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Java ConfigService类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java ConfigService类的具体用法?Java ConfigService怎么用?Java ConfigService使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: setConfigService

import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void setConfigService(final String mimetypes)
    ConfigSource configSource = new ConfigSource()
        public List<ConfigDeployment> getConfigDeployments()
            String xml =
                "<alfresco-config area=\"mimetype-map\">" +
                "  <config evaluator=\"string-compare\" condition=\"Mimetype Map\">" +
                "    <mimetypes>" +
                       mimetypes +
                "    </mimetypes>" +
                "  </config>" +
            List<ConfigDeployment> configs = new ArrayList<ConfigDeployment>();
            configs.add(new ConfigDeployment("name", new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes())));
            return configs;

    ConfigService configService = new XMLConfigService(configSource);
    ((XMLConfigService) configService).initConfig();

示例2: getLanguage

import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Return the configured language Locale for the application context
 * @param ctx
 *           the application context
 * @return Current language Locale set or the VM default if none set - never null
public static Locale getLanguage(ApplicationContext ctx)
   // get from web-client config - the first item in the configured list of languages
   Config config = ((ConfigService) ctx.getBean(Application.BEAN_CONFIG_SERVICE)).getConfig("Languages");
   LanguagesConfigElement langConfig = (LanguagesConfigElement) config
   List<String> languages = langConfig.getLanguages();
   if (languages != null && languages.size() != 0)
      return I18NUtil.parseLocale(languages.get(0));
      // failing that, use the server default locale
      return Locale.getDefault();

示例3: getErrorPage

import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Retrieves the configured error page for the application
 * @param context The Spring context
 * @return The configured error page or null if the configuration is missing
public static String getErrorPage(ApplicationContext context)
   String errorPage = null;
   ConfigService svc = (ConfigService)context.getBean(BEAN_CONFIG_SERVICE);
   ClientConfigElement clientConfig = (ClientConfigElement)svc.getGlobalConfig().
   if (clientConfig != null)
      errorPage = clientConfig.getErrorPage();
   return errorPage;

示例4: getLoginPage

import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Retrieves the configured login page for the application
 * @param context The Spring contexr
 * @return The configured login page or null if the configuration is missing
public static String getLoginPage(ApplicationContext context)
   String loginPage = null;
   ConfigService svc = (ConfigService)context.getBean(BEAN_CONFIG_SERVICE);
   ClientConfigElement clientConfig = (ClientConfigElement)svc.getGlobalConfig().
   if (clientConfig != null)
      loginPage = clientConfig.getLoginPage();
   return loginPage;

示例5: getDialogContainers

import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Retrieves the list of configured dialog container pages
 * @param context FacesContext
 * @return The container pages
protected List<String> getDialogContainers(FacesContext context)
 if ((this.dialogContainers == null) || (Application.isDynamicConfig(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())))
    this.dialogContainers = new ArrayList<String>(2);
      ConfigService configSvc = Application.getConfigService(context);
      Config globalConfig = configSvc.getGlobalConfig();
      if (globalConfig != null)
   return this.dialogContainers;

示例6: getWizardContainers

import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Retrieves the list of configured wizard container pages
 * @param context FacesContext
 * @return The container page
protected List<String> getWizardContainers(FacesContext context)
 if ((this.wizardContainers == null) || (Application.isDynamicConfig(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())))
    this.wizardContainers = new ArrayList<String>(2);
      ConfigService configSvc = Application.getConfigService(context);
      Config globalConfig = configSvc.getGlobalConfig();
      if (globalConfig != null)
   return this.wizardContainers;

示例7: init

import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * @deprecated
public void init()
	// TODO - see JIRA Task AR-1715 - refactor calling modules to inject webClientConfigService, and use init-method="register" directly 
	// (instead of init-method="init"). Can then remove applicationContext and no longer implement ApplicationContextAware
    if (this.applicationContext.containsBean("webClientConfigService") == true)
        ConfigService configService = (ConfigService)this.applicationContext.getBean("webClientConfigService"); 
        if (configService != null)

示例8: getOtherPropertiesPresent

import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Determines whether this document has any other properties other than the 
 * default set to display to the user.
 * @return true of there are properties to show, false otherwise
public boolean getOtherPropertiesPresent()
   if ((this.hasOtherProperties == null) || (Application.isDynamicConfig(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())))
      // we need to use the config service to see whether there are any
      // editable properties configured for this document.
      ConfigService configSvc = Application.getConfigService(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
      Config configProps = configSvc.getConfig(this.editableNode);
      PropertySheetConfigElement propsToDisplay = (PropertySheetConfigElement)configProps.
      if (propsToDisplay != null && propsToDisplay.getEditableItemNamesToShow().size() > 0)
         this.hasOtherProperties = Boolean.TRUE;
         this.hasOtherProperties = Boolean.FALSE;
   return this.hasOtherProperties.booleanValue();

