
    List<Iterator<Integer>> iters = new ArrayList<>(sortedArrays.size());
    for (List<Integer> array : sortedArrays)

    PriorityQueue<ArrayEntry> minHeap = new PriorityQueue<>(iters.size(), ArrayEntry::compareTo);

    for (int i  = 0; i < iters.size(); i++) {
        if (iters.get(i).hasNext())
            minHeap.add(new ArrayEntry(iters.get(i).next(),i));
    List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>();
    while (!minHeap.isEmpty()) {
        ArrayEntry temp = minHeap.poll();
        if (iters.get(temp.arrayId).hasNext())
            minHeap.add(new ArrayEntry(iters.get(temp.arrayId).next(),temp.arrayId));
    return result;

示例3: dijkstra

import java.util.PriorityQueue; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void dijkstra(GraphAdjacencyListRepresentation graph) {
    dist[S] = 0;
    PriorityQueue<VerticePriority> pq = new PriorityQueue<>();
    pq.add(new VerticePriority(S, dist[S]));
    int u;
    List<Integer> adjVertices, adjWeight;
    while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
        u = pq.poll().vertice;
        int v, w;
        adjVertices = graph.getAdjNode(u);
        adjWeight = graph.getAdjWeight(u);
        for (int i = 0; i < adjVertices.size(); i++) {
            v = adjVertices.get(i);
            w = adjWeight.get(i);
            // relax the edge
            if ((dist[v] == -1) || (dist[v] > dist[u] + w)) {
                dist[v] = dist[u] + w;
                prev[v] = u;
                pq.add(new VerticePriority(v, dist[v]));

示例4: main

import java.util.PriorityQueue; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
    int n = scan.nextInt();
    /* Create PriorityQueue and add/remove entries */
    PriorityQueue<Student> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(n, new StudentComparator());
    while (n-- > 0) {
        String event = scan.next();
        switch (event) {
            case "ENTER":
                String fname = scan.next();
                double cgpa  = scan.nextDouble();
                int    token = scan.nextInt();
                pq.add(new Student(fname, cgpa, token));
            case "SERVED":
    /* Print Student names */
    if (pq.isEmpty()) {
    } else {
        while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
            Student s = pq.remove();

示例5: getShortestPathsIntern

import java.util.PriorityQueue; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected List<List<E>> getShortestPathsIntern(final V source,
		final V target, int k) {
	LinkedList<List<E>> found_paths = new LinkedList<List<E>>();
	PriorityQueue<WeightedPath> prioQ = new PriorityQueue<WeightedPath>();
	DijkstraShortestPath<V, E> blockedDijkstra;

	// Check if target is reachable from source.
	if (dijkstra.getDistance(source, target) == null)
		return found_paths;

	// Add Dijkstra solution, the first shortest path.
	found_paths.add(dijkstra.getPath(source, target));

	while (found_paths.size() < k) {
		List<E> curShortestPath = found_paths.getLast();

		int maxIndex = curShortestPath.size();

		// Split path into Head and NextEdge
		for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; i++) {
			List<E> head = curShortestPath.subList(0, i /* excluded */);
			V deviation = head.isEmpty() ? source : graph.getDest(head
					.get(i - 1));

			// 1. Block edges.
			Graph<V, E> blocked = blockFilter(head, deviation, found_paths);

			// 2. Get shortest path in graph with blocked edges.
			blockedDijkstra = new DijkstraShortestPath<V, E>(blocked, nev);

			Number dist = blockedDijkstra.getDistance(deviation, target);
			if (dist == null)

			List<E> tail = blockedDijkstra.getPath(deviation, target);

			// 3. Combine head and tail into new path.
			List<E> candidate = new ArrayList<E>(i + tail.size());

			// Check if we already found this solution
			boolean duplicate = false;
			for (WeightedPath path : prioQ)
				if (ListUtils.isEqualList(path.getPath(), candidate)) {
					duplicate = true;

			if (!duplicate)
				prioQ.add(new WeightedPath(candidate));

		if (prioQ.isEmpty())
			break; // We have not found any new candidate!

	return found_paths;

示例6: getShortestPathsIntern

import java.util.PriorityQueue; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected List<List<E>> getShortestPathsIntern(V source, V target, int k) {
	PriorityQueue<WeightedPath> prioQ = new PriorityQueue<WeightedPath>();
	List<List<E>> found_paths = new LinkedList<List<E>>();

	Transformer<E, Double> delta = prepareTransformations(target);

	// Initialize with start vertex.
	prioQ.add(new WeightedPath(source));

	while (!prioQ.isEmpty() && found_paths.size() < k) {
		WeightedPath curPath = prioQ.poll(); // get & remove next shortest
		V curV = curPath.getLast();

		if (curV.equals(target)) {

		// Create new paths for every expanded vertex ...
		for (V nextV : graph.getSuccessors(curV)) {
			if (curPath.contains(nextV))
				continue; // Prevent looping!

