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Java Composite类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Java中me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Composite的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Java Composite类的具体用法?Java Composite怎么用?Java Composite使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: deleteInSPOC

import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Composite; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Deletes in SPOC index.
 * @param rowKey the row key.
 * @param ids the triple identifiers
 * @throws DataAccessLayerException in case of data access failure.
void deleteInSPOC(final byte[] rowKey, final byte[][]ids) throws DataAccessLayerException {
	final Composite poc_col = new Composite();

	// predicate
	poc_col.addComponent(ids[1], BYTE_SERIALIZER);
	// object
	poc_col.addComponent(ids[2], BYTE_SERIALIZER);

	if (ids.length == 4) {
		// context
		poc_col.addComponent(ids[3], BYTE_SERIALIZER);

	_mutators.get().addDeletion(rowKey, S_POC, poc_col, COMPOSITE_SERIALIZER);	

示例2: doCheckExistingRole

import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Composite; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Checks if the role is existing the role store.
protected boolean doCheckExistingRole(String roleNameWithTenantDomain) throws UserStoreException {

    RoleContext roleContext = createRoleContext(roleNameWithTenantDomain);
    boolean isExisting = false;

    String roleName = roleContext.getRoleName();

    Composite key = new Composite();
    key.addComponent(roleName, stringSerializer);
    key.addComponent(tenantIdString, stringSerializer);

    ColumnQuery<Composite, String, String> getCredentialQuery = HFactory.createColumnQuery(keyspace,
            CompositeSerializer.get(), stringSerializer, stringSerializer);


    HColumn<String, String> result = getCredentialQuery.execute().get();
    if (result != null && result.getValue() != null) {
        isExisting = true;

    return isExisting;

示例3: doCheckExistingUser

import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Composite; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Checks if the user is existing in the user store.
protected boolean doCheckExistingUser(String userName) throws UserStoreException {

    Boolean isExist = false;

    Composite key = new Composite();
    key.addComponent(userName, stringSerializer);
    key.addComponent(tenantIdString, stringSerializer);

    ColumnQuery<Composite, String, String> getCredentialQuery = HFactory.createColumnQuery(keyspace,
            CompositeSerializer.get(), stringSerializer, stringSerializer);


    HColumn<String, String> result = getCredentialQuery.execute().get();
    if (result != null && result.getValue() != null) {
        isExist = true;

    return isExist;


示例4: doAddRole

import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Composite; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Adds a role to the role store.
public void doAddRole(String roleName, String[] userList, boolean shared) throws UserStoreException {

    Mutator<Composite> mutator = HFactory.createMutator(keyspace, CompositeSerializer.get());
    Composite composite = new Composite();
    composite.addComponent(roleName, stringSerializer);
    composite.addComponent(tenantIdString, stringSerializer);

    mutator.addInsertion(composite, CFConstants.UM_ROLES,
            HFactory.createColumn(CFConstants.UM_ROLE_NAME, roleName, stringSerializer, stringSerializer));
    mutator.addInsertion(composite, CFConstants.UM_ROLES,
            HFactory.createColumn(CFConstants.UM_TENANT_ID, tenantIdString, stringSerializer, stringSerializer));

    if (userList != null && userList.length > 0) {
        addRoleToUsersList(userList, roleName, mutator);


示例5: addUserToRoleList

import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Composite; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Maps the users to a role list. Adds the (username, tenantId) -> roleList
 * and (role, tenantId) -> userName
 * @param userName The username of the user the roles need to be added to.
 * @param roleList The list of roles that needs to be mapped against the user.
private void addUserToRoleList(String userName, String[] roleList) {

    Mutator<Composite> mutator = HFactory.createMutator(keyspace, CompositeSerializer.get());

    if (roleList != null) {
        for (String role : roleList) {
            Composite key = new Composite();
            key.addComponent(userName, stringSerializer);
            key.addComponent(tenantIdString, stringSerializer);

            mutator.addInsertion(key, CFConstants.UM_USER_ROLE, HFactory.createColumn(role, role));

