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Java Vector3f.cross方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.jme.math.Vector3f.cross方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Vector3f.cross方法的具体用法?Java Vector3f.cross怎么用?Java Vector3f.cross使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在com.jme.math.Vector3f的用法示例。


示例1: getCurrentPlacemark

import com.jme.math.Vector3f; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Returns a Placemark that represents the current position of the avatar.
private Placemark getCurrentPlacemark(ServerSessionManager sessionManager) {
    // Fetch the current translation of the avatar and the (x, y, z) of its
    // position
    ViewManager manager = ViewManager.getViewManager();
    ViewCell viewCell = manager.getPrimaryViewCell();
    CellTransform viewTransform = viewCell.getWorldTransform();
    Vector3f location = viewTransform.getTranslation(null);
    float x = location.x;
    float y = location.y;
    float z = location.z;

    // Find out what the URL to the server is
    String url = sessionManager.getServerURL();

    // Compute the current look angle, as degrees from the +x axis, ignoring
    // any look in the y-axis.
    Quaternion viewRotation = viewTransform.getRotation(null);

    Vector3f v1 = new Vector3f(0, 0, 1);
    Vector3f normal = new Vector3f(0, 1, 0);
    Vector3f v2 = viewRotation.mult(v1);

    // Compute the signed angle between v1 and v2. We do this with the
    // following formula: angle = atan2(normal dot (v1 cross v2), v1 dot v2)
    float dotProduct = v1.dot(v2);
    Vector3f crossProduct = v1.cross(v2);
    float lookAngle = (float) Math.atan2(normal.dot(crossProduct), dotProduct);
    lookAngle = (float) Math.toDegrees(lookAngle);

    return new Placemark("", url, x, y, z, lookAngle);

示例2: computeViewPlatformTransform

import com.jme.math.Vector3f; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Compute and return the View Platform Transform3D give the users position, direction and up
public static Matrix4f computeViewPlatformTransform(Vector3f userPosition, Vector3f direction, Vector3f up) {        
    Matrix4f mat = new Matrix4f();
    Vector3f axisX = new Vector3f();
    Vector3f axisY = new Vector3f();
    Vector3f axisZ = new Vector3f(direction);

    axisX.cross(up, axisZ);

    axisY.cross(axisZ, axisX);
    mat.m00 = axisX.x;
    mat.m10 = axisX.y;
    mat.m20 = axisX.z;
    mat.m30 = 0.0f;

    mat.m01 = axisY.x;
    mat.m11 = axisY.y;
    mat.m21 = axisY.z;
    mat.m31 = 0.0f;

    mat.m02 = axisZ.x;
    mat.m12 = axisZ.y;
    mat.m22 = axisZ.z;
    mat.m32 = 0.0f;
    mat.m03 = userPosition.x;
    mat.m13 = userPosition.y;
    mat.m23 = userPosition.z;
    mat.m33 = 1.0f;

    return mat;

示例3: project

import com.jme.math.Vector3f; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Project a vector onto a plane (define by the normal Normal)
 * Inputs are assumed to be normalized. If the normal equals the vector (or very nearly does), return false, and set store to zero.
 * @param vector
 * @param normal
 * @param store The (normalized) projection
 * @return
private boolean project(Vector3f vector, Vector3f normal, Vector3f store) {
	//take the zero vector, project it into the plane, and normalize
	//A || B = B x (AxB / |B|) / |B| projection of a vector A onto a plane with normal B. NOTE: division happens AFTER crossing
	//See: http://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/elements/plane/lineOnPlane/index.htm
	//assuming normalized inputs, we can skip some steps...
		return false;
				return false;
			return true;
//	worldZeroVector =(orientation.getDirection().cross( worldZeroVector));//.cross(orientation.getDirection()));
//	worldZeroVector.set( orientation.getDirection().cross(worldZeroVector.cross(orientation.getDirection()))).normalizeLocal();


