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Java RandomAccessFile.writeBoolean方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中java.io.RandomAccessFile.writeBoolean方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java RandomAccessFile.writeBoolean方法的具体用法?Java RandomAccessFile.writeBoolean怎么用?Java RandomAccessFile.writeBoolean使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在java.io.RandomAccessFile的用法示例。


示例1: writeDataToFileLocked

import java.io.RandomAccessFile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Handy helper routine to write the UI data to a file.
void writeDataToFileLocked(RandomAccessFile file,
        boolean addMayo, boolean addTomato, int whichFilling)
    throws IOException {
        Log.v(TAG, "NEW STATE: mayo=" + addMayo
                + " tomato=" + addTomato
                + " filling=" + whichFilling);

示例2: onRestore

import java.io.RandomAccessFile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * On restore, we pull the various bits of data out of the restore stream,
 * then reconstruct the application's data file inside the shared lock.  A
 * restore data set will always be the full set of records supplied by the
 * application's backup operations.
public void onRestore(BackupDataInput data, int appVersionCode,
        ParcelFileDescriptor newState) throws IOException {

    // Consume the restore data set, remembering each bit of application state
    // that we see along the way
    while (data.readNextHeader()) {
        String key = data.getKey();
        int dataSize = data.getDataSize();

        // In this implementation, we trust that we won't see any record keys
        // that we don't understand.  Since we expect to handle them all, we
        // go ahead and extract the data for each record before deciding how
        // it will be handled.
        byte[] dataBuf = new byte[dataSize];
        data.readEntityData(dataBuf, 0, dataSize);
        ByteArrayInputStream instream = new ByteArrayInputStream(dataBuf);
        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(instream);

        if (FILLING_KEY.equals(key)) {
            mFilling = in.readInt();
        } else if (MAYO_KEY.equals(key)) {
            mAddMayo = in.readBoolean();
        } else if (TOMATO_KEY.equals(key)) {
            mAddTomato = in.readBoolean();

    // Now we're ready to write out a full new dataset for the application.  Note that
    // the restore process is intended to *replace* any existing or default data, so
    // we can just go ahead and overwrite it all.
    synchronized (BackupRestoreActivity.sDataLock) {
        RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(mDataFile, "rw");

    // Finally, write the state file that describes our data as of this restore pass.

示例3: onRestore

import java.io.RandomAccessFile; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * This application does not do any "live" restores of its own data,
 * so the only time a restore will happen is when the application is
 * installed.  This means that the activity itself is not going to
 * be running while we change its data out from under it.  That, in
 * turn, means that there is no need to send out any sort of notification
 * of the new data:  we only need to read the data from the stream
 * provided here, build the application's new data file, and then
 * write our new backup state blob that will be consulted at the next
 * backup operation.
 * <p>We don't bother checking the versionCode of the app who originated
 * the data because we have never revised the backup data format.  If
 * we had, the 'appVersionCode' parameter would tell us how we should
 * interpret the data we're about to read.
public void onRestore(BackupDataInput data, int appVersionCode,
        ParcelFileDescriptor newState) throws IOException {
    // We should only see one entity in the data stream, but the safest
    // way to consume it is using a while() loop
    while (data.readNextHeader()) {
        String key = data.getKey();
        int dataSize = data.getDataSize();

        if (APP_DATA_KEY.equals(key)) {
            // It's our saved data, a flattened chunk of data all in
            // one buffer.  Use some handy structured I/O classes to
            // extract it.
            byte[] dataBuf = new byte[dataSize];
            data.readEntityData(dataBuf, 0, dataSize);
            ByteArrayInputStream baStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(dataBuf);
            DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(baStream);

            mFilling = in.readInt();
            mAddMayo = in.readBoolean();
            mAddTomato = in.readBoolean();

            // Now we are ready to construct the app's data file based
            // on the data we are restoring from.
            synchronized (BackupRestoreActivity.sDataLock) {
                RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(mDataFile, "rw");
        } else {
            // Curious!  This entity is data under a key we do not
            // understand how to process.  Just skip it.

    // The last thing to do is write the state blob that describes the
    // app's data as restored from backup.
