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Java Collections.disjoint方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中java.util.Collections.disjoint方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Collections.disjoint方法的具体用法?Java Collections.disjoint怎么用?Java Collections.disjoint使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在java.util.Collections的用法示例。


示例1: isTxAvailableToCommitOnOwnNode

import java.util.Collections; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private boolean isTxAvailableToCommitOnOwnNode(TxInfo txInfo, Lazy<UUID, Set<Object>> availableTxsPerNode) {
    Set<Object> sameNodeScope = availableTxsPerNode.get(txInfo.consumerId());

    if (sameNodeScope.containsAll(txInfo.scope())) {
        return true;
    for (Map.Entry<UUID, Set<Object>> entry : availableTxsPerNode) {
        UUID nodeId = entry.getKey();
        Set<Object> nodeScope = entry.getValue();

        if (!nodeId.equals(txInfo.consumerId()) && !Collections.disjoint(nodeScope, txInfo.scope())) {
            return false;
    return true;

示例2: removeQueuedThreadsWithDependency

import java.util.Collections; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Removes all queued threads that depend on the progress threads with the provided IDs. Also
 * all thread that depend on the threads that have been removed are removed recursively.
 * <p>
 * <strong>ATTENTION: Make sure this is only called from inside a synchronized block!</strong>
 * </p>
 * @param ids
 *            the progress thread IDs the queued progress threads should be checked for
private static final void removeQueuedThreadsWithDependency(String... ids) {
	Iterator<ProgressThread> iterator = queuedThreads.iterator();

	// iterator over queued threads and remove the remove the ones that depend on one of the
	// provided IDs
	Set<String> cancelledThreads = new HashSet<>();
	while (iterator.hasNext()) {
		ProgressThread pg = iterator.next();
		if (!Collections.disjoint(Arrays.asList(ids), pg.getDependencies())) {

	// also remove all the ones depending on the ones that have been cancelled.
	if (!cancelledThreads.isEmpty()) {
		removeQueuedThreadsWithDependency(cancelledThreads.toArray(new String[cancelledThreads.size()]));

示例3: filterHandelingen

import java.util.Collections; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private Set<HandelingVoorPublicatie> filterHandelingen(final Set<Long> personenInLevering, final SetMultimap<Long, Long> admhndMap) {
    final Set<HandelingVoorPublicatie> teLeverenHandelingen = new HashSet<>();
    //loop over handelingen zonder status in levering en bepaal unieke bijgehouden persoon sets
    for (Long admhnId : admhndMap.keySet()) {
        final Set<Long> bijgehoudenPersonen = admhndMap.get(admhnId);
        if (Collections.disjoint(bijgehoudenPersonen, personenInLevering)) {
            final HandelingVoorPublicatie handelingVoorPublicatie = new HandelingVoorPublicatie();
        } else {
            LOGGER.debug(String.format("admhnd %s voor persoon al in levering, discard voor nu. Worden later opgepakt", admhnId));
    return teLeverenHandelingen;

示例4: buildTesterRequirements

import java.util.Collections; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Find all the constraints explicitly or implicitly specified by a single
 * tester annotation.
 * @param testerAnnotation a tester annotation
 * @return the requirements specified by the annotation
 * @throws ConflictingRequirementsException if the requirements are mutually
 *         inconsistent.
private static TesterRequirements buildTesterRequirements(Annotation testerAnnotation)
    throws ConflictingRequirementsException {
  Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass = testerAnnotation.annotationType();
  final Feature<?>[] presentFeatures;
  final Feature<?>[] absentFeatures;
  try {
    presentFeatures = (Feature[]) annotationClass.getMethod("value").invoke(testerAnnotation);
    absentFeatures = (Feature[]) annotationClass.getMethod("absent").invoke(testerAnnotation);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error extracting features from tester annotation.", e);
  Set<Feature<?>> allPresentFeatures =
  Set<Feature<?>> allAbsentFeatures =
  if (!Collections.disjoint(allPresentFeatures, allAbsentFeatures)) {
    throw new ConflictingRequirementsException(
        "Annotation explicitly or "
            + "implicitly requires one or more features to be both present "
            + "and absent.",
        intersection(allPresentFeatures, allAbsentFeatures),
  return new TesterRequirements(allPresentFeatures, allAbsentFeatures);