			// ... and every possible edge.
			for (E e : graph.findEdgeSet(curV, nextV)) {
				if (Double.isInfinite(delta.transform(e)))
					continue; // Skip unreachable vertices.

				WeightedPath tmpPath = new WeightedPath(curPath); // clone
				tmpPath.addHop(e, delta.transform(e), nextV);


	return found_paths;

示例7: computePathsDGM

import java.util.PriorityQueue; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private ConditionVertex computePathsDGM(){
	PriorityQueue<ConditionVertex> openSet = new PriorityQueue<ConditionVertex>();
	this.source.distance = 0;
	int operations = 0;
	System.out.println("openset at start: " + openSet);
	while(!openSet.isEmpty() && operations < OPERATIONCOUNT_THRESHOLD){
		ConditionVertex u = openSet.poll();
		if(u.depth == generalizedGoalList.size()){
			return u;
		int numberOfAdjacenciesBefore = u.adjacencies.size();
		int numberOfAdjacenciesAfter = u.adjacencies.size();
		//if goal is not expandable for the next generalizedGoal in the list
		//the loop has to continue with the next
		if(numberOfAdjacenciesBefore == numberOfAdjacenciesAfter){
		} else {
			for (ProbabilityEdge e : u.adjacencies){
				ConditionVertex v = e.target;
				v.prev = u;
				double eventDistance = e.weight;
				double newDistanceToV = u.distance + eventDistance;								
				// check if new likelihood is greater
	return null;

示例8: shortestPath

import java.util.PriorityQueue; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void shortestPath(int source, int destination) {
    Set<Node> visited = new HashSet<>();
    PriorityQueue<Node> pQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(new Comparator<Node>() {
        public int compare(Node o1, Node o2) {
            return o1.cost - o2.cost;
    nodes[source].cost = 0;
    while(!pQueue.isEmpty()) {
        Node currVertex = pQueue.poll();
        for(int i = 0; i < graph.length; i++) {
            if(graph[currVertex.id][i]!=0 && !visited.contains(nodes[i]) ) {
                if(!pQueue.contains(nodes[i])) {
                    nodes[i].cost = currVertex.cost + graph[currVertex.id][i];
                    nodes[i].parent = currVertex;
                else {
                    nodes[i].cost = Math.min(nodes[i].cost, currVertex.cost + graph[currVertex.id][i]);
                    if(nodes[i].cost == currVertex.cost + graph[currVertex.id][i])
                        nodes[i].parent = currVertex;

示例9: computeCodeEmittingOrder

import java.util.PriorityQueue; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Iteratively adds paths to the code emission block order.
private static <T extends AbstractBlockBase<T>> void computeCodeEmittingOrder(List<T> order, PriorityQueue<T> worklist, BitSet visitedBlocks) {
    while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
        T nextImportantPath = worklist.poll();
        addPathToCodeEmittingOrder(nextImportantPath, order, worklist, visitedBlocks);

示例10: toIntArrayListReversed

import java.util.PriorityQueue; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Used in cases where a priority queue has been used to keep top K elements, and then its results are needed in descending order, 
 * in the form of an IntArrayList. The size of the results is equal to the size of the input.
 * @param <T> any subclass of ComparableIntFloatPair
 * @param pq
 * @return 
public static <T extends ComparableIntFloatPair> IntArrayList toIntArrayListReversed(PriorityQueue<T> pq) {
    int i = pq.size();   
    int[] candidates = new int[i]; 
    while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
        T cand = pq.poll();
        candidates[--i] = cand.getEntityId(); //get pq elements in reverse order
    return new IntArrayList(candidates);

示例11: main

import java.util.PriorityQueue; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

    PriorityQueue<Integer> minHeap = new PriorityQueue<>(10, Collections.reverseOrder());
    PriorityQueue<Integer> maxHeap = new PriorityQueue<>(10);

    int n = scanner.nextInt();

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int num = scanner.nextInt();

        if (minHeap.size() <= maxHeap.size()) {
        } else {

        while (!minHeap.isEmpty() && !maxHeap.isEmpty() && minHeap.peek() > maxHeap.peek()) {
            int min = minHeap.poll();
            int max = maxHeap.poll();


        double median = (minHeap.size() == maxHeap.size() ? ((minHeap.peek() + maxHeap.peek()) / 2.0) : minHeap.peek());


