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Java Graphics.fillArc方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中java.awt.Graphics.fillArc方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Graphics.fillArc方法的具体用法?Java Graphics.fillArc怎么用?Java Graphics.fillArc使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在java.awt.Graphics的用法示例。


示例1: getStationIcon

import java.awt.Graphics; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Image getStationIcon(String type, Rectangle bounds) {
	int qLength = 60, height = 40, width = 100;
	BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR);
	Graphics g = bi.getGraphics();
	for (int i = 0, monoChannel = 0; i < 10; i++, monoChannel = (int) ((1 - Math.exp(-i)) * 50)) {
		g.setColor(new Color(230 - monoChannel, 230 - monoChannel, 230 - monoChannel));
		g.drawPolyline(new int[] { i, i, qLength - i }, new int[] { height - i, i, i }, 3);
		g.fillArc(width - height + i, i, height - 2 * i, height - 2 * i, 45, 180);
		g.setColor(new Color(130 + monoChannel, 130 + monoChannel, 130 + monoChannel));
		g.drawPolyline(new int[] { i, qLength - i, qLength - i }, new int[] { height - i, height - i, i }, 3);
		g.fillArc(width - height + i, i, height - 2 * i, height - 2 * i, 225, 180);
	g.fillRect(5, 5, qLength - 9, height - 9);
	g.fillOval(width - height + 5, 5, height - 10, height - 10);
	return bi.getScaledInstance(bounds.width, bounds.height, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);

示例2: paintComponent

import java.awt.Graphics; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
/** This method is called by Swing to draw this component. */
public void paintComponent(final Graphics gr) {
	Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) gr;
	AffineTransform oldAF = (AffineTransform) (g2.getTransform().clone());
	g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
	g2.scale(scale, scale);
	Object sel = (selected != null ? selected : highlight);
	GraphNode c = null;
	if (sel instanceof GraphNode && ((GraphNode) sel).shape() == null) {
		c = (GraphNode) sel;
		sel = c.ins.get(0);
	graph.draw(new Artist(g2), scale, sel, true);
	if (c != null) {
		gr.setColor(((GraphEdge) sel).color());
		gr.fillArc(c.x() - 5 - graph.getLeft(), c.y() - 5 - graph.getTop(), 10, 10, 0, 360);

示例3: paint

import java.awt.Graphics; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void paint(Graphics g) {
	int rx = (int) Math.round(x);
	int ry = (int) Math.round(y);
	try {
		// Draw portal sprite
		g.drawImage(ImageIO.read(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/img/portalTexture.png")), rx-sprite_width/2, ry-sprite_height/2, sprite_width, sprite_height, null);	
		// Draw shields
		int alpha = Math.min((int)Math.round(this.shieldMitigation()*2.55), 255);
		g.setColor(new Color(255, 142, 247, alpha));
		g.fillArc(rx-sprite_width/2, ry-sprite_height/2, sprite_width, sprite_height, 0, 360);
		// Draw links
		for(Portal p: links){
			g.drawLine(rx, ry, (int) Math.round(p.getX()), (int) Math.round(p.getY()));	
	} catch (IOException e) {
		// TODO Auto-generated catch block

示例4: getStationIcon

import java.awt.Graphics; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static Image getStationIcon(String type, Rectangle bounds) {
	BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(bounds.width, bounds.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR);
	Graphics g = bi.getGraphics();
	int qLength = bounds.width * 3 / 5, height = bounds.height, width = bounds.width;
	for (int i = 0, monoChannel = 0; i < 5; i++, monoChannel = (int) ((1 - Math.exp(-i)) * 50)) {
		g.setColor(new Color(230 - monoChannel, 230 - monoChannel, 230 - monoChannel, 255));
		g.drawPolyline(new int[] { i, i, qLength - i }, new int[] { height - i, i, i }, 3);
		g.fillArc(width - height + i, i, height - 2 * i, height - 2 * i, 45, 180);
		g.setColor(new Color(130 + monoChannel, 130 + monoChannel, 130 + monoChannel, 255));
		g.drawPolyline(new int[] { i, qLength - i, qLength - i }, new int[] { height - i, height - i, i }, 3);
		g.fillArc(width - height + i, i, height - 2 * i, height - 2 * i, 225, 180);
	g.fillRect(5, 5, qLength - 9, height - 9);
	g.fillOval(width - height + 5, 5, height - 10, height - 10);
	return bi;

示例5: paint

import java.awt.Graphics; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void paint(Graphics g) {
	g.setFont(new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 20));
	g.drawRect(100, 300, 150, 100);
	g.drawRoundRect(300, 200, 200, 200, 200, 200);
	 * x - 要绘制矩形的 x 坐标。 y - 要绘制矩形的 y 坐标。 width - 要绘制矩形的宽度。 height -
	 * 要绘制矩形的高度。 arcWidth - 4 个角弧度的水平直径。 arcHeight - 4 个角弧度的垂直直径。
	g.fillRect(100, 100, 100, 100);
	g.fillOval(200, 100, 150, 150);
	// 填充夜色 圆形填充

	g.fill3DRect(150, 450, 50, 50, false);
	g.fillArc(200, 450, 50, 50, 50, 50);
	g.fillRect(250, 450, 50, 50);
	g.fillRoundRect(300, 450, 50, 50, 50, 50);
	g.drawString("如果", 400, 150);

示例6: paintComponent

import java.awt.Graphics; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
   int radius = 20; // radius of an arc
   // draw the rainbow near the bottom-center
   int centerX = getWidth() / 2;
   int centerY = getHeight() - 10;

