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Java BitSet.nextClearBit方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中java.util.BitSet.nextClearBit方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java BitSet.nextClearBit方法的具体用法?Java BitSet.nextClearBit怎么用?Java BitSet.nextClearBit使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在java.util.BitSet的用法示例。


示例1: initialize

import java.util.BitSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public synchronized void initialize()
        _freeIds     = new BitSet(PrimeFinder.nextPrime(100000));
        _freeIdCount = new AtomicInteger(FREE_OBJECT_ID_SIZE);

        for (int usedObjectId : extractUsedObjectIDTable())
            int objectID = usedObjectId - FIRST_OID;
            if (objectID < 0)
                _log.warning("Object ID " + usedObjectId + " in DB is less than minimum ID of " + FIRST_OID);
            _freeIds.set(usedObjectId - FIRST_OID);

        _nextFreeId  = new AtomicInteger(_freeIds.nextClearBit(0));
        _initialized = true;
    catch (Exception e)
        _initialized = false;
        _log.severe("BitSet ID Factory could not be initialized correctly");

示例2: removeAll

import java.util.BitSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Removes multiple array elements specified by indices.
 * @param <T> the type of array eg:String[]
 * @param array source
 * @param indices to remove
 * @return new array of same type minus elements specified by the set bits in {@code indices}
// package protected for access by unit tests
static <T> T removeAll(final T array, final BitSet indices) {
    final int srcLength = Array.getLength(array);
    // No need to check maxIndex here, because method only currently called from removeElements()
    // which guarantee to generate on;y valid bit entries.
    // final int maxIndex = indices.length();
    // if (maxIndex > srcLength) {
    // throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index: " + (maxIndex-1) + ", Length: " + srcLength);
    // }
    final int removals = indices.cardinality(); // true bits are items to remove
    final T result = (T) Array.newInstance(array.getClass().getComponentType(), srcLength - removals);
    int srcIndex = 0;
    int destIndex = 0;
    int count;
    int set;
    while ((set = indices.nextSetBit(srcIndex)) != -1) {
        count = set - srcIndex;
        if (count > 0) {
            System.arraycopy(array, srcIndex, result, destIndex, count);
            destIndex += count;
        srcIndex = indices.nextClearBit(set);
    count = srcLength - srcIndex;
    if (count > 0) {
        System.arraycopy(array, srcIndex, result, destIndex, count);
    return result;

示例3: nextClearBit

import java.util.BitSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
int nextClearBit(BitSet bitSet, int startIdx) {
  int bitNumber = bitSet.nextClearBit(startIdx);
  while (!isEven(bitNumber)) {
    bitNumber = bitSet.nextClearBit(bitNumber + 1);
  return bitNumber;

示例4: initialize

import java.util.BitSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void initialize()
		_freeIds = new BitSet(PrimeFinder.nextPrime(100000));
		_freeIdCount = new AtomicInteger(FREE_OBJECT_ID_SIZE);
		for (int usedObjectId : extractUsedObjectIDTable())
			final int objectID = usedObjectId - FIRST_OID;
			if (objectID < 0)
				LOGGER.warning(getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Object ID " + usedObjectId + " in DB is less than minimum ID of " + FIRST_OID);
			_freeIds.set(usedObjectId - FIRST_OID);
		_nextFreeId = new AtomicInteger(_freeIds.nextClearBit(0));
		_initialized = true;
	catch (Exception e)
		_initialized = false;
		LOGGER.severe(getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Could not be initialized properly: " + e.getMessage());

示例5: getFreeRegister

import java.util.BitSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static int getFreeRegister(BlockNode node, MethodLocation index) {
    List<MethodLocation> insns = node.getInstructions();
    BitSet use = (BitSet)node.getOutSet().clone();
    for (int i = insns.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
        MethodLocation location = insns.get(i);
        if (location.getIndex() < index.getIndex())
            break;  //we can stop here
        Instruction insn = location.getInstruction();
        if (insn == null)
        if (insn.getOpcode().setsRegister()) {
            int registernum = ((OneRegisterInstruction)insn).getRegisterA();
            if (!use.get(registernum)   //if we find it that the var will never be used afterwards
                    || (insn.getOpcode().setsWideRegister() && !use.get(registernum+1))) {
            if (insn.getOpcode().setsWideRegister())
            LiveVarVisitor.setUse(insn, use);
        } else {
            LiveVarVisitor.setUse(insn, use);
    return use.nextClearBit(0);

