本文整理汇总了Java中edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PNode.rotate方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java PNode.rotate方法的具体用法?Java PNode.rotate怎么用?Java PNode.rotate使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PNode
示例1: createCoilGraphics
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PNode; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
* Creates the graphics for the coils
* @param bounds
private void createCoilGraphics( Rectangle2D bounds ) {
double baseDim = magnet.getOrientation() == GradientElectromagnet.HORIZONTAL ? bounds.getWidth() : bounds.getHeight();
double coilWidth = baseDim / numSegments;
for( int i = 0; i < coilsGraphics.length; i++ ) {
PNode coilGraphic = null;
double xLoc = i * coilWidth;
if( magnet.getOrientation() == GradientElectromagnet.HORIZONTAL ) {
coilGraphic = PImageFactory.create( MriResources.getImage( MriConfig.COIL_IMAGE ), new Dimension( (int)coilWidth, (int)bounds.getHeight() ) );
coilGraphic.setOffset( xLoc, 0 );
else {
coilGraphic = PImageFactory.create( MriResources.getImage( MriConfig.COIL_IMAGE ), new Dimension( (int)coilWidth, (int)bounds.getWidth() ) );
coilGraphic.rotate( Math.PI / 2 );
coilGraphic.translate( xLoc, -bounds.getWidth() );
addChild( coilGraphic );
coilsGraphics[i] = coilGraphic;
示例2: initialize
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PNode; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void initialize() {
final PNode n1 = PPath.createRectangle(0, 0, 100, 80);
final PNode n2 = PPath.createRectangle(0, 0, 100, 80);
// n2.setScale(2.0);
// n2.setScale(1.0);
n1.offset(100, 0);
n2.offset(100, 0);
示例3: initialize
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PNode; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void initialize() {
final PComposite composite = new PComposite();
final PNode circle = PPath.createEllipse(0, 0, 100, 100);
final PNode rectangle = PPath.createRectangle(50, 50, 100, 100);
final PNode text = new PText("Hello world!");
getCanvas().addInputEventListener(new PDragEventHandler());
示例4: IonsAndChannelsLegendPanel
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PNode; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public IonsAndChannelsLegendPanel() {
// Add the border around the legend.
BevelBorder baseBorder = (BevelBorder)BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder();
TitledBorder titledBorder = BorderFactory.createTitledBorder( baseBorder,
Color.GRAY );
setBorder( titledBorder );
// Set the layout.
setLayout( new GridBagLayout() );
// Add the images and labels for the ions.
int row = 0;
PNode imageNode = new ParticleNode(new SodiumIon(), PARTICLE_MVT);
addLegendItem( imageNode.toImage(), NeuronStrings.LEGEND_SODIUM_ION, row++ );
imageNode = new ParticleNode(new PotassiumIon(), PARTICLE_MVT);
addLegendItem( imageNode.toImage(), NeuronStrings.LEGEND_POTASSIUM_ION, row++ );
imageNode = new MembraneChannelNode(new SodiumDualGatedChannel(), CHANNEL_MVT);
imageNode.rotate(-Math.PI / 2);
addLegendItem( imageNode.toImage(), NeuronStrings.LEGEND_SODIUM_GATED_CHANNEL, row++ );
imageNode = new MembraneChannelNode(new PotassiumGatedChannel(), CHANNEL_MVT);
imageNode.rotate(-Math.PI / 2);
addLegendItem( imageNode.toImage(), NeuronStrings.LEGEND_POTASSIUM_GATED_CHANNEL, row++ );
imageNode = new MembraneChannelNode(new SodiumLeakageChannel(), CHANNEL_MVT);
imageNode.rotate(-Math.PI / 2);
addLegendItem( imageNode.toImage(), NeuronStrings.LEGEND_SODIUM_LEAK_CHANNEL, row++ );
imageNode = new MembraneChannelNode(new PotassiumLeakageChannel(), CHANNEL_MVT);
imageNode.rotate(-Math.PI / 2);
addLegendItem( imageNode.toImage(), NeuronStrings.LEGEND_POTASSIUM_LEAK_CHANNEL, row++ );
示例5: ReactionArrowNode
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PNode; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public ReactionArrowNode( Paint arrowColor ) {
PNode topNode = new HalfArrowNode();
PNode bottomNode = new HalfArrowNode();
bottomNode.rotate( Math.PI );
bottomNode.setOffset( ARROW_LENGTH, topNode.getFullBoundsReference().getMaxY() + 7 );
addChild( topNode );
addChild( bottomNode );
示例6: SparkleNode
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PNode; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public SparkleNode( Paint paint, double diameter, double angle ) {
PNode bigCrosshairs = new CrosshairsNode( paint, diameter );
PNode smallCrosshairs = new CrosshairsNode( paint, 0.7 * diameter );
smallCrosshairs.rotate( Math.toRadians( 45 ) );
addChild( smallCrosshairs );
addChild( bigCrosshairs );
rotate( angle );
示例7: TestDraggingInDifferentFrames
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PNode; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public TestDraggingInDifferentFrames() {
final PhetPCanvas contentPane = new PhetPCanvas();
contentPane.setZoomEventHandler( new PZoomEventHandler() );
frame.setContentPane( contentPane );
frame.setSize( 1024, 768 );
BoxNode boxNode = new BoxNode();
contentPane.addScreenChild( boxNode );
PNode rotateFrame = new PNode();
rotateFrame.rotate( Math.PI / 2 );
rotateFrame.translate( 0, -300 );
