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Java JIString类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java JIString类的具体用法?Java JIString怎么用?Java JIString使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: getState

import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString; //导入依赖的package包/类
public GroupState getState() throws JIException
    JICallBuilder callObject = new JICallBuilder(true);
    callObject.addOutParamAsType(Integer.class, JIFlags.FLAG_NULL);
    callObject.addOutParamAsType(Boolean.class, JIFlags.FLAG_NULL);
    callObject.addOutParamAsObject(new JIPointer(new JIString(JIFlags.FLAG_REPRESENTATION_STRING_LPWSTR)), JIFlags.FLAG_NULL);
    callObject.addOutParamAsType(Integer.class, JIFlags.FLAG_NULL);
    callObject.addOutParamAsType(Float.class, JIFlags.FLAG_NULL);
    callObject.addOutParamAsType(Integer.class, JIFlags.FLAG_NULL);
    callObject.addOutParamAsType(Integer.class, JIFlags.FLAG_NULL);
    callObject.addOutParamAsType(Integer.class, JIFlags.FLAG_NULL);

    Object[] result = comObject.call(callObject);

    GroupState state = new GroupState();
    state.setUpdateRate((Integer) result[0]);
    state.setActive((Boolean) result[1]);
    state.setName(((JIString) ((JIPointer) result[2]).getReferent()).getString());
    state.setTimeBias((Integer) result[3]);
    state.setPercentDeadband((Float) result[4]);
    state.setLocaleId((Integer) result[5]);
    state.setClientHandle((Integer) result[6]);
    state.setServerHandle((Integer) result[7]);
    return state;

示例2: getEmptyStruct

import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static JIStruct getEmptyStruct() throws JIException
    JIStruct struct = new JIStruct();
    struct.addMember(new FileTime().getStruct()); //ftStartTime
    struct.addMember(new FileTime().getStruct()); //ftCurrentTime
    struct.addMember(new FileTime().getStruct()); //ftLastUpdateTime
    struct.addMember(Short.class); //dwServerState
    struct.addMember(Integer.class); //dwGroupCount
    struct.addMember(Integer.class); //dwBandWidth
    struct.addMember(Short.class); //wMajorVersion
    struct.addMember(Short.class); //wMinorVersion
    struct.addMember(Short.class); //wBuildNumber
    struct.addMember(Short.class); //wReserved
    struct.addMember(new JIPointer(new JIString(JIFlags.FLAG_REPRESENTATION_STRING_LPWSTR))); //szVendorInfo
    return struct;

示例3: getEmptyStruct

import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static JIStruct getEmptyStruct() throws JIException
    JIStruct struct = new JIStruct();
    struct.addMember(new JIString(JIFlags.FLAG_REPRESENTATION_STRING_LPWSTR));//szAccessPath
    struct.addMember(new JIString(JIFlags.FLAG_REPRESENTATION_STRING_LPWSTR));//szItemID
    struct.addMember(new JIPointer(new JIArray(Byte.class, null, 1, true, false))); //pBlob
    return struct;

示例4: add

import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Add an {@link SWbemQualifier} object to the SWbemQualifierSet collection.
 * If a qualifier with the same name already exists in the collection, it is replaced
 * @param name Name of the new qualifier.
 * @param value Variant value of the new qualifier.
 * @param propagatesToSubclasses <strong>[Optional]</strong> If this new qualifier is propagated to subclasses. The default value is TRUE.
 * @param propagatesToInstances <strong>[Optional]</strong> If this new qualifier is propagated to instances. The default value is TRUE.
 * @param overridable <strong>[Optional]</strong> If this qualifier can be overridden when propagated. The default value is TRUE.
 * @param flags <strong>[Optional]</strong> Reserved. The default value is 0.
 * @return If successful, this method returns the new qualifier. Otherwise, a null object is returned.
 * @throws WMIException
public SWbemQualifier add(String name, WMIVariant value, Boolean propagatesToSubclasses,
                          Boolean propagatesToInstances, Boolean overridable, Integer flags) throws WMIException {
    if(isEmpty(name)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Qualifier name is empty.");
    if(value == null || value.getVariant().equals(JIVariant.NULL())) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Qualifier value is null.");
    if(flags != null && flags != 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Flags must be zero.");
    return callMethod(SWbemQualifier.class, "Add", new JIString(name), value.getVariant(),
            (propagatesToSubclasses == null) ? JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM() : propagatesToSubclasses,
            (propagatesToInstances == null) ? JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM() : propagatesToInstances,
            (overridable == null) ? JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM() : overridable,

