本文整理汇总了Java中pro.zackpollard.telegrambot.api.TelegramBot类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java TelegramBot类的具体用法?Java TelegramBot怎么用?Java TelegramBot使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: MessageImpl
import pro.zackpollard.telegrambot.api.TelegramBot; //导入依赖的package包/类
private MessageImpl(JSONObject jsonObject, TelegramBot telegramBot) {
if (!jsonObject.isNull("result")) jsonObject = jsonObject.getJSONObject("result");
jsonMessage = jsonObject;
message_id = jsonObject.getInt("message_id");
from = UserImpl.createUser(jsonObject.optJSONObject("from"));
date = jsonObject.getLong("date");
chat = ChatImpl.createChat(jsonObject.getJSONObject("chat"), telegramBot);
forward_from = UserImpl.createUser(jsonObject.optJSONObject("forward_from"));
forward_from_chat = ChatImpl.createChat(jsonObject.optJSONObject("forward_from_chat"), telegramBot);
forward_from_message_id = jsonObject.optInt("forward_from_message_id");
forward_date = jsonObject.optLong("forward_date");
reply_to_message = MessageImpl.createMessage(jsonObject.optJSONObject("reply_to_message"), telegramBot);
edit_date = jsonObject.optLong("edit_date");
content = ContentImpl.createContent(jsonObject, telegramBot);
this.telegramBot = telegramBot;
示例2: ReddigramBot
import pro.zackpollard.telegrambot.api.TelegramBot; //导入依赖的package包/类
ReddigramBot() throws Exception {
timer = new Timer();
config = BotConfig.configFromFile(new File("config.json"));
dataFile = DataFile.load(this);
client = new RedditClient(UserAgent.of("server", "xyz.mkotb.reddigram", "1.0", config.redditUsername()));
telegramBot = TelegramBot.login(config.botApiKey());
liveManager = new LiveManager(this);
telegramBot.getEventsManager().register(new InlineListener(this));
telegramBot.getEventsManager().register(new CommandListener(this));
log("Successfully logged in");
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new OAuthTask(this), 0L, 3500000L); // every 58 minutes reauth.
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
if (dataFile != null) {
}, 0L, 600000L); // every 10m save data file
示例3: EchoBot
import pro.zackpollard.telegrambot.api.TelegramBot; //导入依赖的package包/类
public EchoBot() {
//This returns a logged in TelegramBot instance or null if the API key was invalid.
telegramBot = TelegramBot.login(API_KEY);
//This registers the EchoListener Listener to this bot.
telegramBot.getEventsManager().register(new EchoListener(telegramBot));
//This method starts the retrieval of updates.
//The boolean it accepts is to specify whether to retrieve messages
//which were sent before the bot was started but after the bot was last turned off.
//The following while(true) loop is simply for keeping the java application alive.
//You can do this however you like, but none of the above methods are blocking and
//so without this code the bot would simply boot then exit.
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
示例4: InlineTranslationBot
import pro.zackpollard.telegrambot.api.TelegramBot; //导入依赖的package包/类
public InlineTranslationBot() {
//This returns a logged in TelegramBot instance or null if the API key was invalid.
telegramBot = TelegramBot.login(API_KEY);
//This registers the FormattingListener Listener to this bot.
telegramBot.getEventsManager().register(new InlineTranslationListener(telegramBot));
//This method starts the retrieval of updates.
//The boolean it accepts is to specify whether to retrieve messages
//which were sent before the bot was started but after the bot was last turned off.
//The following while(true) loop is simply for keeping the java application alive.
//You can do this however you like, but none of the above methods are blocking and
//so without this code the bot would simply boot then exit.
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
示例5: InlineSpoilerBot
import pro.zackpollard.telegrambot.api.TelegramBot; //导入依赖的package包/类
public InlineSpoilerBot() {
instance = this;
//This returns a logged in TelegramBot instance or null if the API key was invalid.
telegramBot = TelegramBot.login(API_KEY);
//This registers the SpoilerListener Listener to this bot.
