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Java ParsePosition.setIndex方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中java.text.ParsePosition.setIndex方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java ParsePosition.setIndex方法的具体用法?Java ParsePosition.setIndex怎么用?Java ParsePosition.setIndex使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在java.text.ParsePosition的用法示例。


示例1: parse

import java.text.ParsePosition; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Date parse(final String source, final ParsePosition pos) {
    final int offset = pos.getIndex();
    final Matcher matcher = parsePattern.matcher(source.substring(offset));
    if (!matcher.lookingAt()) {
        return null;
    // timing tests indicate getting new instance is 19% faster than cloning
    final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(timeZone, locale);

    for (int i = 0; i < strategies.length; ) {
        final Strategy strategy = strategies[i++];
        strategy.setCalendar(this, cal, matcher.group(i));
    pos.setIndex(offset + matcher.end());
    return cal.getTime();

示例2: parseReference

import java.text.ParsePosition; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public String parseReference(String text, ParsePosition pos, int limit) {
    int start = pos.getIndex();
    int i = start;
    String result = "";
    while (i < limit) {
        int c = UTF16.charAt(text, i);
        if ((i == start && !UCharacter.isUnicodeIdentifierStart(c))
                || !UCharacter.isUnicodeIdentifierPart(c)) {
        i += UTF16.getCharCount(c);
    if (i == start) { // No valid name chars
        return result; // Indicate failure with empty string
    result = text.substring(start, i);
    return result;

示例3: parse

import java.text.ParsePosition; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected static final Date parse(SimpleDateFormat parser, ParsePosition pos, String parsePattern, String txt) {
	String pattern = parsePattern;
	if (parsePattern.endsWith("ZZ")) {
		pattern = pattern.substring(0, pattern.length() - 1);
	String str2 = txt;
	if (parsePattern.endsWith("ZZ")) {
		str2 = txt.replaceAll("([-+][0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])$", "$1$2");
	final Date date = parser.parse(str2, pos);
	if (date != null && pos.getIndex() == str2.length()) {
		return date;
	return null;

示例4: match

import java.text.ParsePosition; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Match text with the prefix tree.
 * @param text  the input text to parse, not null
 * @param pos  the position to start parsing at, from 0 to the text
 *  length. Upon return, position will be updated to the new parse
 *  position, or unchanged, if no match found.
 * @return the resulting string, or null if no match found.
public String match(CharSequence text, ParsePosition pos) {
    int off = pos.getIndex();
    int end = text.length();
    if (!prefixOf(text, off, end)){
        return null;
    off += key.length();
    if (child != null && off != end) {
        PrefixTree c = child;
        do {
            if (isEqual(c.c0, text.charAt(off))) {
                String found = c.match(text, pos);
                if (found != null) {
                    return found;
            c = c.sibling;
        } while (c != null);
    return value;

示例5: main

import java.text.ParsePosition; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static void main(String[] args) {
    String date = "13 Jan 2005 21:45:34 ABC";
    String format = "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z";
    ParsePosition pp = new ParsePosition(0);
    SimpleDateFormat sd = new SimpleDateFormat(format, Locale.ENGLISH);
    Date d = sd.parse(date, pp);
    int errorIndex = pp.getErrorIndex();
    if (errorIndex == 21) {
        System.out.println(": passed");
    } else {
        System.out.println(": failed");
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed with wrong index: " + errorIndex);

示例6: parseUnresolved0

import java.text.ParsePosition; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private DateTimeParseContext parseUnresolved0(CharSequence text, ParsePosition position) {
    Objects.requireNonNull(text, "text");
    Objects.requireNonNull(position, "position");
    DateTimeParseContext context = new DateTimeParseContext(this);
    int pos = position.getIndex();
    pos = printerParser.parse(context, text, pos);
    if (pos < 0) {
        position.setErrorIndex(~pos);  // index not updated from input
        return null;
    position.setIndex(pos);  // errorIndex not updated from input
    return context;

示例7: parseChoiceArgument

import java.text.ParsePosition; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private static double parseChoiceArgument(
        MessagePattern pattern, int partIndex,
        String source, ParsePosition pos) {
    // find the best number (defined as the one with the longest parse)
    int start = pos.getIndex();
    int furthest = start;
    double bestNumber = Double.NaN;
    double tempNumber = 0.0;
    while (pattern.getPartType(partIndex) != Part.Type.ARG_LIMIT) {
        tempNumber = pattern.getNumericValue(pattern.getPart(partIndex));
        partIndex += 2;  // skip the numeric part and ignore the ARG_SELECTOR
        int msgLimit = pattern.getLimitPartIndex(partIndex);
        int len = matchStringUntilLimitPart(pattern, partIndex, msgLimit, source, start);
        if (len >= 0) {
            int newIndex = start + len;
            if (newIndex > furthest) {
                furthest = newIndex;
                bestNumber = tempNumber;
                if (furthest == source.length()) {
        partIndex = msgLimit + 1;
    if (furthest == start) {
    } else {
    return bestNumber;

