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Java File.pathSeparator方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中java.io.File.pathSeparator方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java File.pathSeparator方法的具体用法?Java File.pathSeparator怎么用?Java File.pathSeparator使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在java.io.File的用法示例。


示例1: testSearchPaths

import java.io.File; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
static void testSearchPaths() {
    List<String> i, x, iF, xF;
    i = x = iF = xF = new ArrayList<>();

    SourceLocation dir1 = new SourceLocation(Paths.get("dir1"), i, x);
    SourceLocation dir2 = new SourceLocation(Paths.get("dir2"), i, x);
    String dir1_PS_dir2 = "dir1" + File.pathSeparator + "dir2";

    Options options = Options.parseArgs("--source-path", dir1_PS_dir2);
    assertEquals(options.getSourceSearchPaths(), Arrays.asList(dir1, dir2));

    options = Options.parseArgs("--module-path", dir1_PS_dir2);
    assertEquals(options.getModuleSearchPaths(), Arrays.asList(dir1, dir2));

    options = Options.parseArgs("--class-path", dir1_PS_dir2);
    assertEquals(options.getClassSearchPath(), Arrays.asList(dir1, dir2));

示例2: testRunWithNonExistentEntry

import java.io.File; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Run the test with a non-existent file on the upgrade module path.
 * It should be silently ignored.
public void testRunWithNonExistentEntry() throws Exception {

    String upgrademodulepath
        = "DoesNotExit" + File.pathSeparator + UPGRADEDMODS_DIR.toString();
    String mid = "test/jdk.test.Main";

    int exitValue
        = executeTestJava(
            "--upgrade-module-path", upgrademodulepath,
            "--module-path", MODS_DIR.toString(),
            "-m", mid)

    assertTrue(exitValue == 0);


示例3: getExtDirs

import java.io.File; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * <p>
 * @return the java.ext.dirs property as a list of directory
 * </p>
private static File[] getExtDirs() {
    String s = java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
            new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction("java.ext.dirs"));

    File[] dirs;
    if (s != null) {
        StringTokenizer st =
            new StringTokenizer(s, File.pathSeparator);
        int count = st.countTokens();
        debug("getExtDirs count " + count);
        dirs = new File[count];
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            dirs[i] = new File(st.nextToken());
            debug("getExtDirs dirs["+i+"] "+ dirs[i]);
    } else {
        dirs = new File[0];
        debug("getExtDirs dirs " + dirs);
    debug("getExtDirs dirs.length " + dirs.length);
    return dirs;

示例4: addPath

import java.io.File; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private static void addPath(
    @NullAllowed final String path,
    @NonNull Collection<? super FileObject> collector,
    final boolean modulepath) {
    if (path != null) {
        final StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(path, File.pathSeparator);
        while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
            final String binrootS = tok.nextToken();
            final File f = FileUtil.normalizeFile(new File(binrootS));
            final Collection<? extends File> toAdd = modulepath ?
                    collectModules(f) :
            toAdd.forEach((e) -> {
                final URL binroot = FileUtil.urlForArchiveOrDir(f);
                if (binroot != null) {
                    final FileObject[] someRoots = SourceForBinaryQuery.findSourceRoots(binroot).getRoots();
                    Collections.addAll(collector, someRoots);

示例5: buildEnvironment

import java.io.File; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
Map<String, String> buildEnvironment(Map<String, String> original) {
    Map<String, String> ret = new HashMap<String, String>(original);

    // Find PATH environment variable - on Windows it can be some other
    // case and we should use whatever it has.
    String pathName = getPathName(original);

    // TODO use StringBuilder
    String currentPath = ret.get(pathName);

    if (currentPath == null) {
        currentPath = "";

    for (File path : paths) {
        currentPath = path.getAbsolutePath().replace(" ", "\\ ") //NOI18N
                + File.pathSeparator + currentPath;

    if (!"".equals(currentPath.trim())) {
        ret.put(pathName, currentPath);
    return ret;

示例6: putPath

import java.io.File; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static void putPath(File path, String pathName, boolean prepend, Map<String, String> current) {
    String currentPath = current.get(pathName);

    if (currentPath == null) {
        currentPath = "";

    if (prepend) {
        currentPath = path.getAbsolutePath().replace(" ", "\\ ") //NOI18N
                + File.pathSeparator + currentPath;
    } else {
        currentPath = currentPath + File.pathSeparator
                + path.getAbsolutePath().replace(" ", "\\ "); //NOI18N

    if (!"".equals(currentPath.trim())) {
        current.put(pathName, currentPath);

示例7: run

import java.io.File; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
void run() throws Exception {
    String PS = File.pathSeparator;
            "package p; public class A { }");
    compile("-d", "classes1", "src1/p/A.java");

            "package q; public class B extends p.A { }");
    compile("-d", "classes2", "-classpath", "classes1", "src2/q/B.java");

            "/** &0; */ class Test extends q.B { }");

    test("src/Test.java", "-sourcepath", "src1" + PS + "src2");
    test("src/Test.java", "-classpath", "classes1" + PS + "classes2");

    File testJar = createJar();
    test("src/Test.java", "-bootclasspath",
            testJar + PS + "classes1" + PS + "classes2");

    if (errors > 0)
        throw new Exception(errors + " errors found");