示例6: accessBlank

import java.util.BitSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * 寻找一个或多个连续false
 * @param bitSet
public static void accessBlank(int size, BitSet bitSet, BiConsumer<Integer, Integer> consumer) {
    int flag = bitSet.nextClearBit(0);
    while (flag < size) {
        int len = 1;
        while (flag + len < size && !bitSet.get(flag + len)) {
        consumer.accept(flag, len);

        flag = bitSet.nextClearBit(flag + len);

示例7: formatName

import java.util.BitSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public String formatName(
        @NonNull final String name,
        @NonNull final String textToFind,
        final boolean caseSensitive) {
    if (null == textToFind || "".equals(textToFind)) {
        return name;
    BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(name.length());
    List<String> parts = splitByCamelCaseAndWildcards(textToFind);

    String convertedTypeName = caseSensitive ? name : name.toLowerCase();
    //mark the chars to be highlighted
    int startIndex = 0;
    for (String camelCasePart : parts) {

        int indexOf = convertedTypeName.indexOf(caseSensitive ? camelCasePart : camelCasePart.toLowerCase(), startIndex);
        if (indexOf != -1) {

            //mark the chars 
            bitSet.set(indexOf, indexOf + camelCasePart.length(), true);
        } else {
        startIndex = indexOf + camelCasePart.length();

    //highlight the marked chars via  tags
    StringBuilder formattedTypeName = new StringBuilder();
    int i = 0;
    while (i < name.length()) {

        boolean isMarked = bitSet.get(i);

        if (isMarked) {
            int numberOfContinuousHighlights = bitSet.nextClearBit(i) - i;
            String part = name.substring(i, i + numberOfContinuousHighlights);
            formattedTypeName.append(String.format(formatPattern, part));
            i += numberOfContinuousHighlights;
        } else {
    return formattedTypeName.toString();

示例8: func_181674_a

import java.util.BitSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void func_181674_a(float p_181674_1_, float p_181674_2_, float p_181674_3_)
    int i = this.vertexCount / 4;
    final float[] afloat = new float[i];

    for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
        afloat[j] = func_181665_a(this.rawFloatBuffer, (float)((double)p_181674_1_ + this.xOffset), (float)((double)p_181674_2_ + this.yOffset), (float)((double)p_181674_3_ + this.zOffset), this.vertexFormat.func_181719_f(), j * this.vertexFormat.getNextOffset());

    Integer[] ainteger = new Integer[i];

    for (int k = 0; k < ainteger.length; ++k)
        ainteger[k] = Integer.valueOf(k);

    Arrays.sort(ainteger, new Comparator<Integer>()
        public int compare(Integer p_compare_1_, Integer p_compare_2_)
            return Floats.compare(afloat[p_compare_2_.intValue()], afloat[p_compare_1_.intValue()]);
    BitSet bitset = new BitSet();
    int l = this.vertexFormat.getNextOffset();
    int[] aint = new int[l];

    for (int l1 = 0; (l1 = bitset.nextClearBit(l1)) < ainteger.length; ++l1)
        int i1 = ainteger[l1].intValue();

        if (i1 != l1)
            this.rawIntBuffer.limit(i1 * l + l);
            this.rawIntBuffer.position(i1 * l);
            int j1 = i1;

            for (int k1 = ainteger[i1].intValue(); j1 != l1; k1 = ainteger[k1].intValue())
                this.rawIntBuffer.limit(k1 * l + l);
                this.rawIntBuffer.position(k1 * l);
                IntBuffer intbuffer = this.rawIntBuffer.slice();
                this.rawIntBuffer.limit(j1 * l + l);
                this.rawIntBuffer.position(j1 * l);
                j1 = k1;

            this.rawIntBuffer.limit(l1 * l + l);
            this.rawIntBuffer.position(l1 * l);


示例9: func_181674_a

import java.util.BitSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void func_181674_a(float p_181674_1_, float p_181674_2_, float p_181674_3_)
    int i = this.vertexCount / 4;
    float[] afloat = new float[i];

    for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
        afloat[j] = func_181665_a(this.rawFloatBuffer, (float)((double)p_181674_1_ + this.xOffset), (float)((double)p_181674_2_ + this.yOffset), (float)((double)p_181674_3_ + this.zOffset), this.vertexFormat.func_181719_f(), j * this.vertexFormat.getNextOffset());

