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Java Node类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.prop4j.Node的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Node类的具体用法?Java Node怎么用?Java Node使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: valid

import org.prop4j.Node; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Checks that all manual and automatic selections are valid.
 * @return
public boolean valid() {
	LinkedList<Node> children = new LinkedList<Node>();
	for (SelectableFeature feature : features)
	    if (feature.getFeature() != null && feature.getFeature().isConcrete()) {
			Literal literal = new Literal(feature.getName());
			literal.positive = feature.getSelection() == Selection.SELECTED;
	try {
		return new SatSolver(rootNode, TIMEOUT).isSatisfiable(children);
	} catch (TimeoutException e) {
	return false;

示例2: nextExample

import org.prop4j.Node; //导入依赖的package包/类
public Configuration nextExample() throws TimeoutException {
	if (exampleSolver == null) {
		if (bSatisfiable.isEmpty() && !findSatisfiable(true))
			return null;
		Node child = bChildren[bSatisfiable.removeFirst()];
		exampleSolver = new SatSolver(new And(a, new Not(child.clone())), 1000);
	String solution = exampleSolver.getSolution();
	if (solution.equals(lastSolution)) {
		exampleSolver = null;
		return nextExample();
	Configuration configuration = new Configuration(fm, false);
	ConfigurationReader reader = new ConfigurationReader(configuration);
	lastSolution = solution;
	return configuration;

示例3: findSatisfiable

import org.prop4j.Node; //导入依赖的package包/类
public boolean findSatisfiable(boolean stopEarly) throws TimeoutException {
	boolean sat = false;
	while (hasNextChild()) {
		Node child = nextChild();
		if (!(child instanceof Or))
			child = new Or(child);
		Node[] list = Node.clone(child.getChildren());
		for (Node node : list)
			((Literal) node).positive ^= true;
		if (solver.isSatisfiable(list)) {
			if (stopEarly)
				return true;
			sat = true;
	return sat;

示例4: createNodes

import org.prop4j.Node; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static Node createNodes(FeatureModel featureModel,
		HashMap<Object, Node> replacingMap) {
	Feature root = featureModel.getRoot();
	LinkedList<Node> nodes = new LinkedList<Node>();
	if (root != null) {
		nodes.add(new Literal(getVariable(root, featureModel)));
		// convert grammar rules into propositional formulas
		createNodes(nodes, root, featureModel, true, replacingMap);
		// add extra constraints
		for (Node node : featureModel.getPropositionalNodes())
	And and = new And(nodes);
	and = (And) replaceAbstractVariables(and, replacingMap, false);
	and = eliminateAbstractVariables(and, replacingMap, featureModel);
	return and;

示例5: replaceAbstractVariables

import org.prop4j.Node; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static Node replaceAbstractVariables(Node node,
		HashMap<Object, Node> map, boolean replaceNull) {
	if (node == null)
		return null;
	if (node instanceof Literal) {
		Literal literal = (Literal) node;
		if (map.containsKey(literal.var)) {
			Node replacing = map.get(literal.var);
			if (replacing == null)
				return replaceNull ? null : node;
			replacing = replacing.clone();
			node = literal.positive ? replacing : new Not(replacing);
	} else {
		Node[] children = node.getChildren();
		for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
			children[i] = replaceAbstractVariables(children[i], map,
			if (replaceNull && children[i] == null)
				return null;
	return node;

示例6: implies

import org.prop4j.Node; //导入依赖的package包/类
private boolean implies(Node a, Node b, ExampleCalculator example)
		throws TimeoutException {
	if (b == null)
		return true;

	if (!strategy.contains(Strategy.SingleTesting)) {
		Node node = new And(a.clone(), new Not(b.clone()));
		SatSolver solver = new SatSolver(node, timeout);
		boolean valid = !solver.isSatisfiable();
		return valid;

	return !example.findSatisfiable(strategy

示例7: clone

import org.prop4j.Node; //导入依赖的package包/类
public FeatureModel clone() {
	FeatureModel fm = new FeatureModel();
	fm.root = root.clone();
	List<Feature> list = new LinkedList<Feature>();
	while (!list.isEmpty()) {
		Feature feature = list.remove(0);
		fm.featureTable.put(feature.getName(), feature);
		for (Feature child : feature.getChildren())
	fm.propNodes = new LinkedList<Node>();
	for (Node node : propNodes) {

		fm.constraints.add(new Constraint(fm, node));
	for (int i = 0; i < annotations.size(); i++)
	for (int i = 0; i < comments.size(); i++)
	return fm;

示例8: checkImplies

import org.prop4j.Node; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * checks whether A implies B for the current feature model.
 * in detail the following condition should be checked whether
 * FM => ((A1 and A2 and ... and An) => (B1 and B2 and ... and Bn))
 * is true for all values
 * @param A
 *            set of features that form a conjunction
 * @param B
 *            set of features that form a conjunction
 * @return
 * @throws TimeoutException
public boolean checkImplies(Set<Feature> a, Set<Feature> b)
		throws TimeoutException {
	if (b.isEmpty())
		return true;

	Node featureModel = NodeCreator.createNodes(this);