示例5: execQuery

import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Executes a query to retrieve objects. These objects are available through the returned
 * {@link SWbemObjectSet} collection.
 * @param queryString String that contains the text of the query. This parameter cannot be blank.
 *                    For more information on building WMI query strings,
 *                    see <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa392902(v=vs.85).aspx" target="_blank">Querying with WQL</a>
 *                    and the <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394606(v=vs.85).aspx" target="_blank">WQL reference</a>.
 * @param queryLanguage <strong>[Optional]</strong> String that contains the query language to be used. If specified, this value must be "WQL".
 * @param flags <strong>[Optional]</strong> Integer that determines the behavior of the query and determines whether this call returns immediately.
 *              The default value for this parameter is {@linkplain cn.chenlichao.wmi4j.consts.Flags.ExecQueryFlag#wbemFlagReturnImmediately wbemFlagReturnImmediately}.
 * @param objWbemNamedValueSet <strong>[Optional]</strong> Typically, this is undefined.
 *                             Otherwise, this is an {@link SWbemNamedValueSet} object whose elements represent the context
 *                             information that can be used by the provider that is servicing the request.
 *                             A provider that supports or requires such information must document the recognized
 *                             value names, data type of the value, allowed values, and semantics.
 * @return If no error occurs, this method returns an {@link SWbemObjectSet} object. This is an object collection that contains the result set of the query.
 * @throws WMIException
public SWbemObjectSet execQuery(String queryString, String queryLanguage, SWbemNamedValueSet objWbemNamedValueSet, Flags.ExecQueryFlag... flags) throws WMIException {
    if(StringUtils.isEmpty(queryString)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("QueryString is empty.");
    if(queryLanguage != null && !"WQL".equals(queryLanguage)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("QueryLanguage must be \"WQL\".");
    Integer iFlags = null;
    if(flags != null) {
        for(Flags.ExecQueryFlag flag : flags) {
            if(iFlags == null) {
                iFlags = flag.getValue();
            } else {
                iFlags += flag.getValue();
    return callMethod(SWbemObjectSet.class, "ExecQuery",
            new JIString(queryString), JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM(),
            (iFlags == null) ? JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM() : iFlags,
            (objWbemNamedValueSet == null) ? JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM() : objWbemNamedValueSet.getDispatch());

示例6: get

import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Retrieves an object, that is either a class definition or an instance, based on the object path.
 * This method retrieves only objects from the namespace that is associated with the current SWbemServices object.
 * @param objectPath <strong>[Optional]</strong> String that contains the object path of the object to retrieve.
 *                   If this value is empty, the empty object that is returned can become a new class.
 * @param flags <strong>[Optional]</strong> Integer that determines the behavior of the query.
 * @param objWbemNamedValueSet <strong>[Optional]</strong> Typically, this is undefined.
 *                             Otherwise, this is an {@link SWbemNamedValueSet} object whose elements represent the context
 *                             information that can be used by the provider that is servicing the request.
 *                             A provider that supports or requires such information must document the recognized
 *                             value names, data type of the value, allowed values, and semantics.
 * @return If successful, this method returns an {@link SWbemObject} object that represents the requested object.
 * @throws WMIException
public SWbemObject get(String objectPath, SWbemNamedValueSet objWbemNamedValueSet, Flags.GetFlag... flags) throws WMIException {
    Integer iFlags = null;
    if(flags != null) {
        for(Flags.GetFlag flag : flags) {
            if(iFlags == null) {
                iFlags = flag.getValue();
            } else {
                iFlags += flag.getValue();
    return callMethod(SWbemObject.class, "Get",
            StringUtils.isEmpty(objectPath) ? JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM() : new JIString(objectPath),
            (iFlags == null) ? JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM() : iFlags,
            (objWbemNamedValueSet == null) ? JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM() : objWbemNamedValueSet.getDispatch());

