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Java Rectangle2D.getCenterX方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D.getCenterX方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Rectangle2D.getCenterX方法的具体用法?Java Rectangle2D.getCenterX怎么用?Java Rectangle2D.getCenterX使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D的用法示例。


示例1: getTransX

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private double getTransX(TransformType type, Rectangle2D focus) {
  switch (type) {
  case DOWN:
  case UP:
    return focus.getCenterX() - this.currentTransformRectSize / 2;
  case LEFT:
  case DOWNLEFT:
  case UPLEFT:
    return focus.getX() - this.currentTransformRectSize;
  case RIGHT:
  case UPRIGHT:
    return focus.getMaxX();
    return 0;

示例2: zoomComponent

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Zoom component.
private void zoomComponent() {
	Set<GraphNode> nodesPicked = this.getVisualizationViewer().getPickedVertexState().getPicked();
	if (nodesPicked.size()!=0) {
		HashSet<NetworkComponent> components = this.graphController.getNetworkModelAdapter().getNetworkComponentsFullySelected(nodesPicked);
		if (components!=null && components.size()!=0) {
			// --- Get the dimension of the selected nodes ------ 
			Rectangle2D areaSelected = GraphGlobals.getGraphSpreadDimension(nodesPicked);
			Point2D areaCenter = new Point2D.Double(areaSelected.getCenterX(), areaSelected.getCenterY());
			// --- Create temporary GraphNode -------------------
			GraphNode tmpNode = new GraphNode("tmPCenter", areaCenter);
			// --- Get the needed positions ---------------------
			Point2D tmpNodePos = this.getVisualizationViewer().getGraphLayout().transform(tmpNode);
			Point2D visViewCenter = this.getVisualizationViewer().getRenderContext().getMultiLayerTransformer().inverseTransform(this.getVisualizationViewer().getCenter());
			// --- Calculate movement ---------------------------
			final double dx = (visViewCenter.getX() - tmpNodePos.getX());
			final double dy = (visViewCenter.getY() - tmpNodePos.getY());
			// --- Remove temporary GraphNode and move view -----
			this.getVisualizationViewer().getRenderContext().getMultiLayerTransformer().getTransformer(Layer.LAYOUT).translate(dx, dy); 

示例3: drawValueLabel

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Draws the value label just below the center of the dial.
 * @param g2  the graphics device.
 * @param area  the plot area.
protected void drawValueLabel(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area) {
    String valueStr = "No value";
    if (this.dataset != null) {
        Number n = this.dataset.getValue();
        if (n != null) {
            valueStr = this.tickLabelFormat.format(n.doubleValue()) + " " 
                     + this.units;
    float x = (float) area.getCenterX();
    float y = (float) area.getCenterY() + DEFAULT_CIRCLE_SIZE;
    TextUtilities.drawAlignedString(valueStr, g2, x, y, 

示例4: calculateFitRectangle

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private Rectangle2D calculateFitRectangle(XSLFPictureData picture, Rectangle2D anchor) {
    Dimension imageDimension = picture.getImageDimension();

    double aspectImg = imageDimension.getWidth() / imageDimension.getHeight();
    double aspectPh = anchor.getWidth() / anchor.getHeight();

    double centerX = anchor.getCenterX();
    double centerY = anchor.getCenterY();
    double width, height;

    if (aspectPh > aspectImg) {
        height = anchor.getHeight();
        width = aspectImg * anchor.getHeight();
    } else {
        width = anchor.getWidth();
        height = aspectImg * anchor.getWidth();

    double x = centerX - width/2;
    double y = centerY - height/2;

    return new Rectangle((int)x, (int)y, (int)width, (int)height);

示例5: draw

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
/** Renders the rubber band on the given graphics object. */
public void draw(Graphics g) {
    if (this.dragOrigVertex != null) {
        Rectangle2D startBounds = getScreenBounds(this.dragOrigVertex);
        int startX = (int) startBounds.getCenterX();
        int startY = (int) startBounds.getCenterY();
        int endX, endY;
        if (this.dragCurrVertex != null
            && this.dragCurrVertex != this.dragOrigVertex) {
            Rectangle2D endBounds =
            endX = (int) endBounds.getCenterX();
            endY = (int) endBounds.getCenterY();
        } else {
            endX = this.dragCurrPoint.x;
            endY = this.dragCurrPoint.y;
        g.drawLine(startX, startY, endX, endY);

