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Java NameTest类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中net.sf.saxon.pattern.NameTest的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java NameTest类的具体用法?Java NameTest怎么用?Java NameTest使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: getArgumentTypes

import net.sf.saxon.pattern.NameTest; //导入依赖的package包/类
public SequenceType[] getArgumentTypes() {
  // 1/ element(http:request)
  final int one = StaticProperty.EXACTLY_ONE;
  final int kind = Type.ELEMENT;
  final String uri = HttpConstants.HTTP_CLIENT_NS_URI;
  final NamePool pool = myConfig.getNamePool();
  final ItemType itype = new NameTest(kind, uri, "request", pool);
  SequenceType stype1 = SequenceType.makeSequenceType(itype, one); // 2/ xs:string?
  SequenceType stype2 = SequenceType.OPTIONAL_STRING; // 3/ item()*
  SequenceType stype3 = SequenceType.ANY_SEQUENCE; // 1/, 2/ and 3/
  return new SequenceType[] { stype1, stype2, stype3 };

示例2: getAttribute

import net.sf.saxon.pattern.NameTest; //导入依赖的package包/类
public String getAttribute(String local_name) throws HttpClientException {
  // get the attribute
  NamePool pool = myNode.getConfiguration().getNamePool();
  NodeTest pred = new NameTest(Type.ATTRIBUTE, "", local_name, pool);
  AxisIterator attrs = myNode.iterateAxis(AxisInfo.ATTRIBUTE, pred);
  NodeInfo a = (NodeInfo) attrs.next();
  // return its string value, or null if there is no such attribute
  if (a == null) {
    return null;
  } else {
    return a.getStringValue();

示例3: DescendantAxisIterator

import net.sf.saxon.pattern.NameTest; //导入依赖的package包/类
public DescendantAxisIterator(NodeWrapper start, boolean includeSelf, boolean following, NodeTest test) {
	this.start = start;
	this.includeSelf = includeSelf;
	this.following = following;
	this.moveToNextSibling = following;

	if (!following) anchor = start.node;
	if (!includeSelf) currNode = start.node;

	if (test == AnyNodeTest.getInstance()) { // performance hack
		test = null; // mark as AnyNodeTest
	else if (test instanceof NameTest) {
		NameTest nt = (NameTest) test;
		if (nt.getPrimitiveType() == Type.ELEMENT) { // performance hack
			// mark as element name test
			NamePool pool = getNamePool();
			this.testLocalName = pool.getLocalName(nt.getFingerprint());
			this.testURI = pool.getURI(nt.getFingerprint());
	else if (test instanceof NodeKindTest) {
		if (test.getPrimitiveType() == Type.ELEMENT) { // performance hack
			// mark as element type test
			this.testLocalName = "";
			this.testURI = null;
	this.nodeTest = test;
	this.position = 0;

示例4: PrecedingAxisIterator

import net.sf.saxon.pattern.NameTest; //导入依赖的package包/类
public PrecedingAxisIterator(NodeWrapper start, boolean includeAncestors, NodeTest test) {
	this.start = start;
	this.includeAncestors = includeAncestors;
	this.currNode = start.node;
	if (includeAncestors)
		nextAncestor = null;
		nextAncestor = start.node.getParent();

	if (test == AnyNodeTest.getInstance()) { // performance hack
		test = null; // mark as AnyNodeTest
	else if (test instanceof NameTest) {
		NameTest nt = (NameTest) test;
		if (nt.getPrimitiveType() == Type.ELEMENT) { // performance hack
			// mark as element name test
			NamePool pool = getNamePool();
			this.testLocalName = pool.getLocalName(nt.getFingerprint());
			this.testURI = pool.getURI(nt.getFingerprint());
	else if (test instanceof NodeKindTest) {
		if (test.getPrimitiveType() == Type.ELEMENT) { // performance hack
			// mark as element type test
			this.testLocalName = "";
			this.testURI = null;
	this.nodeTest = test;
	this.position = 0;

