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Java Utilities.isNycOrAbove方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中com.android.launcher3.Utilities.isNycOrAbove方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Utilities.isNycOrAbove方法的具体用法?Java Utilities.isNycOrAbove怎么用?Java Utilities.isNycOrAbove使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在com.android.launcher3.Utilities的用法示例。


示例1: getInstance

import com.android.launcher3.Utilities; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static UserManagerCompat getInstance(Context context) {
    synchronized (sInstanceLock) {
        if (sInstance == null) {
            if (Utilities.isNycMR1OrAbove()) {
                sInstance = new UserManagerCompatVNMr1(context.getApplicationContext());
            } else if (Utilities.isNycOrAbove()) {
                sInstance = new UserManagerCompatVN(context.getApplicationContext());
            } else if (Utilities.ATLEAST_MARSHMALLOW) {
                sInstance = new UserManagerCompatVM(context.getApplicationContext());
            } else if (Utilities.ATLEAST_LOLLIPOP) {
                sInstance = new UserManagerCompatVL(context.getApplicationContext());
            } else if (Utilities.ATLEAST_JB_MR1) {
                sInstance = new UserManagerCompatV17(context.getApplicationContext());
            } else {
                sInstance = new UserManagerCompatV16();
        return sInstance;

示例2: hasWallpaperIdChanged

import com.android.launcher3.Utilities; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private static boolean hasWallpaperIdChanged(Context context) {
    if (!Utilities.isNycOrAbove()) {
        // TODO: update an id in sharedprefs in onWallpaperChanged broadcast, and read it here.
        return false;
    final SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = Utilities.getPrefs(context);
    int wallpaperId = getWallpaperId(WallpaperManager.getInstance(context));
    int savedWallpaperId = sharedPrefs.getInt(ExtractionUtils.WALLPAPER_ID_PREFERENCE_KEY, -1);
    return wallpaperId != savedWallpaperId;

示例3: executeCropTaskAfterPrompt

import com.android.launcher3.Utilities; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Calls cropTask.execute(), once the user has selected which wallpaper to set. On pre-N
 * devices, the prompt is not displayed since there is no API to set the lockscreen wallpaper.
 * <p>
 * TODO: Don't use CropAndSetWallpaperTask on N+, because the new API will handle cropping instead.
public static void executeCropTaskAfterPrompt(
        Context context, final AsyncTask<Integer, ?, ?> cropTask,
        DialogInterface.OnCancelListener onCancelListener) {
    if (Utilities.isNycOrAbove()) {
        new AlertDialog.Builder(context)
                .setItems(R.array.which_wallpaper_options, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int selectedItemIndex) {
                        int whichWallpaper;
                        if (selectedItemIndex == 0) {
                            whichWallpaper = WallpaperManagerCompat.FLAG_SET_SYSTEM;
                        } else if (selectedItemIndex == 1) {
                            whichWallpaper = WallpaperManagerCompat.FLAG_SET_LOCK;
                        } else {
                            whichWallpaper = WallpaperManagerCompat.FLAG_SET_SYSTEM
                                    | WallpaperManagerCompat.FLAG_SET_LOCK;
    } else {

示例4: getInstance

import com.android.launcher3.Utilities; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static WallpaperManagerCompat getInstance(Context context) {
    synchronized (sInstanceLock) {
        if (sInstance == null) {
            if (Utilities.isNycOrAbove()) {
                sInstance = new WallpaperManagerCompatVN(context.getApplicationContext());
            } else {
                sInstance = new WallpaperManagerCompatV16(context.getApplicationContext());
        return sInstance;

示例5: handleSystemDragStart

import com.android.launcher3.Utilities; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
private void handleSystemDragStart(DragEvent event) {
    if (!FeatureFlags.LAUNCHER3_USE_SYSTEM_DRAG_DRIVER || !Utilities.isNycOrAbove()) {
    if (mLauncher.isWorkspaceLocked()) {

    ClipDescription description = event.getClipDescription();
    if (!description.hasMimeType(ClipDescription.MIMETYPE_TEXT_INTENT)) {
    ShortcutInfo info = new ShortcutInfo();
    // Set a dummy intent until we get the final value
    info.intent = new Intent();

    // Since we are not going through the workspace for starting the drag, set drag related
    // information on the workspace before starting the drag.
    ExternalDragPreviewProvider previewProvider =
            new ExternalDragPreviewProvider(mLauncher, info);

    DragOptions options = new DragOptions();
    options.systemDndStartPoint = new Point((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY());

    int halfPadding = previewProvider.previewPadding / 2;
            Bitmap.createBitmap(1, 1, Config.ARGB_8888),
            0, 0,
            new AnotherWindowDragSource(mLauncher), info,
            new Point(- halfPadding, halfPadding),
            previewProvider.getPreviewBounds(), 1f, options);

示例6: create

import com.android.launcher3.Utilities; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static DragDriver create(Context context, DragController dragController,
        DragObject dragObject, DragOptions options) {
    if (Utilities.isNycOrAbove() && options.systemDndStartPoint != null) {
        return new SystemDragDriver(dragController, context, dragObject);
    } else {
        return new InternalDragDriver(dragController);

示例7: isAppSuspended

import com.android.launcher3.Utilities; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public static boolean isAppSuspended(ApplicationInfo info) {
    // The value of FLAG_SUSPENDED was reused by a hidden constant
    // ApplicationInfo.FLAG_PRIVILEGED prior to N, so only check for suspended flag on N
    // or later.
    if (Utilities.isNycOrAbove()) {
        return (info.flags & FLAG_SUSPENDED) != 0;
    } else {
        return false;
