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Java ClusteringIndexFilter类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ClusteringIndexFilter的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java ClusteringIndexFilter类的具体用法?Java ClusteringIndexFilter怎么用?Java ClusteringIndexFilter使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: UnfilteredRowIteratorWithLowerBound

import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ClusteringIndexFilter; //导入依赖的package包/类
public UnfilteredRowIteratorWithLowerBound(DecoratedKey partitionKey,
                                           SSTableReader sstable,
                                           ClusteringIndexFilter filter,
                                           ColumnFilter selectedColumns,
                                           boolean isForThrift,
                                           int nowInSec,
                                           boolean applyThriftTransformation)
    this.sstable = sstable;
    this.filter = filter;
    this.selectedColumns = selectedColumns;
    this.isForThrift = isForThrift;
    this.nowInSec = nowInSec;
    this.applyThriftTransformation = applyThriftTransformation;
    this.lowerBound = null;
    this.firstItemRetrieved = false;

示例2: isFilterFullyCoveredBy

import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ClusteringIndexFilter; //导入依赖的package包/类
public boolean isFilterFullyCoveredBy(ClusteringIndexFilter filter, DataLimits limits, CachedPartition cached, int nowInSec)
    // We can use the cached value only if we know that no data it doesn't contain could be covered
    // by the query filter, that is if:
    //   1) either the whole partition is cached
    //   2) or we can ensure than any data the filter selects is in the cached partition

    // We can guarantee that a partition is fully cached if the number of rows it contains is less than
    // what we're caching. Wen doing that, we should be careful about expiring cells: we should count
    // something expired that wasn't when the partition was cached, or we could decide that the whole
    // partition is cached when it's not. This is why we use CachedPartition#cachedLiveRows.
    if (cached.cachedLiveRows() < metadata.params.caching.rowsPerPartitionToCache())
        return true;

    // If the whole partition isn't cached, then we must guarantee that the filter cannot select data that
    // is not in the cache. We can guarantee that if either the filter is a "head filter" and the cached
    // partition has more live rows that queried (where live rows refers to the rows that are live now),
    // or if we can prove that everything the filter selects is in the cached partition based on its content.
    return (filter.isHeadFilter() && limits.hasEnoughLiveData(cached, nowInSec)) || filter.isFullyCoveredBy(cached);

示例3: assertIndexRowTtl

import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ClusteringIndexFilter; //导入依赖的package包/类
private void assertIndexRowTtl(ColumnFamilyStore indexCfs, int indexedValue, int ttl) throws Throwable
    DecoratedKey indexKey = indexCfs.decorateKey(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(indexedValue));
    ClusteringIndexFilter filter = new ClusteringIndexSliceFilter(Slices.with(indexCfs.metadata.comparator,
    SinglePartitionReadCommand command = SinglePartitionReadCommand.create(indexCfs.metadata,
    try (ReadOrderGroup orderGroup = ReadOrderGroup.forCommand(command);
         UnfilteredRowIterator iter = command.queryMemtableAndDisk(indexCfs, orderGroup.indexReadOpOrderGroup()))
        while( iter.hasNext())
            Unfiltered unfiltered = iter.next();
            assert (unfiltered.isRow());
            Row indexRow = (Row) unfiltered;
            assertEquals(ttl, indexRow.primaryKeyLivenessInfo().ttl());

示例4: hasNext

import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ClusteringIndexFilter; //导入依赖的package包/类
public boolean hasNext() {
	if (next != null) {
		return true;

	if (nextDoc == null) {
		if (!documents.hasNext()) {
			return false;
		nextDoc = documents.next();

	DecoratedKey key = service.decoratedKey(nextDoc.left);
	NavigableSet<Clustering> clusterings = clusterings(key);

	if (clusterings.isEmpty()) {
		return hasNext();

	ClusteringIndexFilter filter = new ClusteringIndexNamesFilter(clusterings, false);
	UnfilteredRowIterator data = read(key, filter);

	if (data.isEmpty()) {
		return hasNext();

	next = data;
	return true;

示例5: read

import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ClusteringIndexFilter; //导入依赖的package包/类
public UnfilteredRowIterator read(DecoratedKey key, ClusteringIndexFilter filter) {
	return SinglePartitionReadCommand.create(isForThrift(), table.metadata, command.nowInSec(),
			command.columnFilter(), command.rowFilter(), command.limits(), key, filter)
			.queryMemtableAndDisk(table, orderGroup.baseReadOpOrderGroup());

示例6: makeIterator

import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.ClusteringIndexFilter; //导入依赖的package包/类
public UnfilteredPartitionIterator makeIterator(final ReadCommand command)
    // Due to a bug in the serialization of AbstractBounds, anything that isn't a Range is understood by pre-3.0 nodes
    // as a Bound, which means IncludingExcludingBounds and ExcludingBounds responses may include keys they shouldn't.
    // So filter partitions that shouldn't be included here.
    boolean skipFirst = false;
    boolean skipLast = false;
    if (!partitions.isEmpty() && command instanceof PartitionRangeReadCommand)
        AbstractBounds<PartitionPosition> keyRange = ((PartitionRangeReadCommand)command).dataRange().keyRange();
        boolean isExcludingBounds = keyRange instanceof ExcludingBounds;
        skipFirst = isExcludingBounds && !keyRange.contains(partitions.get(0).partitionKey());
        skipLast = (isExcludingBounds || keyRange instanceof IncludingExcludingBounds) && !keyRange.contains(partitions.get(partitions.size() - 1).partitionKey());

    final List<ImmutableBTreePartition> toReturn;
    if (skipFirst || skipLast)
        toReturn = partitions.size() == 1
                 ? Collections.emptyList()
                 : partitions.subList(skipFirst ? 1 : 0, skipLast ? partitions.size() - 1 : partitions.size());
        toReturn = partitions;

    return new AbstractUnfilteredPartitionIterator()
        private int idx;

        public boolean isForThrift()
            return true;

        public CFMetaData metadata()
            return command.metadata();

        public boolean hasNext()
            return idx < toReturn.size();

        public UnfilteredRowIterator next()
            ImmutableBTreePartition partition = toReturn.get(idx++);

            ClusteringIndexFilter filter = command.clusteringIndexFilter(partition.partitionKey());

            // Pre-3.0, we didn't have a way to express exclusivity for non-composite comparators, so all slices were
            // inclusive on both ends. If we have exclusive slice ends, we need to filter the results here.
            UnfilteredRowIterator iterator;
            if (!command.metadata().isCompound())
                iterator = filter.filter(partition.sliceableUnfilteredIterator(command.columnFilter(), filter.isReversed()));
                iterator = partition.unfilteredIterator(command.columnFilter(), Slices.ALL, filter.isReversed());

            // Wrap results with a ThriftResultMerger only if they're intended for the thrift command.
            if (command.isForThrift())
                return ThriftResultsMerger.maybeWrap(iterator, command.nowInSec());
                return iterator;