示例4: performAction

import com.jme.math.Vector3f; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * <code>performAction</code> rotates the camera a certain angle.
 * @see com.jme.input.action.KeyInputAction#performAction(InputActionEvent)
public void performAction(InputActionEvent evt) {
     float x_l,y_l,z_l;
     float xo,zo;
    DisplaySystem display = DisplaySystem.getDisplaySystem();
    // Detecta centro deslocado do foco de aten�ao
    Vector2f mouse_xy = new Vector2f(512,384);
    Vector3f worldCoords = display.getWorldCoordinates(mouse_xy, 0);
    Vector3f worldCoords2 = display.getWorldCoordinates(mouse_xy, 1);
    Vector3f direction = worldCoords2.subtractLocal(worldCoords).normalizeLocal();
    Ray mouseRay = new Ray(worldCoords, direction);
    float planeY = 0;
    float startY = mouseRay.origin.y;
    float endY = mouseRay.direction.y;
    float coef = (planeY - startY) / endY;
    y_l = camera.getLocation().y;
    if (y_l != 0) {
        xo = mouseRay.origin.x + (coef * mouseRay.direction.x);
        zo = mouseRay.origin.z + (coef * mouseRay.direction.z); 
    else {
        xo = xoo;
        zo = zoo;
    xoo = xo;
    zoo = zo;
    // Detecta circunferencia sobre o centro deslocado
    x_l = camera.getLocation().x-xo;
    z_l = camera.getLocation().z-zo;
    float L = (float) Math.sqrt( x_l * x_l + z_l * z_l);
    float ang = (float)Math.atan2(z_l, x_l);
    //ang += 1f/180f * Math.PI;
    if (y_l < -10 || y_l > 10)
        y_l -= 0.5;
    else y_l -= 0.1;
    //System.out.println("y:"+y_l+" L:"+L);
    x_l = (float)(L*Math.cos(ang))+xo;
    z_l = (float)(L*Math.sin(ang))+zo;
    //System.out.println("xo:"+xo+" zo:"+zo+" x:"+x_l+" z:"+z_l);
    Vector3f newlocation = new Vector3f(x_l,y_l,z_l);
    //camera.lookAt(new Vector3f(planeX,0,planeZ), new Vector3f(0,1f,0));
    Vector3f focusofattention = new Vector3f(xo,0,zo);
    Vector3f newdirection = focusofattention.subtract(newlocation);
    //System.out.println("newdirection(antes de normalizar):"+newdirection);
    newdirection = newdirection.normalize();
    Vector3f tangent = new Vector3f((float)(L*Math.cos(ang+Math.PI/2)+xo),y_l,(float)(L*Math.sin(ang+Math.PI/2)+zo));
    Vector3f centerhigh = new Vector3f(xo,y_l,zo);
    Vector3f newleft = tangent.subtract(centerhigh);
    //System.out.println("newleft(antes de normalizar:"+newleft);
    newleft = newleft.normalize();
    Vector3f newup = newdirection.cross(newleft);
    newup = newup.normalize();
    //System.out.println("xd:"+camera.getLocation().x+" yd:"+camera.getLocation().y+" zd:"+camera.getLocation().z);

