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Java TransactionalState类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java TransactionalState类的具体用法?Java TransactionalState怎么用?Java TransactionalState使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: open

import storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void open(Map conf, TopologyContext context, SpoutOutputCollector collector) {
    _throttler = new WindowedTimeThrottler((Number)conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_TRIDENT_BATCH_EMIT_INTERVAL_MILLIS), 1);
    for(String spoutId: _managedSpoutIds) {
        _states.add(TransactionalState.newCoordinatorState(conf, spoutId));
    _currTransaction = getStoredCurrTransaction();

    _collector = collector;
    Number active = (Number) conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING);
    if(active==null) {
        _maxTransactionActive = 1;
    } else {
        _maxTransactionActive = active.intValue();
    _attemptIds = getStoredCurrAttempts(_currTransaction, _maxTransactionActive);

    for(int i=0; i<_spouts.size(); i++) {
        String txId = _managedSpoutIds.get(i);
        _coordinators.add(_spouts.get(i).getCoordinator(txId, conf, context));

示例2: getStoredCurrAttempts

import storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState; //导入依赖的package包/类
private TreeMap<Long, Integer> getStoredCurrAttempts(long currTransaction, int maxBatches) {
    TreeMap<Long, Integer> ret = new TreeMap<Long, Integer>();
    for(TransactionalState state: _states) {
        Map<Object, Number> attempts = (Map) state.getData(CURRENT_ATTEMPTS);
        if(attempts==null) attempts = new HashMap();
        for(Entry<Object, Number> e: attempts.entrySet()) {
            // this is because json doesn't allow numbers as keys...
            // : replace json with a better form of encoding
            Number txidObj;
            if(e.getKey() instanceof String) {
                txidObj = Long.parseLong((String) e.getKey());
            } else {
                txidObj = (Number) e.getKey();
            long txid = txidObj.longValue();
            int attemptId = e.getValue().intValue();
            Integer curr = ret.get(txid);
            if(curr==null || attemptId > curr) {
                ret.put(txid, attemptId);
    ret.tailMap(currTransaction + maxBatches - 1).clear();
    return ret;

示例3: getStoredCurrAttempts

import storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState; //导入依赖的package包/类
private TreeMap<Long, Integer> getStoredCurrAttempts(long currTransaction, int maxBatches) {
    TreeMap<Long, Integer> ret = new TreeMap<Long, Integer>();
    for(TransactionalState state: _states) {
        Map<Object, Number> attempts = (Map) state.getData(CURRENT_ATTEMPTS);
        if(attempts==null) attempts = new HashMap();
        for(Entry<Object, Number> e: attempts.entrySet()) {
            // this is because json doesn't allow numbers as keys...
            // TODO: replace json with a better form of encoding
            Number txidObj;
            if(e.getKey() instanceof String) {
                txidObj = Long.parseLong((String) e.getKey());
            } else {
                txidObj = (Number) e.getKey();
            long txid = ((Number) txidObj).longValue();
            int attemptId = ((Number) e.getValue()).intValue();
            Integer curr = ret.get(txid);
            if(curr==null || attemptId > curr) {
                ret.put(txid, attemptId);
    ret.tailMap(currTransaction + maxBatches - 1).clear();
    return ret;

示例4: ack

import storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void ack(Object msgId) {
    TransactionAttempt tx = (TransactionAttempt) msgId;
    TransactionStatus status = _activeTx.get(tx.getTransactionId());
    if(status!=null && tx.equals(status.attempt)) {
        if(status.status==AttemptStatus.PROCESSING) {
            status.status = AttemptStatus.PROCESSED;
        } else if(status.status==AttemptStatus.COMMITTING) {
            _collector.emit(SUCCESS_STREAM_ID, new Values(tx));
            _currTransaction = nextTransactionId(tx.getTransactionId());
            for(TransactionalState state: _states) {
                state.setData(CURRENT_TX, _currTransaction);                    

示例5: ack

import storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void ack(Object msgId) {
    TransactionAttempt tx = (TransactionAttempt) msgId;
    TransactionStatus status = _activeTx.get(tx.getTransactionId());
    if (status != null && tx.equals(status.attempt)) {
        if (status.status == AttemptStatus.PROCESSING) {
            status.status = AttemptStatus.PROCESSED;
            if (tx.getTransactionId() != _currTransaction) {
                status.processedTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        } else if (status.status == AttemptStatus.COMMITTING) {
            _collector.emit(SUCCESS_STREAM_ID, new Values(tx));
            _currTransaction = nextTransactionId(tx.getTransactionId());
            for (TransactionalState state : _states) {
                state.setData(CURRENT_TX, _currTransaction);

示例6: getStoredCurrAttempts

import storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState; //导入依赖的package包/类
private TreeMap<Long, Integer> getStoredCurrAttempts(long currTransaction, int maxBatches) {
    TreeMap<Long, Integer> ret = new TreeMap<Long, Integer>();
    for (TransactionalState state : _states) {
        Map<Object, Number> attempts = (Map) state.getData(CURRENT_ATTEMPTS);
        if (attempts == null) attempts = new HashMap();
        for (Entry<Object, Number> e : attempts.entrySet()) {
            // this is because json doesn't allow numbers as keys...
            // TODO: replace json with a better form of encoding
            Number txidObj;
            if (e.getKey() instanceof String) {
                txidObj = Long.parseLong((String) e.getKey());
            } else {
                txidObj = (Number) e.getKey();
            long txid = ((Number) txidObj).longValue();
            int attemptId = ((Number) e.getValue()).intValue();
            Integer curr = ret.get(txid);
            if (curr == null || attemptId > curr) {
                ret.put(txid, attemptId);
    ret.tailMap(currTransaction + maxBatches - 1).clear();
    return ret;