            Composite keyRole = new Composite();
            keyRole.addComponent(role, stringSerializer);
            keyRole.addComponent(tenantIdString, stringSerializer);

            mutator.addInsertion(keyRole, CFConstants.UM_ROLE_USER_INDEX, HFactory.createColumn(userName, userName));


示例6: addRoleToUsersList

import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Composite; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Maps the role to a user list. Adds the (username, tenantId) -> roleList
 * and (role, tenantId) -> userName
 * @param userNames The username list of the user the role need to be added to.
 * @param roleName  The role that needs to be mapped against the user list.
 * @param mutator   Passes the mutator and returns it with the insert statements.
private Mutator<Composite> addRoleToUsersList(String[] userNames, String roleName, Mutator<Composite> mutator) {
    if (userNames != null) {
        for (String userName : userNames) {

            Composite key = new Composite();
            key.addComponent(userName, stringSerializer);
            key.addComponent(tenantIdString, stringSerializer);

            mutator.addInsertion(key, CFConstants.UM_USER_ROLE, HFactory.createColumn(roleName, roleName));

            Composite keyRole = new Composite();
            keyRole.addComponent(roleName, stringSerializer);
            keyRole.addComponent(tenantIdString, stringSerializer);

            mutator.addInsertion(keyRole, CFConstants.UM_ROLE_USER_INDEX, HFactory.createColumn(userName, userName));


    return mutator;

示例7: doGetUserListOfRole

import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Composite; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Get the list of users mapped to a role.
public String[] doGetUserListOfRole(String roleName, String filter) throws UserStoreException {

    List<String> usersList = new ArrayList<String>();
    Composite key = new Composite();
    key.addComponent(roleName, stringSerializer);
    key.addComponent(tenantIdString, stringSerializer);
    SliceQuery<Composite, String, String> query = HFactory
            .createSliceQuery(keyspace, CompositeSerializer.get(), StringSerializer.get(), StringSerializer.get())

    ColumnSliceIterator<Composite, String, String> iterator = new ColumnSliceIterator<Composite, String, String>(
            query, null, "\uFFFF", false);

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        HColumn<String, String> column = iterator.next();
    return usersList.toArray(new String[usersList.size()]);

示例8: doGetExternalRoleListOfUser

import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Composite; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Gets the external role list of a user.
public String[] doGetExternalRoleListOfUser(String userName, String filter) throws UserStoreException {

    List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>();
    int arrayLength = 0;
    Composite key = new Composite();
    key.addComponent(userName, stringSerializer);
    key.addComponent(tenantIdString, stringSerializer);
    SliceQuery<Composite, String, String> query = HFactory
            .createSliceQuery(keyspace, CompositeSerializer.get(), StringSerializer.get(), StringSerializer.get())

    ColumnSliceIterator<Composite, String, String> iterator = new ColumnSliceIterator<Composite, String, String>(
            query, null, "\uFFFF", false);

    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        HColumn<String, String> column = iterator.next();
    return roles.toArray(new String[arrayLength]);

示例9: mapRow

import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Composite; //导入依赖的package包/类
public List<ActorSystemEventListener> mapRow(final ColumnFamilyResult<Composite, String> results) {
    List<ActorSystemEventListener> resultList = new ArrayList<>(1024);

    if(results.hasResults()) {
        Collection<String> actorIds = results.getColumnNames();
        for (String actorId : actorIds) {
            try {
            } catch(IOException e)  {
                logger.error("IOException while deserializing ActorSystemEventListener",e);
    return resultList;

示例10: mapRow

import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Composite; //导入依赖的package包/类
public List<ScheduledMessage> mapRow(final ColumnFamilyResult<Composite, Composite> results) {
    List<ScheduledMessage> resultList = new LinkedList<>();

    if(results.hasResults()) {
        Collection<Composite> scheduledMessages = results.getColumnNames();
        for (Composite columnName : scheduledMessages) {
            try {
            } catch(IOException e)  {
    return resultList;