    Integer[] ainteger = new Integer[i];

    for (int k = 0; k < ainteger.length; ++k)
        ainteger[k] = Integer.valueOf(k);

    Arrays.sort(ainteger, new WorldRenderer$1(this, afloat));
    BitSet bitset = new BitSet();
    int l = this.vertexFormat.getNextOffset();
    int[] aint = new int[l];

    for (int l1 = 0; (l1 = bitset.nextClearBit(l1)) < ainteger.length; ++l1)
        int i1 = ainteger[l1].intValue();

        if (i1 != l1)
            this.rawIntBuffer.limit(i1 * l + l);
            this.rawIntBuffer.position(i1 * l);
            int j1 = i1;

            for (int k1 = ainteger[i1].intValue(); j1 != l1; k1 = ainteger[k1].intValue())
                this.rawIntBuffer.limit(k1 * l + l);
                this.rawIntBuffer.position(k1 * l);
                IntBuffer intbuffer = this.rawIntBuffer.slice();
                this.rawIntBuffer.limit(j1 * l + l);
                this.rawIntBuffer.position(j1 * l);
                j1 = k1;

            this.rawIntBuffer.limit(l1 * l + l);
            this.rawIntBuffer.position(l1 * l);



    if (this.quadSprites != null)
        TextureAtlasSprite[] atextureatlassprite = new TextureAtlasSprite[this.vertexCount / 4];
        int i2 = this.vertexFormat.func_181719_f() / 4 * 4;

        for (int j2 = 0; j2 < ainteger.length; ++j2)
            int k2 = ainteger[j2].intValue();
            atextureatlassprite[j2] = this.quadSprites[k2];

        System.arraycopy(atextureatlassprite, 0, this.quadSprites, 0, atextureatlassprite.length);

示例10: func_181674_a

import java.util.BitSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void func_181674_a(float p_181674_1_, float p_181674_2_, float p_181674_3_)
    int i = this.vertexCount / 4;
    float[] afloat = new float[i];

    for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
        afloat[j] = func_181665_a(this.rawFloatBuffer, (float)((double)p_181674_1_ + this.xOffset), (float)((double)p_181674_2_ + this.yOffset), (float)((double)p_181674_3_ + this.zOffset), this.vertexFormat.func_181719_f(), j * this.vertexFormat.getNextOffset());

    Integer[] ainteger = new Integer[i];

    for (int k = 0; k < ainteger.length; ++k)
        ainteger[k] = Integer.valueOf(k);

    Arrays.sort(ainteger, new WorldRenderer$1(this, afloat));
    BitSet bitset = new BitSet();
    int l = this.vertexFormat.getNextOffset();
    int[] aint = new int[l];

    for (int l1 = 0; (l1 = bitset.nextClearBit(l1)) < ainteger.length; ++l1)
        int i1 = ainteger[l1].intValue();

        if (i1 != l1)
            this.rawIntBuffer.limit(i1 * l + l);
            this.rawIntBuffer.position(i1 * l);
            int j1 = i1;

            for (int k1 = ainteger[i1].intValue(); j1 != l1; k1 = ainteger[k1].intValue())
                this.rawIntBuffer.limit(k1 * l + l);
                this.rawIntBuffer.position(k1 * l);
                IntBuffer intbuffer = this.rawIntBuffer.slice();
                this.rawIntBuffer.limit(j1 * l + l);
                this.rawIntBuffer.position(j1 * l);
                j1 = k1;

            this.rawIntBuffer.limit(l1 * l + l);
            this.rawIntBuffer.position(l1 * l);


    if (this.quadSprites != null)
        TextureAtlasSprite[] atextureatlassprite = new TextureAtlasSprite[this.vertexCount / 4];
        int i2 = this.vertexFormat.func_181719_f() / 4 * 4;

        for (int j2 = 0; j2 < ainteger.length; ++j2)
            int k2 = ainteger[j2].intValue();
            atextureatlassprite[j2] = this.quadSprites[k2];

        System.arraycopy(atextureatlassprite, 0, this.quadSprites, 0, atextureatlassprite.length);

