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Java CharsetDecoder.flush方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder.flush方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java CharsetDecoder.flush方法的具体用法?Java CharsetDecoder.flush怎么用?Java CharsetDecoder.flush使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder的用法示例。


示例1: decode

import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static void decode(CharsetDecoder charsetDecoder, ByteBuffer byteBuf, CharBuffer charByte) {
    try {
        CoderResult cr = charsetDecoder.decode(byteBuf, charByte, true);

        if (!cr.isUnderflow()) {

        cr = charsetDecoder.flush(charByte);

        if (!cr.isUnderflow()) {
    } catch (CharacterCodingException x) {
        // Substitution is always enabled,
        // so this shouldn't happen
        throw new JSONException("utf8 decode error, " + x.getMessage(), x);

示例2: decodePassword

import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
static String decodePassword(byte[] bytes) throws CharacterCodingException {
    CharsetDecoder decoder = Charset.forName("UTF-8").newDecoder(); // NOI18N
    ByteBuffer input = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
    int outputLength = (int)(bytes.length * (double)decoder.maxCharsPerByte());
    if (outputLength == 0) {
        return ""; // NOI18N
    char[] chars = new char[outputLength];
    CharBuffer output = CharBuffer.wrap(chars);
    CoderResult result = decoder.decode(input, output, true);
    if (!result.isError() && !result.isOverflow()) {
        result = decoder.flush(output);
    if (result.isError() || result.isOverflow()) {
        throw new CharacterCodingException();
    } else {
        return new String(chars, 0, output.position());

示例3: toString

import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
String toString(byte[] ba, int length) {
    CharsetDecoder cd = decoder().reset();
    int len = (int)(length * cd.maxCharsPerByte());
    char[] ca = new char[len];
    if (len == 0)
        return new String(ca);
    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(ba, 0, length);
    CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(ca);
    CoderResult cr = cd.decode(bb, cb, true);
    if (!cr.isUnderflow())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(cr.toString());
    cr = cd.flush(cb);
    if (!cr.isUnderflow())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(cr.toString());
    return new String(ca, 0, cb.position());

示例4: toString

import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
String toString(byte[] ba, int length) {
    CharsetDecoder cd = decoder().reset();
    int len = (int)(length * cd.maxCharsPerByte());
    char[] ca = new char[len];
    if (len == 0)
        return new String(ca);
    // UTF-8 only for now. Other ArrayDeocder only handles
    // CodingErrorAction.REPLACE mode. ZipCoder uses
    // REPORT mode.
    if (isUTF8 && cd instanceof ArrayDecoder) {
        int clen = ((ArrayDecoder)cd).decode(ba, 0, length, ca);
        if (clen == -1)    // malformed
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("MALFORMED");
        return new String(ca, 0, clen);
    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(ba, 0, length);
    CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(ca);
    CoderResult cr = cd.decode(bb, cb, true);
    if (!cr.isUnderflow())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(cr.toString());
    cr = cd.flush(cb);
    if (!cr.isUnderflow())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(cr.toString());
    return new String(ca, 0, cb.position());

示例5: decode

import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static void decode(CharsetDecoder charsetDecoder, ByteBuffer byteBuf, CharBuffer charByte) {
    try {
        CoderResult cr = charsetDecoder.decode(byteBuf, charByte, true);

        if (!cr.isUnderflow()) {

        cr = charsetDecoder.flush(charByte);

        if (!cr.isUnderflow()) {
    } catch (CharacterCodingException x) {
        // Substitution is always enabled,
        // so this shouldn't happen
        throw new JSONException(x.getMessage(), x);