rotateFrame.addChild( new BoxNode() );
contentPane.addScreenChild( rotateFrame );
PNode offsetFrame = new PNode();
offsetFrame.setOffset( 200, 200 );
offsetFrame.addChild( new BoxNode() );
PNode offsetScaleNode = new PNode();
offsetScaleNode.setOffset( 0, 200 );
offsetScaleNode.scale( 2.0 );
offsetScaleNode.addChild( new BoxNode() );
contentPane.addScreenChild( offsetScaleNode );
PNode parentNode = new PNode();
parentNode.translate( 400, 400 );
parentNode.scale( 1.2 );
parentNode.rotate( Math.PI / 12 );
parentNode.addChild( new BoxNode() );
contentPane.addScreenChild( parentNode );
PNode childNode = new PNode();
childNode.scale( 1.2 );
childNode.rotate( Math.PI / 6 );
childNode.translate( 50, 50 );
childNode.addChild( boxNode );
parentNode.addChild( childNode );
示例8: rotateNodes
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PNode; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void rotateNodes() {
final Iterator i = getCanvas().getLayer().getChildrenReference().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
final PNode each = (PNode) i.next();
示例9: main
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PNode; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static void main( String[] args ) {
PNode node = new PNode();
System.out.println( node.getTransform() );
node.scale( 2 );
System.out.println( node.getTransform() );
node.translate( 1, 3 );
System.out.println( node.getTransform() );
node.rotate( Math.PI / 2 );
System.out.println( node.getTransform() );
node.translate( -31, 21 );
System.out.println( node.getTransform() );
System.out.println( node.getOffset().getX() );
System.out.println( node.getOffset().getY() );
System.out.println( node.getRotation() );
node.setOffset( -5, 7 );
System.out.println( node.getTransform() );
node.setRotation( 1.2 );
System.out.println( node.getTransform() );
node.setRotation( -0.7 );
System.out.println( node.getTransform() );
示例10: PointToolNode
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PNode; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
* This constructor creates a node that is independent of the model.
* This was needed so that we could easily generate images of the point tool, for inclusion in the game reward.
public PointToolNode( Vector2D point, Orientation orientation, Color background ) {
// tool body
bodyNode = new PImage( Images.POINT_TOOL_BODY );
* Pointy tip, separate from the body and not pickable.
* Because Piccolo's picking bounds are rectangular, making the tip pickable made it difficult
* to pick a line manipulator when the tip and manipulator were on the same grid point.
* Making the tip non-pickable was determined to be an acceptable and "natural feeling" solution.
PNode tipNode = new PImage( Images.POINT_TOOL_TIP );
tipNode.setPickable( false );
// background behind the displayed value, shows through a transparent hole in the display area portion of the body image
final int backgroundMargin = 5;
backgroundNode = new PPath( new Rectangle2D.Double( 0, 0,
bodyNode.getFullBoundsReference().getWidth() - ( 2 * backgroundMargin ),
bodyNode.getFullBoundsReference().getHeight() - ( 2 * backgroundMargin ) ) );
backgroundNode.setStroke( null );
backgroundNode.setOffset( bodyNode.getOffset() );
backgroundNode.setPickable( false );
// displayed value
valueNode = new PText( "?" );
valueNode.setFont( new PhetFont( Font.BOLD, 15 ) );
valueNode.setPickable( false );
// rendering order
addChild( tipNode );
addChild( backgroundNode );
addChild( bodyNode );
addChild( valueNode );
// orientation
if ( orientation == Orientation.DOWN ) {
tipNode.setOffset( -tipNode.getFullBoundsReference().getWidth() / 2, -tipNode.getFullBoundsReference().getHeight() );
bodyNode.setOffset( -bodyNode.getFullBoundsReference().getWidth() / 2, tipNode.getFullBoundsReference().getMinY() - bodyNode.getFullBoundsReference().getHeight() );
backgroundNode.setOffset( bodyNode.getXOffset() + backgroundMargin, bodyNode.getYOffset() + backgroundMargin );
valueNode.setOffset( 0, bodyNode.getFullBoundsReference().getMinY() + COORDINATES_Y_CENTER - ( valueNode.getFullBoundsReference().getHeight() / 2 ) );
else {
tipNode.rotate( Math.PI );
tipNode.setOffset( tipNode.getFullBoundsReference().getWidth() / 2, tipNode.getFullBoundsReference().getHeight() );
bodyNode.setOffset( -bodyNode.getFullBoundsReference().getWidth() / 2, tipNode.getFullBoundsReference().getMaxY() );
backgroundNode.setOffset( bodyNode.getFullBoundsReference().getMinX() + backgroundMargin, bodyNode.getFullBoundsReference().getMinY() + backgroundMargin );
valueNode.setOffset( 0, bodyNode.getFullBoundsReference().getMaxY() - COORDINATES_Y_CENTER - ( valueNode.getFullBoundsReference().getHeight() / 2 ) );
// default state
setCoordinates( point );
setBackground( background );
示例11: InjectorNode
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PNode; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public InjectorNode( double rotationAngle, final SimpleObserver inject ) {
this.inject = inject;
// Create the root node to which the various constituent parts can be
// added.
