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Java Connection.getCatalog方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中java.sql.Connection.getCatalog方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Connection.getCatalog方法的具体用法?Java Connection.getCatalog怎么用?Java Connection.getCatalog使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在java.sql.Connection的用法示例。


示例1: TransferDb

import java.sql.Connection; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
TransferDb(Connection c, Traceable t) throws DataAccessPointException {


        conn = c;

        if (c != null) {
            String productLowerName;

            try {
                meta              = c.getMetaData();
                databaseToConvert = c.getCatalog();
                productLowerName  = meta.getDatabaseProductName();

                if (productLowerName == null) {
                    productLowerName = "";
                } else {
                    productLowerName = productLowerName.toLowerCase();

                helper = HelperFactory.getHelper(productLowerName);

                helper.set(this, t, meta.getIdentifierQuoteString());
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                throw new DataAccessPointException(e.toString());

示例2: ConnectionDefaults

import java.sql.Connection; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public ConnectionDefaults(Connection connection) throws SQLException {

        this.holdability          = connection.getHoldability();
        this.transactionIsolation = connection.getTransactionIsolation();
        this.isAutoCommit         = connection.getAutoCommit();
        this.isReadOnly           = connection.isReadOnly();
        this.catalog              = connection.getCatalog();

示例3: TransferDb

import java.sql.Connection; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
TransferDb(Connection c, Traceable t) throws DataAccessPointException {


        conn = c;

        if (c != null) {
            String productLowerName;

            try {
                meta              = c.getMetaData();
                databaseToConvert = c.getCatalog();
                productLowerName  = meta.getDatabaseProductName();

                if (productLowerName == null) {
                    productLowerName = "";
                } else {
                    productLowerName = productLowerName.toLowerCase();

                helper = HelperFactory.getHelper(productLowerName);

                helper.set(this, t, meta.getIdentifierQuoteString());
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                throw new DataAccessPointException(e.getMessage());

示例4: getDefaultSchema

import java.sql.Connection; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static String getDefaultSchema(Connection conn) throws SQLException {
	String productName = getDatabaseProductName(conn);
	if (productName.equals(MYSQL) || productName.equals(SQLSERVER)) {
		return conn.getCatalog();
	} else {
		DatabaseMetaData metaData = conn.getMetaData();
		return metaData.getUserName();

示例5: getDefaultTableSchema

import java.sql.Connection; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static String getDefaultTableSchema(Connection conn) throws SQLException {
	String name = conn.getCatalog();
	if (conn.getMetaData().getURL().toLowerCase().contains("oracle")) {
		name = conn.getMetaData().getUserName();
	} else if (conn.getMetaData().getURL().toLowerCase().contains("sqlserver")) {
		name = null;
	return name;

示例6: testRemoteConnectionProperties

import java.sql.Connection; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
@Test public void testRemoteConnectionProperties() throws Exception {
  try (AvaticaConnection conn = (AvaticaConnection) DriverManager.getConnection(url)) {
    String id = conn.id;
    final Map<String, ConnectionPropertiesImpl> m = ((RemoteMeta) getMeta(conn)).propsMap;
    assertFalse("remote connection map should start ignorant", m.containsKey(id));
    // force creating a connection object on the remote side.
    try (final Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) {
      assertTrue("creating a statement starts a local object.", m.containsKey(id));
      assertTrue(stmt.execute("select count(1) from EMP"));
    Connection remoteConn = getConnection(FullyRemoteJdbcMetaFactory.getInstance(), id);
    final boolean defaultRO = remoteConn.isReadOnly();
    final boolean defaultAutoCommit = remoteConn.getAutoCommit();
    final String defaultCatalog = remoteConn.getCatalog();
    final String defaultSchema = remoteConn.getSchema();
    assertTrue("local changes dirty local state", m.get(id).isDirty());
    assertEquals("remote connection has not been touched", defaultRO, remoteConn.isReadOnly());
    assertEquals("remote connection has not been touched",
        defaultAutoCommit, remoteConn.getAutoCommit());

    // further interaction with the connection will force a sync
    try (final Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) {
      assertEquals(!defaultAutoCommit, remoteConn.getAutoCommit());
      assertFalse("local values should be clean", m.get(id).isDirty());
  } finally {

示例7: testBug15570

import java.sql.Connection; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Tests fix for BUG#15570 - ReplicationConnection incorrectly copies state,
 * doesn't transfer connection context correctly when transitioning between
 * the same read-only states.
 * (note, this test will fail if the test user doesn't have permission to
 * "USE 'mysql'".
 * @throws Exception
 *             if the test fails.
public void testBug15570() throws Exception {
    Connection replConn = null;

    try {
        replConn = getMasterSlaveReplicationConnection();

        int masterConnectionId = Integer.parseInt(getSingleIndexedValueWithQuery(replConn, 1, "SELECT CONNECTION_ID()").toString());


        assertEquals(masterConnectionId, Integer.parseInt(getSingleIndexedValueWithQuery(replConn, 1, "SELECT CONNECTION_ID()").toString()));

        String currentCatalog = replConn.getCatalog();

        assertEquals(currentCatalog, replConn.getCatalog());


        int slaveConnectionId = Integer.parseInt(getSingleIndexedValueWithQuery(replConn, 1, "SELECT CONNECTION_ID()").toString());

        // The following test is okay for now, as the chance of MySQL wrapping the connection id counter during our testsuite is very small.
        // As per Bug#21286268 fix a Replication connection first initializes the Slaves sub-connection, then the Masters.
        assertTrue("Master id " + masterConnectionId + " is not newer than slave id " + slaveConnectionId, masterConnectionId > slaveConnectionId);

        assertEquals(currentCatalog, replConn.getCatalog());

        String newCatalog = "mysql";

        assertEquals(newCatalog, replConn.getCatalog());

        assertEquals(newCatalog, replConn.getCatalog());

        assertEquals(masterConnectionId, Integer.parseInt(getSingleIndexedValueWithQuery(replConn, 1, "SELECT CONNECTION_ID()").toString()));
    } finally {
        if (replConn != null) {

示例8: DatabaseAnalyzer

import java.sql.Connection; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public DatabaseAnalyzer(Connection connection, String schema, TypeMap typeMap) throws SQLException {
  this.databaseMetadata = connection.getMetaData();
  this.schema = schema;
  this.catalog = connection.getCatalog();
  this.typeMap = typeMap;

示例9: ConnectionPropertiesImpl

import java.sql.Connection; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public ConnectionPropertiesImpl(Connection conn) throws SQLException {
  this(conn.getAutoCommit(), conn.isReadOnly(), conn.getTransactionIsolation(),
      conn.getCatalog(), conn.getSchema());

示例10: extractName

import java.sql.Connection; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Extract a DataSource name, using a default one if necessary.
 * @param connection
 *            JDBC DataSource Connection.
 * @return a non-null DataSource name.
 * @throws SQLException
 *             if something goes wrong while extracting component info.
protected String extractName(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
    String name = connection.getSchema();
    if (name == null) {
        name = connection.getCatalog();
    return Optional.ofNullable(name).orElse(defaultName);