示例5: performAction

import com.jme.math.Vector3f; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
     * <code>performAction</code> rotates the camera a certain angle.
     * @see com.jme.input.action.KeyInputAction#performAction(InputActionEvent)
    public void performAction(InputActionEvent evt) {
//        if (lockAxis == null) {
//            incr.fromAngleNormalAxis(-speed * evt.getTime(), camera.getUp());
//        } else {
//            incr.fromAngleNormalAxis(-speed * evt.getTime(), lockAxis);
//        }
//        incr.mult(camera.getUp(), camera.getUp());
//        incr.mult(camera.getLeft(), camera.getLeft());
//        incr.mult(camera.getDirection(), camera.getDirection());
//        camera.normalize();
        float x_l,y_l,z_l;
        DisplaySystem display = DisplaySystem.getDisplaySystem();
        // Detecta centro deslocado do foco de aten�ao
        Vector2f mouse_xy = new Vector2f(512,384);
        Vector3f worldCoords = display.getWorldCoordinates(mouse_xy, 0);
        Vector3f worldCoords2 = display.getWorldCoordinates(mouse_xy, 1);
        Vector3f direction = worldCoords2.subtractLocal(worldCoords).normalizeLocal();
        Ray mouseRay = new Ray(worldCoords, direction);
        float planeY = 0;
        float startY = mouseRay.origin.y;
        float endY = mouseRay.direction.y;
        float coef = (planeY - startY) / endY;
        float xo = mouseRay.origin.x + (coef * mouseRay.direction.x);
        float zo = mouseRay.origin.z + (coef * mouseRay.direction.z); 
        // Detecta circunferencia sobre o centro deslocado
        x_l = camera.getLocation().x-xo;
        y_l = camera.getLocation().y;
        z_l = camera.getLocation().z-zo;
        float L = (float) Math.sqrt( x_l * x_l + z_l * z_l);
        float ang = (float)Math.atan2(z_l, x_l);
        ang -= 1f/180f * Math.PI;
        //System.out.println("y:"+y_l+" L:"+L);
        x_l = (float)(L*Math.cos(ang))+xo;
        z_l = (float)(L*Math.sin(ang))+zo;
        //System.out.println("xo:"+xo+" zo:"+zo+" x:"+x_l+" z:"+z_l);
        Vector3f newlocation2 = new Vector3f(x_l,y_l,z_l);
        //camera.lookAt(new Vector3f(planeX,0,planeZ), new Vector3f(0,1f,0));
        Vector3f focusofattention = new Vector3f(xo,0,zo);
        Vector3f newdirection = focusofattention.subtract(newlocation2);
        //System.out.println("newdirection(antes de normalizar):"+newdirection);
        newdirection = newdirection.normalize();
        Vector3f tangent = new Vector3f((float)(L*Math.cos(ang+Math.PI/2)+xo),y_l,(float)(L*Math.sin(ang+Math.PI/2)+zo));
        Vector3f centerhigh = new Vector3f(xo,y_l,zo);
        Vector3f newleft = tangent.subtract(centerhigh);
        //System.out.println("newleft(antes de normalizar:"+newleft);
        newleft = newleft.normalize();
        Vector3f newup = newdirection.cross(newleft);
        newup = newup.normalize();
        //System.out.println("xd:"+camera.getLocation().x+" yd:"+camera.getLocation().y+" zd:"+camera.getLocation().z);