示例8: processSet

import java.text.ParsePosition; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private int processSet(String regex, int i, StringBuilder result, UnicodeSet temp, ParsePosition pos) {
    try {
        UnicodeSet x = temp.clear().applyPattern(regex, pos, symbolTable, 0);
        x.complement().complement(); // hack to fix toPattern
        i = pos.getIndex() - 1; // allow for the loop increment
        return i;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw (IllegalArgumentException) new IllegalArgumentException("Error in " + regex).initCause(e);

示例9: parse

import java.text.ParsePosition; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * This method converts a Roman Numeral string to a long integer. It does
 * not check that the string is in the correct format - for some incorrectly
 * formatted numbers, i.e. iix, it will produce a number. For others, it
 * will throw an exception.
 * @param s string of Roman Numerals
 * @param parsePosition the place to start parsing
 * @return A Long object containing the parsed Roman numeral

public Number parse(String text, ParsePosition parsePosition)

	String s = text.substring(parsePosition.getIndex());

	long tot = 0, max = 0;
	char ch[] = s.toUpperCase().toCharArray();
	int i, p;
	for( p = ch.length - 1; p >= 0; p-- )
		for( i = 0; i < syms.size(); i++ )
			if( syms.get(i).symbol == ch[p] )
				if( syms.get(i).value >= max )
					max = syms.get(i).value;
					tot += max;
					tot -= syms.get(i).value;

	// say that we parsed the whole string
	return tot;

示例10: parseDateWithLeniency

import java.text.ParsePosition; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * <p>Parses a string representing a date by trying a variety of different parsers.</p>
 * <p>The parse will try each parse pattern in turn.
 * A parse is only deemed successful if it parses the whole of the input string.
 * If no parse patterns match, a ParseException is thrown.</p>
 * @param str  the date to parse, not null
 * @param parsePatterns  the date format patterns to use, see SimpleDateFormat, not null
 * @param lenient Specify whether or not date/time parsing is to be lenient.
 * @return the parsed date
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the date string or pattern array is null
 * @throws ParseException if none of the date patterns were suitable
 * @see java.util.Calender#isLenient()
private static Date parseDateWithLeniency(String str, String[] parsePatterns,
        boolean lenient) throws ParseException {
    if (str == null || parsePatterns == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Date and Patterns must not be null");
    SimpleDateFormat parser = new SimpleDateFormat();
    ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < parsePatterns.length; i++) {

        String pattern = parsePatterns[i];

        // LANG-530 - need to make sure 'ZZ' output doesn't get passed to SimpleDateFormat
        if (parsePatterns[i].endsWith("ZZ")) {
            pattern = pattern.substring(0, pattern.length() - 1);

        String str2 = str;
        // LANG-530 - need to make sure 'ZZ' output doesn't hit SimpleDateFormat as it will ParseException
        if (parsePatterns[i].endsWith("ZZ")) {
            int signIdx  = indexOfSignChars(str2, 0);
            while (signIdx >=0) {
                str2 = reformatTimezone(str2, signIdx);
                signIdx = indexOfSignChars(str2, ++signIdx);

        Date date = parser.parse(str2, pos);
        if (date != null && pos.getIndex() == str2.length()) {
            return date;
    throw new ParseException("Unable to parse the date: " + str, -1);

示例11: match

import java.text.ParsePosition; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public String match(CharSequence text, ParsePosition pos) {
    int off = pos.getIndex();
    int end = text.length();
    int len = key.length();
    int koff = 0;
    while (koff < len && off < end) {
        if (isLenientChar(text.charAt(off))) {
        if (!isEqual(key.charAt(koff++), text.charAt(off++))) {
            return null;
    if (koff != len) {
        return null;
    if (child != null && off != end) {
        int off0 = off;
        while (off0 < end && isLenientChar(text.charAt(off0))) {
        if (off0 < end) {
            PrefixTree c = child;
            do {
                if (isEqual(c.c0, text.charAt(off0))) {
                    String found = c.match(text, pos);
                    if (found != null) {
                        return found;
                c = c.sibling;
            } while (c != null);
    return value;

