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Java IDataset类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java IDataset类的具体用法?Java IDataset怎么用?Java IDataset使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: createPartControl

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {

       if (system==null) {
	parent.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, false));
	final Label msg = new Label(parent, SWT.WRAP);
	msg.setText("No plotting system found available.\nThere are probably no bundles providing plotting in the run configuration.\nThese may be obtained from dawn p2, for instance:\nhttp://opengda.org/DawnDiamond/2.0/updates/release/\n\nA static image is shown for our enjoyment.");
	final Label img = new Label(parent, SWT.NONE);

       // TODO Hard coded an x-stall, should come from current data acquisition.
       try {
		final File loc = new File(BundleUtils.getBundleLocation(XcenActivator.PLUGIN_ID), "icons/xstall.png");
		final IDataset image = service.getDataset(loc.getAbsolutePath(), new IMonitor.Stub());

		system.createPlot2D(image, null, new NullProgressMonitor());

       } catch (Exception ne) {
	logger.error("Cannot load dataset!", ne);

示例2: calculateJuliaSet

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Fill a Julia set around the origin for the value C = a + bi
private IDataset calculateJuliaSet(final double a, final double b, int columns, int rows) {
	final double xStart = -model.getMaxRealCoordinate();
	final double xStop = model.getMaxRealCoordinate();
	final double yStart = -model.getMaxImaginaryCoordinate();
	final double yStop = model.getMaxImaginaryCoordinate();
	final double yStep = (yStop - yStart) / (rows - 1);
	double y;
	IDataset juliaSet = DatasetFactory.zeros(rows,columns);
	for (int yIndex = 0; yIndex < rows; yIndex++) {
		y = yStart + yIndex * yStep;
		IDataset line = calculateJuliaSetLine(a, b, y, xStart, xStop, columns);
		for (int x = 0; x < line.getSize(); x++) {
			juliaSet.set(line.getObject(x), yIndex, x);
	return juliaSet;

示例3: writePosition

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void writePosition(IPosition position) throws Exception {
	for (DummyMalcolmDatasetModel datasetModel : model.getDatasets()) {
		// create the data to write into the dataset
		int[] dataShape = getDataShape(datasetModel);
		IDataset data = Random.rand(dataShape);
		writeData(datasetModel.getName(), position, data);

	// write the demand position for each malcolm controlled axis
	for (String axisName : getModel().getAxesToMove()) {
		writeDemandData(axisName, position);

	// write unique key
	final int uniqueKey = position.getStepIndex() + 1;
	final IDataset newPositionData = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(uniqueKey);
	writeData(DATASET_NAME_UNIQUE_KEYS, position, newPositionData);

示例4: write

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; //导入依赖的package包/类
public boolean write(IPosition loc) throws ScanningException {

	try {
		// Get the dataset we are slicing
		ILoaderService lservice = ServiceHolder.getLoaderService();
		IDataHolder    holder   = lservice.getData(model.getDataFile(), new IMonitor.Stub());
		ILazyDataset data = holder.getLazyDataset("/entry/instrument/"+model.getDetectorName()+"/data");

		int[] dshape = getDataShape(data);
		IScanSlice rslice = IScanRankService.getScanRankService().createScanSlice(loc, dshape);
		SliceND sliceData = new SliceND(data.getShape(), rslice.getStart(), rslice.getStop(), rslice.getStep());
		IDataset slice = data.getSlice(sliceData);

		return process(new SliceDeviceContext(loc, rslice, data, slice));

	} catch (ScanningException se) {
		throw se;
	} catch (Exception other) {
		throw new ScanningException(other);

示例5: process

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; //导入依赖的package包/类
boolean process(SliceDeviceContext context) throws ScanningException {


	IJythonFunction jython = factory.createObject();
	IDataset ret = jython.process(context.getSlice());

	IScanSlice sslice  = IScanRankService.getScanRankService().createScanSlice(context.getLocation(), ret.getShape());
	SliceND    slicenD = new SliceND(processed.getShape(), processed.getMaxShape(), sslice.getStart(), sslice.getStop(), sslice.getStep());
	try {
		processed.setSlice(null, ret, slicenD);
	} catch (DatasetException e) {
		throw new ScanningException(e);

	return true;