示例6: performAction

import com.jme.math.Vector3f; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
     * <code>performAction</code> rotates the camera a certain angle.
     * @see com.jme.input.action.KeyInputAction#performAction(InputActionEvent)
    public void performAction(InputActionEvent evt) {
//        if (lockAxis == null) {
//            incr.fromAngleNormalAxis(-speed * evt.getTime(), camera.getUp());
//        } else {
//            incr.fromAngleNormalAxis(-speed * evt.getTime(), lockAxis);
//        }
//        incr.mult(camera.getUp(), camera.getUp());
//        incr.mult(camera.getLeft(), camera.getLeft());
//        incr.mult(camera.getDirection(), camera.getDirection());
//        camera.normalize();
        float x_l,y_l,z_l;
        DisplaySystem display = DisplaySystem.getDisplaySystem();
        // Detecta centro deslocado do foco de aten�ao
        Vector2f mouse_xy = new Vector2f(512,384);
        Vector3f worldCoords = display.getWorldCoordinates(mouse_xy, 0);
        Vector3f worldCoords2 = display.getWorldCoordinates(mouse_xy, 1);
        Vector3f direction = worldCoords2.subtractLocal(worldCoords).normalizeLocal();
        Ray mouseRay = new Ray(worldCoords, direction);
        float planeY = 0;
        float startY = mouseRay.origin.y;
        float endY = mouseRay.direction.y;
        float coef = (planeY - startY) / endY;
        float xo = mouseRay.origin.x + (coef * mouseRay.direction.x);
        float zo = mouseRay.origin.z + (coef * mouseRay.direction.z); 
        // Detecta circunferencia sobre o centro deslocado
        x_l = camera.getLocation().x-xo;
        y_l = camera.getLocation().y;
        z_l = camera.getLocation().z-zo;
        float L = (float) Math.sqrt( x_l * x_l + z_l * z_l);
        float ang = (float)Math.atan2(z_l, x_l);
        ang -= 1f/180f * Math.PI;
        //System.out.println("y:"+y_l+" L:"+L);
        x_l = (float)(L*Math.cos(ang))+xo;
        z_l = (float)(L*Math.sin(ang))+zo;
        //System.out.println("xo:"+xo+" zo:"+zo+" x:"+x_l+" z:"+z_l);
        Vector3f newlocation2 = new Vector3f(x_l,y_l,z_l);
        //camera.lookAt(new Vector3f(planeX,0,planeZ), new Vector3f(0,1f,0));
        Vector3f focusofattention = new Vector3f(xo,0,zo);
        Vector3f newdirection = focusofattention.subtract(newlocation2);
        //System.out.println("newdirection(antes de normalizar):"+newdirection);
        newdirection = newdirection.normalize();
        Vector3f tangent = new Vector3f((float)(L*Math.cos(ang+Math.PI/2)+xo),y_l,(float)(L*Math.sin(ang+Math.PI/2)+zo));
        Vector3f centerhigh = new Vector3f(xo,y_l,zo);
        Vector3f newleft = tangent.subtract(centerhigh);
        //System.out.println("newleft(antes de normalizar:"+newleft);
        newleft = newleft.normalize();
        Vector3f newup = newdirection.cross(newleft);
        newup = newup.normalize();
        //System.out.println("xd:"+camera.getLocation().x+" yd:"+camera.getLocation().y+" zd:"+camera.getLocation().z);

示例7: performAction

import com.jme.math.Vector3f; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * <code>performAction</code> rotates the camera a certain angle.
 * @see com.jme.input.action.KeyInputAction#performAction(InputActionEvent)
public void performAction(InputActionEvent evt) {
     float x_l,y_l,z_l;
     float xo,zo;
    DisplaySystem display = DisplaySystem.getDisplaySystem();
    // Detecta centro deslocado do foco de aten�ao
    Vector2f mouse_xy = new Vector2f(512,384);
    Vector3f worldCoords = display.getWorldCoordinates(mouse_xy, 0);
    Vector3f worldCoords2 = display.getWorldCoordinates(mouse_xy, 1);
    Vector3f direction = worldCoords2.subtractLocal(worldCoords).normalizeLocal();
    Ray mouseRay = new Ray(worldCoords, direction);
    float planeY = 0;
    float startY = mouseRay.origin.y;
    float endY = mouseRay.direction.y;
    float coef = (planeY - startY) / endY;
    y_l = camera.getLocation().y;
    if (y_l != 0) {
      xo = mouseRay.origin.x + (coef * mouseRay.direction.x);
      zo = mouseRay.origin.z + (coef * mouseRay.direction.z); 
    else {
      xo = xoo;
      zo = zoo;
    xoo = xo;
    zoo = zo;
    // Detecta circunferencia sobre o centro deslocado
    x_l = camera.getLocation().x-xo;
    z_l = camera.getLocation().z-zo;
    float L = (float) Math.sqrt( x_l * x_l + z_l * z_l);
    float ang = (float)Math.atan2(z_l, x_l);
    //ang += 1f/180f * Math.PI;
    //System.out.println("y:"+y_l+" L:"+L);
    x_l = (float)(L*Math.cos(ang))+xo;
    z_l = (float)(L*Math.sin(ang))+zo;
    if (y_l < -10 || y_l > 10)
       y_l += 0.5;
    else y_l  += 0.1;
    //System.out.println("xo:"+xo+" zo:"+zo+" x:"+x_l+" z:"+z_l);
    Vector3f newlocation = new Vector3f(x_l,y_l,z_l);
    //camera.lookAt(new Vector3f(planeX,0,planeZ), new Vector3f(0,1f,0));
    Vector3f focusofattention = new Vector3f(xo,0,zo);
    Vector3f newdirection = focusofattention.subtract(newlocation);
    //System.out.println("newdirection(antes de normalizar):"+newdirection);
    newdirection = newdirection.normalize();
    Vector3f tangent = new Vector3f((float)(L*Math.cos(ang+Math.PI/2)+xo),y_l,(float)(L*Math.sin(ang+Math.PI/2)+zo));
    Vector3f centerhigh = new Vector3f(xo,y_l,zo);
    Vector3f newleft = tangent.subtract(centerhigh);
    //System.out.println("newleft(antes de normalizar:"+newleft);
    newleft = newleft.normalize();
    Vector3f newup = newdirection.cross(newleft);
    newup = newup.normalize();
    //System.out.println("xd:"+camera.getLocation().x+" yd:"+camera.getLocation().y+" zd:"+camera.getLocation().z);

