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Java PanelState类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.bottombar.OverlayPanel.PanelState的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java PanelState类的具体用法?Java PanelState怎么用?Java PanelState使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: onLayoutChanged

import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.bottombar.OverlayPanel.PanelState; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Called when the layout has changed.
 * @param width  The new width in dp.
 * @param height The new height in dp.
 * @param visibleViewportOffsetY The Y offset of the content in dp.
public void onLayoutChanged(float width, float height, float visibleViewportOffsetY) {
    if (width == mLayoutWidth && height == mLayoutHeight
            && visibleViewportOffsetY == mLayoutYOffset) {

    float previousLayoutWidth = mLayoutWidth;

    mLayoutWidth = width;
    mLayoutHeight = height;
    mLayoutYOffset = visibleViewportOffsetY;

    mMaximumWidth = calculateOverlayPanelWidth();
    mMaximumHeight = getPanelHeightFromState(PanelState.MAXIMIZED);

    handleSizeChanged(width, height, previousLayoutWidth);

示例2: updatePanelForHeight

import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.bottombar.OverlayPanel.PanelState; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Updates the UI state for a given |height|.
 * @param height The Overlay Panel height.
private void updatePanelForHeight(float height) {
    PanelState endState = findLargestPanelStateFromHeight(height);
    PanelState startState = getPreviousPanelState(endState);
    float percentage = getStateCompletion(height, startState, endState);


    if (endState == PanelState.CLOSED || endState == PanelState.PEEKED) {
    } else if (endState == PanelState.EXPANDED) {
    } else if (endState == PanelState.MAXIMIZED) {

示例3: findLargestPanelStateFromHeight

import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.bottombar.OverlayPanel.PanelState; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Finds the largest Panel state which is being transitioned to/from.
 * Whenever the Panel is in between states, let's say, when resizing the
 * Panel from its peeked to expanded state, we need to know those two states
 * in order to calculate how closely we are from one of them. This method
 * will always return the nearest state with the largest height, and
 * together with the state preceding it, it's possible to calculate how far
 * the Panel is from them.
 * @param panelHeight The height to compare to.
 * @return The panel state which is being transitioned to/from.
private PanelState findLargestPanelStateFromHeight(float panelHeight) {
    PanelState stateFound = PanelState.CLOSED;

    // Iterate over all states and find the largest one which is being
    // transitioned to/from.
    for (PanelState state : PanelState.values()) {
        if (!isValidUiState(state)) {
        if (panelHeight <= getPanelHeightFromState(state)) {
            stateFound = state;

    return stateFound;

示例4: onAnimationFinished

import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.bottombar.OverlayPanel.PanelState; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Called when layout-specific actions are needed after the animation finishes.
protected void onAnimationFinished() {
    // If animating to a particular PanelState, and after completing
    // resizing the Panel to its desired state, then the Panel's state
    // should be updated. This method also is called when an animation
    // is cancelled (which can happen by a subsequent gesture while
    // an animation is happening). That's why the actual height should
    // be checked.
    // TODO(mdjones): Move animations not directly related to the panel's state into their
    // own animation handler (i.e. peek promo, G sprite, etc.). See https://crbug.com/617307.
    if (mAnimatingState != null && mAnimatingState != PanelState.UNDEFINED
            && getHeight() == getPanelHeightFromState(mAnimatingState)) {
        setPanelState(mAnimatingState, mAnimatingStateReason);

    mAnimatingState = PanelState.UNDEFINED;
    mAnimatingStateReason = StateChangeReason.UNKNOWN;

示例5: onClosed

import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.bottombar.OverlayPanel.PanelState; //导入依赖的package包/类
public void onClosed(StateChangeReason reason) {
    if (mReaderModePanel == null || mTabModelSelector == null) return;


    // Only dismiss the panel if the close was a result of user interaction.
    if (reason != StateChangeReason.FLING && reason != StateChangeReason.SWIPE
            && reason != StateChangeReason.CLOSE_BUTTON) {