示例11: sortVertexData

import java.util.BitSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void sortVertexData(float p_181674_1_, float p_181674_2_, float p_181674_3_)
    int i = this.vertexCount / 4;
    final float[] afloat = new float[i];

    for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
        afloat[j] = getDistanceSq(this.rawFloatBuffer, (float)((double)p_181674_1_ + this.xOffset), (float)((double)p_181674_2_ + this.yOffset), (float)((double)p_181674_3_ + this.zOffset), this.vertexFormat.getIntegerSize(), j * this.vertexFormat.getNextOffset());

    Integer[] ainteger = new Integer[i];

    for (int k = 0; k < ainteger.length; ++k)
        ainteger[k] = Integer.valueOf(k);

    Arrays.sort(ainteger, new Comparator<Integer>()
        public int compare(Integer p_compare_1_, Integer p_compare_2_)
            return Floats.compare(afloat[p_compare_2_.intValue()], afloat[p_compare_1_.intValue()]);
    BitSet bitset = new BitSet();
    int l = this.vertexFormat.getNextOffset();
    int[] aint = new int[l];

    for (int i1 = bitset.nextClearBit(0); i1 < ainteger.length; i1 = bitset.nextClearBit(i1 + 1))
        int j1 = ainteger[i1].intValue();

        if (j1 != i1)
            this.rawIntBuffer.limit(j1 * l + l);
            this.rawIntBuffer.position(j1 * l);
            int k1 = j1;

            for (int l1 = ainteger[j1].intValue(); k1 != i1; l1 = ainteger[l1].intValue())
                this.rawIntBuffer.limit(l1 * l + l);
                this.rawIntBuffer.position(l1 * l);
                IntBuffer intbuffer = this.rawIntBuffer.slice();
                this.rawIntBuffer.limit(k1 * l + l);
                this.rawIntBuffer.position(k1 * l);
                k1 = l1;

            this.rawIntBuffer.limit(i1 * l + l);
            this.rawIntBuffer.position(i1 * l);



    if (this.quadSprites != null)
        TextureAtlasSprite[] atextureatlassprite = new TextureAtlasSprite[this.vertexCount / 4];
        int i2 = this.vertexFormat.getNextOffset() / 4 * 4;

        for (int j2 = 0; j2 < ainteger.length; ++j2)
            int k2 = ainteger[j2].intValue();
            atextureatlassprite[j2] = this.quadSprites[k2];

        System.arraycopy(atextureatlassprite, 0, this.quadSprites, 0, atextureatlassprite.length);

示例12: projectBuildNonMatches

import java.util.BitSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Project any remaining build items that were not matched. Only used when doing a FULL or RIGHT join.
 * @return Negative output if records were output but batch wasn't completed. Positive output if batch was completed.
public int projectBuildNonMatches() {
  assert projectUnmatchedBuild;

  final int targetRecordsPerBatch = this.targetRecordsPerBatch;

  int outputRecords = 0;
  int remainderBuildSetIndex = this.remainderBuildSetIndex;
  int nextClearIndex = remainderBuildElementIndex;

  BitSet currentBitset = remainderBuildSetIndex < 0 ? null : matches[remainderBuildSetIndex];

  final long projectBuildOffsetAddr = this.projectBuildOffsetAddr;
  // determine the next set of unmatched bits.
  while(outputRecords < targetRecordsPerBatch) {
    if(nextClearIndex == -1){
      // we need to move to the next bit set since the current one has no more matches.
      if (remainderBuildSetIndex < matches.length) {

        currentBitset = matches[remainderBuildSetIndex];
        nextClearIndex = 0;
      } else {
        // no bitsets left.
        this.remainderBuildSetIndex = matches.length;
        remainderBuildSetIndex = -1;

    nextClearIndex = currentBitset.nextClearBit(nextClearIndex);
    if(nextClearIndex != -1){
      // the clear bit is only valid if it is within the batch it corresponds to.
      if(nextClearIndex >= matchMaxes[remainderBuildSetIndex]){
        nextClearIndex = -1;
        final long projectBuildOffsetAddrStart = projectBuildOffsetAddr + outputRecords * BUILD_RECORD_LINK_SIZE;
        PlatformDependent.putInt(projectBuildOffsetAddrStart, remainderBuildSetIndex);
        PlatformDependent.putShort(projectBuildOffsetAddrStart + 4, (short)(nextClearIndex & HashTable.BATCH_MASK));


  projectBuild(projectBuildOffsetAddr, outputRecords);

  this.remainderBuildSetIndex = remainderBuildSetIndex;
  this.remainderBuildElementIndex = nextClearIndex;
  if(remainderBuildElementIndex == -1){
    return outputRecords;
  } else {
    return -outputRecords;

