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Java Font.getColor方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.lowagie.text.Font.getColor方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Font.getColor方法的具体用法?Java Font.getColor怎么用?Java Font.getColor使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在com.lowagie.text.Font的用法示例。


示例1: get

import com.lowagie.text.Font; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Gets a chunk with a symbol character.
 * @param e a symbol value (see Entities class: alfa is greek alfa,...)
 * @param font the font if the symbol isn't found (otherwise Font.SYMBOL)
 * @return a Chunk
public static Chunk get(String e, Font font) {
    char s = getCorrespondingSymbol(e);
    if (s == (char)0) {
        try {
            return new Chunk(String.valueOf((char)Integer.parseInt(e)), font);
        catch(Exception exception) {
            return new Chunk(e, font);
    Font symbol = new Font(Font.SYMBOL, font.getSize(), font.getStyle(), font.getColor());
    return new Chunk(String.valueOf(s), symbol);

示例2: addFont

import com.lowagie.text.Font; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Adds a <CODE>Font</CODE> to be searched for valid characters.
 * @param font the <CODE>Font</CODE>
public void addFont(Font font) {
    if (font.getBaseFont() != null) {
    BaseFont bf = font.getCalculatedBaseFont(true);
    Font f2 = new Font(bf, font.getSize(), font.getCalculatedStyle(), font.getColor());

示例3: difference

import com.lowagie.text.Font; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Replaces the attributes that are equal to <VAR>null</VAR> with
 * the attributes of a given font.
 * @param font The surrounding font
 * @return A RtfFont
public Font difference(Font font) {
    String dFamilyname = font.getFamilyname();
    if(dFamilyname == null || dFamilyname.trim().equals("") || dFamilyname.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("unknown")) {
        dFamilyname = this.fontName;

    float dSize = font.getSize();
    if(dSize == Font.UNDEFINED) {
        dSize = this.getSize();

    int dStyle = Font.UNDEFINED;
    if(this.getStyle() != Font.UNDEFINED && font.getStyle() != Font.UNDEFINED) {
        dStyle = this.getStyle() | font.getStyle();
    } else if(this.getStyle() != Font.UNDEFINED) {
        dStyle = this.getStyle();
    } else if(font.getStyle() != Font.UNDEFINED) {
        dStyle = font.getStyle();

    Color dColor = font.getColor();
    if(dColor == null) {
        dColor = this.getColor();
    int dCharset = this.charset;
    if(font instanceof RtfFont) {
        dCharset = ((RtfFont) font).getCharset();
    return new RtfFont(dFamilyname, dSize, dStyle, dColor, dCharset);

示例4: write

import com.lowagie.text.Font; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Writes the representation of a <CODE>Font</CODE>.
 * @param font              a <CODE>Font</CODE>
 * @param styleAttributes   the style of the font
 * @throws IOException

protected void write(Font font, Properties styleAttributes) throws IOException {
    if (font == null || !isOtherFont(font) /* || styleAttributes == null*/) return;
    write(" ");
    if (styleAttributes != null) {
        String key;
        for (Enumeration e = styleAttributes.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
            key = (String)e.nextElement();
            writeCssProperty(key, styleAttributes.getProperty(key));
    if (isOtherFont(font)) {
        writeCssProperty(Markup.CSS_KEY_FONTFAMILY, font.getFamilyname());
        if (font.getSize() != Font.UNDEFINED) {
            writeCssProperty(Markup.CSS_KEY_FONTSIZE, font.getSize() + "pt");
        if (font.getColor() != null) {
            writeCssProperty(Markup.CSS_KEY_COLOR, HtmlEncoder.encode(font.getColor()));
        int fontstyle = font.getStyle();
        BaseFont bf = font.getBaseFont();
        if (bf != null) {
            String ps = bf.getPostscriptFontName().toLowerCase();
            if (ps.indexOf("bold") >= 0) {
                if (fontstyle == Font.UNDEFINED)
                    fontstyle = 0;
                fontstyle |= Font.BOLD;
            if (ps.indexOf("italic") >= 0 || ps.indexOf("oblique") >= 0) {
                if (fontstyle == Font.UNDEFINED)
                    fontstyle = 0;
                fontstyle |= Font.ITALIC;
        if (fontstyle != Font.UNDEFINED && fontstyle != Font.NORMAL) {
            switch (fontstyle & Font.BOLDITALIC) {
                case Font.BOLD:
                    writeCssProperty(Markup.CSS_KEY_FONTWEIGHT, Markup.CSS_VALUE_BOLD);
                case Font.ITALIC:
                    writeCssProperty(Markup.CSS_KEY_FONTSTYLE, Markup.CSS_VALUE_ITALIC);
                case Font.BOLDITALIC:
                    writeCssProperty(Markup.CSS_KEY_FONTWEIGHT, Markup.CSS_VALUE_BOLD);
                    writeCssProperty(Markup.CSS_KEY_FONTSTYLE, Markup.CSS_VALUE_ITALIC);
            // CSS only supports one decoration tag so if both are specified
            // only one of the two will display
            if ((fontstyle & Font.UNDERLINE) > 0) {
                writeCssProperty(Markup.CSS_KEY_TEXTDECORATION, Markup.CSS_VALUE_UNDERLINE);
            if ((fontstyle & Font.STRIKETHRU) > 0) {
                writeCssProperty(Markup.CSS_KEY_TEXTDECORATION, Markup.CSS_VALUE_LINETHROUGH);