示例6: createPlot

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void createPlot(AxisConfiguration conf) {

		if (conf==null) return;
		IDataset image = null;
		if (conf.getMicroscopeImage()!=null && !"".equals(conf.getMicroscopeImage())) {
			try {
			    image = ServiceHolder.getLoaderService().getDataset(conf.getMicroscopeImage(), null);
			} catch (Exception ne) {
				final File file = new File(conf.getMicroscopeImage());
				ErrorDialog.openError(site.getShell(), "Problem Reading '"+file.getName()+"'",
						"There was a problem reading '"+file.getName()+"'\n\n"
								+ "Please contact our support representative.", new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Activator.PLUGIN_ID, ne.getMessage(), ne));
				logger.error("Cannot read file!", ne);
		if (image==null && conf.isRandomNoise()) {
			image = Random.rand(4096, 3012);
		if (image==null) {
			system.getSelectedXAxis().setRange(conf.getFastAxisStart(), conf.getFastAxisEnd());
			system.getSelectedYAxis().setRange(conf.getSlowAxisStart(), conf.getSlowAxisEnd());
		createTrace(conf, image);

示例7: createTrace

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void createTrace(AxisConfiguration conf, IDataset image) {

		// Images are reversed
		int fsize = image.getShape()[1];
		int ssize = image.getShape()[0];

		IDataset x = DatasetFactory.createRange(conf.getFastAxisStart(), conf.getFastAxisEnd(), (conf.getFastAxisEnd()-conf.getFastAxisStart())/fsize, Dataset.FLOAT);
		IDataset y = DatasetFactory.createRange(conf.getSlowAxisStart(), conf.getSlowAxisEnd(), (conf.getSlowAxisEnd()-conf.getSlowAxisStart())/ssize, Dataset.FLOAT);

		IImageTrace it = system.getTrace("image")!=null
				       ? (IImageTrace)system.getTrace("image")
				       : system.createImageTrace("image");
		it.setData(image, Arrays.asList(new IDataset[]{x,y}), false);

		double[] globalRange = new double[4];
		globalRange[0] = conf.getFastAxisStart();
		globalRange[1] = conf.getFastAxisEnd();
		globalRange[2] = conf.getSlowAxisStart();
		globalRange[3] = conf.getSlowAxisEnd();


示例8: calculateJuliaSet

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Fill a Julia set around the origin for the value C = a + bi
private IDataset calculateJuliaSet(final double a, final double b, int columns, int rows) {
	final double xStart = -model.getMaxx();
	final double xStop = model.getMaxx();
	final double yStart = -model.getMaxy();
	final double yStop = model.getMaxy();
	final double yStep = (yStop - yStart) / (rows - 1);
	double y;
	IDataset juliaSet = DatasetFactory.zeros(DoubleDataset.class, 1, 1, rows, columns);
	for (int yIndex = 0; yIndex < rows; yIndex++) {
		y = yStart + yIndex * yStep;
		IDataset line = calculateJuliaSetLine(a, b, y, xStart, xStop, columns);
		for (int x = 0; x < line.getSize(); x++) {
			juliaSet.set(line.getObject(x), 0, 0, yIndex, x);
	return juliaSet;

示例9: assertScanShape

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; //导入依赖的package包/类
private static void assertScanShape(NXcollection solsticeScanCollection, int... sizes) {
	DataNode shapeDataNode = solsticeScanCollection.getDataNode(FIELD_NAME_SCAN_SHAPE);
	IDataset shapeDataset;
	try {
		shapeDataset = shapeDataNode.getDataset().getSlice();
	} catch (DatasetException e) {
		throw new AssertionError("Could not get data from lazy dataset", e);
	assertEquals(Integer.class, shapeDataset.getElementClass());
	if (sizes.length == 0) {
		// TODO remove this workaround when january updated
		assertEquals(0, shapeDataset.getRank());
		assertArrayEquals(new int[0], shapeDataset.getShape());
	} else {
		assertEquals(1, shapeDataset.getRank());
		assertArrayEquals(new int[] { sizes.length }, shapeDataset.getShape());
		for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) {
			assertEquals(sizes[i], shapeDataset.getInt(i));

示例10: assertScanFinished

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; //导入依赖的package包/类
private static void assertScanFinished(NXentry entry, boolean finished) {
	NXcollection scanPointsCollection = entry.getCollection(GROUP_NAME_SOLSTICE_SCAN);

	// check the scan finished boolean is set to true
	DataNode dataNode = scanPointsCollection.getDataNode(FIELD_NAME_SCAN_FINISHED);
	IDataset dataset;
	try {
		dataset = dataNode.getDataset().getSlice();
	} catch (DatasetException e) {
		throw new AssertionError("Could not get data from lazy dataset", e);
	assertEquals(Dataset.INT32, DTypeUtils.getDType(dataset)); // HDF5 doesn't support boolean datasets
	assertEquals(1, dataset.getRank());
	assertArrayEquals(new int[] {1}, dataset.getShape());
	assertEquals(finished, dataset.getBoolean(0));