示例8: performAction

import com.jme.math.Vector3f; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
     * <code>performAction</code> rotates the camera a certain angle.
     * @see com.jme.input.action.KeyInputAction#performAction(InputActionEvent)
    public void performAction(InputActionEvent evt) {
//        if (lockAxis == null) {
//            incr.fromAngleNormalAxis(speed * evt.getTime(), camera.getUp());
//        } else {
//            incr.fromAngleNormalAxis(speed * evt.getTime(), lockAxis);
//        }
//        incr.mult(camera.getUp(), camera.getUp());
//        incr.mult(camera.getLeft(), camera.getLeft());
//        incr.mult(camera.getDirection(), camera.getDirection());
//        camera.normalize();
         float x_l,y_l,z_l;
        DisplaySystem display = DisplaySystem.getDisplaySystem();
        // Detecta centro deslocado do foco de aten�ao
        Vector2f mouse_xy = new Vector2f(512,384);
        Vector3f worldCoords = display.getWorldCoordinates(mouse_xy, 0);
        Vector3f worldCoords2 = display.getWorldCoordinates(mouse_xy, 1);
        Vector3f direction = worldCoords2.subtractLocal(worldCoords).normalizeLocal();
        Ray mouseRay = new Ray(worldCoords, direction);
        float planeY = 0;
        float startY = mouseRay.origin.y;
        float endY = mouseRay.direction.y;
        float coef = (planeY - startY) / endY;
        float xo = mouseRay.origin.x + (coef * mouseRay.direction.x);
        float zo = mouseRay.origin.z + (coef * mouseRay.direction.z); 
        // Detecta circunferencia sobre o centro deslocado
        x_l = camera.getLocation().x-xo;
        y_l = camera.getLocation().y;
        z_l = camera.getLocation().z-zo;
        float L = (float) Math.sqrt( x_l * x_l + z_l * z_l);
        float ang = (float)Math.atan2(z_l, x_l);
        ang += 1f/180f * Math.PI;
        //System.out.println("y:"+y_l+" L:"+L);
        x_l = (float)(L*Math.cos(ang))+xo;
        z_l = (float)(L*Math.sin(ang))+zo;
        //System.out.println("xo:"+xo+" zo:"+zo+" x:"+x_l+" z:"+z_l);
        Vector3f newlocation = new Vector3f(x_l,y_l,z_l);
        //camera.lookAt(new Vector3f(planeX,0,planeZ), new Vector3f(0,1f,0));
        Vector3f focusofattention = new Vector3f(xo,0,zo);
        Vector3f newdirection = focusofattention.subtract(newlocation);
        //System.out.println("newdirection(antes de normalizar):"+newdirection);
        newdirection = newdirection.normalize();
        Vector3f tangent = new Vector3f((float)(L*Math.cos(ang+Math.PI/2)+xo),y_l,(float)(L*Math.sin(ang+Math.PI/2)+zo));
        Vector3f centerhigh = new Vector3f(xo,y_l,zo);
        Vector3f newleft = tangent.subtract(centerhigh);
        //System.out.println("newleft(antes de normalizar:"+newleft);
        newleft = newleft.normalize();
        Vector3f newup = newdirection.cross(newleft);
        newup = newup.normalize();
        //System.out.println("xd:"+camera.getLocation().x+" yd:"+camera.getLocation().y+" zd:"+camera.getLocation().z);