	// B1 and B2 and ... Bn
	Node condition = conjunct(b);
	// (A1 and ... An) => (B1 and ... Bn)
	if (!a.isEmpty())
		condition = new Implies(conjunct(a), condition);
	// FM => (A => B)
	Implies finalFormula = new Implies(featureModel, condition);
	return !new SatSolver(new Not(finalFormula), 1000).isSatisfiable();

示例9: mayBeMissing

import org.prop4j.Node; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Checks whether there exists a set of features that is valid within the
 * feature model and the given context, so that none of the given feature
 * sets are present, i.e. evaluate to true.
 * In detail it is checked whether there exists a set F of features so that
 * eval(FM, F) AND eval(context, F) AND NOT(eval(featureSet_1, F)) AND ...
 * AND NOT(eval(featureSet_n, F)) is true.
 * If you want to check XOR(featureSet_1, ..., featureSet_n) you can call
 * areMutualExclusive() && !mayBeMissing().
 * @param context
 *            context in which everything is checked
 * @param featureSets
 *            list of feature sets
 * @return true, if there exists such a set of features, i.e. if the
 *         code-fragment may be missing || false, otherwise
 * @throws TimeoutException
public boolean mayBeMissing(Set<Feature> context,
		List<Set<Feature>> featureSets) throws TimeoutException {
	if ((featureSets == null) || featureSets.isEmpty())
		return false;

	Node featureModel = NodeCreator.createNodes(this);
	LinkedList<Object> forAnd = new LinkedList<Object>();

	for (Set<Feature> features : featureSets) {
		if ((features != null) && !features.isEmpty())
			forAnd.add(new Not(conjunct(features)));
			return false;

	Node condition = new And(forAnd);
	if ((context != null) && !context.isEmpty())
		condition = new And(conjunct(context), condition);

	Node finalFormula = new And(featureModel, condition);
	return new SatSolver(finalFormula, 1000).isSatisfiable();

示例10: readConsStmt

import org.prop4j.Node; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void readConsStmt(ConsStmt consStmt) throws UnsupportedModelException {
	ESList eSList = consStmt.getESList();
	AstListNode astListNode = (AstListNode) eSList.arg[0];
	do {
		line = 0;
		Node node = exprToNode(((EStmt) astListNode.arg[0]).getExpr());
		try {
			if (!new SatSolver(new Not(node.clone()), 250).isSatisfiable())
				warnings.add(new ModelWarning("Constraint is a tautology.", line));
			if (!new SatSolver(node.clone(), 250).isSatisfiable())
				warnings.add(new ModelWarning("Constraint is not satisfiable.", line));
		} catch (Exception e) {
		astListNode = (AstListNode) astListNode.right;
	} while (astListNode != null);

示例11: getFalseOptional

import org.prop4j.Node; //导入依赖的package包/类
private List<Feature> getFalseOptional(String input, FeatureModel model) {
	List<Feature> list = new ArrayList<Feature>();
	FeatureModel clonedModel = model.clone();

	NodeReader nodeReader = new NodeReader();

	Node propNode = nodeReader.stringToNode(input, clonedModel.getFeatureNames());

	for (Feature feature : model.getFeatures()) {
		if (input.contains(feature.getName())) {
			//if (feature.getFeatureStatus() != FeatureStatus.FALSE_OPTIONAL) {
			if (clonedModel.getFeature(feature.getName()).getFeatureStatus() == FeatureStatus.FALSE_OPTIONAL && !list.contains(feature))

	return list;

示例12: voidsModel

import org.prop4j.Node; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * returns true if the constraint causes the feature model to be void
 * otherwise false
 * @param input
 *            constraint to be evaluated
 * @param model
 *            the feature model
 *            * @throws TimeoutException
private boolean voidsModel(final Constraint constraint, String input, FeatureModel model) throws TimeoutException {

	if (!model.getAnalyser().isValid()) {

		return false;
	if (input.length() == 0) {

		return false;
	FeatureModel clonedModel = model.clone();
	NodeReader nodeReader = new NodeReader();

	Node propNode = nodeReader.stringToNode(input, clonedModel.getFeatureNames());
	if (propNode != null) {
		if (constraint != null) {

	return (!clonedModel.getAnalyser().isValid());


示例13: number

import org.prop4j.Node; //导入依赖的package包/类
public long number(long timeout) {
	LinkedList<Node> children = new LinkedList<Node>();
	for (SelectableFeature feature : features)
		if (!feature.hasChildren()) {
			if (feature.getSelection() == Selection.SELECTED)
				children.add(new Literal(feature.getName(), true));
			if (feature.getSelection() == Selection.UNSELECTED)
				children.add(new Literal(feature.getName(), false));
	Node node = new And(rootNode.clone(), new And(children));
	return new SatSolver(node, timeout).countSolutions();

示例14: setRight

import org.prop4j.Node; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void setRight(Node b) {
	b = b.clone().toCNF();
	if (b instanceof Or)
		b = new And(b);
	bChildren = b.getChildren();
	bSatisfiable = new LinkedList<Integer>();
	bIndex = -1;

示例15: calculateNodesToReplace

import org.prop4j.Node; //导入依赖的package包/类
private static void calculateNodesToReplace(Node[] children,
		String abstractFeature, List<Node> nochange, List<Node> change) {
	for (Node node : children)
		if (nodeContains(node, abstractFeature))