//This method starts the retrieval of updates.
//The boolean it accepts is to specify whether to retrieve messages
//which were sent before the bot was started but after the bot was last turned off.
//The following while(true) loop is simply for keeping the java application alive.
//You can do this however you like, but none of the above methods are blocking and
//so without this code the bot would simply boot then exit.
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
示例6: FormattingBot
import pro.zackpollard.telegrambot.api.TelegramBot; //导入依赖的package包/类
public FormattingBot() {
//This returns a logged in TelegramBot instance or null if the API key was invalid.
telegramBot = TelegramBot.login(API_KEY);
//This registers the FormattingListener Listener to this bot.
telegramBot.getEventsManager().register(new FormattingListener(telegramBot));
//This method starts the retrieval of updates.
//The boolean it accepts is to specify whether to retrieve messages
//which were sent before the bot was started but after the bot was last turned off.
//The following while(true) loop is simply for keeping the java application alive.
//You can do this however you like, but none of the above methods are blocking and
//so without this code the bot would simply boot then exit.
while (true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
示例7: processReplyContent
import pro.zackpollard.telegrambot.api.TelegramBot; //导入依赖的package包/类
* This does generic processing of ReplyingOptions objects when sending a request to the API
* @param multipartBody The MultipartBody that the ReplyingOptions content should be appended to
* @param replyingOptions The ReplyingOptions that were used in this request
public static void processReplyContent(MultipartBody multipartBody, ReplyingOptions replyingOptions) {
if (replyingOptions.getReplyTo() != 0)
multipartBody.field("reply_to_message_id", String.valueOf(replyingOptions.getReplyTo()), "application/json; charset=utf8;");
if (replyingOptions.getReplyMarkup() != null) {
switch (replyingOptions.getReplyMarkup().getType()) {
multipartBody.field("reply_markup", TelegramBot.GSON.toJson(replyingOptions.getReplyMarkup(), ForceReply.class), "application/json; charset=utf8;");
multipartBody.field("reply_markup", TelegramBot.GSON.toJson(replyingOptions.getReplyMarkup(), ReplyKeyboardHide.class), "application/json; charset=utf8;");
multipartBody.field("reply_markup", TelegramBot.GSON.toJson(replyingOptions.getReplyMarkup(), ReplyKeyboardRemove.class), "application/json; charset=utf8;");
multipartBody.field("reply_markup", TelegramBot.GSON.toJson(replyingOptions.getReplyMarkup(), ReplyKeyboardMarkup.class), "application/json; charset=utf8;");
multipartBody.field("reply_markup", TelegramBot.GSON.toJson(replyingOptions.getReplyMarkup(), InlineKeyboardMarkup.class), "application/json; charset=utf8;");
示例8: createChat
import pro.zackpollard.telegrambot.api.TelegramBot; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static Chat createChat(JSONObject jsonObject, TelegramBot telegramBot) {
if(jsonObject != null) {
String chatType = jsonObject.getString("type");
switch (chatType) {
case "private":
return IndividualChatImpl.createIndividualChat(jsonObject, telegramBot);
case "group":
return GroupChatImpl.createGroupChat(jsonObject, telegramBot);
case "channel":
return ChannelChatImpl.createChannelChat(jsonObject, telegramBot);
case "supergroup":
return SuperGroupChatImpl.createSuperGroupChat(jsonObject, telegramBot);
System.err.println("An invalid chat type was provided when creating a chat object. Chat type " + chatType + " was provided. Report this to @zackpollard.");
return null;
示例9: getFileDownloadLink
import pro.zackpollard.telegrambot.api.TelegramBot; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Gets the download link for this file
* @param telegramBot The TelegramBot instance that relates to this file
* @return The URL to download the file in String form
default String getFileDownloadLink(TelegramBot telegramBot) {