示例7: open

import storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void open(Map conf, TopologyContext context, SpoutOutputCollector collector) {
    _throttler = new WindowedTimeThrottler((Number) conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_TRIDENT_BATCH_EMIT_INTERVAL_MILLIS), 1);
    for (String spoutId : _managedSpoutIds) {
        _states.add(TransactionalState.newCoordinatorState(conf, spoutId));
    _currTransaction = getStoredCurrTransaction();

    _collector = collector;
    Number active = (Number) conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING);
    if (active == null) {
        _maxTransactionActive = 1;
    } else {
        _maxTransactionActive = active.intValue();
    _attemptIds = getStoredCurrAttempts(_currTransaction, _maxTransactionActive);

    for (int i = 0; i < _spouts.size(); i++) {
        String txId = _managedSpoutIds.get(i);
        _coordinators.add(_spouts.get(i).getCoordinator(txId, conf, context));

示例8: ack

import storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState; //导入依赖的package包/类
public synchronized void ack(Object msgId) {
    TransactionAttempt tx = (TransactionAttempt) msgId;
    TransactionStatus status = _activeTx.get(tx.getTransactionId());
    if (status != null && tx.equals(status.attempt)) {
        if (status.status == AttemptStatus.PROCESSING) {
            LOG.debug("acker batch stream {}", tx);
            status.status = AttemptStatus.PROCESSED;
        } else if (status.status == AttemptStatus.COMMITTING) {
            LOG.debug("acker commit stream {}", tx);
            _collector.emit(SUCCESS_STREAM_ID, new Values(tx));
            _currTransaction = nextTransactionId(tx.getTransactionId());
            for (TransactionalState state : _states) {
                state.setData(CURRENT_TX, _currTransaction);

示例9: getStoredCurrTransaction

import storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState; //导入依赖的package包/类
private Long getStoredCurrTransaction() {
    Long ret = INIT_TXID;
    for(TransactionalState state: _states) {
        Long curr = (Long) state.getData(CURRENT_TX);
        if(curr!=null && curr.compareTo(ret) > 0) {
            ret = curr;
    return ret;

示例10: open

import storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void open(Map conf, TopologyContext context, SpoutOutputCollector collector) {
    _throttler = new WindowedTimeThrottler((Number) conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_TRIDENT_BATCH_EMIT_INTERVAL_MILLIS),
    for (String spoutId : _managedSpoutIds) {
        _states.add(TransactionalState.newCoordinatorState(conf, spoutId));
    _currTransaction = getStoredCurrTransaction();

    _collector = collector;
    Number active = (Number) conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING);
    if (active == null) {
        _maxTransactionActive = 1;
    } else {
        _maxTransactionActive = active.intValue();
    _attemptIds = getStoredCurrAttempts(_currTransaction, _maxTransactionActive);
    avgWaittingTime = context.registerMetric("commit-wait-ms", new ReducedMetric(new MeanReducer()),
    commitWaittingCount = context.registerMetric("commit-wait-cnt", new CountMetric(),
    activeTxCount = context.registerMetric("active-tx-cnt", new ReducedMetric(new MeanReducer()),
    for (int i = 0; i < _spouts.size(); i++) {
        String txId = _managedSpoutIds.get(i);
        _coordinators.add(_spouts.get(i).getCoordinator(txId, conf, context));

示例11: getStoredCurrTransaction

import storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState; //导入依赖的package包/类
private Long getStoredCurrTransaction() {
    Long ret = INIT_TXID;
    for (TransactionalState state : _states) {
        Long curr = (Long) state.getData(CURRENT_TX);
        if (curr != null && curr.compareTo(ret) > 0) {
            ret = curr;
    return ret;

示例12: getStoredCurrAttempts

import storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState; //导入依赖的package包/类
private TreeMap<Long, Integer> getStoredCurrAttempts(long currTransaction, int maxBatches) {
    TreeMap<Long, Integer> ret = new TreeMap<>();
    for (TransactionalState state : _states) {
        Map<Object, Number> attempts = (Map) state.getData(CURRENT_ATTEMPTS);
        if (attempts == null)
            attempts = new HashMap<>();
        for (Entry<Object, Number> e : attempts.entrySet()) {
            // this is because json doesn't allow numbers as keys...
            // TODO: replace json with a better form of encoding
            Number txidObj;
            if (e.getKey() instanceof String) {
                txidObj = Long.parseLong((String) e.getKey());
            } else {
                txidObj = (Number) e.getKey();
            long txid = txidObj.longValue();
            int attemptId = e.getValue().intValue();
            Integer curr = ret.get(txid);
            if (curr == null || attemptId > curr) {
                ret.put(txid, attemptId);
    ret.tailMap(currTransaction + maxBatches - 1).clear();
    return ret;

示例13: close

import storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void close() {
    for(TransactionalState state: _states) {

示例14: Emitter

import storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState; //导入依赖的package包/类
public Emitter(String txStateId, Map conf, TopologyContext context) {
    _emitter = _spout.getEmitter(conf, context);
    _state = TransactionalState.newUserState(conf, txStateId); 
    _index = context.getThisTaskIndex();
    _numTasks = context.getComponentTasks(context.getThisComponentId()).size();

示例15: prepare

import storm.trident.topology.state.TransactionalState; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void prepare(Map conf, TopologyContext context) {
    _coord = _spout.getCoordinator(_id, conf, context);
    _underlyingState = TransactionalState.newCoordinatorState(conf, _id);
    _state = new RotatingTransactionalState(_underlyingState, META_DIR);
