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Java ImageView.getRight方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中android.widget.ImageView.getRight方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java ImageView.getRight方法的具体用法?Java ImageView.getRight怎么用?Java ImageView.getRight使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在android.widget.ImageView的用法示例。


示例1: onDraw

import android.widget.ImageView; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
  int count = mIconsLayout.getChildCount();
  ImageView v = (ImageView) mIconsLayout.getChildAt(mSelectedIndex);
  final int bottom = v.getHeight();
  final int top = bottom - mIndicatorHeight;
  int left = v.getLeft();
  int right = v.getRight();

  if (mSelectedIndex + 1 < count) {
    View nextIcon = mIconsLayout.getChildAt(mSelectedIndex + 1);
    left = (int) (mSelectionOffset * nextIcon.getLeft() +
        (1.0f - mSelectionOffset) * left);
    right = (int) (mSelectionOffset * nextIcon.getRight() +
        (1.0f - mSelectionOffset) * right);

  canvas.drawRect(left, top, right, bottom, mIndicatorPaint);

示例2: onGlobalLayout

import android.widget.ImageView; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void onGlobalLayout() {
    ImageView imageView = this.getImageView();
    if(null != imageView) {
        if(this.mZoomEnabled) {
            int top = imageView.getTop();
            int right = imageView.getRight();
            int bottom = imageView.getBottom();
            int left = imageView.getLeft();
            if(top != this.mIvTop || bottom != this.mIvBottom || left != this.mIvLeft || right != this.mIvRight) {
                this.mIvTop = top;
                this.mIvRight = right;
                this.mIvBottom = bottom;
                this.mIvLeft = left;
        } else {


示例3: onGlobalLayout

import android.widget.ImageView; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void onGlobalLayout() {
    ImageView imageView = getImageView();
    if (imageView == null) {
    if (this.mZoomEnabled) {
        int top = imageView.getTop();
        int right = imageView.getRight();
        int bottom = imageView.getBottom();
        int left = imageView.getLeft();
        if (top != this.mIvTop || bottom != this.mIvBottom || left != this.mIvLeft || right != this.mIvRight) {
            this.mIvTop = top;
            this.mIvRight = right;
            this.mIvBottom = bottom;
            this.mIvLeft = left;

示例4: onGlobalLayout

import android.widget.ImageView; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public void onGlobalLayout() {
    ImageView imageView = getImageView();

    if (null != imageView) {
        if (mZoomEnabled) {
            final int top = imageView.getTop();
            final int right = imageView.getRight();
            final int bottom = imageView.getBottom();
            final int left = imageView.getLeft();

             * We need to check whether the ImageView's bounds have changed.
             * This would be easier if we targeted API 11+ as we could just use
             * View.OnLayoutChangeListener. Instead we have to replicate the
             * work, keeping track of the ImageView's bounds and then checking
             * if the values change.
            if (top != mIvTop || bottom != mIvBottom || left != mIvLeft
                    || right != mIvRight) {
                // Update our base matrix, as the bounds have changed

                // Update values as something has changed
                mIvTop = top;
                mIvRight = right;
                mIvBottom = bottom;
                mIvLeft = left;
        } else {

示例5: onGlobalLayout

import android.widget.ImageView; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public final void onGlobalLayout() {
	ImageView imageView = getImageView();

	if (null != imageView && mZoomEnabled) {
		final int top = imageView.getTop();
		final int right = imageView.getRight();
		final int bottom = imageView.getBottom();
		final int left = imageView.getLeft();

		 * We need to check whether the ImageView's bounds have changed.
		 * This would be easier if we targeted API 11+ as we could just use
		 * View.OnLayoutChangeListener. Instead we have to replicate the
		 * work, keeping track of the ImageView's bounds and then checking
		 * if the values change.
		if (top != mIvTop || bottom != mIvBottom || left != mIvLeft
				|| right != mIvRight) {
			// Update our base matrix, as the bounds have changed

			// Update values as something has changed
			mIvTop = top;
			mIvRight = right;
			mIvBottom = bottom;
			mIvLeft = left;

示例6: onGlobalLayout

import android.widget.ImageView; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public final void onGlobalLayout() {
    ImageView imageView = getImageView();

    if (null != imageView && mZoomEnabled) {
        final int top = imageView.getTop();
        final int right = imageView.getRight();
        final int bottom = imageView.getBottom();
        final int left = imageView.getLeft();

         * We need to check whether the ImageView's bounds have changed.
         * This would be easier if we targeted API 11+ as we could just use
         * View.OnLayoutChangeListener. Instead we have to replicate the
         * work, keeping track of the ImageView's bounds and then checking
         * if the values change.
        if (top != mIvTop || bottom != mIvBottom || left != mIvLeft || right != mIvRight) {
            // Update our base matrix, as the bounds have changed

