本文整理汇总了Java中mil.nga.geopackage.projection.ProjectionFactory类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java ProjectionFactory类的具体用法?Java ProjectionFactory怎么用?Java ProjectionFactory使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: FeatureDao
import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.ProjectionFactory; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Constructor
* @param database
* @param db
* @param featureDb
* @param geometryColumns
* @param table
public FeatureDao(String database, GeoPackageConnection db, FeatureConnection featureDb, GeometryColumns geometryColumns,
FeatureTable table) {
super(database, db, featureDb, table);
this.featureDb = featureDb;
this.geometryColumns = geometryColumns;
if (geometryColumns.getContents() == null) {
throw new GeoPackageException(GeometryColumns.class.getSimpleName()
+ " " + geometryColumns.getId() + " has null "
+ Contents.class.getSimpleName());
if (geometryColumns.getSrs() == null) {
throw new GeoPackageException(GeometryColumns.class.getSimpleName()
+ " " + geometryColumns.getId() + " has null "
+ SpatialReferenceSystem.class.getSimpleName());
projection = ProjectionFactory.getProjection(geometryColumns.getSrs());
示例2: getBoundingBox
import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.ProjectionFactory; //导入依赖的package包/类
* {@inheritDoc}
public BoundingBox getBoundingBox() {
Contents contents = geometryColumns.getContents();
BoundingBox boundingBox = contents.getBoundingBox();
if (boundingBox != null) {
Projection contentsProjection = ProjectionFactory
if (!projection.equals(contentsProjection)) {
ProjectionTransform transform = contentsProjection
boundingBox = transform.transform(boundingBox);
return boundingBox;
示例3: ElevationTilesCore
import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.ProjectionFactory; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Constructor
* @param geoPackage
* GeoPackage
* @param tileMatrixSet
* tile matrix set
* @param width
* specified results width
* @param height
* specified results height
* @param requestProjection
* request projection
protected ElevationTilesCore(GeoPackageCore geoPackage,
TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet, Integer width, Integer height,
Projection requestProjection) {
this.tileMatrixSet = tileMatrixSet;
griddedCoverageDao = geoPackage.getGriddedCoverageDao();
griddedTileDao = geoPackage.getGriddedTileDao();
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.requestProjection = requestProjection;
elevationProjection = ProjectionFactory.getProjection(tileMatrixSet
elevationBoundingBox = tileMatrixSet.getBoundingBox();
// Check if the projections have the same units
if (requestProjection != null) {
sameProjection = (requestProjection.getUnit().name
} else {
sameProjection = true;
示例4: loadTiles
import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.ProjectionFactory; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Load tiles from a URL
* @param activity
* @param callback
* @param active
* @param database
* @param tableName
* @param tileUrl
* @param minZoom
* @param maxZoom
* @param compressFormat
* @param compressQuality
* @param googleTiles
* @param boundingBox
* @param epsg
public static void loadTiles(Activity activity, ILoadTilesTask callback,
GeoPackageDatabases active, String database, String tableName,
String tileUrl, int minZoom, int maxZoom,
CompressFormat compressFormat, Integer compressQuality,
boolean googleTiles, BoundingBox boundingBox, long epsg) {
GeoPackageManager manager = GeoPackageFactory.getManager(activity);
GeoPackage geoPackage = manager.open(database);
Projection projection = ProjectionFactory.getProjection(epsg);
BoundingBox bbox = transform(boundingBox, projection);
TileGenerator tileGenerator = new UrlTileGenerator(activity, geoPackage,
tableName, tileUrl, minZoom, maxZoom, bbox, projection);
setTileGenerator(activity, tileGenerator, minZoom, maxZoom, compressFormat, compressQuality, googleTiles, boundingBox);
loadTiles(activity, callback, active, geoPackage, tableName, tileGenerator);
示例5: FeatureDao
import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.ProjectionFactory; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Constructor
* @param database
* @param db
* @param featureDb
* @param geometryColumns
* @param table
public FeatureDao(String database, GeoPackageConnection db,
FeatureConnection featureDb, GeometryColumns geometryColumns,
FeatureTable table) {
super(database, db, featureDb, table);
this.featureDb = featureDb;
this.geometryColumns = geometryColumns;
if (geometryColumns.getContents() == null) {
throw new GeoPackageException(GeometryColumns.class.getSimpleName()
+ " " + geometryColumns.getId() + " has null "
