本文整理汇总了Java中org.jblas.Singular类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Singular类的具体用法?Java Singular怎么用?Java Singular使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: calc
import org.jblas.Singular; //导入依赖的package包/类
public Matrix[] calc(Matrix source) {
final DoubleMatrix matrix;
if (source instanceof JBlasDenseDoubleMatrix2D) {
matrix = ((JBlasDenseDoubleMatrix2D) source).getWrappedObject();
} else if (source instanceof HasColumnMajorDoubleArray1D) {
matrix = new JBlasDenseDoubleMatrix2D(MathUtil.longToInt(source.getRowCount()), MathUtil.longToInt(source
.getColumnCount()), ((HasColumnMajorDoubleArray1D) source).getColumnMajorDoubleArray1D())
} else {
matrix = new JBlasDenseDoubleMatrix2D(source).getWrappedObject();
final DoubleMatrix[] svd = Singular.fullSVD(matrix);
final Matrix u = new JBlasDenseDoubleMatrix2D(svd[0]);
DoubleMatrix sVector = svd[1];
final Matrix s = new JBlasDenseDoubleMatrix2D(MathUtil.longToInt(source.getRowCount()),
for (int i = 0; i < sVector.rows; i++) {
s.setAsDouble(sVector.get(i), i, i);
final Matrix v = new JBlasDenseDoubleMatrix2D(svd[2]);
return new Matrix[] { u, s, v };
示例2: computeTruncatedSVD
import org.jblas.Singular; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected DoubleMatrix[] computeTruncatedSVD(DoubleMatrix mat, Double singValTol, int maxSize)
DoubleMatrix[] svdResult = Singular.sparseSVD(mat);
int singIter;
for(singIter = 0; singIter < svdResult[1].getRows(); singIter++)
if(svdResult[1].get(singIter,0) < singValTol)
int numToKeep = Math.min(singIter, maxSize);
maxDim = numToKeep;
DoubleMatrix u = new DoubleMatrix(mat.getRows(),numToKeep);
u = svdResult[0].getRange(0,svdResult[0].getRows(), 0, numToKeep);
DoubleMatrix s = DoubleMatrix.diag(svdResult[1].getRange(0, numToKeep, 0, 1));
DoubleMatrix v = new DoubleMatrix(mat.getColumns(), numToKeep);
v = svdResult[2].getRange(0, svdResult[2].getRows(), 0, numToKeep);
DoubleMatrix[] truncatedSVDResult = {u.transpose(),s,v};
return truncatedSVDResult;
示例3: computeMapping
import org.jblas.Singular; //导入依赖的package包/类
private DoubleMatrix computeMapping(DoubleMatrix x) {
DoubleMatrix alphas = MatrixFunctions.pow(
double alpha = alphas.sum();
DoubleMatrix xTilde = this.highDimControlPoints.mulColumnVector(alphas).columnSums().div(alpha);
DoubleMatrix yTilde = this.lowDimControlPoints.mulColumnVector(alphas).columnSums().div(alpha);
DoubleMatrix xHats = this.highDimControlPoints.subRowVector(xTilde);
DoubleMatrix yHats = this.lowDimControlPoints.subRowVector(yTilde);
DoubleMatrix sqrtAlphas = MatrixFunctions.sqrt(alphas);
DoubleMatrix A = xHats.mulColumnVector(sqrtAlphas);
DoubleMatrix B = yHats.mulColumnVector(sqrtAlphas);
DoubleMatrix[] svdComposition = Singular.sparseSVD(A.transpose().mmul(B));
DoubleMatrix U = svdComposition[0];
DoubleMatrix V = svdComposition[2];
DoubleMatrix M = U.mmul(V);
return x.sub(xTilde).mmul(M).add(yTilde);
示例4: pca
import org.jblas.Singular; //导入依赖的package包/类
* @param A
* @param dim
* @return
public DoubleMatrix pca(DoubleMatrix A, int dim) {
logger.info("Type 'pca' started (target dimensions = "+dim+").");
A = centerData(A);
save("A", A);
logger.info("Computing SVD...");
DoubleMatrix[] usv = Singular.fullSVD(A);
DoubleMatrix U = usv[0];
DoubleMatrix S = usv[1];
save("U", U);
save("S", S);
logger.info("Reducing U to Uk...");
DoubleMatrix Uk = new DoubleMatrix(U.rows, dim);
for(int i=0; i<dim; i++)
Uk.putColumn(i, U.getColumn(i));
save("Uk", Uk);
// build S matrix
logger.info("Reducing S to Sk...");
DoubleMatrix Sk = new DoubleMatrix(dim, dim);
for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
Sk.put(i, i, S.get(i));
save("Sk", Sk);
// calculate principal component matrix...