示例6: toString

import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
String toString(byte[] ba, int off, int length) {
    CharsetDecoder cd = decoder().reset();
    int len = (int)(length * cd.maxCharsPerByte());
    char[] ca = new char[len];
    if (len == 0)
        return new String(ca);
    // UTF-8 only for now. Other ArrayDeocder only handles
    // CodingErrorAction.REPLACE mode. ZipCoder uses
    // REPORT mode.
    if (isUTF8 && cd instanceof ArrayDecoder) {
        int clen = ((ArrayDecoder)cd).decode(ba, off, length, ca);
        if (clen == -1)    // malformed
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("MALFORMED");
        return new String(ca, 0, clen);
    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(ba, off, length);
    CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(ca);
    CoderResult cr = cd.decode(bb, cb, true);
    if (!cr.isUnderflow())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(cr.toString());
    cr = cd.flush(cb);
    if (!cr.isUnderflow())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(cr.toString());
    return new String(ca, 0, cb.position());

示例7: toString

import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
String toString(byte[] ba) {
    CharsetDecoder cd = decoder().reset();
    int clen = (int)(ba.length * cd.maxCharsPerByte());
    char[] ca = new char[clen];
    if (clen == 0)
        return new String(ca);
    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(ba, 0, ba.length);
    CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(ca);
    CoderResult cr = cd.decode(bb, cb, true);
    if (!cr.isUnderflow())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(cr.toString());
    cr = cd.flush(cb);
    if (!cr.isUnderflow())
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(cr.toString());
    return new String(ca, 0, cb.position());

示例8: decode

import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static void decode(CharsetDecoder charsetDecoder, ByteBuffer byteBuf, CharBuffer charByte) {
    try {
        CoderResult cr = charsetDecoder.decode(byteBuf, charByte, true);
        if (!cr.isUnderflow()) {
        cr = charsetDecoder.flush(charByte);
        if (!cr.isUnderflow()) {
    } catch (CharacterCodingException x) {
        throw new JSONException(x.getMessage(), x);

示例9: getPrefixedString

import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Reads a string which has a length field before the actual
 * encoded string, using the specified <code>decoder</code> and returns it.
 * @param prefixLength the length of the length field (1, 2, or 4)
 * @param decoder the decoder to use for decoding the string
 * @return the prefixed string
 * @throws CharacterCodingException when decoding fails
 * @throws BufferUnderflowException when there is not enough data available
public String getPrefixedString(int prefixLength, CharsetDecoder decoder) throws CharacterCodingException {
    if (!prefixedDataAvailable(prefixLength)) {
        throw new BufferUnderflowException();

    int fieldSize = 0;

    switch (prefixLength) {
    case 1:
        fieldSize = getUnsigned();
    case 2:
        fieldSize = getUnsignedShort();
    case 4:
        fieldSize = getInt();

    if (fieldSize == 0) {
        return "";

    boolean utf16 = decoder.charset().name().startsWith("UTF-16");

    if (utf16 && (fieldSize & 1) != 0) {
        throw new BufferDataException("fieldSize is not even for a UTF-16 string.");

    int oldLimit = limit();
    int end = position() + fieldSize;

    if (oldLimit < end) {
        throw new BufferUnderflowException();


    int expectedLength = (int) (remaining() * decoder.averageCharsPerByte()) + 1;
    CharBuffer out = CharBuffer.allocate(expectedLength);
    for (;;) {
        CoderResult cr;
        if (hasRemaining()) {
            cr = decoder.decode(buf(), out, true);
        } else {
            cr = decoder.flush(out);

        if (cr.isUnderflow()) {

        if (cr.isOverflow()) {
            CharBuffer o = CharBuffer.allocate(out.capacity() + expectedLength);
            out = o;


    return out.flip().toString();