    // Record close button usage.
    if (reason == StateChangeReason.CLOSE_BUTTON) {
                mReaderModePanel.getPanelState() == PanelState.EXPANDED
                || mReaderModePanel.getPanelState() == PanelState.MAXIMIZED);

    int currentTabId = mTabModelSelector.getCurrentTabId();
    if (!mTabStatusMap.containsKey(currentTabId)) return;

示例6: handleScroll

import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.bottombar.OverlayPanel.PanelState; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Handles the scroll event, determining the gesture orientation and event target,
 * when appropriate.
 * @param e1 The first down {@link MotionEvent} that started the scrolling.
 * @param e2 The move {@link MotionEvent} that triggered the current scroll.
 * @param distanceY The distance along the Y axis that has been scrolled since the last call
 *                  to handleScroll.
 * @return Whether the event has been consumed.
protected boolean handleScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceY) {
    // If the panel is peeking then the swipe recognizer will handle the scroll event.
    if (mPanel.getPanelState() == PanelState.PEEKED) return false;

    // Only determines the gesture orientation if it hasn't been determined yet,
    // affectively "locking" the orientation once the gesture has started.
    if (!mHasDeterminedGestureOrientation && isDistanceGreaterThanTouchSlop(e1, e2)) {
        determineGestureOrientation(e1, e2);

    // Only determines the event target after determining the gesture orientation and
    // if it hasn't been determined yet or if changing the event target during the
    // middle of the gesture is supported. This will allow a smooth transition from
    // swiping the Panel and scrolling the Content View.
    final boolean mayChangeEventTarget = mMayChangeEventTarget && e2.getPointerCount() == 1;
    if (mHasDeterminedGestureOrientation
            && (!mHasDeterminedEventTarget || mayChangeEventTarget)) {

    return false;

示例7: handleSingleTapUp

import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.bottombar.OverlayPanel.PanelState; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Handles the tap event, determining the event target.
 * @param e The tap {@link MotionEvent}.
 * @return Whether the event has been consumed.
protected boolean handleSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) {
    // If the panel is peeking then the panel was already notified in #onTouchEventInternal().
    if (mPanel.getPanelState() == PanelState.PEEKED) return false;

            e.getX() * mPxToDp, e.getY() * mPxToDp)
            ? EventTarget.CONTENT_VIEW : EventTarget.PANEL);
    return false;

示例8: handleScroll

import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.bottombar.OverlayPanel.PanelState; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Handles the scroll event, determining the gesture orientation and event target,
 * when appropriate.
 * @param e1 The first down {@link MotionEvent} that started the scrolling.
 * @param e2 The move {@link MotionEvent} that triggered the current scroll.
 * @param distanceY The distance along the Y axis that has been scrolled since the last call
 *                  to handleScroll.
 * @return Whether the event has been consumed.
protected boolean handleScroll(MotionEvent e1, MotionEvent e2, float distanceY) {
    // TODO(mdjones): It seems impossible that either of the two MotionEvents passed into this
    // function would be null provided the InternalGestureDetector checks them. However, it
    // still seems to be possible...
    if (e1 == null || e2 == null) return false;

    // If the panel is peeking then the swipe recognizer will handle the scroll event.
    if (mPanel.getPanelState() == PanelState.PEEKED) return false;

    // Only determines the gesture orientation if it hasn't been determined yet,
    // affectively "locking" the orientation once the gesture has started.
    if (!mHasDeterminedGestureOrientation && isDistanceGreaterThanTouchSlop(e1, e2)) {
        determineGestureOrientation(e1, e2);

    // Only determines the event target after determining the gesture orientation and
    // if it hasn't been determined yet or if changing the event target during the
    // middle of the gesture is supported. This will allow a smooth transition from
    // swiping the Panel and scrolling the Content View.
    final boolean mayChangeEventTarget = mMayChangeEventTarget && e2.getPointerCount() == 1;
    if (mHasDeterminedGestureOrientation
            && (!mHasDeterminedEventTarget || mayChangeEventTarget)) {

    return false;

示例9: setPanelState

import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.bottombar.OverlayPanel.PanelState; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Sets the panel's state.
 * @param state The panel state to transition to.
 * @param reason The reason for a change in the panel's state.
protected void setPanelState(PanelState state, StateChangeReason reason) {
    if (state == PanelState.CLOSED) {
        mHeight = 0;