logger.info("Computing principal components...");
DoubleMatrix B = Uk.mmul(Sk);
save("B", B);
return B;
示例5: compress
import org.jblas.Singular; //导入依赖的package包/类
* @param A
* @param k
* @return
public DoubleMatrix compress(DoubleMatrix A, int k) {
logger.info("Type 'compress' started...");
A = centerData(A);
DoubleMatrix[] usv = Singular.fullSVD(A);
// n x n
DoubleMatrix U = usv[0];
// n x p
DoubleMatrix S = usv[1];
// p x p (straight)
DoubleMatrix V = usv[2];
// k x k
DoubleMatrix Sk = new DoubleMatrix(U.columns, V.columns);
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
Sk.put(i, i, S.get(i));
DoubleMatrix Aapprox = U.mmul(Sk).mmul(V.transpose());
save("Aapprox", Aapprox);
return Aapprox;
示例6: reconstruct2
import org.jblas.Singular; //导入依赖的package包/类
public DoubleMatrix reconstruct2(DoubleMatrix A, int k) {
logger.info("Type 'reconstruct2' started...");
A = centerData(A);
save("A", A);
DoubleMatrix[] usv = Singular.fullSVD(A);
// n x n
DoubleMatrix U = usv[0];
// n x p
DoubleMatrix S = usv[1];
// p x p (straight)
DoubleMatrix V = usv[2];
save("U", U);
save("S", S);
save("V", V);
for(int i = k; i < U.columns; i++)
U.putColumn(i, DoubleMatrix.zeros(U.rows, 1));
save("Uk", U);
DoubleMatrix Sm = new DoubleMatrix(A.rows, A.columns);
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
Sm.put(i, i, S.get(i));
save("Sk", Sm);
// for (int i = k; i < V.rows; i++) {
// V.putColumn(i, DoubleMatrix.zeros(1, V.columns));
// }
// visual("Vk", V);
DoubleMatrix Aapprox = U.mmul(Sm).mmul(V.transpose());
save("Aapprox", Aapprox);
return Aapprox;
示例7: PCA
import org.jblas.Singular; //导入依赖的package包/类
* 初始化PCA
* @param x 特征矩阵
public PCA(FloatMatrix x) {
this.x = x;
this.m = x.rows;
FloatMatrix Sigma = x.transpose().mmul(x).div(m);
FloatMatrix[] result = Singular.fullSVD(Sigma);
this.u = result[0].neg();// 与matlab保持一致
this.s = result[1];
示例8: pinv
import org.jblas.Singular; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static DoubleMatrix pinv(final DoubleMatrix A) {
final DoubleMatrix[] usv = Singular.fullSVD(A);
final DoubleMatrix s_inv = new DoubleMatrix(usv[1].length);
for (int i = 0; i < usv[1].length; i++) {
s_inv.put(i, Math.abs(usv[1].get(i)) < TOLERANCE ? 0.0 : 1.0 / usv[1].get(i));
return usv[2].mmul(DoubleMatrix.diag(s_inv)).mmul(usv[0].transpose());
示例9: svd
import org.jblas.Singular; //导入依赖的package包/类
public static DoubleMatrix[] svd(DoubleMatrix src)
DoubleMatrix[] usv = Singular.fullSVD(src);
DoubleMatrix S = usv[1];
usv[1] = convertDiagMatrix(S, src.rows, src.columns);
return usv;
示例10: testSVD
import org.jblas.Singular; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void testSVD()
double[][] testData = {
{ 36, 49, 47, 11 },
{ 2, 68, 27, 42 },
{ 42, 25, 38, 3 }
RealMatrix matrix = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(testData);
SingularValueDecomposition svd = new SingularValueDecomposition(matrix);