示例6: draw

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Draws the pointer.
 * @param g2  the graphics target.
 * @param plot  the plot.
 * @param frame  the dial's reference frame.
 * @param view  the dial's view.
public void draw(Graphics2D g2, DialPlot plot, Rectangle2D frame, 
    Rectangle2D view) {

    Rectangle2D arcRect = DialPlot.rectangleByRadius(frame, 
            this.radius, this.radius);

    double value = plot.getValue(this.datasetIndex);
    DialScale scale = plot.getScaleForDataset(this.datasetIndex);
    double angle = scale.valueToAngle(value);

    Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Double(arcRect, angle, 0, Arc2D.OPEN);
    Point2D pt = arc.getEndPoint();

    Line2D line = new Line2D.Double(frame.getCenterX(), 
            frame.getCenterY(), pt.getX(), pt.getY());

示例7: getDefaultScaleAtPoint

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Gets the default point to scale at for zooming.
 * @return the default scale at point
private Point2D getDefaultScaleAtPoint() {
	Rectangle2D rectVis = this.getVisualizationViewer().getVisibleRect();
	if (rectVis.isEmpty()==false) {
		this.defaultScaleAtPoint = new Point2D.Double(rectVis.getCenterX(), rectVis.getCenterY());
	return defaultScaleAtPoint;

示例8: calculateLabelLocation

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Returns the location for a label
 * @param labelBounds the label bounds.
 * @param ascent the ascent (height of font).
 * @param plotArea the plot area
 * @param startAngle the start angle for the pie series.
 * @return The location for a label.
protected Point2D calculateLabelLocation(Rectangle2D labelBounds, 
                                         double ascent,
                                         Rectangle2D plotArea, 
                                         double startAngle)
    Arc2D arc1 = new Arc2D.Double(plotArea, startAngle, 0, Arc2D.OPEN);
    Point2D point1 = arc1.getEndPoint();

    double deltaX = -(point1.getX() - plotArea.getCenterX()) 
                    * this.axisLabelGap;
    double deltaY = -(point1.getY() - plotArea.getCenterY()) 
                    * this.axisLabelGap;

    double labelX = point1.getX() - deltaX;
    double labelY = point1.getY() - deltaY;

    if (labelX < plotArea.getCenterX()) {
        labelX -= labelBounds.getWidth();

    if (labelX == plotArea.getCenterX()) {
        labelX -= labelBounds.getWidth() / 2;

    if (labelY > plotArea.getCenterY()) {
        labelY += ascent;

    return new Point2D.Double(labelX, labelY);

示例9: PolygonGraphics

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public PolygonGraphics(Color color, Polygon polygon, Rectangle2D bounds) {
	super((int)bounds.getHeight(), (int)bounds.getWidth());
	this.polygon = polygon;
	this.height = (int)bounds.getHeight();
	this.width = (int)bounds.getWidth();
    this.color = color;
    position = new Position(bounds.getCenterX(), bounds.getCenterY());

示例10: createGradientTransform

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private static AffineTransform createGradientTransform(Rectangle2D r) {
    double cx = r.getCenterX();
    double cy = r.getCenterY();
    AffineTransform xform = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(cx, cy);
    xform.scale(r.getWidth()/2, r.getHeight()/2);
    xform.translate(-cx, -cy);
    return xform;

示例11: getLabelEnclosure

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Returns a rectangle that encloses the axis label.  This is typically used for layout
 * purposes (it gives the maximum dimensions of the label).
 * @param g2  the graphics device.
 * @param edge  the edge of the plot area along which the axis is measuring.
 * @return The enclosing rectangle.
protected Rectangle2D getLabelEnclosure(Graphics2D g2, RectangleEdge edge) {

    // calculate the width of the axis label...
    Rectangle2D result = new Rectangle2D.Double();
    String axisLabel = getLabel();
    if (axisLabel != null) {
        FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics(getLabelFont());
        Rectangle2D bounds = TextUtilities.getTextBounds(axisLabel, g2, fm);
        Insets insets = getLabelInsets();
        bounds.setRect(bounds.getX(), bounds.getY(),
                       bounds.getWidth() + insets.left + insets.right,
                       bounds.getHeight() + insets.top + insets.bottom);
        double angle = getLabelAngle();
        if (edge == RectangleEdge.LEFT || edge == RectangleEdge.RIGHT) {
            angle = angle - Math.PI / 2.0;
        double x = bounds.getCenterX();
        double y = bounds.getCenterY();
        AffineTransform transformer = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(angle, x, y);
        Shape labelBounds = transformer.createTransformedShape(bounds);
        result = labelBounds.getBounds2D();

    return result;