JSONObject jsonObject = null;
try {
jsonObject = Unirest.post(telegramBot.getBotAPIUrl() + "getFile")
.field("file_id", getFileId(), "application/json; charset=utf8;")
} catch (UnirestException e) {
if (jsonObject != null) {
if (jsonObject.getBoolean("ok")) {
return "https://api.telegram.org/file/bot" + telegramBot.getAuthToken() + "/" + jsonObject.getJSONObject("result").getString("file_path");
return null;
示例10: downloadFile
import pro.zackpollard.telegrambot.api.TelegramBot; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Downloads the file to a set location on disk
* @param telegramBot The TelegramBot instance that relates to this file
* @param downloadLocation A File object pointing to the location where you want to download the file
* @return A File object that points to the downloaded file
default java.io.File downloadFile(TelegramBot telegramBot, java.io.File downloadLocation) {
String downloadLink = getFileDownloadLink(telegramBot);
if (downloadLink != null) {
try {
FileUtils.copyURLToFile(new URL(downloadLink), downloadLocation);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("The file download failed due to the provided URL being malformed in some way. Provided URL was " + downloadLink);
return downloadLocation;
示例11: RemindMeBot
import pro.zackpollard.telegrambot.api.TelegramBot; //导入依赖的package包/类
private RemindMeBot(String key) {
instance = this;
this.bot = TelegramBot.login(key);
bot.getEventsManager().register(new RemindMeBotListener());
storageHook = new StorageHook();
reminderManager = new ReminderManager();
//Save reminder map on shutdown to ensure persistence of reminders
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(storageHook::save));
this.debug("Bot started!");
示例12: WhatIsBot
import pro.zackpollard.telegrambot.api.TelegramBot; //导入依赖的package包/类
public WhatIsBot(String key) {
System.out.println("Initialising bot");
bot = TelegramBot.login(key);
if (bot == null) {
System.out.println("Failed to login! Faulty API key?");
System.out.println("Registering events");
bot.getEventsManager().register(new WhatIsBotListener(this));
System.out.println("Bot initialised!");
示例13: Conversation
import pro.zackpollard.telegrambot.api.TelegramBot; //导入依赖的package包/类
private Conversation(TelegramBot bot, Map<String, Object> sessionData, Chat forWhom, boolean silent,
boolean disableGlobalEvents, List<ConversationPrompt> prompts,
Predicate<User> userPredicate, boolean repliesOnly,
BiConsumer<Conversation, ConversationContext> endCallback,
BiPredicate<ConversationContext, Content> endPredicate,
long timeout, SendableMessage timeoutMessage) {
this.forWhom = forWhom;
this.context = new ConversationContext(this, bot, sessionData);
this.currentPrompt = prompts.get(promptIndex);
this.prompts = Collections.unmodifiableList(prompts);
this.silent = silent;
this.disableGlobalEvents = disableGlobalEvents;
this.userPredicate = (userPredicate == null) ? (user) -> true : userPredicate;
this.repliesOnly = repliesOnly;
this.endCallback = endCallback;
this.endPredicate = endPredicate;
if (timeout > 0) {
TIMER.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
if (isVirgin()) {
if (timeoutMessage != null) {
}, TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(timeout));
示例14: ConversationRegistryImpl
import pro.zackpollard.telegrambot.api.TelegramBot; //导入依赖的package包/类
private ConversationRegistryImpl(TelegramBot bot) {
bot.getEventsManager().register(new Listener() {
@Event.Handler(ignoreCancelled = true, priority = Event.Priority.LOWEST)
public void onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent event) {
if (processMessage(event.getMessage())) {
示例15: InlineMenuRegistryImpl
import pro.zackpollard.telegrambot.api.TelegramBot; //导入依赖的package包/类
private InlineMenuRegistryImpl(TelegramBot bot) {
bot.getEventsManager().register(new Listener() {
@Event.Handler(ignoreCancelled = true, priority = Event.Priority.LOWEST)
public void onCallbackQueryReceivedEvent(CallbackQueryReceivedEvent event) {
if (process(event.getCallbackQuery())) {