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Java DocumentClientException.printStackTrace方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.DocumentClientException.printStackTrace方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java DocumentClientException.printStackTrace方法的具体用法?Java DocumentClientException.printStackTrace怎么用?Java DocumentClientException.printStackTrace使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.DocumentClientException的用法示例。


示例1: createTodoItem

import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.DocumentClientException; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public TodoItem createTodoItem(TodoItem todoItem) {
	// Serialize the TodoItem as a JSON Document.
	Document todoItemDocument = new Document(gson.toJson(todoItem));

	// Annotate the document as a TodoItem for retrieval (so that we can
	// store multiple entity types in the collection).
	todoItemDocument.set("entityType", "todoItem");

	try {
		// Persist the document using the DocumentClient.
		todoItemDocument = documentClient.createDocument(
				getTodoCollection().getSelfLink(), todoItemDocument, null,
	} catch (DocumentClientException e) {
		return null;

	return gson.fromJson(todoItemDocument.toString(), TodoItem.class);

示例2: updateTodoItem

import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.DocumentClientException; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public TodoItem updateTodoItem(String id, boolean isComplete) {
	// Retrieve the document from the database
	Document todoItemDocument = getDocumentById(id);

	// You can update the document as a JSON document directly.
	// For more complex operations - you could de-serialize the document in
	// to a POJO, update the POJO, and then re-serialize the POJO back in to
	// a document.
	todoItemDocument.set("complete", isComplete);

	try {
		// Persist/replace the updated document.
		todoItemDocument = documentClient.replaceDocument(todoItemDocument,
	} catch (DocumentClientException e) {
		return null;

	return gson.fromJson(todoItemDocument.toString(), TodoItem.class);

示例3: deleteTodoItem

import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.DocumentClientException; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public boolean deleteTodoItem(String id) {
	// DocumentDB refers to documents by self link rather than id.

	// Query for the document to retrieve the self link.
	Document todoItemDocument = getDocumentById(id);

	try {
		// Delete the document by self link.
		documentClient.deleteDocument(todoItemDocument.getSelfLink(), null);
	} catch (DocumentClientException e) {
		return false;

	return true;

示例4: createTodoItem

import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.DocumentClientException; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public TodoItem createTodoItem(TodoItem todoItem) {
    // Serialize the TodoItem as a JSON Document.
    Document todoItemDocument = new Document(gson.toJson(todoItem));

    // Annotate the document as a TodoItem for retrieval (so that we can
    // store multiple entity types in the collection).
    todoItemDocument.set("entityType", "todoItem");

    try {
        // Persist the document using the DocumentClient.
        todoItemDocument = documentClient.createDocument(
                getTodoCollection().getSelfLink(), todoItemDocument, null,
    } catch (DocumentClientException e) {
        return null;

    return gson.fromJson(todoItemDocument.toString(), TodoItem.class);

示例5: updateTodoItem

import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.DocumentClientException; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public TodoItem updateTodoItem(String id, boolean isComplete) {
    // Retrieve the document from the database
    Document todoItemDocument = getDocumentById(id);

    // You can update the document as a JSON document directly.
    // For more complex operations - you could de-serialize the document in
    // to a POJO, update the POJO, and then re-serialize the POJO back in to
    // a document.
    todoItemDocument.set("complete", isComplete);

    try {
        // Persist/replace the updated document.
        todoItemDocument = documentClient.replaceDocument(todoItemDocument,
    } catch (DocumentClientException e) {
        return null;

    return gson.fromJson(todoItemDocument.toString(), TodoItem.class);

示例6: deleteTodoItem

import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.DocumentClientException; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public boolean deleteTodoItem(String id) {
    // DocumentDB refers to documents by self link rather than id.

    // Query for the document to retrieve the self link.
    Document todoItemDocument = getDocumentById(id);

    try {
        // Delete the document by self link.
        documentClient.deleteDocument(todoItemDocument.getSelfLink(), null);
    } catch (DocumentClientException e) {
        return false;

    return true;

示例7: getTodoDatabase

import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.DocumentClientException; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private Database getTodoDatabase() {

		if (databaseCache == null) {
			// Get the database if it exists
			List<Database> databaseList = documentClient
							"SELECT * FROM root r WHERE r.id='"
									+ properties.getDatabaseId()
									+ "'", null).getQueryIterable().toList();

			if (databaseList.size() > 0) {
				// Cache the database object so we won't have to query for it
				// later to retrieve the selfLink.
				databaseCache = databaseList.get(0);
			} else {
				// Create the database if it doesn't exist.
				try {
					Database databaseDefinition = new Database();

					databaseCache = documentClient.createDatabase(
							databaseDefinition, null).getResource();
				} catch (DocumentClientException e) {
					// TODO: Something has gone terribly wrong - the app wasn't
					// able to query or create the collection.
					// Verify your connection, endpoint, and key.

		return databaseCache;

示例8: getTodoCollection

import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.DocumentClientException; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private DocumentCollection getTodoCollection() {

		if (collectionCache == null) {
			// Get the collection if it exists.

			List<DocumentCollection> collectionList = documentClient
							"SELECT * FROM root r WHERE r.id='"
									+ properties.getResourceId()
									+ "'", null).getQueryIterable().toList();

			if (collectionList.size() > 0) {
				// Cache the collection object so we won't have to query for it
				// later to retrieve the selfLink.
				collectionCache = collectionList.get(0);
			} else {
				// Create the collection if it doesn't exist.
				try {
					DocumentCollection collectionDefinition = new DocumentCollection();

					collectionCache = documentClient.createCollection(
							collectionDefinition, null).getResource();
				} catch (DocumentClientException e) {
					// TODO: Something has gone terribly wrong - the app wasn't
					// able to query or create the collection.
					// Verify your connection, endpoint, and key.

		return collectionCache;

示例9: getTodoDatabase

import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.DocumentClientException; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private Database getTodoDatabase() {
    if (databaseCache == null) {
        // Get the database if it exists
        List<Database> databaseList = documentClient
                        "SELECT * FROM root r WHERE r.id='" + DATABASE_ID
                                + "'", null).getQueryIterable().toList();

        if (databaseList.size() > 0) {
            // Cache the database object so we won't have to query for it
            // later to retrieve the selfLink.
            databaseCache = databaseList.get(0);
        } else {
            // Create the database if it doesn't exist.
            try {
                Database databaseDefinition = new Database();

                databaseCache = documentClient.createDatabase(
                        databaseDefinition, null).getResource();
            } catch (DocumentClientException e) {
                // TODO: Something has gone terribly wrong - the app wasn't
                // able to query or create the collection.
                // Verify your connection, endpoint, and key.

    return databaseCache;

示例10: getTodoCollection

import com.microsoft.azure.documentdb.DocumentClientException; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private DocumentCollection getTodoCollection() {
    if (collectionCache == null) {
        // Get the collection if it exists.
        List<DocumentCollection> collectionList = documentClient
                        "SELECT * FROM root r WHERE r.id='" + COLLECTION_ID
                                + "'", null).getQueryIterable().toList();

        if (collectionList.size() > 0) {
            // Cache the collection object so we won't have to query for it
            // later to retrieve the selfLink.
            collectionCache = collectionList.get(0);
        } else {
            // Create the collection if it doesn't exist.
            try {
                DocumentCollection collectionDefinition = new DocumentCollection();

                collectionCache = documentClient.createCollection(
                        collectionDefinition, null).getResource();
            } catch (DocumentClientException e) {
                // TODO: Something has gone terribly wrong - the app wasn't
                // able to query or create the collection.
                // Verify your connection, endpoint, and key.

    return collectionCache;