示例5: checkConflict

import java.util.Collections; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private static void checkConflict(
    String earlierRequirement,
    Set<Feature<?>> earlierFeatures,
    String newRequirement,
    Set<Feature<?>> newFeatures,
    Object source)
    throws ConflictingRequirementsException {
  if (!Collections.disjoint(newFeatures, earlierFeatures)) {
    throw new ConflictingRequirementsException(
            "Annotation requires to be %s features that earlier "
                + "annotations required to be %s.",
        intersection(newFeatures, earlierFeatures),

示例6: computeMultimapAsMapGetTestSuite

import java.util.Collections; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
TestSuite computeMultimapAsMapGetTestSuite(
            ?, ? extends OneSizeTestContainerGenerator<SetMultimap<K, V>, Entry<K, V>>>
        parentBuilder) {
  Set<Feature<?>> features = computeMultimapAsMapGetFeatures(parentBuilder.getFeatures());
  if (Collections.disjoint(features, EnumSet.allOf(CollectionSize.class))) {
    return new TestSuite();
  } else {
    return SetTestSuiteBuilder.using(
            new MultimapAsMapGetGenerator<K, V>(parentBuilder.getSubjectGenerator()))
        .named(parentBuilder.getName() + ".asMap[].get[key]")

示例7: computeMultimapAsMapGetTestSuite

import java.util.Collections; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
TestSuite computeMultimapAsMapGetTestSuite(
            ?, ? extends OneSizeTestContainerGenerator<SetMultimap<K, V>, Entry<K, V>>>
        parentBuilder) {
  Set<Feature<?>> features = computeMultimapAsMapGetFeatures(parentBuilder.getFeatures());
  if (Collections.disjoint(features, EnumSet.allOf(CollectionSize.class))) {
    return new TestSuite();
  } else {
    return SortedSetTestSuiteBuilder.using(
            new SetMultimapTestSuiteBuilder.MultimapAsMapGetGenerator<K, V>(
        .named(parentBuilder.getName() + ".asMap[].get[key]")

示例8: pickNode

import java.util.Collections; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Pick the leaf that minimize cost
public Node pickNode(final InferenceGraph g) {
    treeCache.clear(); //graph changes at every step - cache must be cleared
    Pair<List<Node>, Integer> bestPath = noPath;
    for (Node n : g.nodes) {
        if (!Collections.disjoint(n.data, varsToSolve)) {
            Pair<List<Node>, Integer> path = computeTreeToLeafs(n);
            //discard all paths containing at least a node in the
            //closure computed above
            if (path.snd < bestPath.snd) {
                bestPath = path;
    if (bestPath == noPath) {
        //no path leads there
        throw new NodeNotFoundException(g);
    return bestPath.fst.head;

示例9: hasMatching

import java.util.Collections; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private boolean hasMatching(Event event, List<String> vdIdentifiers) {
	try {
		return !Collections.disjoint(vdIdentifiers,
				event.getReadings().stream().map(r -> r.getName()).collect(Collectors.toList()));
	} catch (Exception e) {
				"Problem getting event readings or associated value descriptor and checking against registration filters:  "
						+ e.getMessage());
		return false;

示例10: matches

import java.util.Collections; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public boolean matches(BookmarkContextHolder contextHolder)
	Set<String> allContexts = contextHolder.getContexts();
	if( !ignoreForContext.isEmpty() && !Collections.disjoint(ignoreForContext, allContexts) )
		return false;

	if( !onlyForContext.isEmpty() && Collections.disjoint(allContexts, onlyForContext) )
		return false;

	Set<String> ifc = contextHolder.getIgnoreForContext();
	if( !contexts.isEmpty() && !ifc.isEmpty() && !Collections.disjoint(contexts, ifc) )
		return false;

	Set<String> ofc = contextHolder.getOnlyForContext();
	if( !ofc.isEmpty() && Collections.disjoint(ofc, contexts) )
		return false;

	return true;

示例11: isValid

import java.util.Collections; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public boolean isValid() {
	return !pathsA.isEmpty()
			&& !pathsB.isEmpty()
			&& Collections.disjoint(pathsA, pathsB)
			&& Collections.disjoint(pathsA, sharedClassPath)
			&& Collections.disjoint(pathsB, sharedClassPath)
			&& Collections.disjoint(classPathA, classPathB)
			&& Collections.disjoint(classPathA, pathsA)
			&& Collections.disjoint(classPathB, pathsA)
			&& Collections.disjoint(classPathA, pathsB)
			&& Collections.disjoint(classPathB, pathsB)
			&& Collections.disjoint(classPathA, sharedClassPath)
			&& Collections.disjoint(classPathB, sharedClassPath);