示例12: parse

import java.text.ParsePosition; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Parses the specified string, beginning at the specified position, according
 * to this formatter's rules.  This will match the string against all of the
 * formatter's public rule sets and return the value corresponding to the longest
 * parseable substring.  This function's behavior is affected by the lenient
 * parse mode.
 * @param text The string to parse
 * @param parsePosition On entry, contains the position of the first character
 * in "text" to examine.  On exit, has been updated to contain the position
 * of the first character in "text" that wasn't consumed by the parse.
 * @return The number that corresponds to the parsed text.  This will be an
 * instance of either Long or Double, depending on whether the result has a
 * fractional part.
 * @see #setLenientParseMode
 * @stable ICU 2.0
public Number parse(String text, ParsePosition parsePosition) {

    // parsePosition tells us where to start parsing.  We copy the
    // text in the string from here to the end inro a new string,
    // and create a new ParsePosition and result variable to use
    // for the duration of the parse operation
    String workingText = text.substring(parsePosition.getIndex());
    ParsePosition workingPos = new ParsePosition(0);
    Number tempResult = null;

    // keep track of the largest number of characters consumed in
    // the various trials, and the result that corresponds to it
    Number result = NFRule.ZERO;
    ParsePosition highWaterMark = new ParsePosition(workingPos.getIndex());

    // iterate over the public rule sets (beginning with the default one)
    // and try parsing the text with each of them.  Keep track of which
    // one consumes the most characters: that's the one that determines
    // the result we return
    for (int i = ruleSets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        // skip private or unparseable rule sets
        if (!ruleSets[i].isPublic() || !ruleSets[i].isParseable()) {

        // try parsing the string with the rule set.  If it gets past the
        // high-water mark, update the high-water mark and the result
        tempResult = ruleSets[i].parse(workingText, workingPos, Double.MAX_VALUE);
        if (workingPos.getIndex() > highWaterMark.getIndex()) {
            result = tempResult;
        // commented out because this API on ParsePosition doesn't exist in 1.1.x
        //            if (workingPos.getErrorIndex() > highWaterMark.getErrorIndex()) {
        //                highWaterMark.setErrorIndex(workingPos.getErrorIndex());
        //            }

        // if we manage to use up all the characters in the string,
        // we don't have to try any more rule sets
        if (highWaterMark.getIndex() == workingText.length()) {

        // otherwise, reset our internal parse position to the
        // beginning and try again with the next rule set

    // add the high water mark to our original parse position and
    // return the result
    parsePosition.setIndex(parsePosition.getIndex() + highWaterMark.getIndex());
    // commented out because this API on ParsePosition doesn't exist in 1.1.x
    //        if (highWaterMark.getIndex() == 0) {
    //            parsePosition.setErrorIndex(parsePosition.getIndex() + highWaterMark.getErrorIndex());
    //        }
    return result;

示例13: doParse

import java.text.ParsePosition; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * If in "by digits" mode, parses the string as if it were a string
 * of individual digits; otherwise, uses the superclass function.
 * @param text The string to parse
 * @param parsePosition Ignored on entry, but updated on exit to point
 * to the first unmatched character
 * @param baseValue The partial parse result prior to entering this
 * function
 * @param upperBound Only consider rules with base values lower than
 * this when filling in the substitution
 * @param lenientParse If true, try matching the text as numerals if
 * matching as words doesn't work
 * @return If the match was successful, the current partial parse
 * result; otherwise new Long(0).  The result is either a Long or
 * a Double.
public Number doParse(String text, ParsePosition parsePosition, double baseValue,
                    double upperBound, boolean lenientParse) {
    // if we're not in byDigits mode, we can just use the inherited
    // doParse()
    if (!byDigits) {
        return super.doParse(text, parsePosition, baseValue, 0, lenientParse);
    else {
        // if we ARE in byDigits mode, parse the text one digit at a time
        // using this substitution's owning rule set (we do this by setting
        // upperBound to 10 when calling doParse() ) until we reach
        // nonmatching text
        String workText = text;
        ParsePosition workPos = new ParsePosition(1);
        double result;
        int digit;

        DigitList dl = new DigitList();
        while (workText.length() > 0 && workPos.getIndex() != 0) {
            digit = ruleSet.parse(workText, workPos, 10).intValue();
            if (lenientParse && workPos.getIndex() == 0) {
                Number n = ruleSet.owner.getDecimalFormat().parse(workText, workPos);
                if (n != null) {
                    digit = n.intValue();

            if (workPos.getIndex() != 0) {

                parsePosition.setIndex(parsePosition.getIndex() + workPos.getIndex());
                workText = workText.substring(workPos.getIndex());
                while (workText.length() > 0 && workText.charAt(0) == ' ') {
                    workText = workText.substring(1);
                    parsePosition.setIndex(parsePosition.getIndex() + 1);
        result = dl.count == 0 ? 0 : dl.getDouble();

        result = composeRuleValue(result, baseValue);
        return new Double(result);