示例9: performAction

import com.jme.math.Vector3f; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void performAction(InputActionEvent evt) {
    float x_l,y_l,z_l;
    DisplaySystem display = DisplaySystem.getDisplaySystem();
    // Detecta centro deslocado do foco de aten�ao
    Vector2f mouse_xy = new Vector2f(512,384);
    Vector3f worldCoords = display.getWorldCoordinates(mouse_xy, 0);
    Vector3f worldCoords2 = display.getWorldCoordinates(mouse_xy, 1);
    Vector3f direction = worldCoords2.subtractLocal(worldCoords).normalizeLocal();
    Ray mouseRay = new Ray(worldCoords, direction);
    float planeY = 0;
    float startY = mouseRay.origin.y;
    float endY = mouseRay.direction.y;
    float coef = (planeY - startY) / endY;
    float xo = mouseRay.origin.x + (coef * mouseRay.direction.x);
    float zo = mouseRay.origin.z + (coef * mouseRay.direction.z); 
    // Detecta circunferencia sobre o centro deslocado
    x_l = camera.getLocation().x-xo;
    y_l = camera.getLocation().y;
    z_l = camera.getLocation().z-zo;
    float L = (float) Math.sqrt( x_l * x_l + z_l * z_l);
    float ang = (float)Math.atan2(z_l, x_l);
    ang += 1f/180f * Math.PI;
    //System.out.println("y:"+y_l+" L:"+L);
    x_l = (float)(L*Math.cos(ang))+xo;
    z_l = (float)(L*Math.sin(ang))+zo;
    //System.out.println("xo:"+xo+" zo:"+zo+" x:"+x_l+" z:"+z_l);
    Vector3f newlocation = new Vector3f(x_l,y_l,z_l);
    //camera.lookAt(new Vector3f(planeX,0,planeZ), new Vector3f(0,1f,0));
    Vector3f focusofattention = new Vector3f(xo,0,zo);
    Vector3f newdirection = focusofattention.subtract(newlocation);
    //System.out.println("newdirection(antes de normalizar):"+newdirection);
    newdirection = newdirection.normalize();
    Vector3f tangent = new Vector3f((float)(L*Math.cos(ang+Math.PI/2)+xo),y_l,(float)(L*Math.sin(ang+Math.PI/2)+zo));
    Vector3f centerhigh = new Vector3f(xo,y_l,zo);
    Vector3f newleft = tangent.subtract(centerhigh);
    //System.out.println("newleft(antes de normalizar:"+newleft);
    newleft = newleft.normalize();
    Vector3f newup = newdirection.cross(newleft);
    newup = newup.normalize();
    //System.out.println("xd:"+camera.getLocation().x+" yd:"+camera.getLocation().y+" zd:"+camera.getLocation().z);

示例10: Orientation

import com.jme.math.Vector3f; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public Orientation(Vector3f direction, Vector3f horizontal)
	this.direction = direction;
	this.horizontal = horizontal;
	this.vertical = direction.cross(horizontal);

示例11: pointLineDistance

import com.jme.math.Vector3f; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Calculates the distance of a point from a line.
 * <p><code>
 *    x1----------------------------x2 <br>
 *                  |               <br>
 *                  | distance      <br>
 *                  |               <br>
 *                 point            <br>
 * </code>
 * <p>
 * The formula is <br>
 * <code>
 *      d = |(x2-x1) x (x1-p)| <br>
 *          ------------------ <br>
 *              |x2-x1|        <br>
 * </code>
 * Where p=point, lineStart=x1, lineEnd=x2
public static float pointLineDistance( final Vector3f lineStart, 
                                       final Vector3f lineEnd, 
                                       final Vector3f point ) {
    Vector3f a = new Vector3f(lineEnd);
    Vector3f b = new Vector3f(lineStart);
    Vector3f cross = new Vector3f();
    return cross.length()/a.length();