示例12: checkIds

import java.util.Collections; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void checkIds(ArrayList<Integer> listOfIdsToBeAdded) throws petriNetException {
  	ArrayList<Integer> listOfIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
  	for (Transition transition : transitions) {
  	for (Place place : places) {
  	if (!Collections.disjoint(listOfIdsToBeAdded, listOfIds)) {
	throw new petriNetException(petriNetConstants.DUPLICATED);

示例13: applyConstraints

import java.util.Collections; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private static boolean applyConstraints(
		Set<ConstraintDescriptor<?>> constraintDescriptors,
		Property property,
		PropertyDescriptor propertyDesc,
		Set<Class<?>> groups,
		boolean canApplyNotNull,
		Dialect dialect) {
	boolean hasNotNull = false;
	for ( ConstraintDescriptor<?> descriptor : constraintDescriptors ) {
		if ( groups != null && Collections.disjoint( descriptor.getGroups(), groups ) ) {

		if ( canApplyNotNull ) {
			hasNotNull = hasNotNull || applyNotNull( property, descriptor );

		// apply bean validation specific constraints
		applyDigits( property, descriptor );
		applySize( property, descriptor, propertyDesc );
		applyMin( property, descriptor, dialect );
		applyMax( property, descriptor, dialect );

		// apply hibernate validator specific constraints - we cannot import any HV specific classes though!
		// no need to check explicitly for @Range. @Range is a composed constraint using @Min and @Max which
		// will be taken care later
		applyLength( property, descriptor, propertyDesc );

		// pass an empty set as composing constraints inherit the main constraint and thus are matching already
		hasNotNull = hasNotNull || applyConstraints(
				property, propertyDesc, null,
	return hasNotNull;

示例14: isAnyClassDuplicated

import java.util.Collections; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public boolean isAnyClassDuplicated(Set<String> classNames) {
    boolean noCommonElements = Collections.disjoint(data.getDuplicateClasses(), classNames);
    return !noCommonElements;

示例15: getMatchingValues

import java.util.Collections; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Set<IdPAttributeValue<?>> getMatchingValues(@Nonnull IdPAttribute attribute,
        @Nonnull AttributeFilterContext filtercontext) {
    List<String> names = resolveClaimNames(attribute.getEncoders());
    if (names.isEmpty()) {
        // This is always a failure.
        log.debug("{} No oidc encoders attached to attribute", getLogPrefix());
        return null;
    OIDCAuthenticationResponseContext respCtx = getOIDCAuthenticationResponseContext(
    if (respCtx == null) {
        // This is always a failure.
        log.debug("{} No oidc response ctx for this comparison", getLogPrefix());
        return null;
    ClaimsRequest request = respCtx.getRequestedClaims();
    if (request == null || (request.getIDTokenClaims() == null && request.getUserInfoClaims() == null)) {
        log.debug("{} No claims in request", getLogPrefix());
        if (getMatchIRequestedClaimsSilent()) {
            log.debug("{} all values matched as in silent mode", getLogPrefix());
            return ImmutableSet.copyOf(attribute.getValues());
        } else {
            log.debug("{} none of the values matched as not silent mode", getLogPrefix());
            return null;
    if (request.getIDTokenClaimNames(false) != null && !getMatchOnlyUserInfo()) {
        if (!Collections.disjoint(request.getIDTokenClaimNames(false), names)) {
            log.debug("{} all values matched as {} is requested id token claims", getLogPrefix(),
            log.warn("{} Essential checking not implemented yet", getLogPrefix());
            // TODO: value based filtering with option onlyEssential
            return ImmutableSet.copyOf(attribute.getValues());
    if (request.getUserInfoClaimNames(false) != null && !getMatchOnlyIDToken()) {
        if (!Collections.disjoint(request.getUserInfoClaimNames(false), names)) {
            log.debug("{} all values matched as {} is requested user info claims", getLogPrefix(),
            log.warn("{} Essential checking not implemented yet", getLogPrefix());
            // TODO: value based filtering with option onlyEssential
            return ImmutableSet.copyOf(attribute.getValues());
    log.debug("{} attribute {} was not a requested claim, none of the values matched", getLogPrefix(),
    return null;