示例10: decode

import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
static char[] decode(Charset cs, byte[] ba, int off, int len) {
    // (1)We never cache the "external" cs, the only benefit of creating
    // an additional StringDe/Encoder object to wrap it is to share the
    // de/encode() method. These SD/E objects are short-lifed, the young-gen
    // gc should be able to take care of them well. But the best approash
    // is still not to generate them if not really necessary.
    // (2)The defensive copy of the input byte/char[] has a big performance
    // impact, as well as the outgoing result byte/char[]. Need to do the
    // optimization check of (sm==null && classLoader0==null) for both.
    // (3)getClass().getClassLoader0() is expensive
    // (4)There might be a timing gap in isTrusted setting. getClassLoader0()
    // is only chcked (and then isTrusted gets set) when (SM==null). It is
    // possible that the SM==null for now but then SM is NOT null later
    // when safeTrim() is invoked...the "safe" way to do is to redundant
    // check (... && (isTrusted || SM == null || getClassLoader0())) in trim
    // but it then can be argued that the SM is null when the opertaion
    // is started...
    CharsetDecoder cd = cs.newDecoder();
    int en = scale(len, cd.maxCharsPerByte());
    char[] ca = new char[en];
    if (len == 0)
        return ca;
    boolean isTrusted = false;
    if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
        if (!(isTrusted = (cs.getClass().getClassLoader0() == null))) {
            ba =  Arrays.copyOfRange(ba, off, off + len);
            off = 0;
    if (cd instanceof ArrayDecoder) {
        int clen = ((ArrayDecoder)cd).decode(ba, off, len, ca);
        return safeTrim(ca, clen, cs, isTrusted);
    } else {
        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(ba, off, len);
        CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(ca);
        try {
            CoderResult cr = cd.decode(bb, cb, true);
            if (!cr.isUnderflow())
            cr = cd.flush(cb);
            if (!cr.isUnderflow())
        } catch (CharacterCodingException x) {
            // Substitution is always enabled,
            // so this shouldn't happen
            throw new Error(x);
        return safeTrim(ca, cb.position(), cs, isTrusted);

示例11: decode

import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
static Result decode(Charset cs, byte[] ba, int off, int len) {
    // (1)We never cache the "external" cs, the only benefit of creating
    // an additional StringDe/Encoder object to wrap it is to share the
    // de/encode() method. These SD/E objects are short-lived, the young-gen
    // gc should be able to take care of them well. But the best approach
    // is still not to generate them if not really necessary.
    // (2)The defensive copy of the input byte/char[] has a big performance
    // impact, as well as the outgoing result byte/char[]. Need to do the
    // optimization check of (sm==null && classLoader0==null) for both.
    // (3)There might be a timing gap in isTrusted setting. getClassLoader0()
    // is only checked (and then isTrusted gets set) when (SM==null). It is
    // possible that the SM==null for now but then SM is NOT null later
    // when safeTrim() is invoked...the "safe" way to do is to redundant
    // check (... && (isTrusted || SM == null || getClassLoader0())) in trim
    // but it then can be argued that the SM is null when the operation
    // is started...
    if (cs == UTF_8) {
        return StringDecoderUTF8.decode(ba, off, len, new Result());
    CharsetDecoder cd = cs.newDecoder();
    // ascii fastpath
    if (cs == ISO_8859_1 || ((cd instanceof ArrayDecoder) &&
                             ((ArrayDecoder)cd).isASCIICompatible() &&
                             !hasNegatives(ba, off, len))) {
         if (COMPACT_STRINGS) {
             return new Result().with(Arrays.copyOfRange(ba, off, off + len),
         } else {
             return new Result().with(StringLatin1.inflate(ba, off, len), UTF16);
    int en = scale(len, cd.maxCharsPerByte());
    if (len == 0) {
        return new Result().with();
    if (cs.getClass().getClassLoader0() != null &&
        System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
        ba =  Arrays.copyOfRange(ba, off, off + len);
        off = 0;

    char[] ca = new char[en];
    if (cd instanceof ArrayDecoder) {
        int clen = ((ArrayDecoder)cd).decode(ba, off, len, ca);
        return new Result().with(ca, 0, clen);
    ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(ba, off, len);
    CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.wrap(ca);
    try {
        CoderResult cr = cd.decode(bb, cb, true);
        if (!cr.isUnderflow())
        cr = cd.flush(cb);
        if (!cr.isUnderflow())
    } catch (CharacterCodingException x) {
        // Substitution is always enabled,
        // so this shouldn't happen
        throw new Error(x);
    return new Result().with(ca, 0, cb.position());