示例14: parseOffsetLocalizedGMT

import java.text.ParsePosition; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
     * Returns offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds for the given localized GMT
     * offset format string. When the given string cannot be parsed, this method
     * sets the current position as the error index to <code>ParsePosition pos</code>
     * and returns 0.
     * @param text the text contains a localized GMT offset string at the position.
     * @param pos the position.
     * @param isShort true if this parser to try the short format first
     * @param hasDigitOffset receiving if the parsed zone string contains offset digits.
     * @return the offset from GMT(UTC) in milliseconds for the given localized GMT
     * offset format string.
    private int parseOffsetLocalizedGMT(String text, ParsePosition pos, boolean isShort, Output<Boolean> hasDigitOffset) {
        int start = pos.getIndex();
        int offset = 0;
        int[] parsedLength = {0};

        if (hasDigitOffset != null) {
            hasDigitOffset.value = false;

        offset = parseOffsetLocalizedGMTPattern(text, start, isShort, parsedLength);

        // For now, parseOffsetLocalizedGMTPattern handles both long and short
        // formats, no matter isShort is true or false. This might be changed in future
        // when strict parsing is necessary, or different set of patterns are used for
        // short/long formats.
//        if (parsedLength[0] == 0) {
//            offset = parseOffsetLocalizedGMTPattern(text, start, !isShort, parsedLength);
//        }

        if (parsedLength[0] > 0) {
            if (hasDigitOffset != null) {
                hasDigitOffset.value = true;
            pos.setIndex(start + parsedLength[0]);
            return offset;

        // Try the default patterns
        offset = parseOffsetDefaultLocalizedGMT(text, start, parsedLength);
        if (parsedLength[0] > 0) {
            if (hasDigitOffset != null) {
                hasDigitOffset.value = true;
            pos.setIndex(start + parsedLength[0]);
            return offset;

        // Check if this is a GMT zero format
        if (text.regionMatches(true, start, _gmtZeroFormat, 0, _gmtZeroFormat.length())) {
            pos.setIndex(start + _gmtZeroFormat.length());
            return 0;

        // Check if this is a default GMT zero format
        for (String defGMTZero : ALT_GMT_STRINGS) {
            if (text.regionMatches(true, start, defGMTZero, 0, defGMTZero.length())) {
                pos.setIndex(start + defGMTZero.length());
                return 0;

        // Nothing matched
        return 0;

示例15: parse

import java.text.ParsePosition; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Parses a date/time string according to the given parse position.  For
 * example, a time text "07/10/96 4:5 PM, PDT" will be parsed into a Date
 * that is equivalent to Date(837039928046).
 * <p> By default, parsing is lenient: If the input is not in the form used
 * by this object's format method but can still be parsed as a date, then
 * the parse succeeds.  Clients may insist on strict adherence to the
 * format by calling setLenient(false).
 * <p> Note that the normal date formats associated with some calendars - such
 * as the Chinese lunar calendar - do not specify enough fields to enable
 * dates to be parsed unambiguously. In the case of the Chinese lunar
 * calendar, while the year within the current 60-year cycle is specified,
 * the number of such cycles since the start date of the calendar (in the
 * ERA field of the Calendar object) is not normally part of the format,
 * and parsing may assume the wrong era. For cases such as this it is
 * recommended that clients parse using the parse method that takes a Calendar
 * with the Calendar passed in set to the current date, or to a date
 * within the era/cycle that should be assumed if absent in the format.
 * @see #setLenient(boolean)
 * @param text  The date/time string to be parsed
 * @param pos   On input, the position at which to start parsing; on
 *              output, the position at which parsing terminated, or the
 *              start position if the parse failed.
 * @return      A Date, or null if the input could not be parsed
 * @stable ICU 2.0
public Date parse(String text, ParsePosition pos) {
    Date result = null;
    int start = pos.getIndex();
    TimeZone tzsav = calendar.getTimeZone();
    parse(text, calendar, pos);
    if (pos.getIndex() != start) {
        try {
            result = calendar.getTime();
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // This occurs if the calendar is non-lenient and there is
            // an out-of-range field.  We don't know which field was
            // illegal so we set the error index to the start.
    // Restore TimeZone
    return result;