示例7: instancesOf

import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Creates an enumerator that
 * returns the instances of a specified class according to the user-specified selection criteria.
 * This method implements a simple query. More complex queries may require the use of
 * {@linkplain #execQuery(String, String, SWbemNamedValueSet, Flags.ExecQueryFlag...) SWbemService.execQuery} method.
 * @param className String that contains the name of the class for which instances are desired. This parameter cannot be blank.
 * @param flags This parameter determines how detailed the call enumerates and if this call returns immediately.
 *              The default value for this parameter is {@linkplain cn.chenlichao.wmi4j.consts.Flags.InstancesFlag#wbemFlagReturnImmediately wbemFlagReturnImmediately}.
 * @param objWbemNamedValueSet <strong>[Optional]</strong> Typically, this is undefined.
 *                             Otherwise, this is an {@link SWbemNamedValueSet} object whose elements represent the context
 *                             information that can be used by the provider that is servicing the request.
 *                             A provider that supports or requires such information must document the recognized
 *                             value names, data type of the value, allowed values, and semantics.
 * @return If successful, the method returns an {@link SWbemObjectSet}.
 * @throws WMIException
public SWbemObjectSet instancesOf(String className, SWbemNamedValueSet objWbemNamedValueSet, Flags.InstancesFlag... flags) throws WMIException {
    if(StringUtils.isEmpty(className)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class name is empty.");
    Integer iFlags = null;
    if(flags != null) {
        for(Flags.InstancesFlag flag : flags) {
            if(iFlags == null) {
                iFlags = flag.getValue();
            } else {
                iFlags += flag.getValue();
    return callMethod(SWbemObjectSet.class, "InstancesOf",
            new JIString(className),
            (iFlags == null) ? JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM() : iFlags,
            (objWbemNamedValueSet == null) ? JIVariant.OPTIONAL_PARAM() : objWbemNamedValueSet.getDispatch());

示例8: getClassDetails

import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Return details about a serve class
 * @param clsId A server class
 * @throws JIException
public ClassDetails getClassDetails ( final JIClsid clsId ) throws JIException
    if ( clsId == null )
        return null;

    JICallBuilder callObject = new JICallBuilder ( true );
    callObject.setOpnum ( 1 );

    callObject.addInParamAsUUID ( clsId.getCLSID (), JIFlags.FLAG_NULL );

    callObject.addOutParamAsObject ( new JIPointer ( new JIString ( JIFlags.FLAG_REPRESENTATION_STRING_LPWSTR ) ), JIFlags.FLAG_NULL );
    callObject.addOutParamAsObject ( new JIPointer ( new JIString ( JIFlags.FLAG_REPRESENTATION_STRING_LPWSTR ) ), JIFlags.FLAG_NULL );

    Object[] result = Helper.callRespectSFALSE ( getCOMObject (), callObject );

    ClassDetails cd = new ClassDetails ();
    cd.setClsId ( clsId.getCLSID () );
    cd.setProgId ( ( (JIString) ( (JIPointer)result[0] ).getReferent () ).getString () );
    cd.setDescription ( ( (JIString) ( (JIPointer)result[1] ).getReferent () ).getString () );

    return cd;

示例9: toStruct

import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Convert to structure to a J-Interop structure
 * @return the j-interop structe
 * @throws JIException
public JIStruct toStruct () throws JIException
    final JIStruct struct = new JIStruct ();
    struct.addMember ( new JIString ( getAccessPath (), JIFlags.FLAG_REPRESENTATION_STRING_LPWSTR ) );
    struct.addMember ( new JIString ( getItemID (), JIFlags.FLAG_REPRESENTATION_STRING_LPWSTR ) );
    struct.addMember ( new Integer ( isActive () ? 1 : 0 ) );
    struct.addMember ( Integer.valueOf ( getClientHandle () ) );

    struct.addMember ( Integer.valueOf ( 0 ) ); // blob size
    struct.addMember ( new JIPointer ( null ) ); // blob

    struct.addMember ( Short.valueOf ( getRequestedDataType () ) );
    struct.addMember ( Short.valueOf ( getReserved () ) );
    return struct;

示例10: getStruct

import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static JIStruct getStruct () throws JIException
    JIStruct struct = new JIStruct ();

    struct.addMember ( FILETIME.getStruct () );
    struct.addMember ( FILETIME.getStruct () );
    struct.addMember ( FILETIME.getStruct () );
    struct.addMember ( Short.class ); // enum: OPCSERVERSTATE
    struct.addMember ( Integer.class );
    struct.addMember ( Integer.class );
    struct.addMember ( Short.class );
    struct.addMember ( Short.class );
    struct.addMember ( Short.class );
    struct.addMember ( Short.class );
    struct.addMember ( new JIPointer ( new JIString ( JIFlags.FLAG_REPRESENTATION_STRING_LPWSTR ) ) );

    return struct;

