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Java CertificatePoliciesExtension类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中sun.security.x509.CertificatePoliciesExtension的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java CertificatePoliciesExtension类的具体用法?Java CertificatePoliciesExtension怎么用?Java CertificatePoliciesExtension使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: testPolicy

import sun.security.x509.CertificatePoliciesExtension; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void testPolicy() throws IOException {
    System.out.println("X.509 Certificate Match on certificatePolicies");
    // test encoding of CertificatePoliciesExtension because we wrote the
    // code
    // bad match
    X509CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector();
    Set<String> s = new HashSet<>();
    s.add(new String(""));
    checkMatch(selector, cert, false);

    // good match
    DerInputStream in = new DerInputStream(cert.getExtensionValue(""));
    CertificatePoliciesExtension ext = new CertificatePoliciesExtension(false, in.getOctetString());
    List<PolicyInformation> policies = ext.get(CertificatePoliciesExtension.POLICIES);
    // match on the first policy id
    PolicyInformation policyInfo = (PolicyInformation) policies.get(0);
    checkMatch(selector, cert, true);

示例2: removeInvalidNodes

import sun.security.x509.CertificatePoliciesExtension; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Removes those nodes which do not intersect with the initial policies
 * specified by the user.
 * @param rootNode the root node of the valid policy tree
 * @param certIndex the index of the certificate being processed
 * @param initPolicies the Set of policies required by the user
 * @param currCertPolicies the CertificatePoliciesExtension of the
 * certificate being processed
 * @returns the root node of the valid policy tree after modification
 * @exception CertPathValidatorException Exception thrown if error occurs.
private static PolicyNodeImpl removeInvalidNodes(PolicyNodeImpl rootNode,
    int certIndex, Set<String> initPolicies,
    CertificatePoliciesExtension currCertPolicies)
    throws CertPathValidatorException
    List<PolicyInformation> policyInfo = null;
    try {
        policyInfo = currCertPolicies.get(CertificatePoliciesExtension.POLICIES);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Exception while "
            + "retrieving policyOIDs", ioe);

    boolean childDeleted = false;
    for (PolicyInformation curPolInfo : policyInfo) {
        String curPolicy =

        if (debug != null)
            debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() "
                          + "processing policy second time: " + curPolicy);

        Set<PolicyNodeImpl> validNodes =
                    rootNode.getPolicyNodesValid(certIndex, curPolicy);
        for (PolicyNodeImpl curNode : validNodes) {
            PolicyNodeImpl parentNode = (PolicyNodeImpl)curNode.getParent();
            if (parentNode.getValidPolicy().equals(ANY_POLICY)) {
                if ((!initPolicies.contains(curPolicy)) &&
                    (!curPolicy.equals(ANY_POLICY))) {
                    if (debug != null)
                        debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() "
                            + "before deleting: policy tree = " + rootNode);
                    childDeleted = true;
                    if (debug != null)
                        debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() "
                            + "after deleting: policy tree = " + rootNode);

    if (childDeleted) {
        if (!rootNode.getChildren().hasNext()) {
            rootNode = null;

    return rootNode;

示例3: removeInvalidNodes

import sun.security.x509.CertificatePoliciesExtension; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Removes those nodes which do not intersect with the initial policies
 * specified by the user.
 * @param rootNode the root node of the valid policy tree
 * @param certIndex the index of the certificate being processed
 * @param initPolicies the Set of policies required by the user
 * @param currCertPolicies the CertificatePoliciesExtension of the
 * certificate being processed
 * @return the root node of the valid policy tree after modification
 * @exception CertPathValidatorException Exception thrown if error occurs.
private static PolicyNodeImpl removeInvalidNodes(PolicyNodeImpl rootNode,
    int certIndex, Set<String> initPolicies,
    CertificatePoliciesExtension currCertPolicies)
    throws CertPathValidatorException
    List<PolicyInformation> policyInfo = null;
    try {
        policyInfo = currCertPolicies.get(CertificatePoliciesExtension.POLICIES);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Exception while "
            + "retrieving policyOIDs", ioe);

    boolean childDeleted = false;
    for (PolicyInformation curPolInfo : policyInfo) {
        String curPolicy =

        if (debug != null)
            debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() "
                          + "processing policy second time: " + curPolicy);

        Set<PolicyNodeImpl> validNodes =
                    rootNode.getPolicyNodesValid(certIndex, curPolicy);
        for (PolicyNodeImpl curNode : validNodes) {
            PolicyNodeImpl parentNode = (PolicyNodeImpl)curNode.getParent();
            if (parentNode.getValidPolicy().equals(ANY_POLICY)) {
                if ((!initPolicies.contains(curPolicy)) &&
                    (!curPolicy.equals(ANY_POLICY))) {
                    if (debug != null)
                        debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() "
                            + "before deleting: policy tree = " + rootNode);
                    childDeleted = true;
                    if (debug != null)
                        debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() "
                            + "after deleting: policy tree = " + rootNode);

    if (childDeleted) {
        if (!rootNode.getChildren().hasNext()) {
            rootNode = null;

    return rootNode;

示例4: removeInvalidNodes

import sun.security.x509.CertificatePoliciesExtension; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Removes those nodes which do not intersect with the initial policies
 * specified by the user.
 * @param rootNode the root node of the valid policy tree
 * @param certIndex the index of the certificate being processed
 * @param initPolicies the Set of policies required by the user
 * @param currCertPolicies the CertificatePoliciesExtension of the
 * certificate being processed
 * @returns the root node of the valid policy tree after modification
 * @exception CertPathValidatorException Exception thrown if error occurs.
private static PolicyNodeImpl removeInvalidNodes(PolicyNodeImpl rootNode,
    int certIndex, Set<String> initPolicies,
    CertificatePoliciesExtension currCertPolicies)
    throws CertPathValidatorException
    List<PolicyInformation> policyInfo = null;
    try {
        policyInfo = (List<PolicyInformation>)
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new CertPathValidatorException("Exception while "
            + "retrieving policyOIDs", ioe);

    boolean childDeleted = false;
    for (PolicyInformation curPolInfo : policyInfo) {
        String curPolicy =

        if (debug != null)
            debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() "
                          + "processing policy second time: " + curPolicy);

        Set<PolicyNodeImpl> validNodes =
                    rootNode.getPolicyNodesValid(certIndex, curPolicy);
        for (PolicyNodeImpl curNode : validNodes) {
            PolicyNodeImpl parentNode = (PolicyNodeImpl)curNode.getParent();
            if (parentNode.getValidPolicy().equals(ANY_POLICY)) {
                if ((!initPolicies.contains(curPolicy)) &&
                    (!curPolicy.equals(ANY_POLICY))) {
                    if (debug != null)
                        debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() "
                            + "before deleting: policy tree = " + rootNode);
                    childDeleted = true;
                    if (debug != null)
                        debug.println("PolicyChecker.processPolicies() "
                            + "after deleting: policy tree = " + rootNode);

    if (childDeleted) {
        if (!rootNode.getChildren().hasNext()) {
            rootNode = null;

    return rootNode;