示例5: AttributeEnumeration

import net.sf.saxon.pattern.NameTest; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Constructor
* @param node the element whose attributes are required. This may be any type of node,
* but if it is not an element the enumeration will be empty
* @param nodeTest condition to be applied to the names of the attributes selected
public AttributeEnumeration(NodeImpl node, NodeTest nodeTest) 
  this.nodeTest = nodeTest;

  if (node.getNodeKind() == Type.ELEMENT) 
    element = (ElementImpl)node;

    if (element.attrNames == null)

    if (nodeTest instanceof NameTest) 
      NameTest test = (NameTest)nodeTest;
      int fingerprint = test.getFingerprint();
      for (int i = 0; i < element.attrNames.length; i++) 
        if ((element.attrNames[i] & 0xfffff) == fingerprint) {
          next = new AttributeImpl(element, i);

      next = null;
    else {
      length = element.attrNames.length;
  else { // if it's not an element, or if we're not looking for attributes,

           // then there's nothing to find
    next = null;
    index = 0;
    length = 0;

示例6: iterateAxis

import net.sf.saxon.pattern.NameTest; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Return an enumeration over the nodes reached by the given axis from this node
 * @param axisNumber The axis to be iterated over
 * @param nodeTest   A pattern to be matched by the returned nodes
 * @return an AxisIterator that scans the nodes reached by the axis in turn.
public AxisIterator iterateAxis(byte axisNumber, NodeTest nodeTest) 
  switch (axisNumber) 
    case Axis.ANCESTOR:
      return new AncestorEnumeration(this, nodeTest, false);
    case Axis.ANCESTOR_OR_SELF:
      return new AncestorEnumeration(this, nodeTest, true);
    case Axis.ATTRIBUTE:
      if (this.getNodeKind() != Type.ELEMENT) 
        return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
      return new AttributeEnumeration(this, nodeTest);
    case Axis.CHILD:
      if (this instanceof ParentNodeImpl) 
        return ((ParentNodeImpl)this).enumerateChildren(nodeTest);
      else {
        return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
    case Axis.DESCENDANT:
      if (getNodeKind() == Type.DOCUMENT &&
          nodeTest instanceof NameTest &&
          nodeTest.getPrimitiveType() == Type.ELEMENT) 
        return ((LazyDocument)this).getAllElements(nodeTest.getFingerprint());
      else if (hasChildNodes()) {
        return new DescendantEnumeration(this, nodeTest, false);
      else {
        return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
      return new DescendantEnumeration(this, nodeTest, true);
    case Axis.FOLLOWING:
      return new FollowingEnumeration(this, nodeTest);
      return new FollowingSiblingEnumeration(this, nodeTest);
    case Axis.NAMESPACE:
      if (this.getNodeKind() != Type.ELEMENT) 
        return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
      return NamespaceIterator.makeIterator(this, nodeTest);
    case Axis.PARENT:
      NodeInfo parent = getParent();
      if (parent == null) {
        return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
      return Navigator.filteredSingleton(parent, nodeTest);
    case Axis.PRECEDING:
      return new PrecedingEnumeration(this, nodeTest);
      return new PrecedingSiblingEnumeration(this, nodeTest);
    case Axis.SELF:
      return Navigator.filteredSingleton(this, nodeTest);
      return new PrecedingOrAncestorEnumeration(this, nodeTest);
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown axis number " + axisNumber);

示例7: ProxyAttributeEnumeration

import net.sf.saxon.pattern.NameTest; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Constructor
* @param element the element whose attributes are required. This may be any type of node,
* but if it is not an element the enumeration will be empty
* @param nodeTest condition to be applied to the names of the attributes selected
public ProxyAttributeEnumeration(ProxyElement element, NodeTest nodeTest) 
  this.nodeTest = nodeTest;

  if (element.attrNames == null)

  if (nodeTest instanceof NameTest) 
    NameTest test = (NameTest)nodeTest;
    int fingerprint = test.getFingerprint();
    for (int i = 0; i < element.attrNames.length; i++) 
      if ((element.attrNames[i] & 0xfffff) == fingerprint) {
        next = new ProxyAttributeImpl(element, i);

    next = null;
  else {
    length = element.attrNames.length;