示例11: fromStruct

import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static OPCSERVERSTATUS fromStruct ( final JIStruct struct )

    status._startTime = FILETIME.fromStruct ( (JIStruct)struct.getMember ( 0 ) );
    status._currentTime = FILETIME.fromStruct ( (JIStruct)struct.getMember ( 1 ) );
    status._lastUpdateTime = FILETIME.fromStruct ( (JIStruct)struct.getMember ( 2 ) );

    status._serverState = OPCSERVERSTATE.fromID ( (Short)struct.getMember ( 3 ) );
    status._groupCount = (Integer)struct.getMember ( 4 );
    status._bandWidth = (Integer)struct.getMember ( 5 );
    status._majorVersion = (Short)struct.getMember ( 6 );
    status._minorVersion = (Short)struct.getMember ( 7 );
    status._buildNumber = (Short)struct.getMember ( 8 );
    status._reserved = (Short)struct.getMember ( 9 );
    status._vendorInfo = ( (JIString) ( (JIPointer)struct.getMember ( 10 ) ).getReferent () ).getString ();

    return status;

示例12: getDllEntry

import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString; //导入依赖的package包/类
public Object[] getDllEntry(int memberId, int invKind) throws JIException
	if (invKind != InvokeKind.INVOKE_FUNC.intValue() && invKind != InvokeKind.INVOKE_PROPERTYGET.intValue()
			&& invKind != InvokeKind.INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF.intValue() && invKind != InvokeKind.INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT.intValue())
		throw new IllegalArgumentException(JISystem.getLocalizedMessage(JIErrorCodes.E_INVALIDARG));

	JICallBuilder callObject = new JICallBuilder(true);
	callObject.addInParamAsInt(1,JIFlags.FLAG_NULL);//refPtrFlags , as per the oaidl.idl...
	callObject.addOutParamAsObject(new JIString(JIFlags.FLAG_REPRESENTATION_STRING_BSTR),JIFlags.FLAG_NULL);
	callObject.addOutParamAsObject(new JIString(JIFlags.FLAG_REPRESENTATION_STRING_BSTR),JIFlags.FLAG_NULL);
	return comObject.call(callObject);

示例13: getNames

import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString; //导入依赖的package包/类
public Object[] getNames(int memberId, int maxNames) throws JIException
		JICallBuilder callObject = new JICallBuilder(true);

		//for experiment only
//		JIArray arry = new JIArray(new Integer[]{new Integer(100),new Integer(200)},true);
//		JIStruct struct = new JIStruct();
//		struct.addMember(Short.valueOf((short)86));
//		struct.addMember(arry);
//		callObject.addInParamAsStruct(struct,JIFlags.FLAG_NULL);


		callObject.addOutParamAsObject(new JIArray(new JIString(JIFlags.FLAG_REPRESENTATION_STRING_BSTR),null,1,true,true),JIFlags.FLAG_NULL);

		return comObject.call(callObject);

示例14: getErrorString

import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString; //导入依赖的package包/类
public String getErrorString(long errorCode, int locale) throws JIException
    JICallBuilder callObject = new JICallBuilder(true);
    callObject.addInParamAsInt((int) errorCode, JIFlags.FLAG_NULL);
    callObject.addInParamAsInt(locale, JIFlags.FLAG_NULL);
    callObject.addOutParamAsObject(new JIPointer(new JIString(JIFlags.FLAG_REPRESENTATION_STRING_LPWSTR)), JIFlags.FLAG_NULL); // out param ppString
    Object[] result = comObject.call(callObject);
    if (callObject.isError())
        throw new JIException(callObject.getHRESULT());
    return ((JIString) ((JIPointer) result[0]).getReferent()).getString();

示例15: getStruct

import org.jinterop.dcom.core.JIString; //导入依赖的package包/类
public JIStruct getStruct() throws JIException
    JIStruct struct = new JIStruct();
    struct.addMember(new JIString(getAccessPath(), JIFlags.FLAG_REPRESENTATION_STRING_LPWSTR));
    struct.addMember(new JIString(getItemID(), JIFlags.FLAG_REPRESENTATION_STRING_LPWSTR));
    struct.addMember(new Integer(isActive() ? 1 : 0));

    struct.addMember(Integer.valueOf(0)); // blob size
    struct.addMember(new JIPointer(null)); // blob

    struct.addMember(Short.valueOf((short) getRequestedDataType()));
    return struct;
