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Java Util.mapIntoList方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.sri.ai.util.Util.mapIntoList方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Util.mapIntoList方法的具体用法?Java Util.mapIntoList怎么用?Java Util.mapIntoList使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在com.sri.ai.util.Util的用法示例。


示例1: computeInnerExpressionIfNotContradiction

import com.sri.ai.util.Util; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected Expression computeInnerExpressionIfNotContradiction() {
	List<Expression> conjuncts = list();
	Util.mapIntoList(negativeNormalizedAtoms, n -> fromNormalizedAtomToItsNegationAsLiteral(n), conjuncts);
	Expression result = And.make(conjuncts);
	return result;

示例2: operationOnOperableArguments

import com.sri.ai.util.Util; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Expression operationOnOperableArguments(LinkedList<Expression> operableArguments) {
	List<Object> operableArgumentValues = Util.mapIntoList(operableArguments.iterator(), GetValue.INSTANCE);
	Object resultOnOperableArguments = operationOnOperableValues(operableArgumentValues);
	Expression result = Expressions.makeSymbol(resultOnOperableArguments);
	return result;

示例3: getIndices

import com.sri.ai.util.Util; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
/** Return a list of indexes from a list of index expressions. */
public static List<Expression> getIndices(IndexExpressionsSet indexExpressions) {
	List<Expression> indexExpressionsList = ((ExtensionalIndexExpressionsSet) indexExpressions).getList();
	List<Expression> result = Util.mapIntoList(indexExpressionsList, new GetIndex());
	return result;

示例4: makeRandomAtomOn

import com.sri.ai.util.Util; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Makes a random atom on variable by summing or subtracting terms from two random atoms generated by super class implementation.
public Expression makeRandomAtomOn(String mainVariable, Context context) {
	String mainVariableName = getVariableName(mainVariable);
	Type mainType = getTestingVariableType(mainVariable);
	List<String> variableNamesThatAreSubtypesOf = getVariableNamesWhoseTypesAreSubtypesOf(mainType);

	int maxNumberOfOtherVariablesInAtom = Math.min(variableNamesThatAreSubtypesOf.size(), 2);
	// used to be 3, but if literal has more than two variables, it steps out of difference arithmetic and may lead 
	// to multiplied variables when literals are propagated. 
	// For example, X = Y + Z and X = -Y - Z + 3 imply 2Y + 2Z = 3
	int numberOfOtherVariablesInAtom = getRandom().nextInt(maxNumberOfOtherVariablesInAtom); 
	// Note: that otherVariablesForAtom will contain only one or zero elements
	ArrayList<String> otherVariablesForAtom = new ArrayList<>();		
	if (numberOfOtherVariablesInAtom > 0) {
		otherVariablesForAtom.add(pickTestingVariableAtRandom(mainType, otherName -> !otherName.equals(mainVariableName)));
	ArrayList<Expression> constants = new ArrayList<Expression>();
	int numberOfConstants = getRandom().nextInt(3);
	for (int i = 0; i != numberOfConstants; i++) {
		// Note: We know we can safely sample from the Difference Arithmetic Theory Types.
		Expression sampledConstant = mainType.sampleUniquelyNamedConstant(getRandom());
		Expression constant;
		if (getRandom().nextBoolean()) {
			constant = sampledConstant;
		else {
			constant = makeSymbol(-sampledConstant.intValue());

	ArrayList<Expression> leftHandSideArguments = new ArrayList<Expression>();
	// needs to be difference, so it's added as negative
	Util.mapIntoList(otherVariablesForAtom, otherVariable -> UnaryMinus.make(parse(otherVariable)), leftHandSideArguments);

	int numberOfOtherVariablesToBeCanceled = getRandom().nextInt(otherVariablesForAtom.size() + 1);
	ArrayList<String> otherVariablesToBeCanceled = Util.pickKElementsWithoutReplacement(otherVariablesForAtom, numberOfOtherVariablesToBeCanceled, getRandom());
	// note that this term is positive, so it will cancel the previously negative term with the same "other variable"
	Util.mapIntoList(otherVariablesToBeCanceled, v -> parse(v), leftHandSideArguments); 
	// Note: it may seem odd to generate an "other variable" and add another term that will cancel it later. 
	// However, this is useful for making sure canceling works properly.
	Expression leftHandSide = Plus.make(leftHandSideArguments);
	String functor = pickUniformly(getTheoryFunctors(), getRandom());
	Expression unsimplifiedResult = apply(functor, leftHandSide, 0);		
	Expression result = getTheory().simplify(unsimplifiedResult, context);
	// System.out.println("Random literal: " + result);	
	// Note that simplify will eliminate negated variables;
	// however, we leave their generation and then elimination here as a sanity check,
	// as well as a useful feature for the day when we get assurance that literals will be simplified down the line,
	// allowing us to eliminate them here. TODO
	return result;

示例5: InferenceForFactorGraphAndEvidence

import com.sri.ai.util.Util; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Constructs a solver for a factor graph and an evidence expression.
 * @param factorsAndTypes 
 *        the factors and their type information over which inference is to be performed.
 * @param isBayesianNetwork 
 *        indicates if the factor graph is a bayesian network (each potential function in normalized for one of its variables, forms a DAG).
 * @param evidence 
 *        an Expression representing the evidence
 * @param useFactorization indicates whether to use factorization (as in Variable Elimination)
 * @param optionalTheory the theory to be used; if null, a default one is used (as of May 2017, a compound theory with propositional, equalities on categorical types, difference arithmetic, and real linear arithmetic).
public InferenceForFactorGraphAndEvidence(
		FactorsAndTypes factorsAndTypes,
		boolean isBayesianNetwork,
		Expression evidence,
		boolean useFactorization,
		Theory optionalTheory) {

	this.factorGraph       = Times.make(factorsAndTypes.getFactors());
	this.isBayesianNetwork = isBayesianNetwork;
	this.evidence          = evidence;

	this.mapFromRandomVariableNameToTypeName = new LinkedHashMap<>(factorsAndTypes.getMapFromRandomVariableNameToTypeName());
	this.mapFromSymbolNameToTypeName = new LinkedHashMap<>(mapFromRandomVariableNameToTypeName);
	allRandomVariables = Util.mapIntoList(this.mapFromRandomVariableNameToTypeName.keySet(), Expressions::parse);
	this.mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString = new LinkedHashMap<>(factorsAndTypes.getMapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString());

	Set<Expression> uniquelyNamedConstants = mapIntoSet(factorsAndTypes.getMapFromUniquelyNamedConstantNameToTypeName().keySet(), Expressions::parse);
	isUniquelyNamedConstantPredicate = new UniquelyNamedConstantIncludingBooleansAndNumbersPredicate(uniquelyNamedConstants);
	if (mapFromRandomVariableNameToTypeName.values().stream().anyMatch(type -> type.contains("->")) ||
		factorsAndTypes.getMapFromNonUniquelyNamedConstantNameToTypeName().values().stream().anyMatch(type -> type.contains("->"))) {
	else {

	semiRing = new SumProduct(); // for marginalization

	if (optionalTheory != null) {
		this.theory = optionalTheory;
	else {
		this.theory =
				new CompoundTheory(
						new EqualityTheory(false, true),
						new DifferenceArithmeticTheory(false, true),
						new LinearRealArithmeticTheory(false, true),
						new PropositionalTheory());
	this.additionalTypes = new LinkedList<Type>(theory.getNativeTypes()); // add needed types that may not be the type of any variable
	if (useFactorization) {
		solver = new SGVET();
	else {
		solver = new DefaultMultiQuantifierEliminator();

	evidenceProbability = null;