DoubleMatrix[] usv = Singular.fullSVD(new DoubleMatrix(testData));
DoubleMatrix U = usv[0];
DoubleMatrix S = usv[1];
DoubleMatrix V = usv[2];
DoubleMatrix mt = new DoubleMatrix(3, 4);
for (int i = 0; i < S.length; i++)
mt.put(i, i, S.get(i));
System.out.println(mt.toString().replace(";", "\n"));
DoubleMatrix src = U.mmul(mt).mmul(V.transpose());
System.out.println(src.toString().replace(";", "\n"));
mt = Solve.pinv(mt);
System.out.println(mt.toString().replace(";", "\n"));
示例11: reconstruct
import org.jblas.Singular; //导入依赖的package包/类
* @param A
* @param k
* @return
public DoubleMatrix reconstruct(DoubleMatrix A, int k) {
logger.info("Type 'reconstruct' started...");
A = centerData(A);
save("A", A);
DoubleMatrix[] usv = Singular.fullSVD(A);
// n x n
DoubleMatrix U = usv[0];
// n x p
DoubleMatrix S = usv[1];
// p x p (straight)
DoubleMatrix V = usv[2];
save("U", U);
save("S", S);
save("V", V);
// n x k
DoubleMatrix Uk = new DoubleMatrix(U.rows, k);
for(int i=0; i<k; i++)
Uk.putColumn(i, U.getColumn(i));
save("Uk", Uk);
// k x k
DoubleMatrix Sk = new DoubleMatrix(k, k);
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
Sk.put(i, i, S.get(i));
save("Sk", Sk);
// p x k (straight)
DoubleMatrix Vk = new DoubleMatrix(A.columns, k);
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
Vk.putColumn(i, V.getColumn(i));
save("Vk", Vk);
DoubleMatrix Aapprox = Uk.mmul(Sk).mmul(Vk.transpose());
save("Aapprox", Aapprox);
DoubleMatrix Areduced = new DoubleMatrix(A.rows, k);
for(int i=0; i<k; i++)
Areduced.putColumn(i, Aapprox.getColumn(i));
save("C"+k, Areduced);
return Areduced;
示例12: train
import org.jblas.Singular; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void train(float[][] xraw, float[][] yraw) {
this.xOrig = new float[xraw.length][];
for (int i=0; i<xraw.length; ++i) {
this.xOrig[i] = a.append(1.0f, xraw[i]);
this.yOrig = yraw;
long start = System.nanoTime();
this.xMean = a.scale(a.sum(a.transpose(xOrig)), 1.0f / xOrig.length);
FloatMatrix meanMat = new FloatMatrix(xMean);
FloatMatrix XMat = new FloatMatrix(xOrig);
FloatMatrix XMatSubMean = XMat.subRowVector(meanMat);
FloatMatrix covXMat = XMatSubMean.transpose().mmul(XMatSubMean);
FloatMatrix WTransMat = Singular.fullSVD(covXMat)[0].transpose();
System.out.println("PCA time: "+(System.nanoTime() - start) / 1e6);
start = System.nanoTime();
this.projDirection = Arrays.copyOfRange(WTransMat.toArray2(), 0, K);
this.proj = new float[K][];
this.x = new float[K][][];
this.y = new float[K][][];
for (int k=0; k<K; ++k) {
final int kfinal = k;
this.proj[k] = new float[xOrig.length];
for (int i=0; i<xOrig.length; ++i) {
proj[k][i] = a.innerProd(projDirection[k], a.comb(xOrig[i], 1.0f, xMean, -1.0f));
Integer[] indices = new Integer[xOrig.length];
for (int i=0; i<xOrig.length; ++i) indices[i] = i;
Arrays.sort(indices, new Comparator<Integer>() {
public int compare(Integer i1, Integer i2) {