injectorNode = new PNode();
// Load the graphic images for this device. These are offset in order
// to make the center of rotation be the center of the bulb.
BufferedImage injectorBodyImage = RESOURCES.getImage( "squeezer_background.png" );
PNode injectorBodyImageNode = new PImage( injectorBodyImage );
Rectangle2D originalBodyBounds = injectorBodyImageNode.getFullBounds();
injectorBodyImageNode.setOffset( -originalBodyBounds.getWidth() / 2, -originalBodyBounds.getHeight() / 2 );
injectorNode.addChild( injectorBodyImageNode );
pressedButtonImage = RESOURCES.getImage( "button_pressed.png" );
unpressedButtonImage = RESOURCES.getImage( "button_unpressed.png" );
buttonImageNode = new PImage( unpressedButtonImage );
buttonImageNode.setOffset( BUTTON_OFFSET );
injectorNode.addChild( buttonImageNode );
// Rotate and scale the image node as a whole.
double scale = INJECTOR_HEIGHT / injectorBodyImageNode.getFullBoundsReference().height;
injectorNode.rotate( -rotationAngle );
injectorNode.scale( scale );
// Add the injector image node. Note that the position has to be
// tweaked in order to account for the rotation of the node image,
// since the rotation of the square image enlarges the bounds.
injectorNode.setOffset( -Math.abs( Math.sin( rotationAngle * 2 ) ) * 30, 0 );
addChild( injectorNode );
// Set up the injection point offset. This makes some assumptions
// about the nature of the image, and will need to be updated if the
// image is changed.
distanceCenterToTip = 0.7 * INJECTOR_HEIGHT;
final double centerOffsetX = 0.4 * INJECTOR_HEIGHT;
Dimension2D injectionPointOffset = new PDimension();
injectionPointOffset.setSize( distanceCenterToTip * Math.cos( rotationAngle ) + centerOffsetX,
distanceCenterToTip * Math.sin( -rotationAngle ) );
// Set up the button handling.
injectorBodyImageNode.setPickable( false );
buttonImageNode.setPickable( true );
示例12: nodeDemo
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PNode; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void nodeDemo() {
final PLayer layer = getCanvas().getLayer();
final PNode aNode = PPath.createRectangle(0, 0, 100, 80);
// A node needs to be a descendent of the root to be displayed on the
// screen.
// The default color for a node is blue, but you can change that with
// the setPaint method.
// A node can have children nodes added to it.
aNode.addChild(PPath.createRectangle(0, 0, 100, 80));
// The base bounds of a node is easy to change. Note that changing the
// base
// bounds of a node will not change it's children.
aNode.setBounds(-10, -10, 200, 110);
// Each node has a transform that can be used to transform the node, and
// all its children on the screen.
aNode.translate(100, 100);
// The transparency of any node can be set, this transparency will be
// applied to any of the nodes children as well.
// Its easy to copy nodes.
final PNode aCopy = (PNode) aNode.clone();
// Make is so that the copies children are not pickable. For this
// example
// that means you will not be able to grab the child and remove it from
// its parent.
// Change the look of the copy
// Let's add the copy to the root, and translate it so that it does not
// cover the original node.
aCopy.setOffset(0, 0);
示例13: nodeDemo
import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PNode; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void nodeDemo() {
final PLayer layer = getCanvas().getLayer();
final PNode aNode = PPath.createRectangle(0, 0, 100, 80);
// A node needs to be a descendent of the root to be displayed on the
// screen.
// The default color for a node is blue, but you can change that with
// the setPaint method.
// A node can have children nodes added to it.
aNode.addChild(PPath.createRectangle(0, 0, 100, 80));
// The base bounds of a node is easy to change. Note that changing the
// base bounds of a node will not change it's children.
aNode.setBounds(-10, -10, 200, 110);
// Each node has a transform that can be used to transform the node, and
// all its children on the screen.
aNode.translate(100, 100);
// The transparency of any node can be set, this transparency will be
// applied to any of the nodes children as well.
// Its easy to copy nodes.
final PNode aCopy = (PNode) aNode.clone();
// Make is so that the copies children are not pickable. For this
// example that means you will not be able to grab the child and remove
// it from its parent.
// Change the look of the copy
// Let's add the copy to the root, and translate it so that it does not
// cover the original node.
aCopy.setOffset(0, 0);