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Java SwingLazyValue类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中sun.swing.SwingLazyValue的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java SwingLazyValue类的具体用法?Java SwingLazyValue怎么用?Java SwingLazyValue使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: main

import sun.swing.SwingLazyValue; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    if(new SwingLazyValue("javax.swing.JTable$DoubleRenderer").
            createValue(null) == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("SwingLazyValue doesn't work");

示例2: setLazyValue

import sun.swing.SwingLazyValue; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void setLazyValue(Hashtable h, Class c, String s) {
    h.put(c, new SwingLazyValue(s));

示例3: initComponentDefaults

import sun.swing.SwingLazyValue; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Initializes WebLookAndFeel defaults (like default renderers, component borders and such).
 * This method will be called only in case WebLookAndFeel is installed through UIManager as current application LookAndFeel.
 * @param table UI defaults table
@SuppressWarnings ( "UnnecessaryBoxing" )
protected void initComponentDefaults ( final UIDefaults table )
    super.initComponentDefaults ( table );

    // Fonts
    //initializeFonts ( table );

    // JLabels
    final Color controlText = table.getColor ( "controlText" );
    table.put ( "Label.foreground", controlText );
    table.put ( "Label.disabledForeground", Color.gray );

    // JTextFields
    final Object textComponentBorder =
            new SwingLazyValue ( "javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource.LineBorderUIResource", new Object[]{ Color.gray } );
    table.put ( "TextField.border", textComponentBorder );

    // JTextAreas
    table.put ( "TextArea.border", textComponentBorder );

    // JEditorPanes
    table.put ( "EditorPane.border", textComponentBorder );

    // JTextPanes
    table.put ( "TextPane.border", textComponentBorder );

    // Option pane
    table.put ( "OptionPane.messageAreaBorder",
            new SwingLazyValue ( "javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource$EmptyBorderUIResource", new Object[]{ 0, 0, 5, 0 } ) );

    // HTML image icons

    // Scroll bars minimum size
   // table.put ( "ScrollBar.minimumThumbSize", new Dimension ( WebScrollBarStyle.minThumbWidth, WebScrollBarStyle.minThumbHeight ) );
   // table.put ( "ScrollBar.width", new Integer ( 10 ) );

    // Tree icons

    // JMenu expand spacing
    // Up-down menu expand
    table.put ( "Menu.menuPopupOffsetX", new Integer ( 0 ) );
    table.put ( "Menu.menuPopupOffsetY", new Integer ( 0 ) );
    // Left-right menu expand
    table.put ( "Menu.submenuPopupOffsetX", new Integer ( 0 ) );
    table.put ( "Menu.submenuPopupOffsetY", new Integer ( 0 ) );

    // JViewport
    table.put ( "Viewport.background", Color.white );

    // Default list renderer
    // List selection foreground
   // table.put ( "List.selectionForeground", WebListStyle.foreground );

    // Combobox selection foregrounds
    //table.put ( "ComboBox.selectionForeground", Color.black );
    // Combobox non-square arrow
    //table.put ( "ComboBox.squareButton", false );
    // WebComboBox actions
    table.put ( "ComboBox.ancestorInputMap", new UIDefaults.LazyInputMap (
            new Object[]{ "ESCAPE", "hidePopup", "PAGE_UP", "pageUpPassThrough", "PAGE_DOWN", "pageDownPassThrough", "HOME",
                    "homePassThrough", "END", "endPassThrough", "DOWN", "selectNext", "KP_DOWN", "selectNext", "alt DOWN",
                    "togglePopup", "alt KP_DOWN", "togglePopup", "alt UP", "togglePopup", "alt KP_UP", "togglePopup", "SPACE",
                    "spacePopup", "ENTER", "enterPressed", "UP", "selectPrevious", "KP_UP", "selectPrevious" } ) );

    // WebFileChooser actions
    table.put ( "FileChooser.ancestorInputMap", new UIDefaults.LazyInputMap (
            new Object[]{ "ESCAPE", "cancelSelection", "F2", "editFileName", "F5", "refresh", "BACK_SPACE", "Go Up", "ENTER",
                    "approveSelection", "ctrl ENTER", "approveSelection" } ) );