if (proj[kfinal][i1] < proj[kfinal][i2]) {
return -1;
} else if (proj[kfinal][i1] > proj[kfinal][i2]) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
float[] projOld = proj[k];
x[k] = new float[xOrig.length][];
y[k] = new float[yOrig.length][];
proj[k] = new float[projOld.length];
for (int i=0; i<xOrig.length; ++i) {
x[k][i] = xOrig[indices[i]];
y[k][i] = yOrig[indices[i]];
proj[k][i] = projOld[indices[i]];
System.out.println("Project / sort time: "+(System.nanoTime() - start) / 1e6);
this.xMean_d = Matrix.build(1, xMean.length, xMean);
this.x_d = new Matrix[K];
this.y_d = new Matrix[K];
this.xSqrNorms_d = new Matrix[K];
this.projDirection_d = new Matrix[K];
this.proj_d = new Matrix[K];
for (int k=0; k<K; ++k) {
this.x_d[k] = Matrix.build(x[k]);
this.y_d[k] = Matrix.build(y[k]);
this.xSqrNorms_d[k] = x_d[k].sqr().colSum();
this.projDirection_d[k] = Matrix.build(projDirection[k].length, 1, projDirection[k]);
this.proj_d[k] = Matrix.build(proj[k].length, 1, proj[k]);
示例13: train
import org.jblas.Singular; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void train(float[][] xraw, float[][] yraw) {
this.x = new float[xraw.length][];
for (int i=0; i<xraw.length; ++i) {
this.x[i] = a.append(1.0f, xraw[i]);
this.y = yraw;
long start = System.nanoTime();
this.xMean = a.scale(a.sum(a.transpose(x)), 1.0f / x.length);
FloatMatrix meanMat = new FloatMatrix(xMean);
FloatMatrix XMat = new FloatMatrix(x);
FloatMatrix XMatSubMean = XMat.subRowVector(meanMat);
FloatMatrix covXMat = XMatSubMean.transpose().mmul(XMatSubMean);
FloatMatrix WTransMat = Singular.fullSVD(covXMat)[0].transpose();
System.out.println("PCA time: "+(System.nanoTime() - start) / 1e6);
start = System.nanoTime();
this.projDirection = WTransMat.toArray2()[0];
this.proj = new float[x.length];
for (int i=0; i<x.length; ++i) {
proj[i] = a.innerProd(projDirection, a.comb(x[i], 1.0f, xMean, -1.0f));
Integer[] indices = new Integer[x.length];
for (int i=0; i<x.length; ++i) indices[i] = i;
Arrays.sort(indices, new Comparator<Integer>() {
public int compare(Integer i1, Integer i2) {
if (proj[i1] < proj[i2]) {
return -1;
} else if (proj[i1] > proj[i2]) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
float[][] xold = x;
float[][] yold = y;
float[] projOld = proj;
x = new float[xold.length][];
y = new float[yold.length][];
proj = new float[projOld.length];
for (int i=0; i<x.length; ++i) {
x[i] = xold[indices[i]];
y[i] = yold[indices[i]];
proj[i] = projOld[indices[i]];
System.out.println("Project / sort time: "+(System.nanoTime() - start) / 1e6);
this.x_d = Matrix.build(x);
this.y_d = Matrix.build(y);
this.xSqrNorms_d = x_d.sqr().colSum();
this.xMean_d = Matrix.build(1, xMean.length, xMean);
this.projDirection_d = Matrix.build(projDirection.length, 1, projDirection);
this.proj_d = Matrix.build(proj.length, 1, proj);
示例14: CPSR
import org.jblas.Singular; //导入依赖的package包/类