示例8: startCluster

import java.io.File; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void startCluster(Configuration  conf) throws Exception {
  if (System.getProperty("hadoop.log.dir") == null) {
    System.setProperty("hadoop.log.dir", "target/test-dir");
  conf.set("dfs.block.access.token.enable", "false");
  conf.set("dfs.permissions", "true");
  conf.set("hadoop.security.authentication", "simple");
  String cp = conf.get(YarnConfiguration.YARN_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH,
      + File.pathSeparator + classpathDir;
  conf.set(YarnConfiguration.YARN_APPLICATION_CLASSPATH, cp);
  dfsCluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).build();
  FileSystem fileSystem = dfsCluster.getFileSystem();
  fileSystem.mkdirs(new Path("/tmp"));
  fileSystem.mkdirs(new Path("/user"));
  fileSystem.mkdirs(new Path("/hadoop/mapred/system"));
    new Path("/tmp"), FsPermission.valueOf("-rwxrwxrwx"));
    new Path("/user"), FsPermission.valueOf("-rwxrwxrwx"));
    new Path("/hadoop/mapred/system"), FsPermission.valueOf("-rwx------"));
  FileSystem.setDefaultUri(conf, fileSystem.getUri());
  mrCluster = MiniMRClientClusterFactory.create(this.getClass(), 1, conf);

  // so the minicluster conf is avail to the containers.
  Writer writer = new FileWriter(classpathDir + "/core-site.xml");

示例9: createClassPath

import java.io.File; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private ClassPath createClassPath(String classpath) {
    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(classpath, File.pathSeparator);
    List/*<PathResourceImplementation>*/ list = new ArrayList();
    while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String item = tokenizer.nextToken();
        File f = FileUtil.normalizeFile(new File(item));
        URL url = getRootURL(f);
        if (url != null) {
    return ClassPathSupport.createClassPath(list);

示例10: createImage

import java.io.File; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void createImage(Path outputDir, String... modules) throws Throwable {
    Path jlink = Paths.get(JAVA_HOME, "bin", "jlink");
    String mp = JMODS.toString() + File.pathSeparator + MODS_DIR.toString();
    assertTrue(executeProcess(jlink.toString(), "--output", outputDir.toString(),
                    "--add-modules", Arrays.stream(modules).collect(Collectors.joining(",")),
                    "--module-path", mp)
                    .getExitValue() == 0);

示例11: main

import java.io.File; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static void main(String[] args)
        throws Throwable {

    String baseDir = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator;
    String javac = JDKToolFinder.getTestJDKTool("javac");
    String java = JDKToolFinder.getTestJDKTool("java");

    String srcDir = System.getProperty("test.src");
    String cp = srcDir + File.separator + "a" + File.pathSeparator
            + srcDir + File.separator + "b.jar" + File.pathSeparator
            + ".";
    List<String[]> allCMDs = List.of(
            // Compile command
            new String[]{
                    javac, "-cp", cp, "-d", ".",
                    srcDir + File.separator + TEST_NAME + ".java"
            // Run test the first time
            new String[]{
                    java, "-cp", cp, TEST_NAME, "1"
            // Run test the second time
            new String[]{
                    java, "-cp", cp, TEST_NAME, "2"

    for (String[] cmd : allCMDs) {

示例12: testWithExplodedPatches

import java.io.File; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Run test with ---patch-module and exploded patches
public void testWithExplodedPatches() throws Exception {

    // patches1/java.base:patches2/java.base
    String basePatches = PATCHES1_DIR.resolve("java.base")
            + File.pathSeparator + PATCHES2_DIR.resolve("java.base");

    String dnsPatches = PATCHES1_DIR.resolve("jdk.naming.dns")
            + File.pathSeparator + PATCHES2_DIR.resolve("jdk.naming.dns");

    String compilerPatches = PATCHES1_DIR.resolve("jdk.compiler")
            + File.pathSeparator + PATCHES2_DIR.resolve("jdk.compiler");

    runTest(basePatches, dnsPatches, compilerPatches);

示例13: decode

import java.io.File; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static File[] decode(String text) {
    ArrayList<File> files = new ArrayList<File>();
    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(text, File.pathSeparator);
    while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
        File file = decodeFile((String) tokenizer.nextElement());
    return files.toArray(new File[files.size()]);

示例14: commandIsAvailable

import java.io.File; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Accepts exact path to a given command. A command may be in
 * uneven quotes (both single and double).
public static boolean commandIsAvailable(final String command) {
  try {
    final String quotedCommand = StringUtils.putIntoDoubleQuotes(command);
    final String[] parsed = new CommandLineParser().parse(quotedCommand);
    if (parsed.length != 1) return false; // not a single command
    final File commmandFile = new File(parsed[0]);
    // first try to find given executable file in path if command is not in path
    if (!commmandFile.isAbsolute()) {
      final String pathVariable = getEnvVariable(isWindows() ? "Path" : "PATH");
      final StringTokenizer stPath = new StringTokenizer(pathVariable, File.pathSeparator, false);
      while (stPath.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String commandToCheck = null;
        if (isWindows() && !command.endsWith(EXE_SUFFIX)) {
          commandToCheck = command + EXE_SUFFIX;
        } else {
          commandToCheck = command;
        final String path = stPath.nextToken();
        final File fullPath = new File(path, commandToCheck);
        if (fullPath.exists() && fullPath.isFile()) return true;
    if (!commmandFile.exists()) return false;
    return commmandFile.isFile();
  } catch (CommandLineParserException e) {
    return false;

示例15: errorIfNotSameContent

import java.io.File; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void errorIfNotSameContent() {
    if (Files.notExists(MODULE_PATH)) {
        // exploded image

    String dir = "test";

    String mpath = MODULE_PATH.toString() + File.pathSeparator +
    List<String> options = Stream.of("--dedup-legal-notices",
                                     "--module-path", mpath,
                                     "--output", imageDir(dir))

    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(writer);
    System.out.println("jlink " + options.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(" ")));
    int rc = JLINK_TOOL.run(pw, pw,
                            options.toArray(new String[0]));
    assertTrue(rc != 0);
                     .matches("Error:.*/m4/legal/m4/test-license .*contain different content"));