            // Update values as something has changed
            mIvTop = top;
            mIvRight = right;
            mIvBottom = bottom;
            mIvLeft = left;

示例7: onGlobalLayout

import android.widget.ImageView; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public final void onGlobalLayout() {
	ImageView imageView = getImageView();

	if (null != imageView && mZoomEnabled) {
		final int top = imageView.getTop();
		final int right = imageView.getRight();
		final int bottom = imageView.getBottom();
		final int left = imageView.getLeft();

		 * We need to check whether the ImageView's bounds have changed.
		 * This would be easier if we targeted API 11+ as we could just use
		 * View.OnLayoutChangeListener. Instead we have to replicate the
		 * work, keeping track of the ImageView's bounds and then checking
		 * if the values change.
		if (top != mIvTop || bottom != mIvBottom || left != mIvLeft || right != mIvRight) {
			// Update our base matrix, as the bounds have changed

			// Update values as something has changed
			mIvTop = top;
			mIvRight = right;
			mIvBottom = bottom;
			mIvLeft = left;

示例8: layoutImage

import android.widget.ImageView; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
void layoutImage(int i, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
    final ImageView view = imageViews[i];
    if (view.getLeft() == left && view.getTop() == top && view.getRight() == right
            && view.getBottom() == bottom) {

    view.layout(left, top, right, bottom);

示例9: onGlobalLayout

import android.widget.ImageView; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
public final void onGlobalLayout() {
    ImageView imageView = getImageView();

    if (null != imageView) {
        if (mZoomEnabled) {
            final int top = imageView.getTop();
            final int right = imageView.getRight();
            final int bottom = imageView.getBottom();
            final int left = imageView.getLeft();

             * We need to check whether the ImageView's bounds have changed.
             * This would be easier if we targeted API 11+ as we could just use
             * View.OnLayoutChangeListener. Instead we have to replicate the
             * work, keeping track of the ImageView's bounds and then checking
             * if the values change.
            if (top != mIvTop || bottom != mIvBottom || left != mIvLeft
                    || right != mIvRight) {
                // Update our base matrix, as the bounds have changed

                // Update values as something has changed
                mIvTop = top;
                mIvRight = right;
                mIvBottom = bottom;
                mIvLeft = left;
        } else {

示例10: getTranslationInBounds

import android.widget.ImageView; //导入方法依赖的package包/类
 * Given a proposed translation, this will check to ensure that (a) it will not translate the
 * drawable if it has not scaled to larger than the view dimensions and (b) it will not
 * translate the drawable edges back inside the view bounds if it has scaled larger than the
 * view dimensions.
 * @param translation the proposed translation
 * @param imageView   the view containing the drawable to translate
 * @param matrix      the matrix that is currently applied to the drawable
 * @return the proposed translation if satisfying all criteria, else a corrected version that
 * satisfies them.
private static PointF getTranslationInBounds(PointF translation,
                                             @Nullable ImageView imageView,
                                             @Nullable Matrix matrix) {
    if (imageView == null || imageView.getDrawable() == null || matrix == null) {
        return translation;

    RectF drawableBounds = new RectF(imageView.getDrawable().copyBounds());
    RectF viewBounds = new RectF(

    // Update the drawable bounds according to the current matrix

    PointF correctedTranslation = new PointF();
    if (drawableBounds.width() < viewBounds.width()) {
        // Don't allow additional translations if still within the view bounds
        correctedTranslation.x = 0;
    } else {
        // Don't translate more than the current spacing between the drawable and view edges
        if (translation.x > 0) {
            float leftGap = viewBounds.left - drawableBounds.left;
            correctedTranslation.x = translation.x < leftGap ? translation.x : leftGap;
        } else {
            float rightGap = viewBounds.right - drawableBounds.right;
            correctedTranslation.x = translation.x > rightGap ? translation.x : rightGap;

    if (drawableBounds.height() < viewBounds.height()) {
        // Don't allow additional translations if still within the view bounds
        correctedTranslation.y = 0;
    } else {
        // Don't translate more than the current spacing between the drawable and view edges
        if (translation.y > 0) {
            float topGap = viewBounds.top - drawableBounds.top;
            correctedTranslation.y = translation.y < topGap ? translation.y : topGap;
        } else {
            float bottomGap = viewBounds.bottom - drawableBounds.bottom;
            correctedTranslation.y = translation.y > bottomGap ? translation.y : bottomGap;

    return correctedTranslation;