示例11: writeDataset

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void writeDataset(ILazyWriteableDataset datasetWriter, SliceND slice) throws EventException, InterruptedException {
	try {
		IScannable<?> scannable = scanDevService.getScannable(queueBean.getMonitor());

		IDataset toWrite = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(scannable.getPosition());
		datasetWriter.setSlice(new IMonitor.Stub(), toWrite, slice);
		if (isTerminated()) throw new InterruptedException("Termination requested");

	} catch (DatasetException dsEx) {
		logger.error("Could not pass data from monitor into LazyDataset for writing");
		broadcast(Status.FAILED, "Failed writing to LazyDataset: "+dsEx.getMessage());
		throw new EventException("Failed writing to LazyDataset", dsEx);
	} catch (ScanningException scEx) {
		logger.error("Failed to get monitor with the name '"+queueBean.getMonitor()+"': "+scEx.getMessage());
		broadcast(Status.FAILED, "Failed to get monitor with the name '"+queueBean.getMonitor()+"'");
		throw new EventException("Failed to get monitor with the name '"+queueBean.getMonitor()+"'", scEx);
	} catch (InterruptedException iEx) {
		//We don't actually want to catch this here - it's handled in the calling method
		throw iEx;
	} catch (Exception ex) {
		logger.error("Failed to read monitor with the name '"+queueBean.getMonitor()+"'");
		broadcast(Status.FAILED, "Failed to read monitor with the name '"+queueBean.getMonitor()+"'");
		throw new EventException("Failed to read monitor with the name '"+queueBean.getMonitor()+"'", ex);

示例12: testAxesMetadataReshapeEmpty

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void testAxesMetadataReshapeEmpty() throws Exception {
	final int[] shape = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 1 };

	int r = shape.length;

	ILazyDataset dataset = Random.lazyRand(Dataset.INT32, "Main", shape);

	AxesMetadata amd = MetadataFactory.createMetadata(AxesMetadata.class, r);

	ILazyDataset v = dataset.getSliceView();
	assertEquals(2, v.getMetadata(AxesMetadata.class).get(0).getAxes().length);

	IDataset d = v.getSlice(new Slice(1), null);
	assertEquals(2, d.getMetadata(AxesMetadata.class).get(0).getAxes().length);

	final int[] reshape = new int[] { 1, 1, 2, 3, 1 };
	assertEquals(5, v.getMetadata(AxesMetadata.class).get(0).getAxes().length);

	d = v.getSlice((Slice) null, null, new Slice(1));
	assertEquals(5, d.getMetadata(AxesMetadata.class).get(0).getAxes().length);

示例13: testSliceFromView

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void testSliceFromView() throws DatasetException {
	final int[] shape = new int[] { 3, 10, 11};
	final int[] ashape = new int[] {3};
	ILazyDataset dataset = Random.lazyRand(Dataset.INT32, "Main", shape);
	ILazyDataset ax = Random.lazyRand(Dataset.INT32, "Axis", ashape);
	AxesMetadata amd = MetadataFactory.createMetadata(AxesMetadata.class, shape.length);
    amd.setAxis(0, ax);
    ILazyDataset view = dataset.getSliceView(new Slice(1,2),null,null);
    IDataset slice = view.getSlice();
    assertTrue(slice != null);

示例14: logicalAnd

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; //导入依赖的package包/类
/**element-by-element AND operator
 * a & b                   logical_and(a,b)
public void logicalAnd() {
	// Equivalent tech
	BooleanDataset bs = Comparisons.logicalAnd(a, b);
  	System.out.println("Result of a && b "+bs);
	// Or more useful (?)
	final IDataset booleans = DatasetFactory.zeros(BooleanDataset.class, 3, 3);
   	booleans.set(true, 0,0);
   	booleans.set(true, 1,1);
   	booleans.set(true, 1,2);
  	final IDataset and = Maths.multiply(a, booleans);
  	System.out.println("Keeping some values using a boolean mask "+and);

示例15: iterateImagesND

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Slice using basic Slice object
 * @throws Exception 
public void iterateImagesND() throws DatasetException {
	final ILazyDataset lz = Random.lazyRand(64, 64, 100, 100);		
	final PositionIterator it = new PositionIterator(new int[]{64, 64});
	while(it.hasNext()) {
		int[] pos = it.getPos();
		Slice[] slice = new Slice[lz.getRank()];
		for (int i = 0; i < pos.length; i++) {
			slice[i] = new Slice(pos[i], pos[i]+1);
		IDataset image = lz.getSlice(slice);
		image.squeeze(); // This changes shape from 1,1,100,100 to 100,100
           assertTrue(Arrays.equals(new int[]{100, 100}, image.getShape()));