示例12: RadialGradientPaint

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Constructs a {@code RadialGradientPaint} with a default
 * {@code SRGB} color space.
 * The gradient circle of the {@code RadialGradientPaint} is defined
 * by the given bounding box.
 * <p>
 * This constructor is a more convenient way to express the
 * following (equivalent) code:<br>
 * <pre>
 *     double gw = gradientBounds.getWidth();
 *     double gh = gradientBounds.getHeight();
 *     double cx = gradientBounds.getCenterX();
 *     double cy = gradientBounds.getCenterY();
 *     Point2D center = new Point2D.Double(cx, cy);
 *     AffineTransform gradientTransform = new AffineTransform();
 *     gradientTransform.translate(cx, cy);
 *     gradientTransform.scale(gw / 2, gh / 2);
 *     gradientTransform.translate(-cx, -cy);
 *     RadialGradientPaint gp =
 *         new RadialGradientPaint(center, 1.0f, center,
 *                                 fractions, colors,
 *                                 cycleMethod,
 *                                 ColorSpaceType.SRGB,
 *                                 gradientTransform);
 * </pre>
 * @param gradientBounds the bounding box, in user space, of the circle
 *                       defining the outermost extent of the gradient
 * @param fractions numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 specifying the
 *                  distribution of colors along the gradient
 * @param colors array of colors to use in the gradient.  The first color
 *               is used at the focus point, the last color around the
 *               perimeter of the circle.
 * @param cycleMethod either {@code NO_CYCLE}, {@code REFLECT},
 *                    or {@code REPEAT}
 * @throws NullPointerException
 * if {@code gradientBounds} is null,
 * or {@code fractions} array is null,
 * or {@code colors} array is null,
 * or {@code cycleMethod} is null
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 * if {@code gradientBounds} is empty,
 * or {@code fractions.length != colors.length},
 * or {@code colors} is less than 2 in size,
 * or a {@code fractions} value is less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0,
 * or the {@code fractions} are not provided in strictly increasing order
public RadialGradientPaint(Rectangle2D gradientBounds,
                           float[] fractions, Color[] colors,
                           CycleMethod cycleMethod)
    // gradient center/focal point is the center of the bounding box,
    // radius is set to 1.0, and then we set a scale transform
    // to achieve an elliptical gradient defined by the bounding box
    this(new Point2D.Double(gradientBounds.getCenterX(),
         new Point2D.Double(gradientBounds.getCenterX(),

    if (gradientBounds.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Gradient bounds must be " +

示例13: isHitAt

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Returns whether a specified local point pL is a part of the connection 
 * widget. 
 * First it make a rough bounds check
 * for Line Segments => use Super call (ConnectionWidget.isHitAt(pL)). 
 * for self-edges => its sufficent to return getBounds.contains(pL).
 * for Splines => Interate over all Partitial segments of the curve and make 
 * a minmax check with the bezier points. If pL is inside the minmax 
 * rectangle of one segment the curve is constructed and subdivided until 
 * the distance d between center point pC (of the bounding rectangle) 
 * and pL is below HIT_DISTANCE_SQUARE, in this case it returns true.
 * If no no minmax check was successful or the subdivision lead to an 
 * rectangle witch doesn`t contain pL return false. 
 * @param localLocation the local location
 * @return true, if the location is a part of the connection widget
public boolean isHitAt(Point localLocation) {     
    if(!isVisible()  || !getBounds ().contains (localLocation))
        return false;
    List<Point> controlPoints = getControlPoints ();
    if(controlPoints.size() <=2){
        if(isReflexive()) return true;
        return super.isHitAt(localLocation);
    if(bezierPoints != null) {         
        for (int i = 0; i < bezierPoints.length-1; i+=3) {          
             Point2D b0 =   bezierPoints[i];
             Point2D b1 =   bezierPoints[i+1];
             Point2D b2 =   bezierPoints[i+2];
             Point2D b3 =   bezierPoints[i+3];
             CubicCurve2D left = new CubicCurve2D.Double(
                b0.getX(), b0.getY(), 
                b1.getX(), b1.getY(),
                b2.getX(), b2.getY(), 
                b3.getX(), b3.getY());
             Rectangle2D bounds = left.getBounds2D();
             while(bounds.contains(localLocation)) {                                                     
                //calculate the center and use HIT_DISTANCE_SQUARE for a range check  
                Point2D test = new Point2D.Double(bounds.getCenterX(),bounds.getCenterY());
                if(test.distance(localLocation) < HIT_DISTANCE_SQUARE){                        
                    return true;