+ Contents.class.getSimpleName());
if (geometryColumns.getSrs() == null) {
throw new GeoPackageException(GeometryColumns.class.getSimpleName()
+ " " + geometryColumns.getId() + " has null "
+ SpatialReferenceSystem.class.getSimpleName());
projection = ProjectionFactory.getProjection(geometryColumns.getSrs());
示例6: getBoundingBox
import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.ProjectionFactory; //导入依赖的package包/类
* {@inheritDoc}
public BoundingBox getBoundingBox() {
Contents contents = geometryColumns.getContents();
Projection contentsProjection = ProjectionFactory
BoundingBox boundingBox = contents.getBoundingBox();
if (!projection.equals(contentsProjection)) {
ProjectionTransform transform = contentsProjection
boundingBox = transform.transform(boundingBox);
return boundingBox;
示例7: projectGeometry
import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.ProjectionFactory; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Project the geometry into the provided projection
* @param geometryData geometry data
* @param projection projection
public void projectGeometry(GeoPackageGeometryData geometryData, Projection projection) {
if (geometryData.getGeometry() != null) {
try {
SpatialReferenceSystemDao srsDao = DaoManager.createDao(featureDao.getDb().getConnectionSource(), SpatialReferenceSystem.class);
int srsId = geometryData.getSrsId();
SpatialReferenceSystem srs = srsDao.queryForId((long) srsId);
if (!projection.equals(srs.getOrganization(), srs.getOrganizationCoordsysId())) {
Projection geomProjection = ProjectionFactory.getProjection(srs);
ProjectionTransform transform = geomProjection.getTransformation(projection);
Geometry projectedGeometry = transform.transform(geometryData.getGeometry());
SpatialReferenceSystem projectionSrs = srsDao.getOrCreateCode(projection.getAuthority(), Long.parseLong(projection.getCode()));
geometryData.setSrsId((int) projectionSrs.getSrsId());
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new GeoPackageException("Failed to project geometry to projection with Authority: "
+ projection.getAuthority() + ", Code: " + projection.getCode(), e);
示例8: queryFeatures
import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.ProjectionFactory; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Query for features in the bounding box
* @param boundingBox query bounding box
* @param projection bounding box projection
* @return feature index results, must be closed
public FeatureIndexResults queryFeatures(BoundingBox boundingBox, Projection projection) {
if (projection == null) {
projection = ProjectionFactory.getProjection(ProjectionConstants.EPSG_WORLD_GEODETIC_SYSTEM);
// Query for features
FeatureIndexManager indexManager = featureTiles.getIndexManager();
if (indexManager == null) {
throw new GeoPackageException("Index Manager is not set on the Feature Tiles and is required to query indexed features");
FeatureIndexResults results = indexManager.query(boundingBox, projection);
return results;
示例9: getBoundingBox
import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.ProjectionFactory; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Get the bounding box as the provided projection
* @param projection
public BoundingBox getBoundingBox(Projection projection) {
ProjectionTransform webMercatorToProjection = ProjectionFactory
return webMercatorToProjection
示例10: adjustGoogleBounds
import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.ProjectionFactory; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Adjust the tile matrix set and web mercator bounds for Google tile format
private void adjustGoogleBounds() {
// Set the tile matrix set bounding box to be the world
BoundingBox standardWgs84Box = new BoundingBox(-ProjectionConstants.WGS84_HALF_WORLD_LON_WIDTH,
ProjectionTransform wgs84ToWebMercatorTransform = ProjectionFactory.getProjection(ProjectionConstants.EPSG_WORLD_GEODETIC_SYSTEM)
tileGridBoundingBox = wgs84ToWebMercatorTransform.transform(standardWgs84Box);
示例11: TileCreator
import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.ProjectionFactory; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Constructor, specified tile size and projection
* @param tileDao tile dao
* @param width requested width
* @param height requested height
* @param requestProjection requested projection
public TileCreator(TileDao tileDao, Integer width, Integer height, Projection requestProjection) {
this.tileDao = tileDao;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.requestProjection = requestProjection;
tileMatrixSet = tileDao.getTileMatrixSet();
tilesProjection = ProjectionFactory.getProjection(tileDao.getTileMatrixSet().getSrs());
tileSetBoundingBox = tileMatrixSet.getBoundingBox();