示例13: projectBuildNonMatches

import java.util.BitSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Project any remaining build items that were not matched. Only used when doing a FULL or RIGHT join.
 * @return Negative output if records were output but batch wasn't completed. Positive output if batch was completed.
public int projectBuildNonMatches() {
  assert projectUnmatchedBuild;

  final int targetRecordsPerBatch = this.targetRecordsPerBatch;

  int outputRecords = 0;
  int remainderBuildSetIndex = this.remainderBuildSetIndex;

  BitSet currentBitset = remainderBuildSetIndex < 0 ? null : matches[remainderBuildSetIndex];

  int nextClearIndex = remainderBuildElementIndex;
  while(outputRecords < targetRecordsPerBatch) {
    if(nextClearIndex == -1){
      // we need to move to the next bit set since the current one has no more matches.
      if (remainderBuildSetIndex < matches.length) {

        currentBitset = matches[remainderBuildSetIndex];
        nextClearIndex = 0;
      } else {
        // no bitsets left.
        this.remainderBuildSetIndex = matches.length;
        this.remainderBuildElementIndex = -1;
        return outputRecords;

    nextClearIndex = currentBitset.nextClearBit(nextClearIndex);
    if(nextClearIndex != -1){
      // the clear bit is only valid if it is within the batch it corresponds to.
      if(nextClearIndex >= matchMaxes[remainderBuildSetIndex]){
        nextClearIndex = -1;
        int composite = (remainderBuildSetIndex << SHIFT_SIZE) | (nextClearIndex & HashTable.BATCH_MASK);
        projectBuildRecord(composite, outputRecords);

  this.remainderBuildSetIndex = remainderBuildSetIndex;
  this.remainderBuildElementIndex = nextClearIndex;
  return -outputRecords;

示例14: sortVertexData

import java.util.BitSet; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void sortVertexData(float p_181674_1_, float p_181674_2_, float p_181674_3_)
    int i = this.vertexCount / 4;
    final float[] afloat = new float[i];

    for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j)
        afloat[j] = getDistanceSq(this.rawFloatBuffer, (float)((double)p_181674_1_ + this.xOffset), (float)((double)p_181674_2_ + this.yOffset), (float)((double)p_181674_3_ + this.zOffset), this.vertexFormat.getIntegerSize(), j * this.vertexFormat.getNextOffset());

    Integer[] ainteger = new Integer[i];

    for (int k = 0; k < ainteger.length; ++k)
        ainteger[k] = Integer.valueOf(k);

    Arrays.sort(ainteger, new Comparator<Integer>()
        public int compare(Integer p_compare_1_, Integer p_compare_2_)
            return Floats.compare(afloat[p_compare_2_.intValue()], afloat[p_compare_1_.intValue()]);
    BitSet bitset = new BitSet();
    int l = this.vertexFormat.getNextOffset();
    int[] aint = new int[l];

    for (int i1 = bitset.nextClearBit(0); i1 < ainteger.length; i1 = bitset.nextClearBit(i1 + 1))
        int j1 = ainteger[i1].intValue();

        if (j1 != i1)
            this.rawIntBuffer.limit(j1 * l + l);
            this.rawIntBuffer.position(j1 * l);
            int k1 = j1;

            for (int l1 = ainteger[j1].intValue(); k1 != i1; l1 = ainteger[l1].intValue())
                this.rawIntBuffer.limit(l1 * l + l);
                this.rawIntBuffer.position(l1 * l);
                IntBuffer intbuffer = this.rawIntBuffer.slice();
                this.rawIntBuffer.limit(k1 * l + l);
                this.rawIntBuffer.position(k1 * l);
                k1 = l1;

            this.rawIntBuffer.limit(i1 * l + l);
            this.rawIntBuffer.position(i1 * l);