    // We should only set the state at the end of this method, in oder to make sure that
    // all callbacks will be fired before changing the state of the Panel. This prevents
    // some flakiness on tests since they rely on changes of state to determine when a
    // particular action has been completed.
    mPanelState = state;

示例10: getMaximumSupportedState

import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.bottombar.OverlayPanel.PanelState; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * @return The maximum state supported by the panel.
private PanelState getMaximumSupportedState() {
    if (isSupportedState(PanelState.MAXIMIZED)) {
        return PanelState.MAXIMIZED;
    } else if (isSupportedState(PanelState.EXPANDED)) {
        return PanelState.EXPANDED;
    } else {
        return PanelState.PEEKED;

示例11: getPreviousPanelState

import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.bottombar.OverlayPanel.PanelState; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * @return The {@code PanelState} that is before the |state| in the order of states.
private PanelState getPreviousPanelState(PanelState state) {
    PanelState prevState = PREVIOUS_STATES.get(state);
    if (!isSupportedState(PanelState.EXPANDED)) {
        prevState = PREVIOUS_STATES.get(prevState);
    return prevState != null ? prevState : PanelState.UNDEFINED;

示例12: getPanelHeightFromState

import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.bottombar.OverlayPanel.PanelState; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Gets the height of the Overlay Panel in dps for a given |state|.
 * @param state The state whose height will be calculated.
 * @return The height of the Overlay Panel in dps for a given |state|.
public float getPanelHeightFromState(PanelState state) {
    if (state == PanelState.PEEKED) {
        return getPeekedHeight();
    } else if (state == PanelState.EXPANDED) {
        return getExpandedHeight();
    } else if (state == PanelState.MAXIMIZED) {
        return getMaximizedHeight();
    return 0;

示例13: findNearestPanelStateFromHeight

import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.bottombar.OverlayPanel.PanelState; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Finds the state which has the nearest height compared to a given
 * |desiredPanelHeight|.
 * @param desiredPanelHeight The height to compare to.
 * @param velocity The velocity of the swipe if applicable. The swipe is upward if less than 0.
 * @return The nearest panel state.
protected PanelState findNearestPanelStateFromHeight(float desiredPanelHeight, float velocity) {
    // If the panel was flung hard enough to make the desired height negative, it's closed.
    if (desiredPanelHeight < 0) return PanelState.CLOSED;

    // First, find the two states that the desired panel height is between.
    PanelState nextState = PanelState.values()[0];
    PanelState prevState = nextState;
    for (PanelState state : PanelState.values()) {
        if (!isValidUiState(state)) {
        prevState = nextState;
        nextState = state;
        // The values in PanelState are ascending, they should be kept that way in order for
        // this to work.
        if (desiredPanelHeight >= getPanelHeightFromState(prevState)
                && desiredPanelHeight < getPanelHeightFromState(nextState)) {

    // If the desired height is close enough to a certain state, depending on the direction of
    // the velocity, move to that state.
    float lowerBound = getPanelHeightFromState(prevState);
    float distance = getPanelHeightFromState(nextState) - lowerBound;
    float thresholdToNextState = velocity < 0.0f
            ? getThresholdToNextState() : 1.0f - getThresholdToNextState();
    if ((desiredPanelHeight - lowerBound) / distance > thresholdToNextState) {
        return nextState;
    } else {
        return prevState;

示例14: setClampedPanelHeight

import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.bottombar.OverlayPanel.PanelState; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Sets the last panel height within the limits allowable by our UI.
 * @param height The height of the panel in dps.
protected void setClampedPanelHeight(float height) {
    final float clampedHeight = MathUtils.clamp(height,

示例15: updatePanelSize

import org.chromium.chrome.browser.compositor.bottombar.OverlayPanel.PanelState; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Updates the Panel size information.
 * @param height The Overlay Panel height.
private void updatePanelSize(float height) {
    mHeight = height;
    mOffsetX = calculateOverlayPanelX();
    mOffsetY = calculateOverlayPanelY();
    mIsMaximized = height == getPanelHeightFromState(PanelState.MAXIMIZED);