示例9: getInlineEditableMimeTypes

import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected List<String> getInlineEditableMimeTypes()
   if ((this.inlineEditableMimeTypes == null) || (Application.isDynamicConfig(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())))	  
      this.inlineEditableMimeTypes = new ArrayList<String>(8);
      // get the create mime types list from the config
      ConfigService svc = Application.getConfigService(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
      Config wizardCfg = svc.getConfig("Content Wizards");
      if (wizardCfg != null)
         ConfigElement typesCfg = wizardCfg.getConfigElement("create-mime-types");
         if (typesCfg != null)
            for (ConfigElement child : typesCfg.getChildren())
               String currentMimeType = child.getAttribute("name");
   return this.inlineEditableMimeTypes;

示例10: MimetypeMap

import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; //导入依赖的package包/类
public MimetypeMap(ConfigService configService)
    logger.warn("MimetypeMap(ConfigService configService) has been deprecated.  "
            + "Use the default constructor and property 'configService'");
    this.configService = configService;

示例11: init

import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * @see javax.servlet.GenericServlet#init()
public void init(ServletConfig sc) throws ServletException
   WebApplicationContext ctx = WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(sc.getServletContext());
   this.configService = (ConfigService)ctx.getBean("webClientConfigService");

示例12: getDialogConfig

import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Returns the dialog configuration object for the given dialog name.
 * If there is a node in the dispatch context a lookup is performed using
 * the node otherwise the global config section is used.
 * @param name The name of dialog being launched
 * @param dispatchContext The node being acted upon
 * @return The DialogConfig for the dialog or null if no config could be found
protected DialogConfig getDialogConfig(FacesContext context, String name, Node dispatchContext)
   DialogConfig dialogConfig = null;
   ConfigService configSvc = Application.getConfigService(context);
   Config config = null;
   if (dispatchContext != null)
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
         logger.debug("Using dispatch context for dialog lookup: " + 
      // use the node to perform the lookup (this will include the global section)
      config = configSvc.getConfig(dispatchContext);
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
         logger.debug("Looking up dialog in global config");
      // just use the global 
      config = configSvc.getGlobalConfig();

   if (config != null)
      DialogsConfigElement dialogsCfg = (DialogsConfigElement)config.getConfigElement(
      if (dialogsCfg != null)
         dialogConfig = dialogsCfg.getDialog(name);
   return dialogConfig;

示例13: getWizardConfig

import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Returns the wizard configuration object for the given wizard name.
 * If there is a node in the dispatch context a lookup is performed using
 * the node otherwise the global config section is used.
 * @param name The name of wizard being launched
 * @param dispatchContext The node being acted upon
 * @return The WizardConfig for the wizard or null if no config could be found
protected WizardConfig getWizardConfig(FacesContext context, String name, Node dispatchContext)
   WizardConfig wizardConfig = null;
   ConfigService configSvc = Application.getConfigService(context);
   Config config = null;
   if (dispatchContext != null)
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
         logger.debug("Using dispatch context for wizard lookup: " + 
      // use the node to perform the lookup (this will include the global section)
      config = configSvc.getConfig(dispatchContext);
      if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
         logger.debug("Looking up wizard in global config");
      // just use the global 
      config = configSvc.getGlobalConfig();

   if (config != null)
      WizardsConfigElement wizardsCfg = (WizardsConfigElement)config.getConfigElement(
      if (wizardsCfg != null)
         wizardConfig = wizardsCfg.getWizard(name);
   return wizardConfig;

示例14: getEncoding

import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * @return  Returns the encoding currently selected
public String getEncoding()
   if (encoding == null)
      ConfigService configSvc = Application.getConfigService(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
      Config config = configSvc.getConfig("Import Dialog");
      if (config != null)
         ConfigElement defaultEncCfg = config.getConfigElement("default-encoding");
         if (defaultEncCfg != null)
            String value = defaultEncCfg.getValue();
            if (value != null)
               encoding = value.trim();
      if (encoding == null || encoding.length() == 0)
         // if not configured, set to a sensible default for most character sets
         encoding = "UTF-8";
   return encoding;

示例15: getEncodings

import org.springframework.extensions.config.ConfigService; //导入依赖的package包/类
public List<SelectItem> getEncodings()
    if ((this.encodings == null) || (Application.isDynamicConfig(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())))
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        this.encodings = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(3);
        ConfigService svc = Application.getConfigService(context);
        Config cfg = svc.getConfig("Import Dialog");
        if (cfg != null)
            ConfigElement typesCfg = cfg.getConfigElement("encodings");
            if (typesCfg != null)
                for (ConfigElement child : typesCfg.getChildren())
                    String encoding = child.getAttribute("name");
                    if (encoding != null)
                        this.encodings.add(new SelectItem(encoding, encoding));
                logger.warn("Could not find 'encodings' configuration element");
            encodings = UICharsetSelector.getCharsetEncodingList();
    return this.encodings;