public CPSR(TrainingDataSet trainData, double minSingularVal, int maxSVDDim, int projDim, int maxHistLen, ProjType projType, boolean histCompress, boolean randStart)
super(trainData, minSingularVal, maxSVDDim, maxHistLen);
this.projType = projType;
this.histCompress = histCompress;
this.projDim = projDim;
tPhi = constructRandomMatrix(projType, projDim, tests.size(), projDim);
hPhi = constructRandomMatrix(ProjType.Eye,histories.size()+1,histories.size()+1, 1.0);
hPhi = constructRandomMatrix(projType,histories.size()+1,projDim, projDim);
DoubleMatrix one = DoubleMatrix.zeros(histories.size()+1, 1);
this.randStart = randStart;
one.put(0,0, 1.0);
for(int i = 0; i < one.getRows(); i++)
DoubleMatrix[] hPhiSVD = Singular.sparseSVD(hPhi);
DoubleMatrix sigma = DoubleMatrix.diag(hPhiSVD[1]);
e = hPhiSVD[2].mmul(Solve.pinv(sigma)).mmul(hPhiSVD[0].transpose());
e = e.mmul(one);
e = one;
示例15: updateSVD
import org.jblas.Singular; //导入依赖的package包/类
protected DoubleMatrix[] updateSVD(DoubleMatrix newTHData)
DoubleMatrix biggerV = DoubleMatrix.concatVertically(svdResults[2],
DoubleMatrix.zeros(newTHData.getColumns()-svdResults[2].getRows(), svdResults[2].getColumns()));
DoubleMatrix m = svdResults[0].mmul(newTHData);
DoubleMatrix p = newTHData.sub((svdResults[0].transpose()).mmul(m));
DoubleMatrix pBase = Singular.sparseSVD(p)[0];
pBase = DoubleMatrix.concatHorizontally(pBase, DoubleMatrix.zeros(pBase.getRows(), p.getColumns()-pBase.getColumns()));
DoubleMatrix rA = (pBase.transpose()).mmul(p);
DoubleMatrix n = (biggerV.transpose()).mmul(DoubleMatrix.eye(newTHData.getColumns()));
DoubleMatrix q = DoubleMatrix.eye(newTHData.getColumns()).sub(biggerV.mmul(n));
DoubleMatrix qBase = Singular.sparseSVD(q)[0];
DoubleMatrix rB = (qBase.transpose()).mmul(q);
DoubleMatrix z = DoubleMatrix.zeros(m.getRows(), m.getColumns());
DoubleMatrix z2 = DoubleMatrix.zeros(m.getColumns(),m.getColumns());
DoubleMatrix top = DoubleMatrix.concatHorizontally(svdResults[1],z);
DoubleMatrix bottom = DoubleMatrix.concatHorizontally(z.transpose(),z2);
DoubleMatrix comb = DoubleMatrix.concatVertically(top, bottom);
DoubleMatrix mRA = DoubleMatrix.concatVertically(m, rA);
DoubleMatrix nRB = DoubleMatrix.concatVertically(n, rB);
DoubleMatrix mRANRB = mRA.mmul(nRB.transpose());
DoubleMatrix k = comb.add(mRANRB);
DoubleMatrix[] newBases = computeTruncatedSVD(k, Double.MIN_VALUE, maxDim);
DoubleMatrix uP = (DoubleMatrix.concatHorizontally(svdResults[0].transpose(), p)).mmul(newBases[0].transpose());
DoubleMatrix vP = (DoubleMatrix.concatHorizontally(biggerV,q)).mmul(newBases[2]);
DoubleMatrix[] updatedSVDResults = new DoubleMatrix[3];
updatedSVDResults[0] = uP.transpose();
updatedSVDResults[1] = newBases[1];
updatedSVDResults[2] = vP;
double[] singVals = new double[updatedSVDResults[1].getRows()];
for(int i = 0; i < updatedSVDResults[1].getRows(); i++)
singVals[i] = updatedSVDResults[1].get(i,i);
return updatedSVDResults;