示例12: bidirectionalDijkstra

import java.util.PriorityQueue; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void bidirectionalDijkstra(GraphAdjacencyListRepresentation graph) {

        GraphAdjacencyListRepresentation reverseGraph = graph.reverseGraph();

        dist[S] = 0;
        distR[T] = 0;

        PriorityQueue<VerticePriority> pq = new PriorityQueue<>();
        pq.add(new VerticePriority(S, dist[S]));

        PriorityQueue<VerticePriority> pqR = new PriorityQueue<>();
        pqR.add(new VerticePriority(T, dist[T]));

        while ((!pq.isEmpty()) || (!pqR.isEmpty())) {
            int u, v, w;
            List<Integer> adjVertices, adjWeight;

            // forward
            if (!pq.isEmpty()) {
                u = pq.poll().vertice;
                adjVertices = graph.getAdjNode(u);
                adjWeight = graph.getAdjWeight(u);
                for (int i = 0; i < adjVertices.size(); i++) {
                    v = adjVertices.get(i);
                    w = adjWeight.get(i);
                    // relax a forward edge
                    if (dist[v] > dist[u] + w) {
                        dist[v] = dist[u] + w;
                        prev[v] = u;
                        pq.add(new VerticePriority(v, dist[v]));

                if (procR.contains(u)) {

            // backward
            if (!pqR.isEmpty()) {
                u = pqR.poll().vertice;
                adjVertices = reverseGraph.getAdjNode(u);
                adjWeight = reverseGraph.getAdjWeight(u);
                for (int i = 0; i < adjVertices.size(); i++) {
                    v = adjVertices.get(i);
                    w = adjWeight.get(i);
                    // relax a backward edge
                    if (distR[v] > distR[u] + w) {
                        distR[v] = distR[u] + w;
                        prevR[v] = u;
                        pqR.add(new VerticePriority(v, distR[v]));

                if (proc.contains(u)) {



示例13: findShortestPath

import java.util.PriorityQueue; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private static SearchNode findShortestPath(List<SearchNode> nodes, Set<Location> pathLocs, AvoidanceMap avoid) {
	PriorityQueue<SearchNode> q = new PriorityQueue<SearchNode>(nodes);
	HashSet<SearchNode> visited = new HashSet<SearchNode>();
	int iters = 0;
	while (!q.isEmpty() && iters < MAX_SEARCH_ITERATIONS) {
		SearchNode n = q.remove();
		if (iters % 64 == 0 && ConnectorThread.isOverrideRequested() || n == null) {
			return null;
		if (n.isDestination()) {
			return n;
		boolean added = visited.add(n);
		if (!added) {
		Location loc = n.getLocation();
		Direction dir = n.getDirection();
		int neighbors = 3;
		Object allowed = avoid.get(loc);
		if (allowed != null && n.isStart() && pathLocs.contains(loc)) {
			allowed = null;
		if (allowed == ALLOW_NEITHER) {
			neighbors = 0;
		} else if (allowed == ALLOW_VERTICAL) {
			if (dir == null) {
				dir = Direction.NORTH;
				neighbors = 2;
			} else if (dir == Direction.NORTH || dir == Direction.SOUTH) {
				neighbors = 1;
			} else {
				neighbors = 0;
		} else if (allowed == ALLOW_HORIZONTAL) {
			if (dir == null) {
				dir = Direction.EAST;
				neighbors = 2;
			} else if (dir == Direction.EAST || dir == Direction.WEST) {
				neighbors = 1;
			} else {
				neighbors = 0;
		} else {
			if (dir == null) {
				dir = Direction.NORTH;
				neighbors = 4;
			} else {
				neighbors = 3;
		for (int i = 0; i < neighbors; i++) {
			Direction oDir;
			switch (i) {
			case 0:
				oDir = dir;
			case 1:
				oDir = neighbors == 2 ? dir.reverse() : dir.getLeft();
			case 2:
				oDir = dir.getRight();
			default: // must be 3
				oDir = dir.reverse();
			SearchNode o = n.next(oDir, allowed != null);
			if (o != null && !visited.contains(o)) {
	return null;