   // draws filled arcs starting with the outermost
   for (int counter = colors.length; counter > 0; counter--)
      // set the color for the current arc
      g.setColor(colors[counter - 1]);
      // fill the arc from 0 to 180 degrees
      g.fillArc(centerX - counter * radius,
         centerY - counter * radius, 
         counter * radius * 2, counter * radius * 2, 0, 180);

示例7: paintIcon

import java.awt.Graphics; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) {
	float len = angle.length;

	centreX = x + (DIAMETRO / 2);
	centreY = y + (DIAMETRO / 2);

	for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
		g.fillArc(x, y, DIAMETRO, DIAMETRO, angle[i], angle[i + 1] - angle[i]);
		g.drawArc(x, y, DIAMETRO, DIAMETRO, angle[i], angle[i + 1] - angle[i]);

示例8: createCPU

import java.awt.Graphics; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void createCPU(Graphics g) {
	cpuPhase = (cpuPhase - 6) % 360;
	int width = getBounds().width, height = getBounds().height, x = getBounds().x, y = getBounds().y, turn = colors.length;
	g.fillOval(width - height + x + 1, y + 1, height - 2, height - 2);
	for (int i = 0; i < turn; i++) {
		g.setColor(colors[i % colors.length]);
		g.fillArc(width - height + x, y, height, height, (int) cpuPhase + (i * 360) / turn, 360 / turn);

示例9: paintComponent

import java.awt.Graphics; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void paintComponent(Graphics g)

   // start at 0 and sweep 360 degrees
   g.drawRect(15, 35, 80, 80);
   g.drawArc(15, 35, 80, 80, 0, 360);

   // start at 0 and sweep 110 degrees
   g.drawRect(100, 35, 80, 80);
   g.drawArc(100, 35, 80, 80, 0, 110);

   // start at 0 and sweep -270 degrees
   g.drawRect(185, 35, 80, 80);
   g.drawArc(185, 35, 80, 80, 0, -270);

   // start at 0 and sweep 360 degrees
   g.fillArc(15, 120, 80, 40, 0, 360);

   // start at 270 and sweep -90 degrees
   g.fillArc(100, 120, 80, 40, 270, -90);
   // start at 0 and sweep -270 degrees
   g.fillArc(185, 120, 80, 40, 0, -270);

示例10: paintComponent

import java.awt.Graphics; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
/** This method is called by Swing to draw this component. */
@Override public void paintComponent(final Graphics gr) {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)gr;
    AffineTransform oldAF = (AffineTransform) (g2.getTransform().clone());
    g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    g2.scale(scale, scale);
    Object sel=(selected!=null ? selected : highlight);
    GraphNode c=null;
    if (sel instanceof GraphNode && ((GraphNode)sel).shape()==null) { c = (GraphNode)sel; sel = c.ins.get(0); }
    graph.draw(new Artist(g2), scale, sel, true);
    if (c!=null) { gr.setColor(((GraphEdge)sel).color()); gr.fillArc(c.x()-5-graph.getLeft(), c.y()-5-graph.getTop(), 10, 10, 0, 360); }

示例11: updateIcon

import java.awt.Graphics; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void updateIcon() {
    //if (true==true) return;
    if (piChart == null)
        piChart = createImage(32, 32);
    if (piChart == null)
        return; //How does this happen??
    double percent = 0;

    percent = (getValue() < getMin() || getValue() > getMax() ? 0
            : ((double) (getValue() - getMin())) / ((double) (getMax() - getMin())));

    int int_temp = (int) (percent * 100);

    if (int_temp == lastPercent)

    lastPercent = int_temp;

    Graphics gp = piChart.getGraphics();
    gp.fillRect(0, 0, 32, 32);
    gp.setColor(new Color(240, 240, 240));
    gp.fillArc(1, 1, 30, 30, 90, 360);
    gp.fillArc(1, 1, 30, 30, 90, -(int) (percent * 360));
    //gp.drawString(""+((int)(percent/100-1))+"%", 1, 16);


示例12: RenderEllipse

import java.awt.Graphics; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static void RenderEllipse(Graphics g, Vector2 position, Vector2 size, int angle, Color c)
	g.fillArc((int)position.x, (int)position.y, (int)size.x, (int)size.y, 0, angle);

示例13: renderEdge

import java.awt.Graphics; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void renderEdge(Graphics g, VisEdge ec) {
		try {
			CircleEdge cve = (CircleEdge) ec;

//			g.setColor( Color.green );
//			plainDraw( g, ec );
			double r = cve.getRadius();
			Coordinates tl = cve.getCenter();

//			g.setColor( Color.lightGray );
//			g.drawArc(
//					(int) (tl.getX() - r),
//					(int) (tl.getY() - r),
//					(int) (2 * r),
//					(int) (2 * r),
//					0,
//					360);
			if (selected(ec.getEdge())) {
			} else {
			double theta = cve.getStartAngle();
			int angle = (int) ( theta * 180 / Math.PI ) ;
			Color c = new Color( 247,210,130, 50 );
			g.setColor( c );
					(int) (tl.getX() - r),
					(int) (tl.getY() - r),
					(int) (2 * r),
					(int) (2 * r),
					- angle,

			g.setColor(new Color(247,210,130));
				(int) (tl.getX() - r),
				(int) (tl.getY() - r),
				(int) (2 * r),
				(int) (2 * r),
				- angle,
		} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
			plainDraw( g, ec );