示例11: deleteInOSPC

import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Composite; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Deletes in OPSC index.
 * @param rowKey the row key.
 * @param ids the triple identifiers
 * @throws DataAccessLayerException in case of data access failure.
void deleteInOSPC(final byte[] rowKey, final byte[][]ids) throws DataAccessLayerException {
	final Composite spc_col = new Composite();

	spc_col.addComponent(ids[0], BYTE_SERIALIZER);
	spc_col.addComponent(ids[1], BYTE_SERIALIZER);

	if (ids.length == 4) {
		spc_col.addComponent(ids[3], BYTE_SERIALIZER);

	_mutators.get().addDeletion(rowKey, O_SPC, spc_col, COMPOSITE_SERIALIZER);		

示例12: deleteInPOSC

import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Composite; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Deletes in POSC index.
 * @param rowKey the row key.
 * @param ids the triple identifiers
 * @throws DataAccessLayerException in case of data access failure.
void deleteInPOSC(final byte[] rowKey, final byte[][]ids) throws DataAccessLayerException {
	final Composite sc_col = new Composite();
	// subject
	sc_col.addComponent(ids[0], BYTE_SERIALIZER);

	if (ids.length == 4) {
		// context
		sc_col.addComponent(ids[3], BYTE_SERIALIZER);

	_mutators.get().addDeletion(rowKey, ColumnFamily.PO_SC, sc_col, COMPOSITE_SERIALIZER);

示例13: insertInOPSC

import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Composite; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Insert a triple in OPSC index.
 * @param rowKey the row key.
 * @param ids the triple identifiers
 * @throws DataAccessLayerException in case of data access failure.
void insertInOPSC(final byte [] rowKey, final byte[][]ids) throws DataAccessLayerException {
	final Composite spc_col = new Composite();
	spc_col.addComponent(ids[0], BYTE_SERIALIZER);
	spc_col.addComponent(ids[1], BYTE_SERIALIZER);
	if (ids.length == 4) {
		spc_col.addComponent(ids[3], BYTE_SERIALIZER);

	_mutators.get().addInsertion(rowKey, O_SPC, HFactory.createColumn(spc_col, EMPTY_VAL, COMPOSITE_SERIALIZER, BYTE_SERIALIZER));

示例14: insertInPOSC

import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Composite; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Insert a triple in POSC index.
 * @param rowKey the row key.
 * @param ids the triple identifiers
 * @throws DataAccessLayerException in case of data access failure.
void insertInPOSC(final byte [] rowKey, final byte[][]ids) throws DataAccessLayerException {

	final Composite sc_col = new Composite();
	sc_col.addComponent(ids[0], BYTE_SERIALIZER);

	if (ids.length == 4) {
		sc_col.addComponent(ids[3], BYTE_SERIALIZER);

	// subject col
		.addInsertion(rowKey, PO_SC, HFactory.createColumn(sc_col, EMPTY_VAL, COMPOSITE_SERIALIZER, BYTE_SERIALIZER))
		.addInsertion(rowKey, PO_SC, HFactory.createColumn(P_COL, ids[1], COMPOSITE_SERIALIZER, BYTE_SERIALIZER));

示例15: insertInSPOC

import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Composite; //导入依赖的package包/类
 * Insert a triple in SPOC index.
 * @param rowKey the row key.
 * @param ids the triple identifiers
 * @throws DataAccessLayerException in case of data access failure.
void insertInSPOC(final byte [] rowKey, final byte[][]ids) throws DataAccessLayerException {
	final Composite poc_col = new Composite();
	poc_col.addComponent(ids[1], BYTE_SERIALIZER);
	poc_col.addComponent(ids[2], BYTE_SERIALIZER);
	if (ids.length == 4) {
		poc_col.addComponent(ids[3], BYTE_SERIALIZER);

	_mutators.get().addInsertion(rowKey, S_POC, HFactory.createColumn(poc_col, EMPTY_VAL, COMPOSITE_SERIALIZER, BYTE_SERIALIZER));