示例14: findPathTo

import java.util.PriorityQueue; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
     * Precondition: the unit has enough mobility to reach the Terrain that the path is being found to.
     * The returned path will be optimal, uses A*
     * @return a queue of Terrains that could be traversed to reach the destination
     * @throws Exception
    private Queue<Terrain> findPathTo(Terrain target) throws Exception {
        Queue<Terrain> ans = new LinkedList<>();

        if (null == target) {
            return new LinkedList<>();

        if (target == getLocation()) {
            //you are already here
            return ans;
        Map<Terrain, Terrain> previousLink = new HashMap<>();
        previousLink.put((Terrain) getLocation(), null);
        @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
        Comparator<Terrain> comp = new Comparator() {
             * Approximates which path is better
            public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
                Terrain t1 = (Terrain) o1;
                Terrain t2 = (Terrain) o2;
//				Integer c1 = totalCost(savedPaths.get(t1))+t1.getDistanceTo(target);
//				Integer c2 = totalCost(savedPaths.get(t2))+t2.getDistanceTo(target);
                Integer c1 = totalCost(t1, previousLink) + t1.getDistanceTo(target);
                Integer c2 = totalCost(t2, previousLink) + t2.getDistanceTo(target);
                return c1.compareTo(c2);

        PriorityQueue<Terrain> toCheck = new PriorityQueue<>(comp);
        toCheck.add((Terrain) getLocation());
        while (!toCheck.isEmpty()) {
            Terrain current = toCheck.poll();
            for (Terrain t : current.getAllAdjacentTerrains()) {
                if (999 != t.getMoveCost(getMovementType()) &&
                        (null == getGrid().get(t) || ((Unit) (getGrid().get(t))).getOwner() == this.getOwner())) {

                    boolean updated = false;
                    if (!previousLink.containsKey(t)) {
                        previousLink.put(t, current);
                        updated = true;

                    if (t == target) {
                        return genPath(t, previousLink);

                    if (t.getMoveCost(getMovementType()) + totalCost(current, previousLink) < totalCost(t, previousLink)) {
                        previousLink.put(t, current);
                        updated = true;
                    if (totalCost(t, previousLink) <= getCurrentMobility() && updated) {
                        if (!toCheck.contains(t)) {

        //if you got here, then there is no path
        //See Precondition: there is a path, checked by getValidMoveSpaces
        throw new Exception("no path, precondition not met");


示例15: reduceScopeAlleles

import java.util.PriorityQueue; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Returns a the new set of alleles to use.
 * @param vc target variant context.
 * @param numAllelesToChoose number of alleles to keep.
 * @return the list of alternative allele to keep.
protected List<Allele> reduceScopeAlleles(final VariantContext vc, final int defaultPloidy, final int numAllelesToChoose) {

    // Look  for the <NON_REF> allele to exclude it from the pruning if present.
    final int numOriginalAltAlleles = vc.getAlternateAlleles().size();

    final int nonRefAltAlleleIndex = GATKVariantContextUtils.indexOfAltAllele(vc,
            GATKVariantContextUtils.NON_REF_SYMBOLIC_ALLELE, false);
    final boolean nonRefAltAllelePresent = nonRefAltAlleleIndex >= 0;

    // <NON_REF> should not be considered in the downsizing, so we need to count it out when
    // considering if alt. allele downsizing is required.
    final int numProperOriginalAltAlleles = numOriginalAltAlleles - (nonRefAltAllelePresent ? 1 : 0);

    // Avoid pointless allele reduction:
    if (numAllelesToChoose >= numProperOriginalAltAlleles)
        return vc.getAlternateAlleles();

    final LikelihoodSum[] likelihoodSums = new LikelihoodSum[numOriginalAltAlleles];
    for ( int i = 0; i < numOriginalAltAlleles; i++ ) {
        final Allele allele = vc.getAlternateAllele(i);
        likelihoodSums[i] = new LikelihoodSum(allele,i);

    // Calculate the allele likelihood sums.
    reduceScopeCalculateLikelihoodSums(vc, defaultPloidy, likelihoodSums);

    // sort them by probability mass and choose the best ones
    // Make sure that the <NON_REF> allele is last if present.
    Collections.sort(Arrays.asList(likelihoodSums), nonRefAltAllelePresent ? LIKELIHOOD_NON_REF_THEN_SUM_COMPARATOR : LIKELIHOOD_SUM_COMPARATOR);

    // We need to return the best likelihood alleles in the original alternative allele index order.
    // This heap will keep track of that index order.
    final PriorityQueue<LikelihoodSum> mostLikelyAllelesHeapByIndex = new PriorityQueue<>(numOriginalAltAlleles, LIKELIHOOD_INDEX_COMPARATOR);

    for ( int i = 0; i < numAllelesToChoose; i++ )

    // guaranteed no to have been added at this point thanks for checking on whether reduction was
    // needed in the first place.
    if (nonRefAltAllelePresent)

    final ArrayList<Allele> orderedBestAlleles = new ArrayList<>(numAllelesToChoose);

    while (!mostLikelyAllelesHeapByIndex.isEmpty())

    return orderedBestAlleles;