                CubicCurve2D  right = new CubicCurve2D.Double();                    
                left.subdivide(left, right);
                Rectangle2D lb2d = left.getBounds2D();
                Rectangle2D rb2d = right.getBounds2D();                    
                if( lb2d.contains(localLocation)){      
                    bounds = lb2d;
                } else if (rb2d.contains(localLocation)) {                        
                    left = right;
                    bounds = rb2d;
                } else {                       
                    return false;
             }//end while               
        }//end for              
    return false;      

示例14: drawTick

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Draws a tick on the dial.
 * @param g2  the graphics device.
 * @param meterArea  the meter area.
 * @param value  the tick value.
 * @param label  a flag that controls whether or not a value label is drawn.
protected void drawTick(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D meterArea,
                        double value, boolean label) {

    double valueAngle = valueToAngle(value);

    double meterMiddleX = meterArea.getCenterX();
    double meterMiddleY = meterArea.getCenterY();

    g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2.0f));

    double valueP2X = 0;
    double valueP2Y = 0;

    double radius = (meterArea.getWidth() / 2) + DEFAULT_BORDER_SIZE;
    double radius1 = radius - 15;

    double valueP1X = meterMiddleX 
            + (radius * Math.cos(Math.PI * (valueAngle / 180)));
    double valueP1Y = meterMiddleY 
            - (radius * Math.sin(Math.PI * (valueAngle / 180)));

    valueP2X = meterMiddleX 
            + (radius1 * Math.cos(Math.PI * (valueAngle / 180)));
    valueP2Y = meterMiddleY 
            - (radius1 * Math.sin(Math.PI * (valueAngle / 180)));

    Line2D.Double line = new Line2D.Double(valueP1X, valueP1Y, valueP2X, 

    if (this.tickLabelsVisible && label) {

        String tickLabel =  this.tickLabelFormat.format(value);

        FontMetrics fm = g2.getFontMetrics();
        Rectangle2D tickLabelBounds 
            = TextUtilities.getTextBounds(tickLabel, g2, fm);

        double x = valueP2X;
        double y = valueP2Y;
        if (valueAngle == 90 || valueAngle == 270) {
            x = x - tickLabelBounds.getWidth() / 2;
        else if (valueAngle < 90 || valueAngle > 270) {
            x = x - tickLabelBounds.getWidth();
        if ((valueAngle > 135 && valueAngle < 225) 
                || valueAngle > 315 || valueAngle < 45) {
            y = y - tickLabelBounds.getHeight() / 2;
        else {
            y = y + tickLabelBounds.getHeight() / 2;
        g2.drawString(tickLabel, (float) x, (float) y);

示例15: drawHorizontal

import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Draws a the title horizontally within the specified area.  This method will be called
 * from the {@link #draw(Graphics2D, Rectangle2D) draw} method.
 * @param g2  the graphics device.
 * @param area  the area for the title.
protected void drawHorizontal(Graphics2D g2, Rectangle2D area) {
    Rectangle2D titleArea = (Rectangle2D) area.clone();
    TextBlock title = TextUtilities.createTextBlock(
        this.text, this.font, this.paint, (float) titleArea.getWidth(), new G2TextMeasurer(g2)
    TextBlockAnchor anchor = null;
    float x = 0.0f;
    HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment = getHorizontalAlignment();
    if (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.LEFT) {
        x = (float) titleArea.getX();
        anchor = TextBlockAnchor.TOP_LEFT;
    else if (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT) {
        x = (float) titleArea.getMaxX();
        anchor = TextBlockAnchor.TOP_RIGHT;
    else if (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.CENTER) {
        x = (float) titleArea.getCenterX();
        anchor = TextBlockAnchor.TOP_CENTER;
    float y = 0.0f;
    RectangleEdge position = getPosition();
    if (position == RectangleEdge.TOP) {
        y = (float) titleArea.getY();
    else if (position == RectangleEdge.BOTTOM) {
        y = (float) titleArea.getMaxY();
        if (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.LEFT) {
            anchor = TextBlockAnchor.BOTTOM_LEFT;
        else if (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.CENTER) {
            anchor = TextBlockAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER;
        else if (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT) {
            anchor = TextBlockAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT;
    title.draw(g2, x, y, anchor);