// Check if the projections have the same units
sameProjection = (requestProjection.getUnit().name.equals(tilesProjection.getUnit().name));
示例12: getElevation
import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.ProjectionFactory; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Get the elevation at the coordinate
* @param geoPackage GeoPackage
* @param algorithm algorithm
* @param latitude latitude
* @param longitude longitude
* @return elevation
* @throws Exception
public static Double getElevation(GeoPackage geoPackage,
ElevationTilesAlgorithm algorithm, double latitude,
double longitude, long epsg) throws Exception {
Double elevation = null;
List<String> elevationTables = ElevationTilesPng.getTables(geoPackage);
TileMatrixSetDao dao = geoPackage.getTileMatrixSetDao();
for (String elevationTable : elevationTables) {
TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet = dao.queryForId(elevationTable);
TileDao tileDao = geoPackage.getTileDao(tileMatrixSet);
Projection requestProjection = ProjectionFactory
// Test getting the elevation of a single coordinate
ElevationTilesPng elevationTiles = new ElevationTilesPng(geoPackage,
tileDao, requestProjection);
elevation = elevationTiles.getElevation(latitude, longitude);
return elevation;
示例13: getElevations
import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.ProjectionFactory; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Get the elevations for the bounding box
* @param geoPackage GeoPackage
* @param algorithm algorithm
* @param boundingBox bounding box
* @param width results width
* @param width results height
* @return elevation tile results
* @throws Exception
public static ElevationTileResults getElevations(GeoPackage geoPackage,
ElevationTilesAlgorithm algorithm, BoundingBox boundingBox,
int width, int height, long epsg) throws Exception {
ElevationTileResults elevations = null;
List<String> elevationTables = ElevationTilesPng.getTables(geoPackage);
TileMatrixSetDao dao = geoPackage.getTileMatrixSetDao();
for (String elevationTable : elevationTables) {
TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet = dao.queryForId(elevationTable);
TileDao tileDao = geoPackage.getTileDao(tileMatrixSet);
Projection requestProjection = ProjectionFactory
// Test getting the elevation of a single coordinate
ElevationTilesPng elevationTiles = new ElevationTilesPng(geoPackage,
tileDao, requestProjection);
elevations = elevationTiles.getElevations(boundingBox);
return elevations;
示例14: getElevation
import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.ProjectionFactory; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Get the elevation at the coordinate
* @param geoPackage GeoPackage
* @param algorithm algorithm
* @param latitude latitude
* @param longitude longitude
* @return elevation
* @throws Exception
public static Double getElevation(GeoPackage geoPackage,
ElevationTilesAlgorithm algorithm, double latitude,
double longitude, long epsg) throws Exception {
Double elevation = null;
List<String> elevationTables = ElevationTilesTiff.getTables(geoPackage);
TileMatrixSetDao dao = geoPackage.getTileMatrixSetDao();
for (String elevationTable : elevationTables) {
TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet = dao.queryForId(elevationTable);
TileDao tileDao = geoPackage.getTileDao(tileMatrixSet);
Projection requestProjection = ProjectionFactory
// Test getting the elevation of a single coordinate
ElevationTilesTiff elevationTiles = new ElevationTilesTiff(
geoPackage, tileDao, requestProjection);
elevation = elevationTiles.getElevation(latitude, longitude);
return elevation;
示例15: getElevations
import mil.nga.geopackage.projection.ProjectionFactory; //导入依赖的package包/类
* Get the elevations for the bounding box
* @param geoPackage GeoPackage
* @param algorithm algorithm
* @param boundingBox bounding box
* @param width results width
* @param width results height
* @return elevation tile results
* @throws Exception
public static ElevationTileResults getElevations(GeoPackage geoPackage,
ElevationTilesAlgorithm algorithm, BoundingBox boundingBox,
int width, int height, long epsg) throws Exception {
ElevationTileResults elevations = null;
List<String> elevationTables = ElevationTilesTiff.getTables(geoPackage);
TileMatrixSetDao dao = geoPackage.getTileMatrixSetDao();
for (String elevationTable : elevationTables) {
TileMatrixSet tileMatrixSet = dao.queryForId(elevationTable);
TileDao tileDao = geoPackage.getTileDao(tileMatrixSet);
Projection requestProjection = ProjectionFactory
// Test getting the elevation of a single coordinate
ElevationTilesTiff elevationTiles = new ElevationTilesTiff(
geoPackage, tileDao, requestProjection);
elevations = elevationTiles.getElevations(boundingBox);
return elevations;